LIST OF REGISTRED OTC DRUGS IN ARMENIA (Up to 31.03.2017) International nonproprietary Registration Term of Legal status for N Trade name name (generic) or Drug form Dose and packaging Manufacturer Country ATC1 code License holder number registration supply active ingredients name Help S.A ,10 ambroxol Help S.A. Pedini, Valaoritou str., GR 6mg/ml, 09.03.2016 1 Abrobion (ambroxol syrup Ioanninon, Ioannina, Greece R05CB06 15404 OTC 144 52, 125ml glass bottle 09.03.2021 hydrochloride) 45500 Metamorphosis, Attika, Greece Salutas Pharma GmbH, Otto-von- Guericke-Alle-1, 100mg/5ml, 39179 Barleben-batch Sandoz 30g powder in 75ml glass powder for oral releaser, Allphamed Pharmaceuticals d.d., bottle and measuring 20.10.2015 2 ACC acetylcysteine solution with orange Pharbil Arzneimittel Germany R05CB01 14947 OTC Verovskova Str. 57, spoon 5ml, 60g powder in 20.10.2020 flavour GmbH Hildebrandstr. 1000 Ljubljana, 150ml glass bottle and 12, 37081 Gottingen, Slovenia measuring spoon 5ml Germany-bulk manufacturer, packager Salutas Pharma GmbH, Otto-von- Guericke-Alle-1, 39179 Barleben - Sandoz batch releaser Pharmaceuticals d.d., 100mg, 21.11.2014 3 ACC 100 acetylcysteine tablets effervescent (Hermes Pharma Germany R05CB01 13967 OTC Verovskova Str. 57, in plastic container (20) 21.11.2019 G.m.b.H., Allgau 36, 1526 Ljubljana, A-9400 Wolsberg, Slovenia Germany - bulk manufacturer, packager) 1 Salutas Pharma GmbH, Otto-von- Guericke-Alle-1, Sandoz 39179 Barleben-batch Pharmaceuticals d.d., powder for oral 100mg, releaser, Lindopharm 14.04.2015 4 ACC 100 acetylcysteine Germany R05CB01 14430 OTC Verovskova Str. 57, solution 3g sachets (20) GmbH, Neustrasse 82, 14.04.2020 1000 Ljubljana, D-40721 Hilden, Slovenia Germany- bulk manufacturer, packager Salutas Pharma GmbH, Otto-von- Guericke-Alle-1, 39179 Barleben - Sandoz batch releaser Pharmaceuticals d.d., 200mg, 21.11.2014 5 ACC 200 acetylcysteine tablets effervescent (Hermes Pharma Germany R05CB01 13968 OTC Verovskova Str. 57, in plastic container (20) 21.11.2019 G.m.b.H., Allgau 36, 1526 Ljubljana, A-9400 Wolsberg, Slovenia Germany - bulk manufacturer, packager) Salutas Pharma GmbH, Otto-von- Guericke-Alle-1, Sandoz 39179 Barleben-batch Pharmaceuticals d.d., powder for oral 200mg, releaser, Lindopharm 14.04.2015 6 ACC 200 acetylcysteine Germany R05CB01 14431 OTC Verovskova Str. 57, solution 3g sachets (20) GmbH, Neustrasse 82, 14.04.2020 1000 Ljubljana, D-40721 Hilden, Slovenia Germany- bulk manufacturer, packager Salutas Pharma GmbH, Otto-von- Guericke-Alle-1, Sandoz 39179 Barleben-batch Pharmaceuticals d.d., powder for oral 200mg, releaser, Lindopharm 25.03.2015 7 ACC Hot Drink acetylcysteine Germany R05CB01 14367 OTC Verovskova Str. 57, solution 3g sachets (20) GmbH, Neustrasse 82, 25.03.2020 1000 Ljubljana, D-40721 Hilden, Slovenia Germany- bulk manufacturer, packager 2 Salutas Pharma GmbH, Otto-von- Guericke-Alle-1, Sandoz 39179 Barleben-batch Pharmaceuticals d.d., 600mg, releaser, Hermes 25.03.2015 8 ACC Long acetylcysteine tablets effervescent Germany R05CB01 14362 OTC Verovskova Str. 57, in plastic container (10) Arzneimittel GmbH, 25.03.2020 1000 Ljubljana, Hans-Urmiler Ring Slovenia 52, Wolfratshausen, Germany-packager, bulk manufacturer Borisov Medical Borisov Medical Preparations Plant Preparations Plant OJSC, 64/27, 500mg, 25.10.2012 9 Acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid tablets OJSC, 64/27, Belarus N02BA01 11846 OTC Chapayev str., in blister (10) 25.10.2017 Chapayev str., Borisov Borisov 222120, 222120, Minsk oblast Minsk oblast, BELARUS Technolog PJSC, Technolog PJSC, Manuylskogo str. 8, 500mg, Manuylskogo str. 8, 09.04.2013 10 Acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid tablets Ukraine N02BA01 12334 OTC 20300 Uman, in blister (10) 20300 Uman, 09.04.2018 Cherkassy region, Cherkassy region UKRAINE Pharmstandard- Pharmstandard- 500mg, Leksredstva OJSC, Leksredstva OJSC, 14.08.2013 11 Acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid tablets in blister 305022, Kursk, Russia N02BA01 12782 OTC 305022, Kursk, 14.08.2018 (10, 20/2x10/) Agregatnaya 2nd str., Agregatnaya 2nd str., 1a/18 1a/18, Russia Irbitskiy Irbitskiy himfarmzavod JSC, himfarmzavod JSC, 500mg, 09.12.2013 12 Acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid tablets 643 RU, Irbit, St. Russia N02BA01 13087 OTC 643 RU, Irbit, St. in blister (10) 09.12.2018 Sverdlovsk, K. Marksa Sverdlovsk, Kirova str., 124 str., 172, Russia Arpimed LLC, Arpimed LLC, Kotayk Kotayk Marz, 500mg, Marz, Abovyan, 2nd Republic of 21.11.2014 13 Acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid tablets N02BA01 13969 OTC Abovyan, 2nd Micro- in blister (10/1x10/) Micro-District, 19 Armenia 21.11.2019 District, 19 Building, Building Republic of Armenia Salutas Pharma Hexal AG, 50mg/g, GmbH, Lange 08.06.2015 Industriestrasse 25, D- 14 Acic aciclovir cream Germany D06BB03 14589 OTC 2g aluminium tube Goehren 3, 39171 08.06.2020 83607 Holzkirchen, Osterweddingen Germany 3 Farmaprim SRL, Farmaprim SRL, Crinilor str., 5, 50mg/g, Crinilor str., 5, 06.05.2014 15 Aciclovir aciclovir cream Moldova D06BB03 13462 OTC Porumbeni, Criuleni 2g, 10g aluminium tube Porumbeni, Criuleni 06.05.2019 dis., MD-4829, dis., MD-4829 Moldova Belmedpreparaty Belmedpreparaty ointment for 50mg/g, 25.11.2013 RUE, 220007, Minsk, 16 Aciclovir ointment aciclovir RUE, 220007, Minsk, Belarus D06BB03 13018 OTC external use 5g aluminium tube 25.11.2018 Fabritsius St., 30, Fabritsius St., 30 Belarus Akrikhin Akrikhin Pharmaceuticals Co., Pharmaceuticals Co., 142450, Moscow 142450, Moscow 50mg/g, 08.04.2015 17 Aciclovir-Akri aciclovir ointment region, Noginsk Russia D06BB03 14416 OTC region, Noginsk 5g aluminium tube 08.04.2020 district, Staraya district, Staraya Kupavna, Kirova Kupavna, Kirova street 29 street 29, Russia Lekko Lekko Pharmaceutical lactobacillus Pharmaceutical Company CJSC, acidophilus, not less than 107+0,4mg, 31.07.2012 Company CJSC, 18 Acipol capsules 601125, Vladimir Russia A07FA51 11633 OTC polysaccharide of in plastic container (30) 31.07.2017 601125, Vladimir region, village kefir fungus region, village Volginsky Volginsky, RUSSIA Arpimed LLC, Arpimed LLC, Kotayk Kotayk Marz, 20mg/ml, Marz, Abovyan, 2nd Republic of 18.09.2014 19 Acne Wash salicylic acid soap liquid D02AF 13863 OTC Abovyan, 2nd Micro- 100ml plastic container Micro-District, 19 Armenia 18.09.2019 District, 19 Building, Building Republic of Armenia Irbitskiy Irbitskiy himfarmzavod JSC, himfarmzavod JSC, 250mg, 02.12.2015 20 Activated charcoal activated charcoal tablets 643 RU, Irbit, St. Russia A07BA01 15009 OTC 643 RU, Irbit, St. in strip (10) 02.12.2020 Sverdlovsk, K. Marksa Sverdlovsk, Kirova str., 124 str., 172, Russia Tatchempharmprepar Tatchempharmprepar aty JSC, 420091 50mg/g, aty JSC, 420091 05.09.2014 21 Acyclovir aciclovir ointment Russia D06BB03 13809 OTC Kazan, str. 10g aluminium tube Kazan, str. 05.09.2019 Belomorskaya 260, Belomorskaya 260 Russia 4 Schering-Plough Labo Bayer Consumer Care 0,5mg/ml, N.V., Industriepark 07.10.2016 AG, Peter Merian- 22 Aerius desloratadine syrup 60ml, 120ml and Belgium R06AX27 13975/1 OTC 30 B-2220, Heist-op- 26.11.2019 Strasse 84, 4052 Basel, measuring spoon den-Berg Switzerland Schering-Plough Labo Bayer Consumer Care 5mg, N.V., Industriepark 09.09.2016 AG, Peter Merian- 23 Aerius desloratadine tablets film-coated Belgium R06AX27 14507/1 OTC blister (10/1x10/) 30 B-2220, Heist-op- 15.05.2020 Strasse 84, 4052 Basel, den-Berg Switzerland Pharma Wernigerode Pharma Wernigerode dry extract of horse GmbH, GmbH, chestnut seeds, 47,25mg/g+5mg/g, 20ml 07.12.2012 Dornbergsweg 35D- 24 Aescusan solution oral Dornbergsweg 35D- Germany C05CX 12010 OTC thiamine bottle 07.12.2017 38855 Wernigerode 38855 Wernigerode hydrochloride Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony-Anhalt GERMANY Cesra Arzneimittel Cesra Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, horse chestnut 30mg, GmbH & Co. KG, C05CX03; 30.12.2016 25 Aescuven tablets coated Germany 16355 OTC Braunmattstr. 20, seeds in bllster (40/2x20/) Braunmattstr. 20, herbal drug 30.12.2021 Baden-Baden, 76532, Baden-Baden, 76532 Germany Altayvitamini CJSC, Altayvitamini CJSC, vitamin A, vitamin 100000IU+100mg, blister 659325, The Altay 15.01.2016 659325, The Altay 26 Aevit-AV capsules Russia A11JA 13088/1 OTC E (10/1x10/, 30/3x10/) territory, Biysk, 69 09.12.2018 territory, Biysk, 69 Zavodskaya Str. Zavodskaya Str., Russia NPF Materia Medica antibodies to 3mg (not more than 10- NPF Materia Medica G04CX Holding Ltd., 9 bld., prostatospecific 15ng/g), Holding Ltd., 54, 21.01.2014 27 Afala tablets to be sucked Russia homeopathic 12512/1 OTC 3rd Samotyochny antigen affinity in blister (20/1x20/, Buguruslanskaya st., 01.06.2018 drug per., Moscow 127473, purified 40/2x20/, 100/5x20/) Chelyabinsk 454139 Russia gentiana D1, 1ml/100ml+ 10ml/100ml+ aconitum D6, 10ml/100ml+ Richard Bittner AG, R05X; Richard Bittner AG, bryonia D6, ferrum 10ml/100ml+ 20.07.2016 28 Aflubin drops oral Ossiacherstrasse 7, A- Austria homeopathic 15785 OTC Reisnerstrasse 55-57, phosphoricum D12, 10ml/100ml, 20.07.2021 9560 Feldkirchen drug A-1030 Wien, Austria acidum 20ml, 50ml glass bottle- sacrolacticum D12 dropper 5 gentiana D1, 3,6mg+37,2mg+ aconitum D6, Richard Bittner AG, R05X; Richard Bittner AG, 37,2mg+37,2mg+ 37,2mg, 20.07.2016 29 Aflubin bryonia D6, ferrum tablets sublingual Ossiacherstrasse 7, A- Austria homeopathic 15786 OTC Reisnerstrasse 55-57, in blister (12/1x12/, 20.07.2021 phosphoricum D12, 9560 Feldkirchen drug A-1030 Wien, Austria 24/2x12/, 48/4x12/) acidum sacrolacticum D12 Esco-Pharm LLC, Nor- sulfacetamide Esco-Pharm LLC, Nor- powder for external 500mg, Republic of 17.09.2013 Norq, Mikoyan
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