INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, (ISSN: 2320 5091) (July, 2017) 5(7) ORIGIN & DEVELOPMENT OF AYURVEDA Sudheendra Honwad1, Reena2 1Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Agadatantra, Shri. Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwar College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Udupi, Karnataka, India 2Assistant Professor Dept. of Kriya Shareera, RKM Ayurvedic Medical College Vijayapur, Karnata- ka, India Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Lord Brahma created Ayurveda, which was then transferred to Devatas (God), then onwards to sages through two main schools of thoughts as Punarvasu Atreya School of physicians and Divodas Dhanwantari School of surgeons. The references related to Ayurveda are available in all the Vedas especially in Atharva Veda where the Ayurvedic concepts are explained in systematic and detailed manner. The matter of Ayurveda is also available in Upanishads, Smritis, Epics like Ramayana & Mahabharata, Chanakya arthashastra. The systematic development was noted during samhita period, during which Charaka & Sushruta samhitas were written, so the trend was continued by Acharya Vagbhata who wrote Astanga Sangraha. The Laghutrayees highlights the importance of subject spe- cialization and added updated information to the field of Ayurveda. The science of Rasashastra which deals with treatment by using metals & minerals increased the value of Ayurveda. In later part of 20th century Ayurveda developed with research & development by utilizing scientific tools. Keywords: Ayurveda, Veda, Samhitas INTRODUCTION Ayurveda the ancient science of life is a com- Indian literatures were believed to be com- prehensive system of health care. According to posed between 5000-1000 B.C. have enough Indian philosophy, good health is very essen- information on treatment by using plants and tial to gain social & spiritual upliftment of natural procedures. References of treatment, human beings. Lord Brahma who is creator of medicines and surgery were also available in this universe is the first demonstrator and the most of the ancient Indian literatures. The teacher of Ayurveda. Four Vedas the oldest Ayurveda was considered as fully developed Sudheendra Honwad& Reena: Origin & Development Of Ayurveda and categorized science from the period of opments are seen in the fundamental prin- Samhitas, i.e., around 1000 years B.C., and ciples of Ayurveda. then onwards till 17th century A.D. Ayurveda Acharya P. V. Sharma described the devel- was developed remarkably, even though opment of Ayurveda render 3 major compo- troubles and hurdles created by Mogal em- nents, pires. During the British rule the modern sys- 1. Prachin Kala- Ancient period (up to 7th tem of medicine entered into our country and A.D.) because of government support & quick action 2. Madhyama Kala- Medieval period (8th -15th the modern system was popularized. In such century A.D.) conditions also many traditional Vaidyas and 3. Adhunika Kala- Modern period (16th cen- families saved the treasure of Ayurvedic lite- tury onwards) rature and practiced it as main health care sys- Atrideva Vidyalankar described history of tem. In latter part of 20th century the Ayurveda Ayurveda as under, has become integral part of national health de- 1. Vaidika Kala- Pre historic period (2500 livery system of India. In 21st century Ayur- B.C.) vedic Medical Science has developed very 2. Ramayan & Mahabharat kala (500 B.C.) scientifically with the aid of research and de- 3. Bouddha Kala (363 B.C.) velopment. 4. Kushan kala (210 B.C. to 176 A.D.) 5. Gupta Kala (380 A.D.) Review of Literature 6. Madhya Kala (647-1200 A.D.) Origin of Ayurveda 7. Moghul Kala (12th – 18th century A.D.) Brahma the creator of the universe revealed 8. Adhunika Kala (After 18th century) Ayurveda to Dakshaprajapati & Daksha Dr. Achanta Lakshmipati quoted it as, taught it to the Ashwini Kumara’s, the Vedic 1. Puratana Yuga- From time immemorial to gods of medicine, who in turn taught it to In- 50,000 B.C. dra1. All the schools of Ayurveda agree with 2. Arya Yuga- From 50,000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. the divine genealogy up to Indra, but they 3. Bouddha Yuga- From 1000 B.C. to 300 have different version regarding the transmis- A.D. sion of the Ayurveda in next stages. There are 4. Pouranika Yuga- From 300 A.D. to 1000 two main schools of thoughts in Ayurveda; B.C. Punarvasu Atreya the school of physician & 5. Bhakti Yuga- From 1000 A.D. to 1850 A.D. Divodas Dhanwantari the school of surgeons. 6. Adhunika Yuga- From 1850 A.D. to the Early developments of Ayurveda1 present time. A time bracket for the origin & development Vedic Period1 of medicine includes the 5th millennium B.C. Various scholars opine that Vedas are the old- to 3rd century A.D., the period from 3rd century est records of Hindus scriptures, Hindu scrip- A.D. can be named as post Ayurvedic period, tures are generally classified into two types; after which no further modification or devel- such as Sruti and Smruti. Sruti means heard IAMJ: JULY, 2017 2621 Sudheendra Honwad& Reena: Origin & Development Of Ayurveda and Smruti means recollection. It is believed to Vispala, daughter of king khala and made to have been heard as revelations from Brah- her fit for the battle are available. Causative ma & Rishis, thus inspirited have left a record factors and the treatment pertaining to animals of those truths for the benefits of mankind. also have been described in Rig-Veda. These records are known as Vedas, the term References related to Ayurveda in Yajur- Veda, literally means knowledge. Veda Status of Ayurveda during Vedic period The Yajurveda (Veda of sacrificial formulas) Ayurveda is regarded as upaveda of Rig-Veda consists of archaic prose mantras and also in also, whether Ayurveda is upaveda to Rig- part of verses borrowed from the Rig-Veda. It Veda or Atharv-Veda both are preponderating has two branches; Shukla Yajur-Veda and sources of the principles of Ayurveda lying Krishna Yajur-Veda. This Veda is made up of scattered in the Vedic literature. Sage Kashya- 6 Kanda (Segment) with each of these having pa has bestowed Vedas status to Ayurveda & 5 to 11 prapathaka (similar to chapters) for a mentioned it as Panchama Veda. total 44 adhyayas (Chapters). References related to Ayurveda in Rig- Reference related to anatomical structures of Veda animals as well as human beings are vastly The Rig-Veda is the oldest significant exis- available in this Veda. In the 12th Shukla Ya- tence Indian text; it is a collection of 1028 jur-Veda the medicinal properties of different Vedic Sanskrit hymns and 10,600 verses in all, herbs, their uses, and collection of drugs and original into mandalas. also treatment of Balasa, Arshas, Galagandha, In Rig- Veda the use of natural remedies were Slipada, Yakshma, Mukhapaka and Kushta are discussed, such as, exposure to sun rays gives explained. relief in many numbers of disorders such as, References related to Ayurveda in Sama- worms, cardiac problems, anemia, jaundice Veda etc, importance of water is explained as essen- The Sama-Veda is the Veda of chants or tial sustenance of life, fire is mentioned as de- knowledge of melodies. It consists of 1875 stroyer of bacteria and virus and is applied in mantras total, Purvarchika 6 chapters with 650 various ways in different disorders, air is also mantras & Uttararchika 21 chapters 1225 considered as bhishak, single drug therapy was mantras. Only few references related to Ayur- more familiar in those days, along with inter- veda are available in Sama Veda, mainly it nal medicine use of gems and other divine the- deals with the use of natural remedies like rapeutic measures were also in practice. De- Sun, Air, Water, and Fire etc. scription regarding the various parts of the References related to Ayurveda in Atharva- body and various diseases like Rajayakshma, Veda Hridroga etc are also available. The references The Atharva-Veda is the Knowledge of the related to Ashwini twins who treated and made Atharva & Angirasa rushis, this Veda contains old Chyavana Maharshi quite young and at least 20 Kandas (chapters) and the total blessed him with long life and fitted iron legs number of hymns in this Veda may be as IAMJ: JULY, 2017 2622 Sudheendra Honwad& Reena: Origin & Development Of Ayurveda much as 12,300. It has 9 sakhas (divisions), Hindu Dharma or Hindu way of life has been out of nine Saunaka & Pippalada are the only incorporated in smritis, and smritis were writ- two which are available now, most of the ten by considering Vedas as base. The basic Ayurvedic literature can be found in the Sau- smritis were eighteen in number, among them naka branch. Manu smriti, Naradiya smriti, Vishnu smriti & Only a brief introduction is available pertain- Yagnavalkya smriti have become more popu- ing to medical science in Rug, Yajur and Sama lar. The smritis mainly includes civil and Vedas, where as in Atharva Veda contains de- criminal laws along with individual life style. tailed description of various aspects of Ayur- The Ayurvedic concepts which mainly high- vedic concepts, Anatomical structures of hu- lights and educates life style, such as bathing man body, digestion and metabolism, blood is avoided after eating, one should get up early circulation, diseases and their causative fac- in the morning, one should not immediately tors, preventive measures, treatment with study after the meals etc were included in herbs, minerals and surgical techniques, dif- smritis. ferent types of worms and the diseases caused Ayurveda in the Epics1 by them along with treatment have been ex- Ramayana & Mahabharata are considered two plained. Hence by considering the amount of great epics of Indian literature both Ramayana matter related Ayurveda, which is available in & Mahabharata have religious value to Indians Atharva- Veda, the Ayurveda is considered as and valuable ideal epics of Indian ethics & Upa veda of Atharva-Veda.
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