46 General Assembly---Ninelenth Session-Annexes 46 General Assembly---Ninelenth Session-Annexes In the Middle East-pressure on the oil-producing countries, world, youth and student organizations, and political parties, (g) Concerted action to blacklist firms which trade w~ith sensitive to pressure at times of election. South Africa and thrive on aparthcid must be planned, Informa- (i) Information services should counter the propaganda of tion must be disseminated to show South Africa's trading the South African Government and the South African Foundarelations with the rest of the world, and, by contrast, the tion should argue the unanswerable case against apartheid and of Ahfrica and Asia wth, the, ret otr the d .so influence public opinion. trading position of Africa and Asia with the rest of the world. (j) These and other activities call for the establishment of a (i) Appeals should be made to Heads of State, the trade permanent body to further the movement for economic sanctions union movements in all countries, the major religions of the and to co-ordinate activity on the international plans. DOCUMENT A/5741* Letter dated 8 October 1964 from the representative of Pakistan to the Secretary- General [Original text: English] [9 October 1964] I have the honour to refer to resolution 1761 (XVII) adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 6 November 1962, and the recommendations made therein to the Member States with regard to the policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa. The former Permanent Representative of Pakistan, in his letter dated 14 October 1963 addressed to the Chairman, Special Committee on the Policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa (A/AC.115/L.9/Add.11), had informed of the measures taken by the Government of Pakistan towards the implementation of the said resolution. I have now been instructed by my Government to inform you further of the measures taken towards the fulfilment of the implementation of this resolution. The Government of Pakistan, on 7 October 1964, issued a notification banning all exports from Pakistan to South Africa with immediate effect. Simultaneously the Ministry of Communications issued instructions to all Pakistan shipping companies to the effect that Pakistani ships shall not enter South African ports. These measures have been taken in compliance with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 1761 (XVII), which, inter alia, called upon Member States to refrain from exporting goods to South Africa and to prohibit their ships from entering South African ports. *Incorporating document A/5741/Corr.l. The General Assembly resolution also called upon Member States to break off diplomatic relations with the Government of the Republic of South Africa; to close their ports to all vessels flying the South African flag; to boycott all South African goods; and to refuse landing and passage facilities to all aircraft belonging to the Government of South Africa and companies registered under the laws of South Africa. The Government of Pakistan has complied with these provisions. Pakistan has never established diplomatic or consular relations with South Africa nor has it any intention of doing so until the South African Government abandons its racist policies. Landing and passage facilities have been refused to South African aircraft and Pakistani ports have been closed to vessels flying the South African flag. Furthermore, import of South African goods into Pakistan and any sale of arms and ammunition or military vehicles to South Africa have been banned. The decision today of the Government of Pakistan to ban exports to South Africa and to prohibit Pakistani vessels from calling at South African ports completes actions by Pakistan to give effect to all the provisions of the said resolution. (Signed) Syed AMJAD ALl Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations DOCUMENTS A/5825 AND ADD.1** Report of the Special Committee on the Policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa ** Also issued as S/6073 and Add.l. DOCUMENT A/5825 [Original text: English/French] [8 December 1964] CONTENTS Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL................................................... INTRODUCrION ......................................... .... .......... 48 Paragraphs Chapter I. REvIEW OF THE WORK OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ............... 18-134 A. Report of 13 September 1963t ..................................... 18-25 -t Official Records of the General Assembly, Eighteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 30, documents A/5497 and Add.l. Annex No. 12 47 CONTENTS (contilmed) B. Consideration of the question by the General Assembly and the Security 26r31 Council, October-December 1963 26-3. C. Consideration of the programme of work of the Special Committee, January1964 p.... o..i ,3-37 D. Consultation with the Group of Experts established in pursuance of the Security Council resolution of 4 December 1963.. 3-40 E. Consideration of the repressive measures against opponents of the policies of apartheid and hearing of petitioners, March 1964 ....... ....41-53 F. Report of 23 March 1964 to the General Assembly and the Security C ouncil ..... .......................................... .. .. 54-55 G. Appeal to Member States, organizations and eminent personalities in connexion with the trials and death sentences in the Republic of South A frica . ....... .. ........ ....................... ......... 56 60 H. Letter to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries concerning appropriate means of achieving an effective embargo on the supply of petroleum and petroleum products to South Africa ................. 61-63 I. Visit of the delegation of the Special Committee to London to attend the International Conference on Economic Sanctions against South Africa and to hear petitioners 6..0 and tohear etitiners ............... ............. .............. 649 J. Report of 25 May 1964 to the General Assembly and the Security Council ...... ............................................ ...91-94 K. Consideration of the question by the Security Council June 1964... _. 95-98 L. Consideration of the programme of work of the Special Committee, July 1964 ............ ............................ ............. 99-102 M. Consideration of repressive measures against opponents of the policies of apartheid in the Republic of South Africa... ...... .103-114 (a) Detention of Abram Fischer................................ 104 (b) Rejection of appeals against death sentences on Vuyisile Mini, Wilsonx Khayinga and Zinakile Mkaba ........................... 105-110 (c) Hearing of a petitioner concerning the banning order served on Chief Albert J. Luthuli 11 (d) Execution of Vuyisile Mini, Wilson Khayinga and Zinakile Mkaba 112-114 N. Appeal to Member States concerning relief and assistance to families of persons persecuted by the South African Government for their opposition to the policies of apartheid ....15-120 O. Consideration of papers on the pattern of foreign trade of the Republic of South Africa and foreign investments in that country ......... 121-128 P. Letter to the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity... 129 Q. Request to the Secretary-General in connexion with arms shipments to South Africa 130-132 R. Consideration of the present report to the General Assembly and the Security Council .............. ............................ 133-134 II. REwvEw oF DEVEOPMRNTS SINCE THE REPORT OF 13 SEIrEMBsE 1963 .......... 135-365 A. Non-compliance with resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council and reaffirmation of the policies of apartheid .......... 165-2D7 (a) Non-compliance with resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council .......................... .................. 165-180 (b) Rebellious attitude and hostility towards the United Nations, and scorn of world public opinion............. 11-189 (c) Reaffirmation of the policies of apartheid ............. .......... 190-195 (d) New propaganda line,.. ..................................196207 B. Pursuit of apartheid . ........ ... ..... - . ............ 208-365 (a) The Bantu Laws Amendment Act of 1964 (Act No. 42 of 1964) .. 211-232 (i) M ain provisions of the Act .. ....... ....................... 214-22 (ii) Opposition to the Act .................. 1......... ........ 22-222 (b) Residential segregation and related measures outside the African 223-232 reserves . .... (i) Implementation of the Group Areas Act, No............. 233-258 41, 1950?i 233-247 (ii) Expulsion of Africans from "white" areas ..... ... 248-256 (iii) Removal of "black spots". ............................. 257-258 (c) Establishment of councils and committees for non-white racial groups 259- 298 (i) The Coloured Persons Representative Council Act of 1964 (Act No.49of1964) 262-278 (ii) Establishment of a National Indian Council ............... 279-291 (iii) Establishment of urban Bantu councils and boards .......... 292-293 (iv) Establishment of consultative and management committees for the Coloured people and Indians ............. ............. 294-298 (d) Other apartheid measures outside the African reserves ............. 299-339 (i) Apartheid in education 304310 (ii) Apartheid in em ployment .......................... ..... .. 311-319 (iii) A partheid in sports . .. ....................... ..... .... 320-324 (iv) Apartheid in scientific organizations. 325-327 (v) Apartheid in recreational and cultural facilities..... ...... 328-332 (vi) Curtailment of interracial communication.................333-339
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