SIM SWEDISH INSTITUTE OF MISSION RESEARCH PUBLISHER OF THE SERIES STUDIA MISSIONALIA SVECANA & MISSIO PUBLISHER OF THE PERIODICAL SWEDISH MISSIOLOGICAL THEMES (SMT) This publication is made available online by Swedish Institute of Mission Research at Uppsala University. Uppsala University Library produces hundreds of publications yearly. They are all published online and many books are also in stock. Please, visit the web site at www.ub.uu.se/actashop Le mouvement pentecottsteA • - Une communauté alternative au sud du Burundi, 1935-1960 GUNILLA NYBERG ÜSKARSSON Studia Missionalia Svecana XCV Distributor: The Swedish Institute ofMissionary Research, P.O. Box 1526, SE-751 45 Uppsala, Sweden Gunilla Nyberg Oskarsson Le mouvement pentecôtiste- une communauté alternative au sud du Burundi, 1935-1960 Akademisk avhandling som fôr avHi.ggande av teologie doktorsexamen vid Uppsala universitet kommer att offentligen fôrsvaras i sai IV, Universitetshuset, Uppsala, fredagen den 7 maj 2004, kl. 10.00 f.m. ABSTRACT Nyberg Oskarsson, Gunilla 2004: Le mouvement pentecôtiste- une communauté alternative au sud du Burundi, 1935-1960. Studia Missionalia Svecana XCV. 327 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-85424-86-2. This thesis is a contribution to a hitherto neglected area of research: The Pentecostal Churches, that are not part of African Indigenous Churches (AICs). It is a case study from the perspective of southern Burundi, the periphery of the ancient kingdom. The Pentecostal Movement in Burundi was born in the encounter between Swedish Pentecostal missionaries and the population in the southern part of the country. This study highlights what happened in that encounter. The thesis consists of six parts. The first is a survey if the Pentecostal Movement in Sweden. The diachronie structure of part two to five focuses on the development within the Burundian Pentecostal Churches and their relationship to the Burundian society 1935-1960. In the sixth part the diachronie approach is augmented by structural analyses, showing how aspects in the Pentecostal Movement, like worship, doctrine and ethos developed. The Pentecostal missionaries accepted in part the traditional world view, the belief in a spiritual world and non-rational explanations to misfortunes in life. They encouraged the Burundians to do spiritual experiences, and especially the baptism in the Holy Ghost. The Burundian evangelists and church eiders played after a very short time a decisive rote. It was their task to reformulate the Pentecostal message in Kirundi, which was not spoken by the missionaries. They moulded the message into a Burundian Pentecostal message, at the same time respecting the teaching of the earl y missionaries. They succeeded in doing that so weil that the Pentecostal Movement became a popular movement, in certain places the dominating Christian denomination, in spite of the parallel work done by the Catholic Church, encouraged and supported by the Belgian state. This thesis builds on material taken mainly from unpublished sources from archives in Burundi, Sweden, Rome, Great Britain and Denmark. These are supplemented by interviews, most of them made by the author. Gunilla Nyberg Oskarsson, Department of Theo/ogy, Uppsala University, Box 1604, SE-751 46 Uppsala, Sweden Le mouvement pentecôtiste - une communauté alternative au sud du Burundi 1935-1960 STUDIA MISSIONALIA SVECANA XCV Le mouvement pentecôtiste - une communauté alternative au sud du Burundi 1935-1960 Gunilla Nyberg Oskarsson The Swedish Institute of Missionary Research UPPSALA 2004 Thèse en missiologie pour le doctorat en théologie soutenue à l'Université d'Uppsala 2004. ABSTRACT Nyberg Oskarsson, Gunilla 2004: Le mouvement pentecôtiste -une communauté alternative au sud du Burundi, 1935-1960. (The Pentecostal Movement - an alternative community in the southern Burundi, 1935-1960). The Thesis is written in French. Studia Missionalia Svecana XCV. 327 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-85424-86-2. This thesis is a contribution to a hitherto neglected area of research: The African Pentecostal Churches, that do not belong to those called African Indigenous Churches (AICs). It is a case study from the perspective of southern Burundi, the periphery of the ancient kingdom. The Pentecosta1 Movement in Burundi was born in the encounter between Swedish Pentecostal missionaries and the population in the southem part of the country. This study highlights what happened in that encounter. The thesis consists of six parts. The first is a survey of the Pentecostal Movement in Sweden. The diachronie structure of parts two to five focuses on the development within the Burundian · Pentecostal Churches and their relationship to the Burundian society 1935-1960. In the sixth part the diachronie approach is augmented by structural analyses, showing how aspects in the Pentecostal Movement, like worship, doctrine and ethos, developed. The Pentecostal missionaries accepted in part the traditional world view, the belief in a spiritual world and non-rational explanations to misfortunes in life. They encouraged the Burundians to do spiritual experiences, and especially the baptism in the Holy Ghost. The Burundian evangelists and church eiders played after a very short time a decisive role. lt was their task to reformulate the Pentecostal message in Kirundi, which was not spoken by the missionaries. They moulded the message into a Burundian Pentecostal message, at the same time respecting the teaching of the earl y ~issionaries. They succeeded in doing that so weil that the Pentecostal Movement became a popular movement, in certain places the dominating Christian denomination, in spi te of the parallel work done by the Catholic Church, encouraged and supported by the Belgian state. This thesis builds on material taken mainly from unpublished sources from archives in Burundi, Sweden, Rome, Great Britain and Denmark. These are supplemented by interviews, most of them made by the author. Keywords: Burundi, Bururi, Danish Baptist Mission, Gishiha, Kayogoro, Kiremba, Mugara, Pentecostalism, Revival, Rwanda General and Medical Mission, Swedish Free Mission, Swedish Pentecostal Movement, White Fathers. © Gunilla Nyberg Oskarsson ISSN 1404-9503 ISBN 91-85424-86-2 Couverture: La carte du Burundi en 1931 Layout: Filip Oskarsson Printed in Sweden by Gotab, Stockholm 2004 Distributor: The Swedish Institute ofMissionary Research, Box 1526, SE-751 45 Uppsala, Sweden Table des matières SIGLES ET ABREVIATIONS .............................................................................................. 12 PREAMBULE .................................................................................................................. 13 INTRODUCTION GENERALE ............................................................................................ 14 L'intérêt du sujet ...................................................................................................... 14 La situation actuelle des recherches ........................................................................ 15 Problématiques ........................................................................... .- ............................. 16 Méthodes et sources ................................................................................................. 17 Sources orales .......................................................................................................... 20 Délimitation spatio-temporelle du sujet ................................................................... 21 Orthographie et terminologie ................................................................................... 21 Leplan ...................................................................................................................... 22 CHAPITRE 1 LE MOUVEMENT PENTECÔTISTE EN SUÈDE ET LA CRÉATION DE LA MISSION LIBRE SUÉDOISE ................................................... 23 1.1 ETABLISSEMENT ET DEVELOPPEMENT 1907 -1960 ................................................. 23 1.2 LA DOCTRINE, LA SPIRITUALITE ET LE CULTE DU MOUVEMENT PENTECOTISTE SUEDOIS ........................................................................................................................ 25 L'autonomie de l'église locale ................................................................................. 26 Le rôle de la femme .................................................................................................. 26 1.3 LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA MISSION LIBRE SUEDOISE ............................................ 27 La formation des missionnaires................................................................................ 28 1.4 LES RELATIONS ENTRE LE GOUVERNEMENT BELGE ET LES MISSIONS PROTESTANTES AU CONGO BELGE AVANT 1930 ..................................................................................... 29 1.5 L'ETABLISSEMENT ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA MISSION LIBRE SUEDOISE AU CONGO BELGE 1921- 1930 .......................................................................................... 32 La MLS à la recherche de concessions au Congo belge .......................................... 32 L'organisation de la Mission Libre Suédoise au Congo belge et au Ruanda-Urundi .................................................................................................................................. 34 Le problème de la langue ......................................................................................... 36 1.6 LE PREMIER LIVRE MISSIOLOGIQUE DES MISSIONNAIRES PENTECOTISTES SUEDOIS AU CONGO BELGE ..............................................................................................................
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