CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This is the DEPOSIT Version of the Ynys Môn Unitary Development Plan. 1.2 It follows on from both a period of informal public consultation held in 1999 and three months of formal public consultation on a draft plan held during 2000. 1.3 You are invited to make representations on this deposit version of the plan in the form of objections, statements of support or other representations. (a) EXISTING PLANS 1.4 You may be familiar with the current town and country planning documents which control the development of land and buildings on Ynys Mon. These documents are known as the Gwynedd Structure Plan of 1993 and the Ynys Môn Local Plan of 1996. The current Ynys Môn Local Plan will remain part of the development plan until the UDP is adopted. (b) STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 1.5 In preparing the UDP the County Council is required to meet certain statutory requirements for : a) Publicity and Consultation b) Deposit for Public Inspection c) The possibility of a public local inquiry ch) Modification d) Adoption 1.6 If necessary, the Council could advertise “Proposed changes” to the plan in the period between deposit (b above) and the inquiry (c above) in order to overcome ongoing objections. YNYS MÔN DEPOSIT UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2001 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 (c) ADVERTISEMENT 1.7 This Deposit version of the plan has been advertised in the London Gazette and in local papers for at least two weeks. (ch) PUBLICITY 1.8 The Plan is accompanied by a separate statement about the publicity and consultation which has been undertaken in preparing the plan. (d) SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL 1.9 The Council has also published a Sustainability Appraisal of this Unitary Development Plan. This document contains an assessment on the main environmental, social and economic implications of the plan. It has informed the development of the UDP and will continue to inform, and assess the impact of the plan as the UDP progresses to adoption. The Appraisal can also help in the monitoring of the plan. YNYS MÔN DEPOSIT UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2001 2 CHAPTER 2 YNYS MÔN - A PROFILE 2 YNYS MÔN - A PROFILE 2.1 Ynys Môn, the Isle of Anglesey, is the largest of the Welsh islands situated in the North West corner of Wales. It covers some 720 square kilometres and has 210 kms of coastline. The population is currently some 65,000 people but has been declining in recent years. 2.2 The County town is Llangefni and other major settlements are Holyhead (a major Euro ferry port) , Amlwch and towns along the Menai Straits. Much of the island is rural in nature, characterised by small settlements, reflecting the tradition of agriculture and food production. 2.3 The principal route across the island, historically the A5, has been improved and the A55 expressway is being opened as this plan is prepared. The island also has a rail route from Holyhead to London. Some 4 million passengers are travelling through the ferry port to and from Ireland. RAF Valley is a major centre of air activity with further potential for commercial flights being pursued. 2.4 The island has a small number of large employers and a great number of micro and small enterprises. It hosts a significant tourism industry. The local economy remains weak however with high levels of unemployment. Studies of deprivation show that Ynys Môn suffers relatively high levels of such problems. The area forms part of the European Objective One programme for West Wales and the Valleys. 2.5 The island has an outstanding environment with areas designated for both landscape and biodiverstity importance. The island is also a stronghold of the Welsh language and culture. 2.6 Appendix one gives a short statistical profile of the island. You can also visit the Council’s web site at www.anglesey.gov.uk for further information on the area or the council. YNYS MÔN DEPOSIT UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2001 3 CHAPTER 3 FORMAT OF THE PLAN 3 FORMAT OF THE PLAN (a) STRUCTURE 3.1 Planning Guidance issued on UDPs (Wales) in February 2001 states that the plan should " provide a policy framework within which provision can be made for development and conservation needs. They should be a clear and concise statement of an authority's policies and proposals for the development and other use of land, explaining, in a reasoned justification, the regard the authority has had to economic, social, environmental considerations, including the needs and interests of the Welsh Language, and other relevant considerations”. 3.2 The UDP takes account of : a) National Planning Guidance - statutory guidance produced by the National Assembly for Wales including Technical Advice Notes (TAN's). b) North Wales Regional Planning Guidance - prepared on a voluntary basis by collaborative working between the North Wales Planning Authorities (See appendix 2). Adopted by the Council September 2001. c) Neighbours - discussion with the neighbouring (Wales) authority of Gwynedd on issues of mutual interest (see appendix 3). 3.3 The plan comes in two parts : (i) Part One of the Ynys Môn UDP sets out a written statement of the authority’s strategic policies for the development and other use of land in its area. Part One sets a framework for overall housing provision, employment and other major land uses. It helps to set the scene for the more detailed policies which follow. (ii) Part Two consists of the detailed policies and proposals, including the proposals maps, for the development and use of land within the plan area. Part two contains much of the detailed information that is of interest to towns and villages on Ynys Môn. YNYS MÔN DEPOSIT UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2001 4 CHAPTER 3 FORMAT OF THE PLAN 3.4 When the new plan is in place it is expected that decisions on planning 3 applications for development will be in accord with it. Indeed section 54(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 states that "...... where in making any determination under the Planning Acts, regard is to be had to the development plan, the determination shall be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.". This is known as the plan led system. (b) TIME PERIOD (2001-2016) 3.5 The plan is intended to cover the time period from 2001 until 2016 . The County Council is committed to monitor and manage the plan within this time period promoting reviews of either the whole, or parts, of the plan as appropriate. 3.6 Part One of the Plan and the overall strategy should remain robust for the medium to long term. 3.7 It may be necessary to revisit some of the details of Part Two of the plan more frequently in order to adjust to changing circumstances. (c) OTHER PLANS / STRATEGIES 3.8 The UDP is one of a wide series of plans and strategies produced by the County Council including Local Transport Plan, Economic Development Strategy, Housing Strategy and Operations Plan, Local Agenda 21 Strategy etc. A Community Plan is also being prepared and should appear in Spring 2002. YNYS MÔN DEPOSIT UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2001 5 CHAPTER 3 FORMAT OF THE PLAN 3 3.9 The UDP draws upon the relevant land use parts of these other documents. (ch) STRUCTURE OF THE PLAN The Ynys Môn Deposit Unitary Development Plan includes : PART ONE i) KEY ISSUES ii) GENERAL STRATEGY iii) AIM iv) OBJECTIVES v) POLICIES vi) TARGETS PART TWO i) DETAILED POLICIES FOR THE CONTROL OF DEVELOPMENT AND PROPOSALS MAPS ii) SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING GUIDANCE iii) IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND REVIEW YNYS MÔN DEPOSIT UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2001 6 CHAPTER 4 KEY ISSUES 4 KEY ISSUES 4.1 As Ynys Môn enters the new Millennium it faces a number of unique circumstances that the UDP must respond to. These can be summarised as :­ a) AN OVERALL POPULATION DECLINE AND A CHANGING AGE STRUCTURE 4.2 Projections prepared by the London Research Centre (Appendix 8) indicate a significant loss in the numbers of people living on the island by the end of the plan period. This is combined with both a continuing loss of young people and an ageing of the population which remains resident on the Island. Future actions should seek to improve the prospects of retaining young people in the area in order to stabilise population levels, and seeking to maintain a balanced population structure in sustainable communities. b) ENABLING OBJECTIVE ONE INVESTMENT 4.3 Making sure that European Objective One investment is both facilitated and encouraged in the right places. This will ensure every opportunity is given to secure the "step change" in economic conditions which Objective One is designed to achieve, which in turn will improve economic activity levels and raise local GDP. C) THE CHALLENGE OF THE A55 AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT 4.4 The A55 has been completed early in the plan period and provides opportunities to improve the local economy. There will also be a need to respond to the potential loss of jobs from the local economy as the island becomes more accessible and easier to service from centres off the Island. The Plan recognises the move to secure a better integration of land use and transport and the pivotal role of Holyhead in trans-national transport arrangements . YNYS MÔN DEPOSIT UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2001 7 CHAPTER 4 KEY ISSUES 4 ch) STEPPING STONE TO IRELAND 4.5 Exploiting Ynys Môn's strategic position as a stepping stone between Ireland, UK and Europe will be important. In land use terms this can be achieved through the vital upgrading of infrastructure and the move to develop integrated transport systems including an improvement in rail connections.
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