2008 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY SEATTLE OFFICE OF ArTS & CULTURAL AFFAIrs Seattle Office of TABLE OF CONTENTS www.seattle.gov/arts THE OFFICE AT WORK 7 [email protected] Arts Education 11 O F F I C E M A I L I NG At City Hall 13 LoCATION ADDRESS 700 Fifth Avenue PO Box 94748 CULTURAL PARTNERSHIPS 15 Suite 1766 Seattle, WA Organization Partners 17 (206) 684-7171 98124-4748 Partner Artists 19 Youth Arts Partners 21 Neighborhood & Community Arts Partners 23 smART ventures Partners 25 2008 STAFF MAYOR’S ARTS AwARDS 27 DIRECtoR’S C I V I C OFFICE PARTNERSHIPS PUBLIC ART 29 Michael Killoren Melissa Hines Completed Projects 31 IMAGES Michael Irene Gómez Public Art Activities 35 Herschensohn Kathy Hsieh ( c o v e r ) Peggy Scales Marcia Iwasaki FINANCIALS 36 JASMINE ZIM- Paul Rucker MERMAN created Bottle House from OFFICE rec ycled bott les OPERATIONS CommUNITY fou nd at Seatt le Jane Morris DEVELopmENT C e n t e r f o r O n e Danielle Abbott & OUTREACH Reel’s Bumber- shoot®: Seattle’s Elly Beerman Lori Patrick Music & Arts Fes- Amy Herndon Nate Brown tival during Labor Sharaana Tamara Day weekend. Horton Childress Photo: Chris- Sheila Moss Jeffrey Pierce topher Nelson. Donna Wilson ( t h i s p a g e ) INTERNS LUCIA NEARE’S PUBLIC ART Garen Glazier Lullaby Moon i s Ruri Yampolsky Christopher a s e r i e s o f f r e e O’Neill performances that Vaughn Bell Angelique began in October Blake Haygood Sophie 2008 and will con- Tiffany Hedrick tinue on the new Patricia Hopper moon of each month T HANK YOU through September Jason Huff to DEPARTING 2009. At twilight, Deborah Paine STAFF celestial charac- Joan Peterson ters illuminate Kevin Cao parks and public Kelly Davidson s p a c e s . P h o t o : Truong Tran Michael Doucett. .3 Seattle is home to 4,065 arts-related businesses that employ 21,025 people—the nation’s most arts businesses per capita. CREATIVE INDUSTRIES 2008: THE 50 CITY REPORT, RELEASED BY AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS IMAGES 2008 MEssAGE FROM SeaTTle ( t o p l e f t ) CITY A performer COuncil e n t e r t a i n s a t T IBE T FES T Richard Conlin, 2008 at Seattle THE MAYOR Center. Photo: President R a b y o u n g Tim Burgess Gyalkhang. Sally Clark Arts and culture are central to life in Last year, I launched the City of Music ( t o p r i g h t ) Jan Drago Seattle. Our stages, museums, galleries initiative to promote the musicians F i r e S t a t i o n Jean Godden and concert halls are filled with innova- and music venues that contribute to 1 0 i s h o m e to b a m b o o , Bruce Harrell tion that nurtures our creative spirit. our city’s soul. luminous Nick Licata by NANC Y The arts support our families, energize City government is an important CHEW a n d Richard McIver our neighborhoods and play a vital partner in the arts, but is only one JACQUELINE Tom Rasmussen role in our economic recovery. piece of the puzzle. In 2008, more than METZ, M u s e Atelier, at the Nonprofit arts generate more than 78,000 volunteers contributed nearly entrance to the $26 million in local and state tax 600,000 hours to 112 Seattle arts and city’s Emergency revenues, according to a 2007 study by cultural organizations. I encourage you O p e r a t i o n s C e n t e r i n t h e American for the Arts. to lend your support, as a patron or Chinatown/ volunteer—especially in these difficult I n t e r n a t i o n a l The arts entertain us, boost our economic times. District. Photo: economy and bring our neighborhoods Spike Mafford. together and give voice to our young Working together, we can all be proud (bottom) people and spark to important conver- of Seattle—a city ranked among the Visitors take in sations about issues facing our society. nation’s top creative capitals. Thank the exhibits at the new WinG you for all you do to contribute to the LU K E A sian Seattle’s growing diversity is a great arts and culture of our city. Museum. strength, with nearly 20 percent of our Photo: Jennifer population foreign born. In 2008, we Sincerely, Richard. celebrated a new home for the Wing ( t h i s p a g e ) Luke Asian Museum and the long- MAYOR GREG awaited opening of the Northwest NICKELS poses African American Museum. These at the Northwest African civic treasures provide space for our Greg Nickels A m e r i c a n community stories. M u s e u m i n Mayor of Seattle f r ont of Ja c ob We’re home to musical movements L a w r e n c e ’ s Games, 1979, from hip-hop to classical to grunge. on loan from the King County Portable Works Collection. Photo: Richard D a r b o n n e . .5 2008 SeaTTle Nearly 40 percent—1.7 million people—of audiences ARTS COmmissiON at King County nonprofit cultural organizations are not Dorothy H. Mann, Deborah Semer*, locals. Those non-local audiences spend 50 percent more Ph.D., commission commission vice than local audiences on event-related spending. chair, consultant, chair, Atmosphere community/arts Artist Management, activist musician SEATTLE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU Richard Andrews, Tom Skerritt*, arts administrator/ actor, director consultant Sergei Donald Byrd*, Tschernisch*, choreographer, president, Cornish artistic director, College of the Arts Spectrum Dance MEssAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR & Theater Maureen Wilhelm, scenic artist, Dan Corson, Seattle Repertory public artist, Theatre; president, SEATTLE ArTS COMMIssION arts planner, IATSE Local 488 theatrical designer Randy Engstrom, founding director, *Term ending It was during an economic downturn Together with the Seattle Arts Com- Youngstown Cultural in 2008 in 1971 that city leaders created the mission, we also continued to advance Arts Center **Term beginning Seattle Arts Commission—a testament key policy issues, including putting the in 2008 Brian Grant*, that arts and culture are essential to the arts back in our public schools and pre- psychiatrist, entrepreneur, quality of life in Seattle. serving affordable, dedicated cultural ArtsFund trustee space in Seattle’s neighborhoods. Not only are urban areas the foundation Joshua Heim*, YMCA Get Engaged of our national economy, cities such as Nine of 16 arts commissioners com- Program, exhibits Seattle are America’s cultural capitals, pleted their terms in 2008. Their developer, Wing providing the majority of creative enthusiastic service and generosity of Luke Asian Museum sector jobs, ideas and innovations. spirit have touched many facets of the Joaquin Herranz Jr., Ph.D., community. We bid a special thanks to professor, That is why the work of our artists, these individuals: Donald Byrd, Brian University of arts and cultural organizations is Grant, Joshua Heim, Catherine Hillen- Washington, Daniel more important than ever before. In J. Evans School brand, Margaret Inouye, Elizabeth of Public Affairs troubled times, investments in the arts Jameson, Deborah Semer, Tom Skerritt fuel the economy and create a better Catherine IMAGES and Sergei Tschernisch. Hillenbrand*, environment in which our communities attorney (top) A dancer can thrive. I hope you enjoy this account of the arts Margaret Inouye*, p e r f o r m s a t at work in our city. We thank you for partner, K&L Gates E L C E N T R O In 2008, we awarded $2.2 million to your contributions and acknowledge DE LA RAZA’S support 275 artists and cultural orga- Elizabeth D a y o f t h e the inspired leadership of Mayor Greg Jameson*, Dead Fest iva l. nizations. We brought art to a variety Nickels and the City Council. With visual artist, Photo: Sorel- of public settings, enhancing 20 city musician your help, we will ensure that creativity laPhotos.com. projects and buildings. Laura “Piece” continues to flourish in Seattle. (bottom) Kelley, artist, But our investments run deeper than writer, poet, Circus CON- Sincerely, educator, activist T ra PT I O N dollars. Staff and arts commissioners performs T h e advocate within city government and Ian Lindsay**, Show to End All YMCA Get Engaged Shows. Phot o: beyond, offer advice and guidance and Program, actor, John Cornicello. shepherd community partnerships. Michael Killoren marketing director Director for benefit auctions (this page) In 2008, we laid the groundwork for organization M ichael Kill O ren . two noteworthy community events Photo: Jennifer this year—the centennial celebration of Richard. the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Dorothy H. Mann, Ph.D. DOROTHY Seattle’s first world’s fair, and the Amer- Chair, Seattle Arts Commission H. Mann icans for the Arts national convention. .7 THE OFFICE Approximately 3.4 million guests visited downtown THE ARTS ECONOMY museum spaces AT WOrk last year. In tough economic times, the Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs continues to advocate for the arts as an essential element of our DOWNTOWN SEATTLE city’s vitality. A strong arts and culture sector and a creative AssOCIATION COME TO LIFE. Arts and culture nourish the soul of workforce will help revitalize our economy. our city. The Seattle Office ofA rts & Cultural Affairs is Seattle’s creative edge attracts good companies, skilled workers at work protecting the well-being of our neighborhoods, and visitors.
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