OLD ST. MARY’S PARISH FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Weekly Mass Intentions Weekly Mass Schedule Sunday Masses SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Latin (Novus Ordo) 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Int. of Robert Travis – Diane Travis German 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. August Vosseberg – Vosseberg Family English 12:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Mary Franz – Roger Kunkel Holy Day Masses 7:00 p.m. Pro Populo Latin (Traditional) 7:15 a.m. MONDAY English 12:10 p.m. 12:10 p.m. Int. of Jennie Mueller – Dolores Brandstetter Latin (Novus Ordo) 7:00 p.m. Weekday Masses TUESDAY – SEVEN FOUNDERS OF SERVITES Monday thru Friday 12:10 p.m. Int. of Sarah Noonchester 7:15 a.m. | Traditional Latin Mass WEDNESDAY – ASH WEDNESDAY 12:10 p.m.| Rosary before Mass 12:10 p.m. Int. of Judy Noonchester Saturday 12:10 p.m.| Rosary before Mass THURSDAY First Friday Mass & All Night Vigil 12:10 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Gene DaGiau – D.M. DaGiau 7:00 p.m. | Traditional Latin Mass 6:45 a.m. | Traditional Latin Mass (concludes FRIDAY First Friday All Night Vigil) 12:10 p.m. Joe Mirlisena – D.M. DaGiau SATURDAY – ST. PETER DAMIAN The Sacraments 12:10 p.m. Int. of Chuck & Lynn Strasser Sacrament of Penance FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Sunday 8:45–9 a.m., 12–12:15 p.m., 6:30–6:45p.m. 9:15 a.m. Pro Populo Monday thru Saturday after 12:10 p.m. Mass until 11:00 a.m. Edward Fritsch, Jr. – Schneider Family 1 p.m. Or by appointment. 12:30 p.m. Anthony Worley – Loraine Dunseth Baptisms 7:00 p.m. Members of the Bell Family – D.M. DaGiau Contact parish office at least one month prior. Baptisms scheduled on Sunday afternoons. Pray for the Sick Weddings Contact parish office at least six months prior. Wedding Coordinator – Mrs. Amy Schneider Pray for healing for Julie Niehoff, Gale Campbell, Constanza, Benjamin Messer, Mike Widmeyer, Anointing of the Sick Mary Ann Lohre, Jim Stratman, Bill Kraeling, Contact a parish priest as soon as possible. Richard Buettner, Kathleen Hoenninger, Margaret First Communion and Confirmation Larkins, Paul Wichmann, Margaret Lang, Kathy Catechesis classes and RCIA begin in the Fall. Rickard, Bob Volle, Caleb Reed, Rene Kortus, Carolyn Wieland, John Patrick Munoz, Sharon Adoration and Devotions Gerdes, Paul Brondhaver, Mary Gardner, Edie Eucharistic Exposition Nehus, Julia Ziebro, Aleisa Koester/Yusko, Ari- Sunday: 1:30 p.m. until 2:45 p.m. (with Benediction) adne Seta, Tony Arbino, Michael Woosley, Bill Monday – Thursday Wilson, Bob Ball, Mary Frances & Sophia Sharp- Morning: 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon shair, Agnes Oevermeyer, Tom & Maria Grow, Evening: 5:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Beth Garfinkle, Helen Mott, Linda Boehm, Nancy First Friday – All Night Vigil Corbett, Larry Robers, Jean Theobald, Sonia Car- Exposition and Sorrowful Mother Novena after Mass rero, Angela Shaw, and Steven Marsh. Holy Hour of Reparation: Saturday at 5:00 a.m. Benediction: Saturday at 6:30 a.m. For those who are homebound or sick and Sunday Vespers (1962): 3:00 p.m. need Holy Communion or a visit, Guided Tours by appointment, contact parish office contact parish office for a priest. 2 OLD ST. MARY’S PARISH FEBRUARY 15, 2015 From the Parochial Administrator Laudetur Jesus Christus! plenty of soup kitchens and pantries around Gelobt sei Jesus Christus! Over-the-Rhine and the city one could volunteer Praised be Jesus Christ! at or donate to. Finally, I urge everyone to find With Lent quickly ap- some virtue you would like to grow in. Work and proaching, I hope that every- pray about this virtue during Lent. This will be one has had the opportunity something that will not end on Easter Sunday, but to think about what pen- will be a virtue you can take into Eternal Life. I ances you will do for Lent. have already planned out what I will be doing this Please make sure that you Lent, so please don’t let Ash Wednesday sneak up keep the three spiritual practices recommended in on you. It is THIS Wednesday! Scripture in mind – Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiv- Finally, I will unfortunately have to restrict ing. It is important for us to keep all three of these parking in the courtyard to only residents of the in mind when it comes to Lent. There will be plen- rectory. Last week someone hit Br. Brent’s car in ty of opportunities for prayer. Specifically at Old the courtyard, causing several hundred dollars St. Mary’s, we will gather on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. for worth of damage. To add to the injury, the person Soup and Bread, followed by Stations of the Cross, did not even allow Christian charity to influence a Lenten talk, concluding with Exposition and them by letting Br. Brent know or offer to pay for the offering of Confession. Benediction will oc- the damages. As a result, only residents of the cur at 8:30 p.m. Fasting is always beneficial to the rectory, or those with my express permission, will soul because it reminds us that we have not been be allowed to park in the courtyard from March 1 made for this earth, and that our reward lies in forward. Parking in the courtyard can at times get Heaven. So offering up various penances is always out of control in a space that only allows for three good for us. It is also good for us to serve those cars. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I do who are less privileged than ourselves. I know hope that you understand the reasons leadings up our Pregnancy Center and St. Peter Claver School to this decision. Have a blessed week ahead! are always looking for volunteers. There are also Parish Staff Catechesis Fr. Jon-Paul Bevak Parochial Administrator, x123 Why do we distribute ashes on Ash Wednes- [email protected] day? Fr. Lawrence Juarez Parochial Vicar, x124 A sacramental of the Church used mainly on Ash [email protected] Wednesday to remind the faithful of death and Br. Adrian Hilton Sacristan the necessity of penance and contrition espe- [email protected] cially during the Lenten season. The use of ashes, Br. Brent Stull Interim Dir. of Sacred Music expressing humiliation and sorrow, was common [email protected] in ancient religions and is frequently mentioned Mrs. Stephi Sieverding Administrative Assistant in the Old Testament. Introduced into the early [email protected] Church by converts from Judaism, for many cen- Mrs. Terri Huwel Pregnancy Center Director, x126 [email protected] turies ashes were imposed only on public peni- tents, those who had given public scandal. The Mrs. Amy Schneider Wedding Coordinator, x127 [email protected] ashes were used to sprinkle the penitential garb, Mrs. Jane George Adoration Coordinator, x128 which they wore on Ash Wednesday as they [email protected] stood at the church door. Mr. Bill Diemler Maintenance, x129 Weekly Offering [email protected] OFFERING - SUNDAY February 8, 2015 Bulletin Submissions and Deadline Sunday Total (Attendance = 438 ) $5,161.00 Send to [email protected] Budgeted Weekly Expenses $7,250.00 by Thursday of prior week. Difference - $2,089.00 3 OLD ST. MARY’S PARISH FEBRUARY 15, 2015 PARISH NEWS From the Saints Bockfest Mass – Sunday, March 8! “Excessive sadness seldom springs from any Old St. Mary’s is once again honored to host the other source than pride.” annual Bockfest Mass, which this year will take – St. Philip Neri place on Sunday, March 8. Mass will begin and end with a procession of all German society flags Young Adult Oratory and banners, so please be sure to arrive by 10:45 Our next gathering will be March 4. Please mark to line up. Music for this event will be provided your calendars now! There will be no gathering by Cincinnati’s own Vereinsmusikanten, and fel- on February 18, Ash Wednesday. lowship will follow after the Mass. Fr. Jon-Paul Away 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Fr. Jon-Paul is away this weekend, February Second Collection Next Week 13-16. There will be no private Sunday morning Thank you again to everyone who has partici- Mass. pated in the Catholic Ministries Appeal. I am Happy Birthday Fr. Jon-Paul! really hoping for 100% participation, even if Fr. Jon-Paul celebrates his birthday on February you are only able to donate $5. To name a few 15! We wish him many blessings! things that the CMA has directly affected here at Old St. Mary’s: Br. Adrian’s Seminary tuition Youth Catechesis Classes - Next Sunday and expenses for Br. Brent’s health insurance, February 22 in Fr. Felten Hall at 11:00 a.m. among many other things that are overlooked. The CMA does have a direct effect upon Old St. Adorers Needed Mary’s. I look forward to getting the results for We are in need of adorers during the following Old St. Mary’s and list of participants in the next time slots: SUN., 1:30pm. MON., 9am, 10am, few weeks. I am confident that we will make our 7pm. TUES., 9am, 10am, 7pm. WED., 8am, 9am, goal this year! To assist us in meeting the goal, 7pm. THURS. 8am, 9am, 10am, 6pm. we will take a second collection next week to go Contact Mrs. Jane George to sign up for an towards our goal. May God Bless you for your hour: 733-3047. Please contact Fr. Jon-Paul if you generosity! would like to be a substitute.
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