Fazeley Town Council Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council held in the Heathcote Room, Fazeley Town Hall on Monday, 10th September 2018 at 7.30pm Present: D James, B Hoult, G Franklin, J Atkins, J Dann, E Rowe, C Rogers, J Sadler and G Kingsley Also Present: One Member of the Public R Young, Clerk to the Council -------------------------------------------------- 724) Apologies Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor A White. 725) Minutes a) It was proposed (B Hoult), seconded (C Rogers) and agreed that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting (708-718) of the Town Council held on the 9th July 2018 be approved as a true and correct record. Resolved: That the Minutes (708-718) of the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on the 9th July 2018 be approved as a true and correct record. b) It was proposed (J Sadler), seconded (G Franklin) and agreed that the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on the 26th July 2018 be approved as a true and correct record, subject to the inclusion of “Conflict of Interest” after J Atkins in Apologies (Item 1). Resolved: That the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on the 26th July 2018 be approved as a true and correct record, subject to the one inclusion. 726) Progress Report and Actions a) Tolsons Mill Proposed Development ➢ The Clerk reported that Lichfield District Council had confirmed a revised planning application had been received from the owners of Tolsons Mill. ➢ The Clerk also mentioned revised plans had been submitted for the development of land to the rear of the Bungalow on Lichfield Street. Minutes 10.09.18 Page 1 b) Neighbourhood Plan ➢ B Hoult commented he had discussed this subject with other District Councillors who had completed a Neighbourhood Plan and was advised that Parishioners with a varied background were needed to be involved, not necessarily Town Councillors. ➢ The Clerk circulated to Councillors a Neighbourhood Plan Flyer for review and confirmed he had contacted the local scout group to assist with distribution. ➢ It was proposed, seconded and agreed an amount of up to £200.00 could be allocated as a donation to the Scouts for distribution assistance. Resolved: That up to £200.00 could be donated to local Scouts for assistance with distributing the Neighbourhood Plan Flyer. c) Dog Fouling O Shepherd to obtain the following detail :- ➢ Details of Dog Wardens, if any, in the District. ➢ Regarding new policy, what advertising of the policy by Lichfield District Council to inform Parishioners. ➢ Obtain Dog Fouling Posters for display. d) Highways ➢ The Clerk reported that Fazeley Residents Association would be submitting their funding application to Support Staffordshire for £5,000.00 towards the cost of Highway improvements for the Mill Lane area. e) Additional Defibrillator for the Parish ➢ B Hoult to contact K Dawson regarding the current position. 727) Town Mayor’s Announcements The Town Mayor, D James, mentioned the following:- ➢ Lichfield City Council – Johnson Birthday Celebrations – Saturday, 22nd September 2018. Invitation to attend Deputy Major. Councillor C Rogers to represent the Town Council. 728) Questions: The Mayor (Committee Chairman), Deputy Mayor or Town Clerk to answer Questions under Standing Order 11 ➢ No questions were raised. 729) Clerk’s Report ➢ Handyman still reviewing options to install handrail at Main Door that will not damage the terracotta facing on the Town Hall. Minutes 10.09.18 Page 2 ➢ Tolsons Mill Building facing the Town Hall. • The Clerk said it has not been possible to motivate Lichfield District Council to take action against the owners with regard to the building material falling onto the pavement. The Clerk confirmed he had contacted Don Winn (LDC). Councillor J Atkins reported she had spoken to D Winn and the Building Regulations section at Lichfield District Council, but to date there had been no response. ➢ Update regarding road repairs by Amey on behalf of Staffordshire County Council. ➢ The Clerk to collect the updated Mayoral Chain from Johnsons Jewellers. ➢ Update regarding contact with Support Staffordshire (Claire Ferris) who assisted with Grant Application to Lichfield District Council relating to the Community Infrastructure Levy. 730) County and District Councillor Reports a) County Councillor’s Report ➢ No matters reported. b) District Councillor’s Report i) Olivia Shepherd reported the following:- ➢ Attended Scrutiny Meeting; the following subjects were discussed at Lichfield District Council:- • Health and Wellbeing Strategy. • Healthy Eating. • Mental Health and Awareness. • Social Isolation in Older and Vulnerable People. • Employment Training for Young People. • Robert Peel Hospital (Claire Underwood). • Enquiry regarding Signage on Traffic Island at Fazeley. ii) B Hoult reported he had attended the following:- ➢ Scrutiny Meeting at Lichfield District Council. ➢ Full Council Meeting – 17th July 2018. ➢ Audit and Standards Committee – 25th July 2018. ➢ Lichfield District Council Chairman’s Civic Service – 22nd July 2018. ➢ Also reported a New Member of Lichfield District Council for Curborough Ward (Mr Ball). ➢ Tree Reductions in the Parish. Minutes 10.09.18 Page 3 731) Planning a) Planning Applications Received i) 18/01264/TRCA Fazeley Wines, 8 Coleshill Street, Fazeley Reduce height and width of two conifer trees. ii) 18/01246/TRCA 32 Atherstone Street, Fazeley Fell one Pear Tree. iii) 18/01172/FUL 88 Deer Park Road, Fazeley Two storey extension to side to extend kitchen and living room and form 1 No. bedroom, loft conversion to form 1 No. bedroom and en-suite. iv) 18/01056/FUL Longwood Primary School, Allton Avenue, Mile Oak, Tamworth Single store extension to front to extend reception area. b) Planning Decisions i) 18/01052/FUL 15 Yorksand Road, Fazeley Erection of 1 No. three bedroom dwelling including demolition of attached double garage. Decided ii) 18/00938/FUL 76 Manor Road, Mile Oak Two storey side and single storey rear extension to form kitchen, breakfast area, dining room and bedroom with en-suite. Decided iii) 18/00864/FUL 72 Park Lane, Bonehill Erection of 1 No. four bedroom detached dwelling house, including demolition of existing detached garage. Decided iv) 18/00813/FUL 249 Lichfield Street, Fazeley First floor side extension and single storey rear extension. Decided v) 18/00677/FUL 6 Tolson Avenue, Fazeley Two store extension to side to extend kitchen and form WC at ground floor level and extend bedroom and form dressing room and en-suite at first floor level and boundary wall to front of site. Decided vi) 18/00561/FUL 68 George Avenue, Mile Oak Single storey side and rear extension to form garage, kitchen and utility room. Decided Minutes 10.09.18 Page 4 c) Other Planning Matters The Clerk reported that Lichfield District Council had received revised plans from the Agents representing the owners of the Bungalow site on Lichfield Street and Tolsons Mill. 732) Correspondence a) Lichfield District Council ➢ Calendar of Meetings. ➢ Lichfield District Parish Forum Meeting – 22nd October 2018 – 7.00pm – Council Chamber, Lichfield District Council House. b) Staffordshire County Council ➢ Sue Walters – Spam emails. ➢ Pothole Update. ➢ Bus Service Change Alert – Services 766, 767, 813 and R1-R5. c) Other Correspondence ➢ SPCA Bulletin. ➢ People Power Fund. ➢ Lichfield City Council – Johnson Birthday Celebrations – Saturday, 22nd September 2018. ➢ Waterplus – Helping to Save. ➢ Victoria Drive, Albert Road and Mill Lane, Fazeley – Letter dated 27th July 2018 from Peter Owen, Chairman, thanking the Town Council for underwriting £1,000 for Road Safety Campaign/Project. 733) Town Mayor Power to Act ➢ Mobile Telephone for Caretaker. ➢ External Drive for Town Council – Backup. ➢ Temporary Litter Picker. ➢ New Carpet on Staircase. ➢ Repairs to Town Hall Floor. 734) Authorisation of Non-Confidential Payments The following cheque payment was authorised:- Date Cheque No. Details £ 10/09/2018 305360 HMRC (PAYE) 468.46 TOTAL £468.46 Resolved: To sign and issue the above cheque. Minutes 10.09.18 Page 5 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL 735) Exclusion of the Press and Public The Town Mayor, D James, requested the Press and Public to leave the meeting. 736) Minutes It was proposed (B Hoult), seconded (O Shepherd) and agreed that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting (719-723) of the Town Council held on the 9th July 2018 be approved as a true and correct record. Resolved: That the Minutes (719-723) of the Ordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on the 9th July 2018 be approved as a true and correct record. 737) Progress Report and Actions a) Mile Oak Community Centre ➢ The Clerk confirmed he had circulated to Councillors the email dated the 24th August 2018 from M J Easter (Ansons). ➢ O Shepherd to notify the Clerk details of the Community Centre Trustees. The Community Centre to pay the rent annually. ➢ It was proposed (B Hoult) and seconded (C Rogers) that the Lease Agreement between the Town Council and Mile Oak Community Centre should be finalised. Resolved: To finalise the Lease Agreement between the Town Council and Mile Oak Community Centre. ➢ O Shepherd abstained from the vote. b) Bank Account ➢ It was proposed (D James), seconded (O Shepherd) that B Hoult and J Atkins should be signatories for a Bank Account with Barclays Bank. Resolved: That B Hoult and J Atkins should be signatories for a Bank Account with Barclays Bank. c) Town Hall Floor ➢ The Town Clerk to arrange a meeting with Regency Flooring to review the work to be undertaken. B Hoult and D James to attend. The Clerk reported he had negotiated a reduced cost from Regency Flooring of £4,000.00. 738) Litter Picking – Tamworth Volunteer Litter Pickers ➢ The Town Mayor, D James, gave details of an email received from Huw Loxton regarding littler on the public path from Bonehill off Park Lane. Concerns were raised regarding liability insurance and disposal of litter collected.
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