Researches Researches 01 Crustacea , No. 12 (1 983 ) Carcinological Carcinological Society of ]apan Odawara Odawara Carcinological Museum Azabu.Juban Azabu.Juban 3-11 ,Minatoku , Tokyo (l ssued- Aug. 30, 1983) ON THE OCCURRENCE OF THREE SPECIES OF FAIRY-SHRIMPS (ANOSTRACA: CRUSTACEA) IN PUNJAB ,WITH A CHECK-LIST OF INDIAN ANOSTRACANS With 14 Text-figures by by S. S. K. BA TTISH (D e partment 01 Zoology , Punjab Agricultural Univ ersity ,Ludhiana ,India ) プンジャブ地方に生息するホウネンエビ類 3 種と インド産無甲葉脚類のチェックリスト 挿図 14 S. K.パティシュ (プンジャブ農 業大学動物教室) Abstract: Abstract: Short morphological notes and illustrations of three species of fairy-shrimps , namely ,Branchin ella kugenumaensis (ISHIKAWA) , Chirocephalus sp. indt. and Strep- tocePhalus tocePhalus dichotomus BAIRD , belonging to families Thamnocephalidae ,Chirocephalidae and and Streptocephalidae respectively are presented based upon the material collected from from all over Punjab. A check list alongwith the distribution of lnd ian anostracan species species is also given. Introduction While studying the entomostracan fauna of northern lndia the author came across three three species of fairy-shrimps belonging to three different families viz. ,Thamnocephalidae , Chirocephalidae Chirocephalidae and Ttreptocephalidae. The short morphological notes and i1l ustrations of of these species ,namely , Branchinella kugenumaensis (I SHIKA WA ), Chirocephalus sp. indt. and StreptocePhalus dichotomus BAIRD are presented in the present paper. A literature scan reveals that in all 14 anostracan species are known from lndia , their distribution has been discussed. The samples were taken with a self made townet of synthetic cloth (300 meshes per per sq. cm. ). The collection sites included both slow moving as well as stagnent water bodies bodies including small road side ditches with water expanse of less than a metre. The anostracans anostracans were found to occur in small bodies having muddy wate r. The specimens 78 78 were killed in 10 % formalin and then preserved in a mixture of 70 % alcohol and gly- cerine cerine in ratio of 9: 1. The colour of the specimens were noted before killing. The preserved preserved spe cimens were stained with eosin and mounted in canada balsam after dehy- drating drating them in alcohol grades. Di stribution of Anostraca in India In In all , fourteen species of fairy-sprimps are know from India. These are listed below alongwith the localities of their occurrence and authors by whom these have been reported. reported. S. S. No. Steci es Locality R efe renc es 1. 1. Artemia salina (LINN. ) Tso Kar , Tibet BOND , 1934 Bombay DWIVEDI et al. , 1979 2. 2. Branchin ect a ac_anthop enes Paddy fields ,Kashmir MALHOTRA and D UDA , 1970 MALHOTRA & DUDA 3. B. orientalis SARS Gyantse , Chushol GURNEY ,1906 ,KEMPH , 1911 ( both in Tibet ) BOND , 1934 4. 4. Branchinella biswa si Sambar Lake at Nawa , TIWARI , 1958 TIWARI Rajasthan 5. 5. B. kugenuma e nsis Madras , SANJEEVARAJ , 1951 (I SHIKAWA) Patiala , Ludhiana BA TTISH (present record ) 6. 6. !!ranchipodop sis affini s Kashmir BOND , 1934 SARS 7. 7. I! ranch ip us stagnali s Sind (now in Pakistan ) KEMPH , 1911 (LINN. ) BOND , 1934 8. 8. B. tiscif ormi s Sind (now in Pakistan ) GUR NEY , 1906 SCHAEFFER 9. 9. Chirocephalu s ρri scus Nuriwa la (now in KEMPH , 1911 (DADAY ) Pakistan ), Simla BOND , 1934 10. 10. Chirocephalu s sp. Haibowal , Ludhiana BATTISH indet. indet. (present record ) 1. 11. Str eptocep halu s Rice Field , Calcutta BAIRD , 1860 dichotomus dichotomus BAIRD STpaur r Tank ,Madras SARS , 1900 (= Brach-P14s 7b )engEJenS15 njore , Mirzapur GURNEY , 1960 ALCOCK , 189 Banglore KEMPH , 1911 Ludhiana Ludhiana and Patiala BOND , 1934 BA TTISH (presen t record) 12. 12. ~ . hardingi (Q ADR I & Alipur , TIWARI , 1971 BAQAIL ) Madh ya Prade sh 13. 13. S. simplex (GURNEY) Cutch , Calcutta GUR NEY , 1907 Base Base of Simla Hills DADAY , 1910 (Th e then Patiala State ) BOND , 1934 13a. 13a. S. simPlex longimanus BO ND Madras BO ND , 1934 13b. 13b. S. sim ρ lex ec h inus BO ND Madras BO ND , 1934 4. 14. S. sPinifer (G URNEY) Base of Simla Hills Patiala (Patiala State) BO ND , 1934 79 79 Sy ste matics Phylum Arthropoda Class Class Crustacea* Subclass Subclass Branchiopoda LA TREILLE , 1817 Superorder Superorder Sarsostraca T ASCH , 1969 Family Family Thamnocephalidae SIMON , 1886 Branchin ella kugenumaensis (l SHIKA W A) (Figs . 1-4) Measur em e nts: OO Length = 18-23 mm. 早早 Length = 26 mm. Locality : One specimen each , male and female were collected from a road side ditch ditch devoid of vegetation near Sanaur (Patiala) on June 10 , 1975. Two ma le specimens were also collected from a ditch at Ferozepur road Lun dhiana , near Punjab Agricultural University University Campus on August 3,1976 . Male: Fronal appen d age well developed , three jointed ,ventrally coile d in the pre- served served specimens , about thrice the length of second antennae , basal un divi d ed part about half half of its total length , the mi d dle part with two rows of ventral spines ,bifurcating distally , each bifurcation dividing again into two branches , inner brach further bifurcat- ing , large number of spines of different sizes occur on the branches of frontal appendages mainly mainly on ventral sides , antennae long and slender ,bifurcating ,a branch bearing spines; genital genital segment carry a pair of coiled spine bearing penes , each penis having narrow basal segment and a distal broadest segment but reduced at terminal end . Female: Antenna cone-like with setose margin at the apical end , acutely prolonged , ovisac ovisac extending upto the middle of abdomen. Famil y Chirocephalidae DADAY , 1910 Chirocephalus Chirocephalus sp. inde t. (Figs .5 -9) Measurements: OO Length = 11. 8-12.00 mm 早早 Length = 9.0-1 1. 2 mm Locality: Locality: Small ditch measuring approximately 10' x 15' x l' at Haibowal to Hamb- hran hran Road , Ludhiana on March 1, 1977. The water was neutral having 7.0 pH. Male: Thoracic segments 11 , abdominal segments 8, penultimate abdominal segment * For the classification the arrangement of BELI 王 (1982 ) is follo wed. 80 80 2 」一一」 O.5m m Bra nchinella kugenumaensis (I SHIKAWA) Fig . 1. Head , showing frontal a ppendage and other structures ,lateral view. Fig. Fig. 2. Antenna ,lat 巴ral view Fig. Fig. 3. Penis ,everted ,lateral view Fig. Fig. 4. Cercopods ,lateral view larger larger than any of the preceeding segments , last abdominal segment deeply notched , about about half as long as the penultimate segment; genital segment much swollen , penes proceeding proceeding venthrally close to each other , cercopods long ,more than three times the length length of last abdominal segment ,ensiform , distal end more or less acutely pointed , fringed fringed all round with moderately long plumose setae; 白rst antennae short ,inarticulate , 81 81 L 一一一 一」 O.5mm 「一一 「 9 Chiro ce phalu s sp . indet . Fig . 5. Male , head dorso ・anterior view Fig. Fig. 6. Male ,abdomen ,ventral view Fig. Fig. 7. Male ,penes ,lateral view Fig. Fig. 8. Female , head dorso-anterior view Fig. Fig. 9. Female ,ovisac ,lateral view second second antenna e proximal segment much broad ,lobulated ,distal segment long and sickle shaped. shaped. Fem al e: Antennae cone shaped , ovisac extended upto 4th abdominal segment. R emark s: The present species resembles somewhat with the Pristicep halu s ρrisc us DADAY (now Ch iroc ePhalu sp ris cu s) which was described from India by DADAY (1910 ) and BO ND (1934 ) but differs from it in the shape of antennules and antenna. In C . pris cu s antennule antennule is biarticulate but it is uniarticulate in the present species . The basal segment of antenna antenna in the present form is much broad and lobular unlike D A D A y'S species . 82 82 Family Streptocephalidae DADA Y, 1910 StreptocePhalus StreptocePhalus dichotomus BAIRD (Figs. (Figs. 10-14 ) Measurements: Measurements: OO Length = 19.00-25.00 mm 平平 Length = 17.5 mm. Locality: Locality: This species has been found to be the commonest species of Anostraca in in Punjab. Seven males and four females were collected from a pond at Jodhan (Lud- hiana) hiana) having water expanse of about 3 hectare and depth of half a meter on August 30 , 1976. In the collection which was made from a small road side ditch near Snaur (Patiala ) on June 10 , 1975 several males and females were presen t. A single male spe- cimen was found in a collection which was made from water body on the road side ditch , 20 20 km. from Pati ala on Patiala-Smana road on June 16 , 1976. 12 12 5t γeptoce phalu s dichotomus B AIRD Fig . 10. Male , antenna Fig. Fig. 11. Younge male ,head ,lateral view Fig. Fig. 12. Male ,cercopods Fig. Fig. 13. Female ,head ,lateral view Fig. Fig. 14. Female ,ovisac ,lateral view 83 83 Male .' Antenna triarticulate (having 2 joints , see BARNARD ,1929 ) elongated , twisted and divided distally ,main branch again bifurcating distally , several small spinules occur along along the outer margin of longer branch ,few spinules also present on other branches; finger finger notch deep and open; trunk with eleven pedigerous , nine postpedigerous segments , each leg with one preepipodite; penes arising ventrally close to each other , basal part of of penes soft and flexible. Cercopods movably articulating with the last abdominal segment. segment. Femal e.' Antennules simple , blade like , bluntly rounded at tips; ovisac cylindrical extending extending upto fourth abdominal segment. R emarks: Str eptocePhalus dichotomus BAIRD resembles closely with S. simplex (GURNEY) but differs from it in the structure of the second antenna of the male; the middle joint joint of S. simp lex bears proximally four fleshy processes. The finger notch is generally more deep and open in S. dichotom us, the main branch of finger is always bifurcated for for about its last third.
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