BY MARCO DALMONTE BBOOOOKK TTWWOO RREELLIIGGIIOONNSS OOFF MMYYSSTTAARRAA This work is a freeware manual in the form of an e–book: a paper version of the “Codex Immortalis” does not exist and it never will nor will it be published for financial gain. This manual is freely downloadable from the net and it is possible to freely print it out in part or in its totality. Any activity of sale, gain or profit is prohibited, such as the alteration of the present document; any form of non-profit making distribution must however be authorized previously by the author (for any request, refer to the e–mail address of the author of the current book). The imagery present in this document has been taken from the net without the consent of its owners: the owners of such can write to the e–mail address shown on the following page and I will see to the immediate removal of his work. 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CONTENTS Chapter 3 Priests .......................................................... 1 Chapter 6 Pantheons .................................................. 82 Chapter 4 Religious Organisations ............................... 6 Chapter 7 Immortal Groups of Power ...................... 181 Chapter 5 Philosophies and Movements .................... 46 Index ........................................................................ 182 Chapter 3 PRIESTS SPECIALIST CLERICS the cases of a total conversion to an enemy or opposing cult, or of a direct and public insult to the Immortal, As previously explained, all the Immortals draw power should the DM impose on the cleric a divine punishment from the worship they receive from their followers, and in the form of a curse or a direct intervention on the because of this, the ultimate aim of each of them is to Immortal’s part (or some its particularly zealous initiates). increase their number of followers in the Multiverse. In order to achieve this, they are served by priests (also SPECIALIST CLERIC: known as clerics), chosen individuals, selected for their Holy Symbol: The cleric carries only the typical Holy understanding of the doctrine and laws of the Immortals, Symbol of his Immortal. who have devoted their own life to the cause of a specific Favoured Weapon: If, outside of parenthesis, a specific Immortal or cult. weapon is listed then the cleric is obliged to learn how to The priests are distinguished from the normal faithful use this weapon (or weapons, if more than one is listed) by the fact that they have a special bond of confidence and from first level and to advance in the weapon’s use; giving fidelity with the Immortal, a higher spiritual unity that it priority over all others. He always gets a +10% bonus to they attain thanks to their practices of meditation and self- his attempt to advance in his mastery of the weapon [see denial for the Immortal’s cause and what he represents. the Manual of Weapons and Mastery available online for The Immortal, for their services and of their eternal and further information], and if he inscribes the symbol of the conditional dedication, gives his clerics part of his own Immortal, he can use his own weapon as a holy symbol divine power, as their spiritual bond is a channel through after having it blessed. These powers do not apply if the which mortals can access the Immortal’s power. This favoured weapon is a natural weapon. divine bond with his patron Immortal enables the priest to Clerics’ skills and powers: The cleric possesses all the cast clerical spells. The priest must meditate every day at a abilities and powers shown in this paragraph. set hour (usually at sunrise or sunset), and offer praise to Spells: The cleric has access to all the additional and/or his Immortal (asking in exchange to serve him and use the alternative spells listed in this paragraph. Immortal’s power for his greater glory). This renews the POLYTHEIST CLERICS priest’s faith and the spiritual bond. Afterwards, when the need arises, by uttering simple prayers or ritual formulae A second (less common) type of cleric also draws power they invoke the divine power to create miracles and magic from a spiritual union with the Immortals. These are the phenomena. These prayers are not magic per se,which so-called polytheist (or pantheist) clerics. Unlike a instead are the arcane formulae of magic and wizards, but specialist (devoted to only one Immortal), a polytheist are effective and produce spells only because of the faith priest worships the entire pantheon of Immortals and the spiritual union that exists between the priest and recognized by his church, each of which has a role to play his Immortal (this is how divine magic differs from arcane – assigned by the church’s doctrine to maintain the magic). universal balance. This division is especially evident in It is, therefore, easy to realise how important it is for a priests who belong to a church that worships various priest to always follow his patron Immortal’s dictates to Immortals (like the Church of Traladara, the Church of the letter, attempt to convert others to his faith (which is Bellayne or that of Darokin). A priest may either choose generally why an Immortal creates a body of priests from to dedicate himself to one Immortal (a specialist) or the his worshippers) and fight in his name. In fact, if he fails worship of all the Immortals of the cult equally (a in his service and commits actions that go against the pantheist). The polytheist priest can exist only within of dictates of his Immortal, he risks not only the temporary an officially organised polytheist church that embraces loss of his own powers, but also of being severely punished Immortals with concordant objectives, unless the DM by the Immortal (many are quite vindictive). In game doesn’t allow the character the ability to worship an entire terms, whenever the DM sees that a character with clerical cultural or regional pantheon. power is acting contrary to his religion, he should deprive It is clear that while a specialist cleric is more closely the PC of his spells until when the guilty party has atoned bound to the code of conduct and dictates that his for his “sins”. This atonement is usually a form of physical Immortal imposes, the polytheist priest instead enjoys a or material penance, like self-flagellation and the loss of greater freedom; he must mediate between the diverse characteristic points or (permanent Hit Point loss in the dictates and interests of the various Immortals and can more serious cases), or by an arduous quest that brings choose which one he focuses on for a time. Therefore, honour and fame to the Immortal and his cause. Only in unlike the specialist cleric, he doesn’t run the risk of seeing 1 himself deprived of spells if he fails to act in the interests PHILOSOPHER CLERIC: of one Immortal, as his church’s other Immortals continue Holy Symbol: The cleric uses the recognised symbol of to provide his spells. Only if he abjures or contravenes the his church. dictates and founding dogmas of his church does he risk Favoured Weapon: The cleric is obligated to use only being deprived of his power, as the pantheon acts in the weapons allowed by his philosophy or church. It common accord. This is based on certain priorities that doesn’t have any priority over other weapons, but he the cleric must always respect and on which is based the doesn’t get any special bonus when he uses it, nor can he bestowal of his powers. use it as his holy symbol. POLYTHEIST CLERIC: Clerics’ skills and powers: The cleric doesn’t gain any special skill or additional abilities. Holy Symbol: The cleric can use the recognised symbol Spells: The cleric has access to only the spells in the of his church or, alternatively, use any one of the holy standard list, except for those expressly forbidden by his symbols of an Immortal worshipped in the pantheon. church. It is possible to substiute others, according to the Favoured Weapon: The cleric can select any one of the traditions of the priest’s church. favoured weapons of an Immortal of the pantheon he serves, if the dogma of one of the Immortals worshipped DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH: doesn’t prohibit it. It doesn’t have any priority over other weapons, but he doesn’t get any special bonus when he PALADINS, DRUIDIC DEFENDERS uses it, nor can he use it as his holy symbol. Clerics’ skills and powers: The cleric doesn’t gain any AND AVENGERS of the special skills or abilities listed in this paragraph. Among followers of the Immortals are warriors who Spells: The cleric has access to all the additional or possess a particular wisdom and dedication. At a certain substitutive spells bestowed by the Immortals of his point in their life, they may decide to take the same vows church that allow priests of his alignment. as the priests and take their Immortal’s (or church’s) doctrine to the world.
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