•..Serving the, _Univ,ersity and ',- ·· .Something special, the Co~munity... page 7... UNIYERSITY OF SCRANTON Thursday, Sept. 23, 1982 .-Abuses spark crackdown _BY BOB YATES cancelled at midpoint due to vandalism Aquinas Managing Editor and excessive drinking on the outdoor Following apparent abus~s of the campus. University's alcohol policy, the Student Specifically, the alcohol policy as st,ated Personnel Office is attempting to "more in the handbook prohibits the strictly enforce" those rules set forth in consumption of alcoholic beverages on' the Student Handbook, said John the outdoor campus, in public buildings, Gavigan, vice president for student and in the common areas of the personnel. residence halls. The policy also forbids "We're simply trying to enforce kegs of beer anywhere on campus. already existing rules," Gavigan said. He Gavigan noted that, beyond this policy, noted that the Student Handbook responsibilty for observance of the laws explicitly states the University's alcohol of Pennsylvania remains with each policy. individual student. Gavigan said that the crackdown is due Under state law "it is illegal for any to irresponsibility on the part of many pe~son under 21 to possess alcoholic students. He pointed to recent abuses of beverages or to attempt to purchase, or the policy, especially at the Student to consume or transport any alcoholic Government-sponsored mini-concert on beverages within Pennsylvania." September 11. Permission to hold events on campus At the event, many students openly where alcohol is served remains at the drank beer on the out~oor campus, a discretion of the Student Personnel strict violation of the alcohol policy. Office, Gavigan said. These inclu<:le dorm Seniors Mike Barrett, parry Green andKev~n The vice president also cited the parties, socials, on-campus dances, and Hol11U!.8 t;lo,!,n around'at the Block Party (Sept~ 11). "fiaaco" of last April's basketball happy hours. Open ilnnkzng at, the Block Party is one ofthe marathon as a factor in the new policy Organizers of such activities must obtain reasons cited for the crackdown on alcohol. enforcement. The marathon was permission on an individual basis. - Photo by Bob Scaglione Morton Apartments donated University to build off-campus park BY BOB YATES - Alth h firm h b ' " ,", ' Aquinas ,Managing Editor oug no . as yet een ... ', '~',"" ' ' Plagued by arson and vandalism, contracted to demohsJ:l, the , "t,: _ " the Morton Apartments have been s~cture, Panuska. SaId that " s· ,.,,' -. donated to tl}e University by Dl:!ve engmee.rs have estimated t~e cost : " ' Roberts, the owner of the structure. _of levelmg at $50,000. Studies have '- ~, ' Title transfer is expected to be be~n un~ertak~n ~o ass~e that no complete by the middle of October. nelghbonng ~U11dmgs ~ll ~~ - At a press conference held da~aged d~g the demolItion. yesterday morning, University VIce PresIdent f~r Development President Rev. Joseph A. PanuSka, Thomas McG~ff saId that he hop~s 8.J., announced that the building, that ~thers will be sparked b¥ thIS located at 905-911 Mulberry Street, donatlO~ and step forward With would be demolished "as soon as other gifts. '", possible" after the University Panuska c~mcurred, We re acquires legal ownership. alreadl.look!ng for a. volunte~r "We're planning to build some demohtI?n fIrm that I~ as dec;hcated kind of park there," Panuska ~o the CIty a.s Vfe ~.re, he saId. explained. He noted that initially The J:.1egotiatlOn~ for the deal, there Fas some consideration given begun m late August, were handled to constructing a parking lot on the ~y Joe Goodman of Myer~ Realtors site, but the idea was later rejected l~ Scranton. ~oodman ~ald that the as inappropriate. " title transfer IS proceecimg along Panuska said that the renovation normal channels and should be costs would be too great to consider co~plete by October 15. converting the apartment building I for~see"no problems ~th the into a dormitory. "A simple, transaction, Goodma~ sal~. clean, attractive green space" with The Morto?, Apartments were trees, shrubbery and benches is co~~tructed In 1915 an~ ~ere planned for the site, he said. ongmally called the. Stomer - Panuska pointed out that the A~artments, named after the entire Hill neighborhood will benefit buIlder. In 1960, the struc~~ was -from the demolition of the sold to: ~ort?n Schnessel, gIvmg apartments. the bUlldmg ItS present-nam~. The "The University was badly apartm~nts were bought .by ItS, affected by having this building on current ~WJ;ler, Roberts, m 1969. the ~dge:of-its property," he s~d. The buildmg; has r~cently been "With the generous gift of the the target of vandalIsm and several Morton Apartments, we will -be able alleged arsons. T~n fires have been tohelp the city as well. _ reported there .tl;us yea: ~one, "These are our neighbors and a several of SUSpICIOUS ongm. The neighborhood is filled with 'people,". apartments and.a barber shop o~ Morton Apartments, recently donated to the University by owner Panuska added the street level were abandoned,m " August. Dove. ROberts, will be demoli!Jhed cuul replaced by a park. Page 2-THE AQUINAS-September 23, 1982 Senate revises regulations In brief. • • for tenure,board elections Registration,Schedule for Juniors, Seniors BY TIM O'BRIEN . The pre-registration calendar for Intersession and Spring 1983 for Aquinas News Editor Dr. John Giunta, SOM and a member CAS and SOM seniors and juniors is as follows: Weds., Oct. 6, seniors' Tenure and promotions are honors that of the committee which recommended and juniors can pick up pre-registration materials at the Long Center mean a great deal to University the change, said that compulsory voting from 11 a.m. to 1,2 p.m. " instructors. Tenure is earned only after during the second round would be On Weds., Oct. 13, there will be on-line registration for seniors. years of service to the University, and "forcing people to vote for candidates Junior on-line registration will take place on Thursday, Oct. 14. Both they do not like." on-line registrations will be from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Long promotions represent a gain in both Center foyer. The following is the alphabetical time sequence for on­ prestige and pay. Theology professor E. Springs Steele line registrations: Tenure is an agreement under which a said that the lack of compu1sory voting faculty member's position is continued in the second round might cause, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. KtoO members of a department to throw votes 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. until retirement, dismissal for adequate PtoT cause, or unavoidable termination . in favor of a candidate from their 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. UtoZ dep.artment, at the expense of others. 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunch break ,because of financial emergency or change 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. AtoE 'of institutional program. In layman's ' Prof. John McInerney, English 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. FtoJ terms, it is job insurance. department, said the idea might be good Recently, teachers in the School of because it could cause "proportional . Fall Revue practice Management (SOM) have said that they representa,tion." Each department's Practices for Fall Revue begin today. All practices will be held in are not fairly represented on the Rank representation could be in proportion to Eagen Auditorium, Monday through Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday and and Tenure Board. The Board's four its membership, he said. Sunday at 3:30 p.m. There is a dress rehearsal for everyone members decide who will receive tenure Unified representation should be the participating on Wed., Oct.6. Acts can try out at any chorus practice. or promotions. SOM instructors goal of the Rank and Tenure Board, said requested that a separate rank and Dr. Howard BailIe, philosophy professor. Students for Life Club meets tenure board be set up for the SOM. Members are elected to serve the faculty The Students for Life Club will have a meeting to recruit new The University Se_nate, in its first as a whole, he said, and not their own ' members on Sunday, Sept. 26 at 9 p.m. in Nevils Hall lounge. meeting of the academic year, voted departments. Baille said the adoption of Pre-Moo Honor Society Applications against separate boards. It did, however, the new election rules ¢ght cause the All Alpha Epsilon Delta honor society applications are due by Oct. 1. revise, the rules for electing members to idea of a separate board to arise again in Applications may be picked.up at the Biology Club office on the second the Board. ' the future. floor of Loyola Hall, or from any Biology Club officer. Elections for membership on the Rank . Prof. Edward Warner, communications and Tenure Board consists of a two-tier chairman; said that more SOM members Applications for International Honor Society system. Voting for candidates to fill the were granted rank or tenure last year The Mu Rho Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the International Honor number of open positions is required in than ever before, and, for the first time, S8Ciety, is now accepting applications for membership. To qualify, the f"~st round. ' there was no SOM instructor on the undergraduates must have completed at least 12 hours in history with In the second round, according to the -B'oard. a QPI of 3.0 or better to qualify; undergraduate applicants must also rank in the top 35 perce~t of their class.
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