DOCUMENT RESUME ED 364 487 SO 023 626 TITLE State and Local Bar Associations Law-Related Education Activities. INSTITUTION American Bar Association, Chicago, Ill. Special Committee on Youth Education for Citizenship. PUB DATE [93] NOTE 26p.; For related items, see SO 023 625-628. AVAILABLE FROMAmerican Bar Association, Special Committee on Youth Education for Citizenship, 541 N. Fairbanks Court, Chicago, IL 60611-3314. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Alcohol Education; Drug Education; Elementary Secondary Education; *Law Related Education; Lawyers; *Learning Activities; Professional Associations; School Community Relationship; Social Studies; *Youth Programs IDENTIFIERS American Bar Association; Law Day ABSTRACT This document is a listing of the law-related education activities of state and local bar associations grouped by state. Under each state, the state association and often one or more local association are listed. Information on each association includes committees relating to law related education, a listing of law related education activities, funding sources, and the name, address, and phone number of the appropriate contact person. Some association listings also include volunteer recruitment strategies and resources. Listed activities include Law Day, mediation, Lawyer in the Classroom, teen court, mock trials, court docent, bicentennial, teacher education, programs f,31- at-risk youth, and drug prevention projects. The most common funding sources include general operating budgets, bar foundation grants, senior bar funding, Young Lawyers Section activity budgets, and organization dues. Volunteers are recruited by personal appeals, contacts for specific projects, publicity of projects, volunteer sign up sheets in dues packets, special invitations, and articles in organization newsletters. Resources listed include booklets, videos, newsletters, and curricular materials. (DK) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON YOUTH EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP 541 North Fairbanks Court Chicago, II. 60611-3314 (312) 988-5735 FAX (312) 988-5032 ABA/net: A8A388 STATE AND LOCAL BAR ASSOCIATIONS LAW-RELATED EDUCATION ACTIVITIES U.3. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATKIN Office of Educationsl Researchand Improvemeni EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) his document has bean reproducedas iffreCeivedfrom the person or organizahon originating it 0 Minor changes have been mad* toimprove feOrOduCtion duality Points of vreer of opinions stated In thradocu. ment do not necessanly represent official OERI poeiton or policy -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY (. 1)A1 ( TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." 2011 * s--) * Nattonal * Lawle lated Edicatioa (\i\I Resource * * * BEST COPY WAILABLE ALABAMA Alabama State Bar Committee: Citizenship Education Activities: Law Day, mock trials, MENTOR, Bar-School Partnerships, state conferences, bicentennial Funding Sources: membership dues, IOLTA Contact: Keith Norman, Director of Programs, Alabama State Bar, 415 Dexter Street, Post Office Box 671, Montgomery, AL 36104; 205-269-1515 Birmingham Bar Association Committees: Public Education,Law-Related Education, Juvenile Justice Activities: Bar-School Partnerships, Lawyer in the Classroom, Bill of Rights, teacher education Funding Source: general fund Contact: Beth Carmichael, Executive Director, Birmingham Bar Association, 2nd Floor, 109 North 20th Street, Birmingham, AL 35203; 205-251-8006 ALASKA Alaska Bar Association Committee: Law-Related Education Activities: Bar-School Partnerships, Lawyer in the Classroom, Bill of Rights, teacher education Funding Source: general operating expenses Contact: Deborah O'Regan, Executive Director, Alaska Bar Association, 310 K Street #602, Post Office Box 100279, Anchorage, AK 99510; 907-272-7469 ARIZONA Arizona State Bar Association Committee: Law-Related Education Activities: mock trials, Law Day, MENTOR, summer law camp, bicentennial, Lawyer in the Classroom, state conferences, teacher education Funding Source: IOLTA (The bar association provides funds for the Arizona Center for Law-Related Education.) Resources: resource library, newsletter Volunteer Recruitment Strategies: special invitations, articles in the newsletter, Arizona Attorney Contact: Lynda Rando, Director, Arizona Center for Law-Related Education, Arizona Bar Foundation, 363 North 1st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85003; 602-340-7360 Arizona/Pima County Young Lawyers Division Committees: Street Law, Youth Education, Public Education, Law-Related Education, Juvenile Justice (The bar association works closely with the Avizona Center for Law-Related Education and provides funding for that organization.) Activities: Law Day, MENTOR, mock trial, Lawyer in the Classroom, Bar-School Partnership, Street Law, drug prevention project with other legal professionals Funding Sources: line item in operating budget, bar foundation Contact: Pamela Treadwell-Rubin, Juvenile Section, 2225 East Ajo Way, Tucson, AZ 85713-6295; 602-740-5088 3 CALIFORNIA State Bar of California Committee: Communications and Bar Relations Activities: Law Day, Bill of Rights, bicentennial, partnerships with libraries, community law schools, Chambers of Commerce Resources: booklets Funding Sources: operating budget, grants, publications' revenue Volunteer Recruitment Strategies: promotions in publications, introductionsto projects at annual meeting and bar leaders' conference, offering complete access tostate bar staff and resources for local projects Contact: Laura Dille, Public Outreach Coordinator, State Bar of California, 555 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102; 415-561-8230 Alameda County Bar Association Activity: Law Day Volunteer Recruitment Strategy: encouragement of employees by law firms Contact: Walter Pyle, Continuing Legal Education, Board Liaison, Alameda County Bar Association, Suite 208, 405-14th Street, Oakland, CA 94612; 510-849-4424 Los Angeles County Bar Association Committee: Law-Related Education Activities: mock trials, Street Law, Bill of Rights, bicentennial, Lawyer in the Classroom Volunteer Recruitment Strategy: addressing the Board of Trustees and Barristers Contact: Karen Brodkin, Chair, Law-Related Education Committee, Los Angeles County Bar Association, Suite 302, 9220 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90069; 310-274-6184 Monterey County Bar Association Committee: Legal Education Consortium Activities: Law Day, Lawyer in the Classroom, Bill of Rights Funding Source: MCLE programs Volunteer Recruitment Strategies: personal invitations to participate, having sub-groups, such as women lawyers, law schools, etc. Contact: Helen Boody, Executive Director, Monterey County Bar Association, 215 West Franklin Street, Suite 309, Monterey, CA 93940; 408-375-1693 Sacramento County Bar Association Committees: Public Education, Bicentennial Activities: Law Day, mock trial, Bill of Rights, Bar-School Partnership, bicentennial, teacher education, MENTOR, mediation, Lawyer in the Classroom Funding Sources: membership dues, the bar foundation, individual law firms Volunteer Recruitment Strategy: personal invitations to participate Contact: Robert Stone, Executive Director, Sacramento County Bar Association, Suite 101, 901 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916-448-1087 San Diego County Barristers Activities: Law Day, Lawyer in the Classroom, Lawyers in the Library Funding Source: county bar association Contact: Unda Mullany, San Diego County Barristers, 101 West Broadway, Suite 1700, San Diego, CA 92101-3881; 619-233-4777 Bar Association of San Francisco Committee: Law-Related Education Activities: Law Day, mock trial, Street Law, Lawyer in the Classroom Funding Source: membership dues Volunteer Recruitment Strategies: mailings, notices in the newsletter Contact: Ann Coulson, Barristers Club of San Francisco, 685 Market Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94105; 415-764-1600 San Joaquin County Bar Association Committee: Public Education Activities: mock trials, Law Day, college legal services, lawyers in the library Resources: booklets Contact: Ade lle Barrette, Director, San Joaquin County Bar Association, 301 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202; 209-948-0125 COLORADO State/Denver Bar Associations Committees: Law-Related Education, Juvenile Justice, Substance Abuse, Bicentennial Activities: Law Day, Bill of Rightz, MENTOR, Lawyer/Doctor Drug Prevention, mediation, teen court, mock trials, Bar-School Partnerships, teacher education, an evening law session at juvenile detention, state conferences, bicentennial Resources: booklets, curricular materials, videos, the text Law in Colorado Funding source: department of public legal education Volunteer Recruitment Strategies: training, publicity, volunteers' ability to select schools to visit, volunteer recognition Contact: Christine Northrop, Public Outreach Coordinator, Colorado Bar Association, #950, 1900 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203; 303-860-1115 Boulder County Bar Association Committee: Bicentennial Activities: mock trials, Law Day, Lawyer in the Classroom, Bill of Rights, bicentennial, Strset Law Funding Source: general revenue Contact: Midge Korczak, Executive Director, Boulder County Bar Association, 1942 Broadway, Suite 318, Boulder, CO 80302; 303-440-4758 CONNECTICUT Connecticut Bar
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