Deposition of: Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 In the Matter of: Talbot County Council Meeting Veritext Legal Solutions 800-734-5292 | [email protected] | Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 Page 1 1 COUNTY COUNCIL OF TALBOT COUNTY, MARYLAND 2 3 4 Council Meeting 5 6 7 June 23, 2020; 6:00 p.m. 8 9 10 Council Chambers, Easton, Maryland 11 12 13 COUNCIL MEMBERS: 14 Corey W. Pack 15 Chuck F. Callahan 16 Frank Divilio 17 Pete Lesher 18 Laura E. Price 19 20 Reported by 21 Diane Houlihan Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 Page 2 Page 4 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 1 for us technology wise. We're able to do a lot 2 2 of things here that we were not able to do up 3 MR. PACK: Thank you, all, for being with 3 at the Community Center. 4 us. If you wouldn't mind standing with us. 4 So we want to thank Preston Peper, our 5 Councilman Lesher is going to start us with an 5 Parks & Recs director, for hosting us there for 6 opening prayer followed by the Pledge of 6 the last two months. I know he's probably 7 Allegiance. 7 relieved that we're not there with him, but we 8 (Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.) 8 want to thank him nonetheless for his endurance 9 MR. PACK: Thank you, Mr. Lesher, for that 9 and his patience while we were there with him. 10 wonderful prayer. 10 So this is not the cone of silence, if any 11 And thank you, everyone, for joining us 11 of you remember the old Get Smart episodes. So 12 here inside the gallery. Welcome back to the 12 this is just to keep us safe so we could be 13 Bradley Meeting Room. This is the Council's 13 able to meet with you face to face. 14 first time back in this setting in two months. 14 There are a number of things on the 15 As you know, we have been meeting remotely at 15 agenda. Before we go into the agenda, I just 16 the Wye Oak Room at the Community Center as 16 want to pass on to you. As I said before, 17 this Council wanted to observe social 17 seating here at the Bradley Meeting Room will 18 distancing around the coronavirus outbreak. We 18 be held at 28 persons. We have a accounted for 19 wanted to make sure we were keeping each other 19 the media that's with us tonight. They are 20 safe as well as keeping you safe. 20 counted within that 28 limit. So we do 21 So we thank you for bearing with us as we 21 apologize for any persons who may show up late. Page 3 Page 5 1 had to go through a separation from being with 1 I do see one, two, maybe four or five spots 2 you face to face. 2 still available. 3 We do have limited seating. I don't know 3 The Sheriff's Department will be 4 whether the cameras have captured the room, but 4 instructing people accordingly if there is 5 we have seating for about 28 people in the 5 seating available. So please adhere to their 6 Bradley Room. This will be the format for the 6 instructions as you're coming into the Bradley 7 near foreseeable future. Again, as we try to 7 Meeting Room. 8 keep you safe at social distance, while at the 8 Public is also strongly encouraged to 9 same time trying to maintain a level of contact 9 communicate with us in writing at 10 with you face to face. We want to always try 10 [email protected]. Again, 11 to deal with you face to face when possible and 11 because of the limited seating, we still want 12 when safe to do so. 12 to be able to hear from you. So you're able to 13 You may notice some changes up here. We 13 send in your written responses to us via that 14 have these plastic dividers between Council 14 site. 15 members so we can also keep each other safe 15 Also, should you want to listen in, you 16 when we are speaking. We want to thank Brian 16 can also use a toll-free number at 17 Moore and his very capable staff, Buildings and 17 855-797-9485. That is toll free. I'll give 18 Grounds Department, for coming up with this 18 you the other number just in case you want to 19 ingenious way of keeping us safe and allowing 19 use that, which is 415-655-0002. So either one 20 us to come back to the Bradley Meeting Room, 20 of those numbers will give you access to us. 21 where it's just better, a better meeting place 21 There is an access code, and I'll give that to 2 (Pages 2 - 5) Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 Page 6 Page 8 1 you now, which is 1608354785. 1 we've had in the past. And I feel like I would 2 The last bit of instruction is for the 2 be more comfortable discussing it. 3 Webex. For those of you who may want to watch 3 MR. HOLLIS: So, Council, I think it was 4 us via Webex, we have gone to another medium to 4 added late today to Granicus. So you should 5 stay in contact with you. We want to thank 5 now be able to pull it up. 6 Parker Durham for setting this up for us and 6 MR. LESHER: It's the second item under 7 coming up with this new Webex format for us. 7 closed session, second attachment. 8 So it's Webex Events. You want to go onto that 8 MR. PACK: Is this for merely discussion 9 talbotcounty.webex.com. And you want to enter 9 purposes only? Is this something we can do at 10 the event number, and I'll give that to you as 10 another time? 11 well, which is 1608354785. And that meeting 11 MR. DIVILIO: No. It is timely dealing 12 password is 062320. So again, you can also 12 with the statue and I would like to discuss it 13 follow us via Webex. 13 tonight. 14 So I just want to say that upfront just to 14 MR. LESHER: Third item. 15 let the public know that we're trying to 15 MS. PRICE: Oh. 16 maintain our access with the public through a 16 MR. LESHER: I'll second the motion to 17 variety of media, as you just heard me announce 17 amend the agenda. 18 to you, either by calling in, by writing in, or 18 MR. DIVILIO: I've asked Tony to print a 19 by going in through social media through Webex. 19 copy as well. 20 Again, thank you to Parker Durham, our IT 20 MR. PACK: There was a. 21 director, for setting that up for us. Also 21 MR. CALLAHAN: Motion and a second. Page 7 Page 9 1 want to thank Jessica Morris at the County 1 MR. PACK: Motion and a second. This 2 Manager's Office for working with Parker and 2 doesn't appear -- this is the resolution 3 getting all of this together for Council. 3 that -- okay. All right. 4 So Council, those are my opening comments. 4 There's a motion and second to add this to 5 We have an agenda. The chair would ask if 5 the agenda for the evening for discussion 6 there's any additions, deletions, or 6 purposes only. 7 corrections to that agenda? 7 Madam Secretary, call your roll. 8 MR. DIVILIO: Mr. Pack, I would like to 8 SECRETARY: Mr. Pack. 9 add one more item to our packed agenda for an 9 MR. PACK: No. 10 administrative resolution on the Talbot Boys 10 SECRETARY: Mr. Divilio. 11 Statue that I would like to just bring up for 11 MR. DIVILIO: Aye. 12 discussion tonight. 12 SECRETARY: Mr. Callahan. 13 MR. PACK: Have we seen that at all? 13 MR. CALLAHAN: Aye. 14 MR. DIVILIO: It is in Granicus. Yeah, it 14 SECRETARY: Ms. Price. 15 is available for everyone. 15 MS. PRICE: Aye. 16 And unfortunately, I didn't have time to 16 SECRETARY: Mr. Lesher. 17 get this out certainly to everybody last week, 17 MR. LESHER: Aye. 18 as much as I wanted to. I just ran out of time 18 MR. PACK: Okay. Madam Secretary, where 19 with the artist that I was working with. 19 should we add this on your. 20 And to be honest, I didn't want to run 20 MR. HOLLIS: I apologize. Is it an 21 into any of the closed meeting problems that 21 administrative resolution or a numbered 3 (Pages 6 - 9) Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 Page 10 Page 12 1 resolution? 1 then introduction of numbered resolutions would 2 MR. DIVILIO: It's an administrative 2 be number seven and so on. 3 resolution. So we can add it as D. 3 MR. PACK: If it's -- 4 MS. PRICE: So the only hesitation. I 4 MR.
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