Thursday, August 1, 2019 www.tipperarylive.ie SOUTH TIPP TODAY 1 THURSDAY,AUGUST1,2019 TipperaryLive.ie Vol24Issue 16 Queen Street, Clonmel Tel 052 617 2500 email: [email protected] [email protected] ‘Significantdevelopment’ to transform Carrick-on-Suir BY DYLAN WHITE CastleStreetscheme is part peninginthetown,”MrNolan Having planningpermission e-mail: [email protected] Twitter: TipperaryLive of an “overall package” aimed highlighted. means we areready to go at enhancing thetown, which “One of theconditions for when moneybecomes avail- included theupgrade of Or- putting forwardaproposal is able and it puts us in avery Planning permission has mondCastleand theprevi- that it must have planning strong position,”MrNolan been grantedfor a“signi- ously secured planning permission. If funding is se- added. permissionforworksonSean cured, it will be putout to ficantdevelopment” in Car- Kelly Square. tender and implemented. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 g rick-on-Suir. “Ormond Castle is a Worksare in thepipeline for tourism productfor thetown theCastle Streetareaofthe and theCastle Streetscheme town, whichare part of the will linkthe towncentrewith Ormond Castle Quarter it. The Sean Kelly Squarepro- PublicRealm Plan and the ject will give alift to what is overall Carrick-on-Suir thebusiest part of thetown Town DevelopmentPlan. commercially, making it a “The aim of thescheme is morepleasantenvironment to improve thequalityofthe than it already is. The re- streetsand makethem more pavingoftheN24throughthe pleasant forbusinesses, res- townwill be coming to plan- idents and visitors,”Carrick- ningsoonandwe hopeto pro- on-Suir Municipal District's ceedwiththatnextyear, and administratorMartin Nolan we arelookingatrepavingthe told councillors at its rest of New Street,”MrNolan monthly meetingonFriday said. afternoon. Afunding proposal forap- “The road surface and proximately€2millionwillbe footpathswillbeimproved, submittedtothe RuralRe- and it will tackle long- generationand Development standing trafficissues,”he Fund by August 7, aftercoun- continued. cillors agreed to push ahead Mr Nolan saidthe “pos- withthe Castle Streetplan. itive”publicrealm workswill “Theproposalwill coverthe startatCarrick-on-SuirTown CastleStreetscheme and the Hall, travelling up along New publicrealm scheme at Sean Street, down onto Castle Kelly Square, theupgrade of Streettowards Ormond theHeritageCentre, an up- Castle,while also taking in gradeofthe community’s Brewery Lane and sur- CCTV, and other thingshap- Carrick-on-Suir'sCalum Costello and TommyBourkewith Clonmel's rounding areas. He saidthe PeterO'Halloranatafamily open dayinStephen's Barracks, Kilkenny 7O’Connell St,Clonmel Tel: 0526121205 Sans Soucis MakeEar Up Range Now Piercingin Store Now Available 2SOUTH TIPP TODAY www.tipperarylive.ie Th ursday, August 1, 20 1 9 Have you got news for South Tipp Today? N EWS Email [email protected] ‘Carrick-on-Suir is on the cusp of something good’ gCONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 frastructure and from the De- adjournment of the meeting Cllr Dunne saidthe pos- Blueway are all around Car- love tosee thepopulation of partment of Culture, to allow councillors review sibility of the Castle Street rick-on-Suir. I’m planning on Carrick-on-Suir grow and Heritage and the Gaeltacht the final drawings forthe and Sean Kelly Square getting atourism forum to- that means building houses As part of thePart8pro- with regards to the archae- Castle Street scheme, both schemes goingout totender gether to see how we can keep and attracting people to buy cess for securingplanning ological indication of the Cllr Kieran Bourke and Cllr in the near future is“g reat visitors in town for longer,” he them. I don’t think there will permission, council senior works. She said theCastle David Dunne welcomed the n ews”and bodes well forthe c o nt i n ue d . be 100 jobs dropped into Car- executive planner Carloine Street scheme is a “signi - development. Busparking tow n’s future. Cllr Dunne compared rick any time soon, so we need Conway told the meeting that ficant development” for the for tourists visiting Ormond “Wehave alot to offer but plans to revamp the streets- to focus on indigeniousin- final drawings forthe Castle town, assuring councillors Castle had been made avail- we don't put it in a package,” cape at SeanKelly Square to dustry and hotdesks witha Street scheme were on public that there won’tbe areduc- able at the New Street car Cllr Dunne said. the work that was carried out few people working on them. display atCarrick-on-Suir tion in parking in the area and park, butboth councillors “The KnockroePassage on The Apple Market in Wa- “Bymaking thetownlook Town Hall and on the that bus parking will be made had stressed their preference Tomb,the Ahennyhigh terford city. “That cafe cul- well, you’ll attract people who council's website from May 23 available in close proximity to to have parking for crosses, Ormond Castle, the ture where people sit out, will spend money. I think we to June 21. The only two sub- Ormond Castle. minibuses available on Castle Comeragh Mountains and enjoy the sun and relax - that’s are on thecusp of something missions were from Irish Following a five minute Stre et . Slievenamon, and the what it’s all about. Iwould go o d ,” he added. Water with regardsto its in- Frank lands principal position at Dublin school Clonmel man and former president of UCC Students’ clusion, democracy,equality whichis enteringinto an ex- CBS High School teacher Un io n . and respect, working in part- citing era of change. While teaching, he was an nership withstudents, par- "I look forward immensely Frank Milling (39) has been NQTmentor, SSE co-ordin- ents and the wider to negotiating the changes to appointed as the new prin- ator and departmenthead. community toco-create a come withall of the school cipal of Blakestown Com- He has worked as an assistant school culture based on the community in this period of munity School in Dublin 15. examiner for the State Exam- principles of professionalism rapid educational change. inations Commission and as a and respect to ensure that Blakestown Community Frank graduatedfrom Uni- local facilitator forthe Pro- students develop to become School will be abeacon of ex- versityCollege Cork(UCC) fessional DevelopmentSer- their best selves. cellent teaching and with a BA in Gaeilge and vice for Teachers. His hobbies and interests learning, true toits motto Geography in 2000, a Higher From 2016-2018, he was includehiking, rugby, land- Education forLiving,”he Diploma in Education in seconded as asubject advisor scape photography and over- s ays . 2001 and from Ulster Uni- (Gaeilge) to the Junior Cycle seas developmentaid. He versity with an M.Ed. (Lead- for Teachers (JCT), a Depart- takes the helm of a school ership and Management) in ment of Educationand Skills 2012. support service for schools. Frank tutored in Roinn na Before being appointed as Nua-Ghaeilge UCC, was a principal of Blakestown member ofthe governing Community School, he body of UCC and served as served as the first deputy Clonmel's Frank Milling has been appointed as the new principal of Blakestown Community School in Dublin 15 principalof Firhouse ETSS. Frank is passionate about He is an occasional lecturer to distributed schoolleader- PME students in UCD and an ship, planning, curriculum associate lecturer (Leader- and assessment reform, phe- ship and Management) at the nomenon-based learning, School of EducationatUlster the flipped classroom, res- Un i ve r s i ty. torative practice, learner With specialist change- empowerment, student- management and planning voice, capacity-building, and expertise, and compre- the buildingof communities hensive experience of CPD of practice. provision, organisational and During his career, Frank's instructional leadership, actions have promotedin- Gilly the rescue catwentmissing in Fourmilewaterlastweek. She is neutered and microchipped. If anyone picked her up, please take her to a vet and scan her chip. She has a condition that causes hair loss to her lower body and needs her medication TOP BRANDS •BUDGET TYRES 4x WHEEL TRACKING LOCKNUT REMOVAL 22 Thomas Street Clonmel 052 61 25811 •086 811 9636 Mon-Fri 9-6pm &Sat 9-1pm •www.clommeltyres.ie Th ursday, August 1, 2019 w w w.tipperar ylive.ie SOUTH TIPP TODAY 3 4SOUTH TIPP TODAY www.tipperarylive.ie Th ursday, August 1, 20 1 9 N EWS Have you got news for South Tipp Today? Email [email protected] Clonmel hotel one of ‘a number of exciting projects’ The go-ahead has been given 100 jobs in the town, ac- community, saysGarret for a new 114-bedroom hotel cording to Clonmel’s Mayor A h ea r n . Garret Ahearn. “Having another high- on the site of the former The Clonmel Armsclosed quality hotel of this sizewith Clonmel Arms Hotel in Sar- almost 14 years ago and the conference facilities will fur- sfield Street, a move that site, which straddles O’Con - ther position Clonmel as a has been welcomed with nell Street, Sarsfield Street, tourism destination butalso open arms across the com- QuayStreet and Blue Anchor as a business tourism destin- Lane, has been an eyesore in ation, Mayor Ahearn says. m unity. recent years. “The site at the old Planning permission forthe Earlier this year the de- ClonmelArms has lain long-awaited town centre velopers of the proposed new derelict for toolong and it is development, whichwas hotel submittedthe further exciting to learn that plans to sought from Tipperary information that had been re- breathe newlife into the site County Council last quested by the county are progressing well. November by Waterford- c ou n c i l . “There are a number of ex- based Fewer, Harrington This further information citing projects like the and Partners, architects, was requested following sub- Kickham Barracks site, the planners and project man- missions on the planning ap- Sports Hub, Suir Islandand agers, on behalf of Michael plication by both An Taisce the Bulmers Visitor Centre at Ryan and Michael Cronin, and theDepartment of Cul- Dowd's Lane earmarked for An artist’s impression of the proposed new hotel on the site of the former Clonmel Arms Hote l was granted this week.
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