TriKappaCover-Fall.indd 1 8/26/13 6:45 PM “Start spreading the news we’re writing today! We want you all a part of it—Tri Kappa Cross Keys!” elcome to the latest version Fine Arts Committee. In the spring issues of Cross Keys! Your Editors we will examine membership with informa- are spreading the news tion from the other State officers. Finally, our and making note of all summer magazines will cover charity and the things good in Tri Kappa. works of the State Philanthropy Committee Following the theme of and Mental Health Chair. Council President Kathryn Dory, we encour- Of course we will always welcome pho- age all of you to take advantage of the pages tos and stories on any topic from all of you. of our magazine to sing the praises of your You do not have to be a CorSec to submit members, your chapter and its projects and something. Without contributions from Tri the fun you are all having while working to- Kappas all over the state, we would have no gether in the name of Tri Kappa. magazine! With this latest issue, the format of Cross For those of you who have enjoyed search- Keys sports a bit of a new look, too. Each is- ing the magazine for a hidden symbol for sue will have a theme: we’re focusing the State the last few terms, this tradition will contin- information on one topic, and we encourage ue. Look for these musical notes hiding Janet Perry you to submit articles and photos that relate among the feature articles. Then email Janet, to the theme. The fall issues focus on educa- letting her know that you have discovered Cross Keys Editor tion. Inside this issue you’ll find reports from the page number of their hiding place. At our Vice President Diane Trout-Cummins and 2015 State Convention, your name will be the State Scholarship Committee and Gifted listed at our Cross Keys display, and you will and Talent Chair Carol Hunt as well as the be rewarded for your diligence in finding all education efforts of several of our chapters. seven pairs of notes. Winners of our State, Province and many lo- Happy hunting! cal scholarships are also highlighted. To look at what other issues will feature: Janet Farlow Perry your winter issues will bring news of State Cross Keys Editor level activities relating to culture and the ABOUT THE COVER DESIGN: My cousin, Margaret Huggard, helped Education (Julie Reeder), Charity (Barb Ti- me with the initial design. She was an art etgen) and Culture (myself). The music is educator and artist here in Greencastle. the Alpha or the beginning of our opening I told her what I had in mind, and she song and my theme, “Let us sing again . “ sketched out several pieces, which ulti- --Kathryn Dory mately became the drawing (that you see.) Council President The cover symbolizes many different as- Editor’s note: I was pleased to note that pects of Tri Kappa past, present and future. Kathryn’s design included a triangle since The triangle representing our membership my chapter is Delta. jfp badge also is the Greek letter Delta, which also denotes change. The circles surround- Execution of cover graphic and contents ing the triangle represent the start of my Tri layout by FE Graphic Design, Kappa journey with the rings of a “Wom- Fort Wayne, IN. an’s Sphere” representing Karen Molter Van Cover layout and typography by GaMu Duyn’s theme. They also represent coming Graphic Design, Sewickley, PA. full circle through Tri Kappa’s mission of TriKappaCover-Fall.indd 2 8/26/13 6:45 PM Cross Keys is the official publication of State News Features Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc., President’s Message 2 Celebrations 23 an Indiana organization Introducing Your Province Officers 3 Convention, continued 27 for women whose goal is State Committee News 6 Chapter fun 28 to further education, What not to wear 8 Culture 29 culture and charity. Fundraising 39 Initiation & Installation 35 Member recognition 40 Focus on Education Chapter Letters Cross Keys Staff Scholarships: A Tri Kappa tradition 9 Province I 43 Clarification on Scholarships 10 Province II 45 Janet Perry, Editor Quarterly Education Report 11 Province III 48 State Scholarships, Wilson Award 12 [email protected] Province IV 49 2 Beryl Showers Holland Fellowships 17 23 Province V 51 Lisa Turner, Assistant Editor Fine Arts, Twanette Nutter Fleming Province VI 54 [email protected] Scholarships 18 Province VII 56 Province, local scholarships 19 Province VIII 58 Chapter education features 21 Province IX 61 Gifted and Talented Chair uses Tri Province X 63 Kappa skills to assist youth 22 Province XI 65 Province XII 67 9 44 Membership Key Information Affiliations 23 Riley Cheer Guild Form 7 Births 25 Memorial Fund 32 Bonanzas 39 Greek Key 44 Coming Attractions 24 Directory of Chapters 69 Infinite Chapter 33 Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc. 75 Little Kindnesses 25 Forms ‘n’ Things 78 Make a note of the date 79 Central Office 80 Please Change My Address In conformity with postal regulations affecting the prompt receipt of your Cross Keys, notifications of CHANGE OF ADDRESS to your local Post Office is insufficient. CENTRAL OFFICE must be notified by completing this coupon IN FULL and mailing to Central Office or emailing the information to [email protected]. Name CROSS KEYS (USPS 138-620) is published Member ID # Chapter quarterly in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer for $8.00 per year by Kappa Kappa Old Address Kappa Inc., 941 E. 86th Street Suite 103 City State Zip Indianapolis IN 46240. Printed by Sport Graphics, 3423 Parke Davis Circle, India- New Address napolis, Indiana 46235-2397. Periodicals City State Zip postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Telephone Send address changes with address label E-mail Address to Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc., 941 E. 86th Street Suite 103 Indianapolis IN 46240. Please send old address label from copy of Cross Keys with change. TriKappa-Fall-2013.indd 1 8/27/13 8:09 AM State News Dear Sisters, v I would also like to begin the conversa- My theme this biennium is “Let us sing tion on adding a different category or again Tri Kappa’s name!” Many times we categories to our membership. do not sing our praises loud enough. We are v Next, I would like to see video presenta- afraid to draw attention to ourselves and our tions added as backup training and for good works. But that is many times to our additional information for chapter use detriment. At a time when we see our mem- on our website. bership dropping, a little publicity about the v I hope to rework our ritual music so work that we do can be a good thing. When that is sounds a little more updated: Still others know what we do, they will want to keeping the words and melodies that are join. So, let us sing again Tri Kappa’s so dear to us, but freshening the accom- name! paniments to last another 100 years! I have several goals that I would like to v Finally, I would like to have each chapter briefly highlight for this term. embrace some sort of cultural project this term. v In order to strengthen and grow our I hope to see many of you at Province Con- membership, I would like to provide ventions this fall, and let us sing again Tri Kathryn Dory more tools and training for the Province Kappa’s name! Council President Officer, Chapters & Charters Rep., Fine Arts Rep., Scholarship Rep., and Phi- lanthropy Rep. to bring more of a team concept at the Province level. STATE OFFICERS 2013-2015. Front Row: eltree, Technology Co-Chair Lisa Dulcich-Sayeyasu, Assistant Editor Lisa Turner, Chapters and Char- Council Vice President Diane Trout-Cummins, Province X Officer Gwen Long-Lucas, Gifted and ters Chair Dianna Simkins, Province XI Officer Council President Kathryn Dory, Council Talented Chair Carol Hunt, Mental Health Chair Karen Filler, State Parliamentarian Chris Klus, State Treasurer Lynn Payne, Council Secretary Dee Joyce Denton, Province III Officer Renee Wig- Historian Angie Martin. Not Pictured: Council Banta, Row 2: Province II Officer Margaret gington, Cross Keys Editor Janet Perry, Province Adviser Barb Teitgen, Fine Arts Chair Pam Burrus, Shea, Province XII Officer Cheryl Romine, Prov- VI Officer Jill Thomas. Row 3: Province V Officer Memorial Fund Chair Jenny McBride, Philanthropy ince VII Officer Ruth Davis, Province IV Officer Wendy Leonard, Province VIII Officer Ann Am- Chair Heather Nacke, Province I Officer Ruth Coller. Shannon Dawson, Province IX Officer Tina Mitch- bler, Technology Co-Chair Katie Teitgen, Cross Keys 2 Fall 2013 TriKappa-Fall-2013.indd 2 8/27/13 8:09 AM Introducing your Province Officers served as Recording Secretary, Vice Presi- singing voice, Ruth plays the violin and is a dent and President for our chapter. Ruth is a talented pianist. Her musical family includes woman of many talents, perhaps preeminent husband John, Jasper Middle School and are her ability to multitask while maintain- High School band director and percussion Ruth Coller ing her composure and her remarkable orga- specialist, and son Jared, a high school se- Province I nizational skills. nior and award-winning percussionist. Two Ruth manages to balance her family, pro- cats, Levi and Lucky, also reside at the Col- fessional life and community involvement ler home although they have yet to show any It is with pride and excitement that the with aplomb. For the past 22 years she has musical inclination.
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