Holiday Entertainment Page 9 Classifieds, Page 10 Classifieds, v Entertainment, Page 7 v Opinion, Page 4 Herndon Celebrates Arts News, Page 8 First Place winner in the “Expressions” Portrait Fairfax County Competition during the Herndon Arts Week in October, Nathan Loda of Vienna, stands with his wife Florencia and daughter Ella Mae Leads Blue Wave beside his oil portrait, “The Fishing Girl.” News, Page 3 Veterans Honored in Herndon News, Page5 Photo by Mercia Hobson/The Connection by Mercia Hobson/The Photo November 15-21, 2017 online at www.connectionnewspapers.com News Delaney Unseats LeMunyon Former Republican defeats Republican who unseated Democrat Chuck Caputo in 2009. By Michael Lee Pope following the election. as she serves as their The Connection Delaney swept all of voice in Richmond.” the Fairfax County pre- emocrat Karrie cincts, racking up huge DELANEY, 38, is a na- Delaney unseated numbers in Brookfield tive of Tampa. She The 67th District stretches from South Riding through D Republican incum- and Rocky Run. moved to Northern Vir- Sully Station and Penderwood. bent Jim LeMunyon LeMunyon won only ginia in 2006, eventu- in the election last week, swamp- one precinct in the dis- ally settling in Chantilly “When I had my first job work- other Northern Virginia Republi- ing him with a decisive victory in trict, Loudoun County’s two years later. She has ing with children in foster care, I cans will no longer be at the table, a wave election that saw 12 House absentee precinct, by Karrie Delaney a bachelor’s degree in worked at a group home. And in the influence of the region may GOP incumbents unseated across 37 votes. Overall, psychology from the that experience I met young suffer if Republicans manage to Virginia. Delaney, a former Repub- Delaney took a commanding 58 University of South Florida. Her people every day I saw examples maintain a one-vote majority in lican, campaigned on a platform percent of the vote — a 5,000 vote professional background is in hu- of the system failing them,” said the House of Delegates. Whatever of expanding Medicaid to 400,000 margin of victory in a district that man service, including working as Delaney in an interview with Con- happens with the House leader- Virginians who live in poverty or was seen as a potential bellwether a counselor for children in foster nection Newspapers earlier this ship, its members will have a class with disabilities. Control of the for how the election might turn care and as a sexual assault crisis year. “So I saw that if we had lead- of freshmen that are far more lib- House of Delegates has yet to be this year. counselor. She later became the ership that really truly put people eral than the members who are worked out, and Democrats may “Karrie Delaney’s campaign has director of communications for first, I think we could see a really there now. actually be able to get some trac- reflected her experience advocat- Shared Hope International, and positive impact in the lives of vul- “It was obvious that Karrie tion on that issue next year. ing on behalf of Fairfax’s most vul- she now does communications nerable people in our community.” Delaney was the correct choice this “I’m humbled to be elected to nerable populations and services strategy for several nonprofits. She LeMunyon was first elected in election for a safer Virginia,” said serve the people of Virginia’s 67th they rely on,” said Virginia House briefly served as a Republican 2009, when he unseated incum- Jason Lindsay, executive director District and honored that the vot- Democratic Caucus Leader David member of the West Melbourne bent Democrat Chuck Caputo. of Pride Fund. “While Jim ers share my vision to rise above Toscano and Caucus Chairwoman City Council in Florida, an experi- During that campaign, LeMunyon LeMunyon served in the Virginia the partisan politics in Richmond Charniele Herring. “Her commit- ence she says has given her a bi- focused on transportation issues House of Delegates, he voted time to find real solutions for the people ment to the needs of her fellow partisan sensibility that would — a theme that LeMunyon fol- and time again for dangerous gun of Northern Virginia,” said Virginians is clear, and we look serve her well as a member of the lowed through on during his time lobby bills that would endanger Delaney in a written statement forward to working alongside her General Assembly. in Richmond. Now that he and Virginia families and children.” RESTON • 1480 North Point Village • 703-733-3860 2 ❖ Oak Hill/Herndon Connection ❖ November 15-21, 2017 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Fairfax County Leads Blue Wave grow government and make life more costly, Democrats sweep we stand ready, willing, and able to edu- statewide races, come cate our neighbors on the issues.” PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP was not close to taking over on the ballot in Virginia this year, but he loomed over every part of this campaign. House of Delegates. The election cycle started when many Democrats were still in shock that the real- By Michael Lee Pope estate developer turned reality TV star was The Connection elected president. A historic women’s march after Trump’s inauguration led to an unprec- emocrats swept all three state- edented number of female candidates tak- wide seats last week and picked ing on entrenched Republican elected offi- Dup so many seats in the House cials this year, mostly men. The gamble paid of Delegates that control of the off, and many of those defeated male in- chamber is now in doubt. A week later, three cumbents are now preparing to leave of- seats are too close to call, awaiting possible fice. recounts. “Women are leading the resistance,” said Voters rejected Republican arguments Emily’s List president Stephanie Schriock. about sanctuary cities and Confederate me- “A record number of women ran for office morials, divisive issues that had moderate in Virginia, and now a record number of Republicans trying to win over extreme el- Photos by Michael Lee Pope/The Connection women will serve in the Virginia House of ements of President Donald Trump’s coali- Democrat Ralph Northam declares victory in the hotly contested race for Delegates, fighting for improved public edu- tion. It didn’t work, and it may have sig- governor at George Mason University. cation, investment in infrastructure, eco- naled a new era in how Democrats can take nomic growth, and access to health care.” on Republicans and win at the ballot box. Voters in key swing jurisdictions voted for “The new Democratic Party is back,” said Northam; he won 61 percent in Prince Wil- Democratic National Committee Chairman liam County, 60 percent in Loudoun County, Tom Perez during a raucous Election Night 60 percent in Henrico County and 52 per- party at George Mason University. “And cent in Virginia Beach. And although we’re back with a bang.” Gillespie performed well in traditional Re- Democrat Ralph Northam won 54 percent publican strongholds like Rockingham and of the vote against Republican Ed Gillespie, Pittsylvania, he struggled in the Richmond whose performance slipped a bit from his suburb of Chesterfield. Party leaders on both 2014 nail-biter against Democrat Mark sides of the aisle say voters were reacting Warner for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Back to Trump and sending a message. in 2014, Gillespie won 48 percent of the “Voters turned out in droves in a direct vote. This year he was only able to get 45 Northam Fairfax Herring rebuke of state Republicans and the Trump percent. administration,” said Jessica Post, executive “The doctor is in,” declared Northam, a calls a “tsunami.” Northam took 80 percent mount their own resistance. director of the Democratic Legislative Cam- pediatric neurologist, after Gillespie con- of the vote in Arlington, 78 percent of the “Our grassroots are now primed to hold paign Committee. “Americans from coast to cede the race. vote in Alexandria and 68 percent of the Northam accountable during his time as coast sent a clear message that when faced Voters in Fairfax County helped Demo- vote in Fairfax County. He also received governor, and we plan to do just that,” said with adversity, we will step up and defend crats run up the numbers across Virginia about 40,000 more votes than Gov. Terry Americans for Prosperity-Virginia State Di- our values, safeguard the progress we have and turn the blue wave into something McAuliffe did four years ago. rector J.C. Hernandez. “If the Northam ad- Democratic House Leader David Toscano Now Republicans say they are ready to ministration tries to advance policies that See Blue Wave, Page 11 Unofficial Election Results 11-8-17 40th District 48th District SOURCE: Virginia Department of Elections, results.elections.virginia.gov Donte Tanner (D) 15,004, 49.74% Rip Sullivan (D)* unopposed 27,625, 94.61% * Incumbent Tim Hugo (R)* 15,110, 50.10% 49th District 41st District Alfonso Lopez (D)* 19,308, 81.30% GOVERNOR HOUSE OF DELEGATES Eileen Filler-Corn (D)* unopposed 22,959, 90.84% Adam Roosevelt (R) 4,391, 18.49% Ralph S. Northam (D) 1,409,086, 53.90% 34th District Edward W. “Ed” Gillespie (R) 1,175,698, Kathleen Murphy (D)* 20,522, 60.92% 42nd District 53rd District 44.97% Cheryl Buford (R) 13,146, 39.02% Kathy Tran (D) 18,761, 60.97% Marcus Simon (D)* 19,235, 74.28% Clifford D. Hyra (L) 27,987, 1.07% Lolita Mancheno-Smoak (R) 11,967, 38.89% Mike Casey (I) 6,362, 24.57% In Fairfax County, Northam received 67.87% 35th District In Arlington, Northam received 80.00% Mark Keam (D)* unopposed 22,566, 93.04% 43rd District 67th District In City of Alexandria, Northam received 78.36% Mark Sickles (D)* unopposed 22,084, 93.34% Karrie Delaney (D) 17,036, 57.86% 36th District Jim LeMunyon (R)* 12,365, 42.00% Ken Plum (D)* unopposed 21,107, 93.01% 44th District LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Paul Krizek (D)* unopposed 18,330, 92.81% 86th District Justin E.
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