March 13, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E467 board of elders of the Morris Cerullo World this urgent issue. I hope that we will be able Peter Deutsch. Evangelism, and as a member of Dr. Fred- to accommodate this public priority. Diana DeGette. erick K. Price's Ever Increasing Faith Network. Sincerely, William Delahunt. GEORGE MILLER, M.C. Rosa De Lauro. She is also the president and founder of the Ron Dellums. Leadership Training School of Ministry. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Julian Dixon. Bishop Garvin has been honored with the Washington, DC, January 6, 1997. Chet Edwards. Great Women in History award by Bronx Bor- Re Letter also sent to Representative Gep- Eliot Engel. ough president Fernando Ferrer, the Award of hardt. Anna Eshoo. Excellence by the National Black Association Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, Bob Etheridge. of Minority Business Women, and the Woman Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Represent- Lane Evans. of Excellence Award by the New Greater atives, Washington, DC. Sam Farr. Bob Filner. Bethel Ministries, to name just a few. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: In a November 20 let- ter, 93 Members of Congress and Members- Thomas Foglietta. She is the widow of Mr. Arthur Garvin, with Elect urged you to commit to passing com- Harold Ford, Jr. whom she had a daughter who has followed prehensive campaign finance reform within Sam Gejdenson. in her footsteps, Reverend Juanita Davis. the first 100 days of the new Congress. We are Gene Green. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me writing today to make the same urgent re- Luis Gutierrez. in honoring Bishop Daisy B. Garvin for her quest. No other legislation could do more to Tony Hall. longstanding commitment and dedication to end gridlock and begin to restore public con- Jane Harman. those in need in the community. fidence in Congress' ability to act on behalf Bill Hefner. of the American people. Maurice Hinchey. f Several times in the past you and Mr. Gep- Tim Holden. REGARDING THE NEED TO SCHED- hardt have stated your support for campaign Marcy Kaptur. ULE CAMPAIGN FINANCE RE- finance reform. We believe that for reform to Barbara Kennelly. become a reality you must commit to pass- Ron Kind. FORM LEGISLATION IN THE ing it early in the new Congress. Any further John LaFalce. HOUSE delay in passing tough reforms that impose Tom Lantos. reasonable limitations on campaign financ- Sander Levin. HON. GEORGE MILLER ing and shut the loopholes once and for all is Blanche Lambert Lincoln. inexcusable. The need for reform has been Zoe Lofgren. OF CALIFORNIA dramatically apparent to us and to the pub- Nita Lowey. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lic for many years. But each Congress, cam- Carolyn McCarthy. Thursday, March 13, 1997 paign finance reform legislation fails to be Jim McGovern. enacted. And lack of time is often used as an Jim McDermott. Mr. MILLER of California. Mr. Speaker, I excuse. Paul McHale. would like to submit for the RECORD a letter We do not pretend that it will be easy to Cynthia McKinney. signed by 112 Members of Congress to craft legislation with which all Members and Carolyn B. Maloney. Speaker NEWT GINGRICH and Minority Leader the public will be pleased. But that is our Jim Maloney. RICHARD GEPHARDT calling for a commitment challenge and we believe enough information Frank Mascara. to bring campaign finance reform legislation to and expertise exists to write an effective and Martin Meehan. the House floor by the 100th of this Congress. fair bill. Juanita Millender-McDonald. David Minge. In the previous Congress we saw how much All reform options should be on the table, including a constitutional amendment limit- Patsy Mink. could be accomplished in 100 days with the ing campaign expenditures, restrictions on Alan Mollohan. political will to do so. contributions from foreign-controlled inter- Jim Moran. In this Congress, under Republican leader- ests, and limits on ``soft money'' spending Connie Morella (signed her own letter of ship, we have accomplished precious little to that indirectly benefits or attacks can- support on November 22, 1996). date this year. Worst of all, there has been didates. Jim Oberstar. nothing but silence from the Republican lead- As the last Congress showed, a determined Bill Pascrell. ership on the need for reform of our campaign House of Representatives can pass complex Ed Pastor. Nancy Pelosi. finance laws. and sweeping legislation within 100 days. There is no reason we cannot makeÐand Collin C. Peterson. Speaker GINGRICH has not responded to our keepÐa promise that campaign finance re- Earl Pomeroy. letter. However, others have called for fast ac- form be our highest priority and approved Glenn Poshard. tion. within the first 100 days of the 105th Con- David Price. The President has called for action by July gress. Bill Richardson. 4. The Senate Democratic leader, TOM Again, as our colleagues previously wrote, Carlos Romero-Barcelo. DASCHLE, called for action early in the year. we respectfully urge you to commit now to Lucille Roybal-Allard. Democratic Leader GEPHARDT has called for campaign finance reform passing in the first Tom Sawyer. action within 100 days, as have over 100 100 days of the new Congress. Chuck Schumer. Sincerely, Christopher Shays. other House Members. Tom Davis, Lloyd Doggett, James Walsh, Louise McIntosh Slaughter. We must bring this issue to a vote early or Tom Campbell, Robert Underwood, Eni David Skaggs. it will be delayed until it cannot be brought for- Faleomavaega, John Lewis, Lee Hamil- Adam Smith. ward at all. ton, Frank Tejeda, Phil English, Joe Debbie Stabenow. I urge my colleagues to pressure the Re- Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, Henry Wax- Pete Stark. publican leadership to commit to bringing a re- man, Ed Markey. Bart Stupak. form bill to the floor. Ellen Tauscher. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, REPRESENTATIVE GEORGE MILLER, CAMPAIGN Karen Thurman. Washington, DC, January 6, 1997. FINANCE REFORM LETTER, COSIGNER LIST John Tierney. Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, NOVEMBER 20, 1996 Bruce Vento. Speaker, Tom Allen. Melvin Watt. Hon. RICHARD GEPHARDT, Neil Abercrombie. Robert Weygand. Democratic Leader. John Baldacci. Robert Wise. DEAR SIRS: I am respectfully submitting to Tom Barrett. Lynn Woolsey. you additional signatures gathered during Xavier Becerra. Sidney Yates. the Holidays from our colleagues urging you Earl Blumenauer. to schedule substantive campaign finance re- Leonard Boswell. GEORGE MILLER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM form during the first 100 days of this Con- Walter Capps. COSIGNERS TO JANUARY 6, 1997 LETTER gress. We must not let the congressional Bob Clement. Tom Campbell. schedule kill reform as it has in the past. Gary Condit. Tom Davis. For your information, I am also enclosing Merrill Cook. Lloyd Doggett. the original letter we submitted to you on Jerry Costello. Phil English. November 20. Danny Davis. Lee Hamilton. With this second letter, 112 Members from Jim Davis. Joe Kennedy. both parties are calling for fast action on Peter DeFazio. Frank Tejeda. E468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 13, 1997 James Walsh. 18th Congressional District and the city of IN HONOR OF WOMEN'S INTER- Robert Underwood. Houston. Deacon Knight moved to Texas after NATIONAL MONTH: RECOGNIZING Bernie Sanders. completing high school. OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS Eni Faleomavaega. He had been a faithful member of South TO THE HISPANIC COMMUNITY Henry Waxman. John Lewis. Park Baptist Church since 1976. He was the Ed Markey. first black person chosen to be chairman of Ken Bentsen. the Deacon's Board for 3 consecutive years. HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ Jim Turner. Prior to his service as deacon at South Park OF NEW JERSEY Karen McCarthy. Baptist, he served as a deacon at East Mac- Doug Bereuter. edonia Baptist Church. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES F. Allen Boyd. Ellis M. Knight was married to Elease f Jamison for 37 years until her death. He is Thursday, March 13, 1997 survived by three sons; Ellis III, Ronald, and THE BAY CONCERT BAND: MAKING Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Alan Wayne. He also has two grandchildren; BEAUTIFUL MUSIC FOR 20 YEARS to pay special tribute to six Hispanic-American Sharmane and Andre Knight. His two living women for their distinguished public service sisters are Mary Harris and Loys Davis and selfless dedication to their community. HON. JAMES A. BARCIA Gatterson. He was married to Janet Jackson These exceptional individuals will be honored OF MICHIGAN in 1988. by the National Association of Cuban Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Deacon Knight's life was in constant motion. ican Women at its annual dinner on March 15, Thursday, March 13, 1997 He was the product of a long lifeline. His mother missed the mark of 100 years of age 1997, at Las Palmas Restaurant in West New Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I believe a com- by only 3 weeks. His lifeline provided him York, NJ. munity should not only be measured by its many memorable experiences. He served 4 The National Association of Cuban Amer- economic strength and the values of its resi- years in the military, took many business and ican Women has a long history of recognizing dents, but also by the diversity and vitality of professional courses, and had many challeng- the accomplishments of extraordinary women its artistic organizations. By these qualifica- ing jobs, including 371¤2 years as a union rep- within the Hispanic community. Under the di- tions, I am proud to say that Bay City rises to resentative and worked with Southern Pacific rection of President Siomara Sanchez Guerra, the occasion through the help of groups such Railroad. this organization has grown in stature through as the Bay Concert Band. E.M. Knight fostered black empowerment the profound impact of the work of its numer- The Bay Concert Band is celebrating its through his participation with the NAACP and ous members.
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