July 8, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1023 IN HONOR OF U.S. ARMY in his assignment, for which he had volun- above’’ energy strategy. In 2012, American oil SERGEANT JAVIER SANCHEZ, JR. teered, to evacuate a detachment of Marines production reached the highest level in two that had been overwhelmed by the enemy. decades, and natural gas production reached HON. SAM FARR On September 27, 1942, after making pre- an all-time high while U.S. oil imports fell to liminary plans for the evacuation of nearly 500 OF CALIFORNIA the lowest level in nearly 20 years. Our cur- beleaguered Marines from Point Cruz, Guadal- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rent energy policies are leading to U.S. energy canal, Signalman First Class Munro, under at- independence and reducing our reliance on Monday, July 8, 2013 tack by enemy machineguns on the island, led Middle East oil. I am committed to promoting Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to five small boats toward the shore. As he safe and responsible domestic oil and gas de- honor the life of U.S. Army Sergeant Javier closed onto the beach, he signaled the other velopment, but H.R. 2231 is an irresponsible Sanchez, Jr., 28, of Greenfield, California, who boats to land. Then, in order to draw the en- plan to expand offshore drilling without proper died when an improvised explosive device hit emy’s fire from a western attack and protect environmental protections and considerations. the boat heavily loaded with the Marines, he his vehicle on a combat patrol on June 23, f 2013 in Sar Rowzah, Afghanistan. placed his boat as a shield between the Javier was a graduate of the Greenfield beachhead and the enemy. When the evacu- SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS High School and joined the Army in August ation was nearly completed, Signalman First Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, 2006 serving in Baumholder, Germany, Fort Class Munro was killed by enemy fire. Due to agreed to by the Senate of February 4, Irwin, California and most recently in Fort his outstanding leadership and willingness to 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Drum, New York. Javier was an infantryman sacrifice his own life, Signalman First Class tem for a computerized schedule of all and had previously deployed in support of Op- Munro and his fellow members of the U.S. meetings and hearings of Senate com- eration Iraqi Freedom from 2007 to 2008 with Coast Guard undoubtedly saved the lives of mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- 1–6 Infantry of the 1st Armored Division. In his many service men that otherwise would have tees, and committees of conference. current assignment Javier was with the Spe- been killed in the line of duty. This title requires all such committees cial Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Signalman First Class Munro was educated to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Team based at Fort Drum, New York. at South Cle Elum Grade School in Wash- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- He is a hero to his family, the city of Green- ington state, and graduated from Cle Elum mittee—of the time, place and purpose field, the State of California, and the people of High School in 1937. He attended Central of the meetings, when scheduled and the United States and we express our deepest Washington College of Education for a year any cancellations or changes in the gratitude for his service to our country. As his and left to enlist in the U.S. Coast Guard in meetings as they occur. uncle most recently stated, ‘‘He always had 1939. He had an outstanding record as an en- As an additional procedure along this ‘country first’ attitude and I think that’s listed man and was promoted rapidly through with the computerization of this infor- what made him sign up.’’ In the face of war, the various ratings to a Signalman First Class. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily this is the truest definition of courage and In addition to being a Medal of Honor recipi- Digest will prepare this information for character, an example that all soldiers should ent, Signalman First Class Munro was also printing in the Extensions of Remarks posthumously awarded the Purple Heart strive emulate. His selfless act is one that will section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD never be forgotten. Medal, and was eligible for the American De- on Monday and Wednesday of each Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the entire House, fense Service Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific Area week. I would like to extend the nation’s deepest Campaign Medal, and the World War II Victory Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, July sympathies to Javier’s wife Cassandra San- Medal. 9, 2013 may be found in the Daily Di- The new U.S. Coast Guard headquarters chez, his mother Margarita Sanchez, and his gest of today’s RECORD. building, which I propose to be named for Sig- father Javier Sanchez, Sr. Sergeant Javier nalman First Class Douglas A. Munro, will be Sanchez, Jr. served his nation honorably, and 1.1 million square feet and will house up to MEETINGS SCHEDULED sacrificed his life. He is an American hero. 3,700 U.S. Coast Guard employees. The U.S. JULY 10 f Coast Guard headquarters building represents 10 a.m. PERSONAL EXPLANATION the first phase of the eventual consolidation of Committee on Commerce, Science, and 4.5 million square feet of office space scat- Transportation HON. JACKIE SPEIER tered around the National Capital Region to Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, the West Campus of the old St. Elizabeths Product Safety, and Insurance OF CALIFORNIA Hospital, located in the Anacostia neighbor- To hold hearings to examine stopping IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fraudulent robocall scams, focusing on hood of Washington, D.C. The Department of if more can be done. Monday, July 8, 2013 Homeland Security headquarters consolidation SR–253 Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I was unfortu- construction project marks the first time the Committee on Finance nately unable to cast votes on Monday, July 8, federal government will locate a federal agen- To hold hearings to examine repealing 2013 due to inclement weather that prevented cy east of the Anacostia River. the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) me from making it to Washington, DC. I believe that Signalman First Class Douglas and the path forward, focusing on a A. Munro’s outstanding service to his country view from the Centers for Medicare and f and his unique status as the only member of Medicaid Services (CMS). THE INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO the U.S. Coast Guard to earn the Medal of SD–215 Committee on Health, Education, Labor, NAME THE U.S. COAST GUARD Honor ensure that it is particularly fitting to and Pensions HEADQUARTERS name the new U.S. Coast Guard headquarters Business meeting to consider S. 815, to the ‘‘Douglas A. Munro Coast Guard Head- prohibit the employment discrimina- HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON quarters Building.’’ tion on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, and any pending OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA f nominations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION SD–430 Monday, July 8, 2013 Committee on Homeland Security and HON. ED PERLMUTTER Governmental Affairs Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I am in- To hold hearings to examine lessons OF COLORADO troducing a bill, at the request of the U.S. learned from the Boston Marathon IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Coast Guard, to direct the General Services bombings, focusing on preparing for Administration to name the new U.S. Coast Monday, July 8, 2013 and responding to the attack. Guard headquarters, on the St. Elizabeths Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, due to un- SD–342 West Campus, the ‘‘Douglas A. Munro Coast foreseen personal reasons, on June 28, 2013 Committee on the Judiciary To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Guard Headquarters Building.’’ Signalman I was not present to vote on final passage of tions of Patricia Ann Millett, of Vir- First Class Douglas Albert Munro is the U.S. H.R. 2231—the ‘‘Offshore Energy and Jobs ginia, to be United States Circuit Coast Guard’s only Medal of Honor recipient. Act.’’ If present I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Judge for the District of Columbia Cir- Signalman First Class Munro died heroically Domestic energy production is thriving cuit, Gregory Howard Woods, to be on Point Cruz, Guadalcanal after succeeding under the Obama Administration’s ‘‘all of the United States District Judge for the VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 Jul 09, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08JY8.005 E08JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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