ARCH M 8, 2020 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ORATORY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Mass 8:00am & 10:00am Monday - Saturday Mass 8:00am Tuesday Mass 6:30pm Wednesday Mass 12:15pm First Fridays ORATORY CLERGY: Mass 6:30pm Holy Days of Obligation VERY REV. MSGR. R. MICHAEL SCHMITZ, STD, JCD Please consult the bulletin Vicar General & Delegate for the United States REV. CANON MATTHEW L. TALARICO Provincial Superior, United States SACRED DEVOTIONS: REV. CANON BENJAMIN L. COGGESHALL Mother of Perpetual Help Rector, Episcopal Delegate - Summorum Pontificum Tuesday 8:00am & 6:30pm REV. CANON PIERRE R. DUMAIN Vicar Adoration REV. CANON MIGUEL A. CAÑADAS CARPIO Thursday 6:30pm Vicar ABBÉ ALEX J. BARGA Sacristan CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes before all Masses ORATORY STAFF: Mr. Jon Roché Mrs. Mary Hayworth Dr. Steven Ball Accounting Manager Office Administrator Director of Sacred Music “The present life is given to us only to earn eternal life.” St. Francis de Sales INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST LITURGICAL CALENDAR Mass Intentions: Sunday, March 8 8:00am Low Mass Sunday, March 8 Acolytes: Joel Miller, Liam Miller 2nd Sunday of Lent, 1st Class 10:00am High Mass 8:00am Low Mass - Georgia Wehrkamp Master of Ceremonies: Dominic Stamos Thurifer: Michael Ruggiero 10:00am High Mass - Carol Wachter † Acolyte 1: Michael LaZella Acolyte 2: Thomas Stamos Monday, March 9 Crucifer: Joseph Clonts Lenten Feria, 3rd Class Choir Master of Ceremonies: Timothy White 8:00am Low Mass - Raffaella Stroik † Torchbearers: Joey Huber, Gus Pekny, Roland Purgahn, Ezio LaZella, Liam Aufmuth, David Clonts Tuesday, March 10 Lenten Feria, 3rd Class Thursday, March 12 8:00am Low Mass - Rose Granado 6:30pm Adoration 6:30pm Low Mass - Restoration & Master of Ceremonies: Dominic Stamos Benefactors of St. Francis de Sales Oratory Thurifer: Joseph Pekny Acolyte 1: Gabriel Ruggiero Wednesday, March 11 Acolyte 2: Mark Stamos Lenten Feria, 3rd Class Torchbearers: Raymond Pekny, Ezio LaZella 8:00am Low Mass - Julia Bolaño † Friday, March 13 12:15pm Low Mass - Adam Coates 6:30pm Low Mass Acolytes: Michael Ruggiero, Raphael VandenBergh Thursday, March 12 7:15pm Stations of the Cross Lenten Feria, 3rd Class Crucifer: Louis VandenBergh 8:00am Low Mass - William J. Bradley, Jr. † Acolytes: Gabriel Ruggiero, Mark Stamos 6:30pm Adoration Sunday, March 15 8:00am Low Mass Friday, March 13 Acolytes: Joel Miller, Liam Miller Lenten Feria, 3rd Class 10:00am High Mass 8:00am Low Mass - JoAnna Natalina LaZella Master of Ceremonies: Austin Newton Votive Mass of the Holy Shroud Thurifer: Louis VandenBergh 6:30pm Low Mass - Tammy Aufmuth Acolyte 1: Raymond Clonts Acolyte 2: Adrian Shea Crucifer: Michael Ruggiero Saturday, March 14 Choir Master of Ceremonies: Joseph Pekny Lenten Feria, 3rd Class Torchbearers: Elias Johnson, Raymond Clonts, 8:00am Low Mass - Leonard Serafino † Campion Purgahn, Gabriel Davidson, Jackson Hu- ber, Dominic Ruggiero Sunday, March 15 3rd Sunday of Lent, 1st Class 8:00am Low Mass - Francesca Unseth 10:00am High Mass - Kristin Kalinowski TraditionForTomorrow.com NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS March 19: Feast of St. Joseph TODAY! May 1-3: Chant Workshop SPECIAL SECOND COLLECTION May 3: May Crowning "Many Apostolates, One Mission" May 10: First Holy Communion Envelopes are in the bulletin & the pews. August 6: Institute Priestly Ordinations Help the Institute continue to restore Catholic life and culture in the USA! Friday Evening Masses During Lent 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament Remember that during Lent there will be a Sunday, March 22nd Friday evening Mass at 6:30pm followed by 12:30pm in St. Francis de Sales Gymnasium the Stations of the Cross. Please join us for our Laetare Sunday Annual Bas- ketball Tournament. Participants must be ages 15 Novena to St. Joseph and up. However, all are invited to stay and March 11th to 19th after Mass watch! To register as a team (3 or 4 participants) or as an individual (you will be assigned to a team In the intention of fostering the renova- prior to the tournament), please contact Abbé tions and repairs on the Oratory campus. Alex by e-mail: abbe.alex@institute-christ- king.org. Glorious St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary, grant us, we beseech thee, thy paternal protection, through the Heart of Jesus Christ. O Thou whose infinite pow- Register Today! er reaches out to all our needs, rendering possible Chant Workshop for us that which is impossible, look upon the con- May 1-3, 2020 cerns of thy children with fatherly counte- nance. In the troubles and sorrows that afflict us, The 4th Annual Gregorian Chant Workshop, with we have confident recourse to thee. Deign to take Canon Wulfran Lebocq, former chant master at the under thy loving protection this important and dif- Institute’s Seminary in Gricigliano and currently ficult endeavor, the cause of our worries, and dis- Prior at Sacred Heart Church in Limerick, Ireland pose its success to the glory of God and to the will be offered at the Oratory on May 1-3, 2020. benefit of His faithful servants. Amen. The workshop will start for all participants on Fri- day, May 1 at 4:00 pm. For advanced singers, Today there will be Friday morning classes, beginning at Guided Tour of the 9:00 am, which will offer intensive teaching and Stained Glass Windows practice. https://institute-christ-king.org/stlouis- Mr. Bob Shea, a member of our Oratory and news/900-chant-workshop-2020 knowledgeable friend of the history of our church, Lodging arrangements for gentlemen workshop will be giving a 60-minute guided tour of the Ora- tory TODAY with a focus on the Emil Frei & As- participants 18 years and older will be possible on sociates stained glass windows. the Oratory grounds for $50.00 per night. Contact We hope you can attend this informative tour! the rectory office for more information. Thank you very much. De Sales Heritage Planned Giving Foundation Please remember St. Francis de Sales Oratory in your Will or Living Trust. An appropriate Will or The DeSales Heritage Foundation is in existence Trust provision would be: since January 2018. This entity is a public chari- ty, tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code "I give __________ to The Friends of St. Fran- (IRC) Section 501(c)(3). All donations made to cis de Sales Oratory, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, the Foundation are therefore tax deductible ac- for the Oratory's unrestricted use." cording to IRC Section 170. The governing in- strument of this Foundation provides that its pur- Insurance Assessment pose is to promote and support the restoration, The Oratory’s biggest annual financial obligation preservation and improvement of our church continues to be that of our property and liability in- building, an historically and architecturally signif- surance assessed by the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. icant structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This narrow objective is meant to Our 2019-2020 insurance assessment is $96,467.00. encourage companies, associations and other enti- We are relying on your continuous prayers and gen- ties that may not wish to support religion, as such, erous donations which you exercise by using the to contribute to the important cause of the restora- “insurance envelope” and by your restricted gifts. tion of our magnificent church. Please help us off set this cost by donating today. Thank you very much! Many corporations match donations made by employees to a recognized non-profit, such as DeSales Heritage Foundation. Please inquire Stewardship about your company’s employee gift matching July 2019 - June 2020 program and guidelines. Weekly Collection Goal: $8,000.00 If you need to provide details to qualify DeSales Last Week’s Collection: March 1 Heritage Foundation for your company’s pro- gram, please contact Mr. Charles A. Redd at (314) Envelopes Mailed: 213 259-4534 or [email protected]. Envelopes Turned In: 128 We Need Your Help! Loose: $1,669.00 The Oratory could not operate without the help of Envelopes: $5,786.00 TOTAL: $7,455.00 volunteers! If you have any interest, skill, or ser- vice you would like to offer, or help with handy- man or cleaning tasks around the Oratory, such YTD Stewardship Goal: $280,000.00 as: plumbing, carpentry, furniture repair, concrete YTD Stewardship: $301,280.19 repair, window and screen repair, wall paper- YTD Surplus/Deficit: $21,280.19 ing, sewing, and housecleaning. Insurance Assessment 2018-2019 Contact the rectory office at: (314) 771-3100. $96,467.00 Pipe Organ Campaign 2019/20 $38,221.50 YTD Campaign Goal: $400,000.00 Handicapped Parking on Lynch Amount Pledged: $60,547.00 It has been brought to our attention that vehicles Received Pledge: $31,041.57 without handicapped license plates or placards Non Pledge Donations: $118,836.26 have been using the handicapped parking on 277 Households - 224 Households Participating Lynch Street. Please leave those spots open. Sursum Corda Requiescat in Pace Lenten Day of Recollection In your charity, please pray for the soul of Mr. Sursum Corda will host a Resplenduit retreat this Kurt Wiener, father of our former rector, Canon lent at St. Francis de Sales Oratory. On Saturday, Michael Wiener, who passed away in Germany on March 4th. March 14 a retreat will begin at 10am and end around 4pm. Members of Sursum Corda as well Please also pray for the soul of Clifta Cartwright as young adults 18-35 are encouraged to make who passed away on March 1st. Clifta was a long this event part of their lenten spiritual program. time good friend of the Oratory. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let Register for Confirmation perpetual light shine upon them. Amen. Holy Sacrament of Confirmation May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in November 7, 2020 at 10:30AM peace.
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