tlldlnts 'stu~nta -ho Seroing The State Univer ity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City shinilon Iaat '11)1" 'under I tile Ole . a ~~~~~~~~~~------~~~~------------~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~--------------~~------~~~~~~~~~---Established in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Wire and Photo Service Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday. April 19, 1956 ressman~ uss "POlitiq mlnCnt" duro IJob Outlook for June Grads-- After' the Civil Wedding ~ seSSiona II J lfudent. will IIot h JI8Iilea udent P8rtlci. u.s., "Reds Need for. Commerce, -aliled mania lC~rty of the • tlis Rises itt SU I .. Irt!,!cnt, who Hos pita! Sua. (Third In I Wi.. on Imployment Ind job ...,lil8blllty for SUI Irld•. I Ag:r,'e 0 was llsted III lpital o[ficiab \ B~ DAROLD POWERS Ind BILL KNOWLES Demand for cvmmerce graduates h\ls risen and will continue to rise. g pbysician, Dean Sidney G. Winter of the SUI College of Commerce predicted reo lid be got the cently. I a week.!oat Greatest demand Cor persons trained in commerce is In the fields or cal, Canada, business education, accounting. management and marketing, Win· and that studcnts going to work . ld to rcS\1J1le ter said. Ato'mUnit {or them must be highly·trained .es sometime Most June com· . tcchnically. merce graduates :: . More College of Commerce will accept em· : sur l graduates go Into small businesses Model-Tis or Hot· Rods, Would Push ployment In busi­ than Ul0se of other schools, Winter litiS or industry noted. at salaries be· · Still Fail ' Drivers tween $325 and : In the light of these facts, he Peaceful Use .' ~ :I month, the criticized wiu)t he called the fal· . Grlndp. had I bI. probl.m with hi. Model T, .nd M. Jrlndaonl Journal of Colle!:e. lacy that one dn get a good job .re mMti"l the ..me ..,..olem w(t. ~r lutomatlC, __up clra Placem e n t re­ in business or industry. even iI he of toda~ • . b..-kdawn,_ , ports. The salary has no techn,ical training. R.,I"'." ef .... ..fety equipment, .... I&lxurleu. automobll" In UN Agency • graduate reo WINTER Importl"t Fleet. new being drIven I" AmlriCI .tlII1 b,...k down. eelves Is commensurate with the By tcchnical training, Winter e.timlte. blHd on reports frem mere than II,'" ••r .... under WASIIINGTON 1.4'! - The Uolted technicality and spccififity of the means that a student must grasp contr.ct with the Americln A&ltOfNblle A_lltlon dtow thlt the Stales, Russia, and ten other na· work. while in college important facets nltiCN\'. motorists h.d 50 million auto brelkdownl in 1955. Moter ¥e. tions agreed Wednesday on the However, most commerce grads of thc ficld in which he majors. hlcl. revi,trltion. number 60 million. basic form of an international realize the oft ..quoted difference Some jobs require specific tech· Thew fl.u .... _re tlbulated '""" .... AA/I,', Innu~1 cIII. for "atoms for peace" charter. between a career and job. They nical training in such fields as ac· emerteftCy "rYlce. The .e.,.r.1 1N"... r of the AA/I, MotlN' Club of Il carried through, it would set I_I, John Doyl., .Iid the nltlonal .verl,e of • little ' ••1 than _ strongly lend to gain sound footing counting and marketing. In other liP an inlernational atomic energy in a career at a somewhat low('r positions, complete knowledge o! cIIl for eye,.., clr II.. Ippll•• to Itwl. > agency \.0 promote use of atomic salary. rather than sell their serv­ alJ realms of commcrce is neces· Clr r.,iftrltion•• croa, the ".tIO!' .... " ..riy 7 per cent ,tNt.r energy for power, medical research ices to the highest bidder. .. sary. in 19S5 th." the VHr befero, Ind AAA fi.ure, show thlt luto break· and other peaceful purposes . downs Increl ..d more thin 9 per cent. Smlll Bu.ln.... 1 "Any studcnt who has cvidence Others in on the agreements ore FI.t tlrel tapped the of brttok.WIt. *-Il_ed ltV IN""" .nd Large Industrial concerns can he has profited from bis college Ji.t Great Britain, France, Canada, electricil trouble, lenition Ind tow jolla. train new employes in a technical education, who has reasonably Australia. Belgium. Portugal, In· field, if they.arc familiar with {un· dia, Brazil, Czechoslovakia lind damentals, Winter said. But he warned that small businesses can. JOB OUTLOOK- South Africa. , not carry on extensive training, (Co ntinued on 1Joge 6) Parker's :'Confession' . The dra rt charter will be pre· sented for further consideration at a general international conference on peaceful uses oC the atom to be May Conclemn Land A·dmiffed· as Evidence held at United Nations headquar. Princess Grace and. Prince Rainier LINCOLN t.fI-The "confession" given authorities by murder defen­ ters in New York in September. As They Appeared at a Ballet Prrformance After Thei,. Wedding dant Darrel F. Parker was admitted in evidence at Parker's trial Wed· All In Flvor For Highway 6 Route nesday after expert testimony by two of the nation 's top criminologists. A comunique announcing th e One of the witness~s was Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, University of Cali. agreement said that "while several A.MES t.B-Land along thc proposed route (or the Highway 6 bypas~ * * * fornia phychiatrist and one time -----------­ delegations participating in this of Iowa City may be condemned. Emory Loomis, acting chairman o! chief psychiatrist Cor the Allied meetlng reserved their posi tions on the state highway commission, said Wednesday. May.ner Real Red Leaders .certain detailS, all delegatio!,s vot­ Religious War Crimes Council at the Nurcm· Loomis added two other alternqtives; abandonment of the projects 01 ed in fa vor of tbe statule as; a . ber:g trJ,aI S". .l . , 1 ' an attempt by the commiSSion to 'Whole." .' .., Ceremony 'I1ie other was John E. Reid, thc Russia was reported . to' hav'e find another route {or the highway, N.J~ · 'Wi,nner' fiair made ' DA'''ket ftlanl In London Chicaco ciimlholoeist J and ",lie de· iubs~nt l ill ' cQnces sl~n ~ ~ An appraiser, E. V. John, {ron' which ' fac1l£tated the (ino) ag~. " N~WA~K, N. J. 1.4'1 - Gov. Rob· LONDON 1.4'1 - Soviet Russia's teclorexpert whO; :took Parker's .. , i . the American Institute of Apprais ment. The Soviets were said .to ' ~ rt B. Meyner, a dark horse pOssib· leaders, Nikolai Bulganin and Ni­ Is Today slgned statemetl~ one. week' aCte~ )lave giVen UP their earlier InsIst . ai, was hired by the commission \:( .'Ilty for ~h e Democratic presiden. kita Kbrushchev, came to Britain &. " recy Ll1fted the strllngled body ()f Parker's 22· ence that the ageqcy s hould get figures on the land needed for tlal ()f vice·presidential nomina· MONTE CARLO IThursday) \A')­ Wednesday proclaiming themselves ~ . es­ tablished' in SUCll Ii way as be Sec the by·pass. tion, emerged Wednesday as the Newly marri~d Prince Rainier III good neighbors. British crowds year.old wife Nancy was found at to subject to the Big Power vetp · in Wlnta AlrHment ?Ort;t"s real winner in New Jer· and Princess Grace took their first greeted them with thin cheers, the couple's home in Lincoin. CANOGA PARK, Calif. 1.4'1- The ~ey's primary. night out as man and wife at a some boos and spoofing curiosity. Parker is on, tdal for first degree the UN Security Council. ' 0( the secrecy surrounding what Loomis said the appraiser's fig· The lormttla understood to have Meyner led an un pledged slate flashy ballel gala. Prime Minister Anthony Eden murder. ' ures would be checked and til< been adopted provi~ed that the may be the world's most advanced Today they will be married £i. and Forei~ Secretary Selwyn Iowa's ple.a 5 a·n t, rain·less ~ f ' Democratic convention delegates Jleid teslified that Parkcr', %4. agency would report to the Secur­ faclllties for . testing the world's owners oC the land again would Ix' nallY as Roman Catholics. Lloyd dined with Bulganin and ', we,atller is expected,. to 'continue Ehat administered a smashing de· year·old former Lincoln city forest· ity Council and General Assembly most powerful rockets, contacted in hopes of reaching an (eat tp Sen. Estes Kefauver. Ten hours aftcr their civil wed· Khrushchev Wednesday night at at least through Friday. er, broke down and .cried early in but would not be under their direct ·Newsmen were permitted to de· agreement. If settlements are no! In the delegate balloting, the ding Wedne day, they drove in the Claridges, the lUXUry hotel where The Weather Buteau predicted Qperating con~oL scribe a yisit to the Air Force evcning Monaco's ornate opera the Russians have taken rayol 'mostl; fair and mIld day for reached, then the commission young bachelor governor got 3S'1\! to a Ike Pro.,...1 Propulsion Field Laboratory, in 'If the state's 36 convenUon votes. house in their wedding gift Roils· suites on the (jrst floor. eager goUers. could condemn the land needed. The proposal Cor an international the Santa Susana Mountains, 35 Kelauver got one·hall vote. The Royce. There they began informal talkS Hllbs ·between 55 ao.d!65 is ex· miles northwest of Los Angeles. The report ol the appraiser prob· Tennessean had campaigned vigor. Went Separate Ways on the East·West issues. Official 15J!J ' SlIM .(;)u;)8e .(JJ9U3 J!uiOlll ~cted today. ma~e by Pres\6en\ E\sennower }n where they witnessed the testing ably will not be available lor about ously ,in the state for six days and In the opera house, richly dress­ conferences start today on such of component parts of a tremen· problems as German reunification, Friday sbould be:mostly lair a speech to the General Assembly 60 days, he said.
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