Oswestry Rural Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 31 January 2017, in Maesbury WI Hut starting at 7pm Present: Councillors: R Milton (Chair), J Barlow, P Broomby, W Cheetham, J Court, P Davies, S Jones, M Lee, P Milner E Roberts-Jones and K Swindells Shropshire Councillor: J Barrow Clerk: C Warner Members of the Public: 12 01/17 Public Participation Period A resident from Morda asked questions which the Clerk answered regarding Shropshire Council’s Local Plan Partial Review and its impact on the Parish. A resident from Woolston brought the Council’s attention to traffic issues in Woolston. A resident from Morda brought the Council’s attention to the poor management of open spaces in Morda around Glentworth. He asked the Council to consider taking on management from Shropshire Council. A representative from Trefonen Rural Protection Group brought the Council’s attention to the fact that Shropshire Council’s Local Plan Partial Review could result in taking key decisions away from local councils. She asked the Council to clarify the ‘noting’ of the Trefonen, Treflach and Nantmawr Village Design Statement (VDS) and whether it would have the same status as the previous VDS Mr Arthur Brown apologised for missing the December meeting due to a family emergency and spoke in connection with his application for Parish Councillor. 02/17 Apologies for absence: Cllrs V Byrne, P May and A Milner (accepted). 03/17 Minutes The minutes of the Meeting held on 20 December 2016 were approved and signed. 04/17 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: a. Members were reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. Cllr M Lee advised he may have to leave the meeting for item 6c (Planning) due to the perception of bias and predetermination. b. To consider any requests for Dispensation None c. Members were reminded that they are required to declare any acceptance of gifts and hospitality. 05/17 Police Report No report had been received. Clerk: Carole Warner, Orchard Cottage, Rowe Lane, Welshampton, Ellesmere, SY12 0QB Tel. 01948 710672 email: [email protected] www.oswestryrural-pc.gov.uk 06/17 Planning a. Decisions Received - noted i. 16/04350/FUL and 16/04351/LBC Plas Pentre Cefn Farm, Craig-llwyn, SY10 9BJ Repairs and alterations to barn to form ancillary accommodation Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC Support) b. Applications Received - to consider response i. 16/04624/FUL Black Country Metal Works Ltd, Whitehall Farm, Queens Head, SY11 4JH Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for change of use of land and buildings; erection of extensions to form enterprise centre; formation of visitor parking areas, camping field, nature reserve and children's play area; provision of external display areas and alterations to existing access and internal drive It was resolved to support the application subject to consideration being given to the access/exit arrangements and recommendations by Highways England. ii. 16/05744/FUL Weston Mill, Weston, Oswestry, SY10 9ES Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of greenhouse on concrete base It was resolved to support the application. iii. 17/00231/FUL Unit Mo37, Mile Oak Industrial Estate, Oswestry, SY10 8GA Erection of a storage area, proposed external fire escape and 3 No. additional car parking spaces It was resolved to support the application. c. Planning Application Update i. 16/01094/REM Proposed Residential Development Land At, Maesbury Marsh Reserved matters pursuant to Outline permission reference 14/02643/OUT for residential development to include access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale The Clerk advised that she was aware Shropshire Council had determined the application and the decision would be available in the next few days. d. Shropshire Council Local Plan Review It was agreed that Cllrs Court and Swindells would represent the Council at the SALC Oswestry meeting on 7 February and that consultation options would be considered by the Finance and Services Committee. e. Community Housing Fund It was agreed that it would be beneficial to understand the Scheme in more detail and a meeting with an advisor was requested f. Proposed Renewable Energy Park at Cefn y Maes, nr Rhydycroseau It was agreed that the Council should be kept informed of the planning application’s progress. 07/17 Councillor Vacancies (Trefonen with Treflach Ward) a. To confirm co-option procedures It was agreed normal voting procedures would be followed. b. To consider co-option of Parish Councillor It was resolved to co-opt Mr Arthur Brown as Councillor for Trefonen and Treflach Ward. Minutes 31 January 2017 2 of 5 08/17 Parish Clerk’s Report a. Parish Councillor email addresses The Clerk requested Councillors set up their new email addresses as soon as possible. b. Trefarclawdd Cemetery Improvements to Cremated Remains Area The Clerk confirmed she had written to all known grave holders and that notices had been placed around the Parish and in the Oswestry and Borders Advertizer. c. Newsletter Content was agreed and Cllrs Milton, Barrow and Jones were appointed to the ‘Sign Off’ Task and Finish Group. 09/17 Financial Matters a. Balances for Information Noted b. Outstanding accounts The following accounts were approved for payment: C Warner £1,124.25 Wem Rural PC £82.27 Morda & Sweeney VH £150.00 Scottish Power £709.37 Highline Electrical Ltd £115.80 M Evans £18.00 c. Community Grant Applications It was resolved that the application from Morton Playing Field Association, received after the published deadline, could not be considered as it could set a precedent for future years. It was agreed to carry forward the budget allocation to 2017/18. d. Precept and Budget 2017/18 The Budget was approved and the Precept set for £42,000 e. Audit Programme 2016/17 The Audit Programme was approved f. Internal Auditor 2016/17 Linda West was appointed as Internal Auditor 10/17 Finance and Service Committee Draft minutes from meeting held on 10 January 2017 were noted and the following recommendations were approved: A new notice board for the Cemetery funded by Neighbourhood Funds. Levelling of the graves identified by the grounds maintenance contractor. The contractor’s concerns regarding the Ash tree was noted and it would be monitored. 11/17 Freedom of Information Publication Scheme It was resolved to re-approve the prepared Publication Scheme 12/17 Councillor Reports a. Parish Councillors Cllr Jones reported she had attended a Rhydcroesau Village Hall Management Committee meeting and a Racecourse Management Association meeting. b. Shropshire Councillor Minutes 31 January 2017 3 of 5 Cllr Barrow reported the Morda Fete was now to take place on 9 July, the Minister of State at the Department for Transport, the Rt Hon John Hayes CBE MP, was to visit North Shropshire on Thursday 2 March and Bus Passes for the elderly would now be automatically renewed. Cllr Barrow left the meeting. 13/17 Parish Matters a. Annual Parish Meeting It was resolved to set the date of Tuesday 23 May 2017. The venue and format would be discussed at the February meeting. b. Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute 11 November 2018 It was agreed to delegate this to the Finance and Services Committee to progress. c. Environmental Incident, Morda, 20 January 2017 The Clerk reported the Environment Agency had confirmed the situation was now improving but regular monitoring was still taking place. The cause of the pollutant entering the river had not yet been established. It was agreed to send a message of thanks to the Environment Agency and Shropshire Council for their quick response and actions. 14/16 Highways a. Safer Roads Partnership monitoring in Trefonen and Maesbury It was noted that of the 127 notices 8 had been issued in Trefonen and 119 in Maesbury. b. Shropshire Council’s Minor Highways and Environmental Maintenance Grant Scheme It was agreed to delegate a review of the scheme to the Finance and Services Committee. 15/17 Consultations a. Shropshire Council Bus Strategy 2017-2021 It was agreed the Chair would ask an appropriate parishioner to complete the consultation. 16/17 Date of future meeting and to consider agenda items: 28 February 2017 (Morda Village Hall) Agenda items: Traffic issues in Woolston, Treflach and Weston Lane/Weston and dog fouling in Maesbury. 17/17 Resolved: That under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the item of business numbered 18, 19 and 20 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the likely disclosure of confidential and/or commercial information. 18/17 Actions following report from Parish Council’s Solicitors regarding Assets – to consider and agree course of action The Clerk’s research to date was noted and further investigation was required. 19/17 Amenity Land within the Parish – to consider transfer from / financial contributions to Shropshire Council and agree course of action Minutes 31 January 2017 4 of 5 Discussions continued and it was agreed the Finance and Services Committee would review options. 20/17 United Reformed Church Cemeteries in the Parish The Clerk’s update was noted and she was instructed to write to the Church. The Chair, Cllr Milton, declared the meeting closed at 9.20pm Signed………………………………………………….. Date…………………………… Minutes 31 January 2017 5 of 5 .
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