State Government Private Colleges and Universities Federal Government Private, nonprofi t colleges and universities are included in this sec- tion. Private schools are privately owned and operated and, in addi- tion to tuition and fees charged to students, receive a major portion Public Universities of their funding from private donations. All of the four-year private colleges and universities offer a bach- elor’s degree, while some offer a certifi cate, associate, master’s Private Colleges and/or doctoral degree program. and Universities Some schools chose not to participate or did not return information in time to be included in this edition of Affording Higher Educa- Public tion. Two-Year Colleges Trade Schools Companies and Organizations Index Private Colleges and Universities Birmingham-Southern College Scholarships ___________________________________ Students may not combine academic, Trustee Scholarship Birmingham- fi ne arts and/or honors scholarships Award: Varies; renewable unless specifi ed in writing from the Southern college. Except with the McWane, Vesta Fine and Performing Arts and Thomas Jernigan scholarships, the Scholarships College total scholarship (non-need-based) awards to students cannot exceed full Awarded to talented high school seniors tuition. This also pertains to students Contact: Financial Aid Offi ce, 900 who compete on campus on Fine Arts receiving tuition exchange and tuition Arkadelphia Road, Birmingham, AL Scholarship Day in February. remission benefi ts and any National 35254; phone (205) 226-4688; fax Deadline: To compete, entering students Merit/Achievement awards from the (205) 226-3082; e-mail fi [email protected]; must complete a reservation form, ob- college or any other entity. website www.bsc.edu tainable from the Offi ce of Admission, and return it by February 1. Grants Academic Scholarships Art Scholarship Alabama Student B. B. Comer Teacher Eligibility: Based on a portfolio and a Assistance Program Grant Education Scholarship personal interview or on 3-dimensional See page 8 for details. Eligibility: Must be a fi rst-year student work presented through slides or pho- ___________________________________ from Alabama, be committed to becom- tographs. Alabama Student Grant ing a teacher in Alabama and submit a ___________________________________ See page 8 for details. separate application. Dance Scholarship ___________________________________ Award: $3,000; renewable Eligibility: Must be well versed in clas- BSC Grant-in-Aid Contact: Offi ce of Admission, Box sical ballet techniques. Determined by ___________________________________ 549008, Birmingham, AL 35254 audition. Federal Academic ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Arthur M. Freeman Music Scholarship See page 17 for details. Health Careers Scholarship Eligibility: Determined by audition and ___________________________________ Eligibility: Must be an entering fi rst-year interview. Composition students should Federal National Sciences student planning to pursue a career in a submit a portfolio of 1 or 2 written com- and Mathematics Access to health-related fi eld. positions or a tape of a performance of Retain Talent Grant (SMART) ___________________________________ a composition. See page 18 for details. Elizabeth Rose Hayes Scholarship Contact: Music Offi ce, Box 549033, ___________________________________ Eligibility: Must be an entering fi rst-year Birmingham, AL 35254 for details Federal Pell Grant student planning a career in a health- ___________________________________ See page 17 for details. related fi eld. Theatre Arts and ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Musical Theatre Scholarship Federal Supplemental Mason–Williamson Small Eligibility: Determined by audition and Educational Opportunity Grant Business Career Scholarship interview. Theatre auditionees should See page 18 for details. Eligibility: Must be an entering fi rst- prepare 2 monologues no longer than 2 year student, pursue a business career minutes each. Musical theatre auditio- Loans and submit an essay. nees should prepare 16 measures each Federal Perkins Loan Award: $2,000; renewable from 2 Broadway songs contrasting in See page 18 for details. tempo. Accompanist provided. ___________________________________ Contact: Offi ce of Admission, Box 549008, Birmingham, AL 35254 Contact: Music Offi ce, Box 549033, Federal PLUS Loan (FFELP) ___________________________________ Birmingham, AL 35254 See page 7 for details. ___________________________________ Virginia and Anna Praytor Scholarship Federal Stafford Loan (FFELP) Honors Scholarships Eligibility: Must be an entering fi rst- See page 7 for details. year student from the Birmingham City Honors scholarships are awarded Schools. through the Honors Scholarship Com- ___________________________________ petition. Selection is made on Janu- Presidential Honors Scholarship ary 15. They are based on academic Award: Varies; renewable Alabama Student Loan Program–The Student Loan People 109 Affording Higher Education 2006–2007 Private Colleges and Universities Birmingham-SouthernBirmingham-Souther n College achievements indicated by high school ___________________________________ ___________________________________ transcripts, standardized test scores, McWane Honors Award George I. Alden Trust Scholarship extracurricular activities and the inter- Eligibility: By nomination only. ___________________________________ view and essay completed during the Award: Supports diverse experiences H. L. Aldridge Memorial/ competition. such as summer travel, special periods M. L. Smith Scholarship of study at American or foreign universi- ___________________________________ Anne and Neal Berte ties, internships and varied special proj- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Y. Honors Scholarship ects. Includes a full-tuition scholarship Anderson III Scholarship Eligibility: Based on scholastic achieve- plus $11,000 stipend each year. ___________________________________ ment, leadership activities, essay and ___________________________________ Raymond F. Anderson Scholarship personal interview. Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship Eligibility: Must be concentrating Award: Full tuition Award: Full tuition studies in music. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Blount–Monaghan–Vulcan Colonel William James and Charlotte F. Andress Scholarship Materials Honors Scholarship Elizabeth Perry Rushton Eligibility: Must major in chemistry. Award: 4-year full tuition Scholarship ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Eligibility: Must be an entering fi rst- Douglas Arant Scholarship Tinsley Randolph year student and demonstrate superior Eligibility: Preference given to a student Harrison Scholarship academic achievement, outstanding preparing for a career in law. Eligibility:Must be an entering fi rst-year character, potential for leadership and ___________________________________ student planning to pursue a career in concern for others. Troy G. Arnold Jr. Scholarship medicine. Selected by the Health Profes- Award: Full tuition; renewable for 4 years Eligibility: Must be a Methodist sions Advisory Committee. ministerial student. Recipient may be ___________________________________ named by the donor or the minister of Endowed Scholarships Jimmie and Emil Hess Scholarship the First United Methodist Church of in the Fine and Performing Arts Administered by the Financial Aid Of- Birmingham. Eligibility: Must demonstrate excep- fi ce and awarded based on demonstrated ___________________________________ tional achievement and promise in the need. If a Free Application for Federal Sheila D. Atchison Scholarship fi ne and performing arts. Student Aid (FAFSA) is fi led, no other Eligibility: Must major in art. Recom- ___________________________________ application is necessary. Only scholar- mended by the art faculty. Thomas E. Jernigan Honor ships endowed in the amount of $10,000 ___________________________________ Scholarship Program or more are listed below. Unless other- C. Louis Atkinson Scholarship Eligibility: Must demonstrate fi nancial wise stated, scholarship recipient may be ___________________________________ need, superior academic achievement, any worthy and deserving student. Ramon J. Baker Scholarship outstanding character and potential for Eligibility: Preference given to a student leadership, a strong personal work ethic Judy and Harold Abroms from Decatur or Morgan County. as evidenced by a successful history Scholarship ___________________________________ of after-school and summer jobs, and Eligibility: Preference given to an out- Reverend Robert Lee willingness to earn at least 10% of total standing student in the liberal arts. Baker Scholarship expenses through work-study and/or ___________________________________ Eligibility:Preference given to a student other employment. Must maintain 3.0 or William P. Acker Scholarship preparing for full-time Christian service higher GPA and exhibit high integrity, ___________________________________ and to an applicant recommended by the individual responsibility and respect for Ralph W. Adams Scholarship Baker family. traditional values. Eligibility: Based on fi nancial need and ___________________________________ Award: 90% of direct costs (tuition, fees, academic achievement. Jean and Carl F. Bailey Scholarship room and board) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Bess
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