System of Ophthalmology

System of Ophthalmology

INDEX The figures in bold face type indicate the number of a page containing an ilhistration in the text; those in italics indicate the number of a page showing a marginal illustration. Acipenser median eye, 713 Aard-vark, 442, 445 pupil, 317 cornea, keratinized, 456 fulvescens, visual cells, 320 nictitating membrane, 493 ruthenus, 317 pupil, 472 eye, 318 Ablepharus, secondary spectacle, 366, 367 sturio, eye, 275 Abyssal habit, degenerate eyes due to, 722 Acnidaria, 182 Acanthephyra, bioluminescence in, 742,743 See also Coelenterates, Comb-jellies. Acarines, 216 Acone eye, 167 eyes of, 216 Acrania. See Cephalochordata. vision of, 579 Acrida turrita, colour changes in, 94 Accipiter, Miiller's ciliary muscle, 406 Acrobates. See Flying phalanger. orbit, 423 Actinia, phototactic reactions of, 571 Accommodation in invertebrates, 590 Actinopterygii, 234, 235 in vertebrates, 640 Acuity of vision. See Visual acuity. amjahibians, 647 Adiposo -genital dystrophy, 560 ainphibious animals, 654 Adrenal gland, hormones and, 550 birds, 651 Aedes, scototaxis in, 60 chelonians, 651, 652 Aegd, telotaxis in, 56 crocodilians, 651 Aeglina prisca, 157 cyclostomes, 644 eyes of, 157 lacertilians, 651 Aeschna, 225 mammals, 652, 653 larvae, optic ganglia, activity of, 524 sauropsidans, 649, 650 optomotor response of, 589 selachians, 647 califoniica, 222 snakes, 648 Esthetes, in Chiton, 196 teleosts, 645, 646 Agama agama, 359 dynamic, 644 iris, 359, PI. V muscle of, in Alciopa, 591 Agaricus olearius, bioluminescence in, 737 in cephalopods, 590 Aggregate eyes, 151 in snakes, 387 Agnatha, 233 See also Ciliary muscles, jiineal organ in, 713 pecten and. 416 See also Cyclostomes. static, 640 Agwantibo, 443 structure of retina and, 656 See also Lemuroids, Priniates. Acerentomon, 218 AhcetuUa picta, iris, 387 Achias rothschildi, 223 Alaurina prolifera, ocelli of, 188 Acholoe, bioluminescence in, 742, 744 Alburnus, colour preference in, 624 Acilius larva, tlermal sensitivity, 114 lucidus, migration of pigment in, 615 eye and cerebral ganglion, 519 visual pigments, 121 Acipenser, 315 Alcedo, 417 anterior chamber, 319 bifoveate retina, 417 choroid, 319 vision of, 641, 655 780 INDEX Alciopa, 192 Amphibians, colour changes in, 82 accommodation in, 591 control of, 97, 558 ocelli of, 143, 192 mechanism of, 86 Alligator, 375 pineal organ and, 719 brain, 533 rhythmic, 20 visual acuity, 665 colour vision in, 627 field, binocular, 682 ojitomotor reaction and, 623 chinensis, fundus, PI. VIII dermatoptic sensitivity of, 32 mississippiensis, visual cells, 377 eyes of, 334 j^. Allolohophora, conditioning of, 573 degenerate, 726, 730 Alouatta. See Monkey, howling. fore-brain, 543 Alytes obstetricans, 334 removal of, 545 colour blindness of, 628 iris, contraction to light, 89 pupil of, 339 lateral geniculate body, 541 Amhlyomma pomposum, 217 mid-brain, 535 Amblyopsidse, 725 migration of retinal pigment, 614 Amhlyopsis, degenerate eyes in, 726 visual cells, 616 Amblyrhynchus cristahis, 356 movement, perception of, 705 Ambystoma tigrinum, 334, 346 neuro -endocrine system, 557 eyes of, 346, 728 nocturnality of, 603 larva. See Axolotl. ocular movements of, 694 Ameiurus, 307 optic thalamvis, 540 colour changes in, 97 pineal apparatus, 714 eyes of, 725 function of, 719 larvae, phototaxis in, 46 primitive, 234, 235 optic nerve, 310 pupillary reactions, 89, 700 visual cells, 307 refraction of, 638 migration of, 616 reproductive cycle in, 17 Amia, 279, 321 rods, thickening of, 611 choroidal gland, 321 spatial judgiuent of, 702 colour vision in, 624 tectum, 534 cornea, 295 telencephalon, 543 eye of, 276, 321 vision of, 599 median eye of, 713 visual acuity of, 661 visual cells, 321 field, binocular. 682 migration of, 614 pathways of, 537, 544 Ammocoetes, 92, 260 I^igments of, 121 colour changes in, 92 See also Anurans, Cfecilians, Urodeles. eyes of, 261 Amphibious eyes in fishes, 324 light-sensitive cells in tail, 132, 263 vertebrates, accommodation in, 654 median eye of, 717 duplicated optical system, 641 optic nerve, 270 Amphioxus, 229 Amtnomanes, camouflage in. 83 cells of Joseph, 229 Ammophila, mnemotaxis in, 79 infundibular organ, 229 Amoeba proteus, 179, 180 nerve-cord, 239^ 530 diffuse sensitivity of, 113 nervous system, 530 photokinesis in, 35 organs of Hesse, 230 Amphibians, 333 vertebrate eye developed from, 244 accommodation in, 647 Amphiporus, 189 brain, 533 ocelli of, 189 transection of, 534 Amphisbcena punctata, degenerate eyes of, ciliary ganglion, 501 733 cochlea, 534 Amphisbaenidse, 733 INDEX 781 Amphisbsenidse, degenerate eyes of, 733 Annular pad, characteristics in AmphitretMS, 203 monotremes, 436 tubular eyes of, 203 snakes, 389 Amphimna, 349 Sphenodon, 381 eyes of, 349 accommodation and, 649, 650 Anahas, accommodation in, 654 Anodonta, 201 Anableps tetrophthalmus, 325 dermal sensitivity in, 114, 574 ciliary processes, 301 eyes absent in, 201, 722 eyes of, 324, 326 Anolis, 361 optics, 642 bifoveate retina, 365, 366 vision of, 641, 655 colour changes in, 87, 98, 105 Anangiotic retina, 480 control of, 558 Anax, dorsal light reaction in, 74 rhythmic, 20 optomotor response, 589 vision of, 629 Ancala fasciata, eyes of, 222 parietal eye, 717 Angle gainma, 673 transparent eyelids, 366 in vertebrates, 676, 677 alligator, eyelids, 366 Anguilla, 46 fundus, 361, PI. VI colour changes in, 96 argenteolus, eyelids, 367 cornea, 295 carolinensis, reproductive cycle in, 17 growth of eye of, 273 lucius, eyelids, 367 migration of rods, 614 Anomalops katoptron, luminous organ in, optic nerve of, 311 737, 738 phototaxis in, 46 Anopheles, scototaxis in, 60 retinal vascularization, 300 Anophthalmus, dermal sensitivity in, 114 viveal tract, 299 eyes lacking in, 724 Anguis fragilis, 363 Anoplura, 218, 220 colour vision in, 629 eyes of, 221 conus, 363 See, also Pediculus. parietal eye, 715, 718 Anoptichthys jorduni, degenerate eyes in, function of, 719 725 visual field, binocular, 682 Anser, brain, 533 Amelia, visual cells of, 364 Anseriformes, annular jaad, 409 Annelids, 190 infula, 417 dermal sensitivity in, 114 pecten, 412, 414 eyes of, 190 See also Ducks, Cereopsis, etc. light-sense in, 572 Ant, 219 nerve-net, 516 eyeless types, 729 nervous system, 519, 520 homing of, 68 neuro -endocrine system, 550, 552 menotaxis in, 68 See also Polychsetes, Oligochsetes, ocelli, 224 Leeches. time-memory in, 22 Annular ligament, characteristics in vision of, 582, 585 chondrosteans, 317 white. See Termites. holosteans, 321 Ant-eaters, 445 lamprey, 267 banded, 437 teleosteans, 295 vision of, 601 pad, characteristics in giant, 600 birds, 409 spiny. See Echidna. chelonians, 372 Antelope, 446 crocodilians, 377 Anterior chamber angle, characteristics in lacertilians, 360, 361 birds, 404, 405 marsupials, 439 chelonians, 372 782 INDEX Anterior chamber angle, characteristics in Aphaniptera, 219, 220 chondrosteans, 317, 319 Aphid, 225 coelacanth, 315 eyes of, 224, 225 crocodilians, 376 Aphis forbesi, reproductive cycle in, 17 dipnoans, 313 Aphrophora spumaria larva, ocellus of, holosteans, 321 140 lacertilians, 359 Aphyonus, degenerate eyes of, 724 marsupials, 439 Apis, 58 placentals, 464, 465 colour vision in, 587, 588 selachians, 285 conditioning of, 583, 588 snakes, 386 cornea, transparency of, 584 Sphenodon, 380, 381 luminosity-curve of, 585 teleosts, 303 ommatidial angle of, 172, 173 urodeles, 347 orientation to jDolarized light, 66, 70 pad of lens, in snakes, 389 spectral sensitivity of, 585 Antholoha, phototactic reaction of, 571 telotaxis in, 56, 58 Anthozoa, 182 vision of, 584, 585 See also Sea-anemone, Coelenterates. Aplocheilichthys, iris, PI. II Anthrohia, eyes lacking in, 724 Apoda, 333 Anthropoidea, 443 eyes, rudimentary, of, 730 area centralis, 485 pineal organ, 714 colour vision in, 635 vision of, 599 diurnal, 604 Apodernus. See Mouse, field- fovea, 659 Apposition eye, 169, 173 nocturnal. See Nyctipithecus. Apteryx, 397, 398, 604 optic axis, 688 annular pad, 409 orbit, 498 extinction of, 604 visual field, binocular, 689 eyes of, 401 See also Apes, Primates. fundus, 410, PI. XII Antilocapra. See Pronghorn. pecten, 411, 413, 414 Anurans, 334 refraction of, 639 accomniodation in, 648 Apus (Triops), 76, 208 colour vision in, 627 dorsal light reaction in, 75 eyes of, ZMff., 336, PI. Ill eyes of, 209 I lateral line organs, 534 Aquatic placentals, 502 migration of retinal pigment, 614 choroid, 457 visual cells, 616 keratinization of cornea, 456 ocular movements in, 694 lacrimal passages absent, 494 pineal organ, 714 lens, 474 refraction of, 638 ocular adnexa, 501 vision of, 599 sclera, 450 visual acuity of, 661 shape of eye, -448 field, binocular, 682 sphincter muscle, 468 Seealso Hyla, Rana, Xenopiis, etc. See also Cetaceans, Pinnipedes, etc. Apes, anthropoid, 443 vertebrates, lateral line, 534 ciliary region, 461, 463 Aqueous humour, drainage of, in mam- Harder 's gland, 494 mals, 472 Moll's gland, 492 origin of, in cyclostomes and fishes, pectinate ligament, 464 267 vision of, 602 Arachnids, 211 colour, 635 eyes of, 211 visual field, binocular, 689 compound, 160 See also Primates, Chimpanzee, etc. inverted retinae in, 149 INDEX 783 Arachnids, luminous organs in, 740 A rniad ill id i urn , 4 5 neuro -endocrine system, 552 tropotaxis in, 54 vision of, 579 alteration of resjionse, 45 visual centres, 524 Armadillo, 442, 445 Araneida, 213 cornea, keratinized, 456 eyes of, 213 pineal body absent ,711 nervous system, 521 retina, jjure-rod, 610 vision of, 579, 591 visual cells, 482 Araneus diadematus, 214 Arrow-worms, 194 eyes of, 213 See also Sagitta, Spadella. Area, eyes of, 151, 201 Artemia, 207 light

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