STATE COUNSELLOR’S SPEECH ON EFFORTS FOR NATIONAL RECONCILIATION AND PEACE P-6 (NATIONAL) NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL President U Htin Kyaw State Counsellor VP U Henry Van Thio meets Huge crowd gathers at returns from Bangkok, receives US Deputy with Myanmar Permanent Yangon City Hall to listen to Thailand Assistant Secretary Mission staff in New York State Counsellor’s speech PAGE-3 PAGE-3 PAGE-3 PAGE-10 Vol. IV, No. 156, 15th Waning of Tawthalin 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Wednesday, 20 September 2017 Aid for Rakhine discussed THE delegation led by Ms. Re- nata Dessallien, United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRC) and the delegation led by Mr. Pat- rick Murphy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Southeast Asia, called separately on Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister for So- cial Welfare, Relief and Resettle- ment, at the May Kha Lar Hall of the Office of the Ministry yester- day to discuss aid for Rakhine. “We had felt pleased and ac- knowledged the performances of the government for Rakhine State. We would like to help and cooperate in supporting food and commodities currently and in making rehabilitation and re- State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers the speech yesterday morning in Nay Pyi Taw on the government’s efforts in dealing with settlement more broadly in the national reconciliation and peace. The State Counsellor also addressed the crisis in northern Rakhine State PHOTO: AUNG SHINE OO long run. We would like the gov- ernment to help the local people to understand the tasks of the organizations as UN organisa- State Counsellor: ‘Myanmar tions and international NGOs are responsible to carry out duties according to organisations and their designated responsibilities. In providing subsidies, aid may does not fear world scrutiny’ differ depending upon kinds of sufferings. The fact should be STATE Counsellor Daw Aung the remarks in a speech deliv- Bangladesh and thousands of blame or abnegate responsibility. taken into consideration”, said San Suu Kyi yesterday con- ered from Nay Pyi Taw, in her others to temporary camps in We condemn all human rights Ms. Renata Dessallien. demned human rights viola- first address to the nation since southern Rakhine. violations and unlawful violence. In the meeting the British tions in Rakhine State and said the 25 August attacks by ARSA “There has been much con- We are committed to the resto- Ambassador said, “Now is the violators would be brought to extremist terrorists, which cern around the world with re- ration of peace, stability and the time to meet and discuss finding justice, and addressed interna- sparked a military response gard to the situation in Rakhine. rule of law throughout the state”, the ways and means to sufficient- tional concerns. that has forced thousands of It is not the intention of the My- Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said. ly provide humanitarian aid. The State Counsellor made refugees into neighbouring anmar government to apportion SEE PAGE-3 SEE PAGE-11 20 SEPTEMBER 2017 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than receives ICRC delegation’s head AMYOTHA Hluttaw Speaker ters relating to implementing Mahn Win Khaing Than re- the works of the ICRC in My- ceived Mr. Fabrizio Carboni, anmar and cooperation be- the head of the International tween the Hluttaw and ICRC Committee of the Red Cross were discussed. Present at the (ICRC) delegation in Myan- meeting were Amyotha Hlut- mar and party at the Amyotha taw Deputy Speaker U Aye Tha Hluttaw Building hall, Nay Pyi Aung and officials from the of- Taw, yesterday. fice of the Amyotha Hluttaw. During the meeting, mat- —Myanmar News Agency Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U Win Myint holds talks with Mr. Fabrizio Carboni, the head of the ICRC delegation in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker receives head of International Red Cross PYITHU Hluttaw Speaker U Myanmar at the Pyithu Hluttaw ICRC in Myanmar, education Win Myint received Mr. Fab- in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. programmes, workshops and rizio Carboni, the head of the During the meeting, views foreign training courses were Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than holds talks with Mr. International Committee of the on the process of humanitari- discussed. —Myanmar News Fabrizio Carboni, the head of the ICRC delegation. PHOTO: MNA Red Cross (ICRC) delegation in an aid being undertaken by the Agency High and mid-level Yunnan Province to build car factory in Mandalay Region By Ko Moe which are popular with youths,” ble, officials said. The YPGCC management courses Mr. Yan Yu, Vice-President said Mr Yan Yu. is also interested in investing of the Yunnan Provincial Gen- In doing so, necessary parts in the sectors of infrastructure for Hluttaw office staff eral Chamber of Commerce, are to be imported from abroad construction, human resource said entrepreneurs in Yunnan to be assembled in Myanmar, development, agriculture and Province, China are making ar- it was learnt, targeted at pro- transportation, it was learnt. rangements to set up a factory ducing approximately 10,000 Entrepreneurs in Yunnan to produce motor vehicles in cars per year. According to Mr Province have previously invest- Mandalay Region. Yan Yu, US$50 million will be ed in a hydro-power plant, the “In Myanmar people are invested for the first phase of the mining and agricultural sectors driving used cars. The govern- project. Applications for permits amounting to US$10 billion in ment is also encouraging the to assemble and produce motor Myanmar as of June. Trade be- import of left-hand drive cars. So vehicles has been submitted to tween Myanmar and Yunnan we are working to set up a fac- the Myanmar Investment Com- Province reached US$6.1 billion tory producing motor vehicles mission. Upon receipt of the per- in 2016, with US$3.6 billion from in Mandalay Region, especially mit from MIC, the project will be exports and $2.5 billion from im- domestic autos and mini-cars, implemented as soon as possi- ports. State Chief Judge and High Court An opening ceremony for the start of high and mid-level management family donate courses held in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA for Rakhine nationals A CEREMONY was held at the Also present at the cer- Park Royal Hotel in Nay Pyi emony were Pyithu Hluttaw Taw yesterday for the start of international relations com- ON Monday morning in the high and mid-level manage- mittee chairman U Zaw Thein, Rakhine State government of- ment courses organised by the UNDP Country Director Mr. fice, Shan State Chief Judge Joint Coordination Committee Peter Bachelor, Dr. Ora Orn and families of Shan State High Shan State Chief Judge and family donate cash assistance for Rakhine on Hluttaw Development and Poocharoen of Lee Kuan Court donated Ks1.8 million ethinc nationals in Maungtaw. PHOTO: TIN TUN (IPRD) the United Nations Develop- Yew School of Public Policy, and members of judicial officer ment Programme (UNDP) for Mr. Peter Banson from courses 1, 8 and 18 donated hingya Salvation Army (ARSA) nations on behalf of the donors Hluttaw office staff. Amyotha House of Representative Ks600,000 for ethnic Rakhine extremist terrorists Rakhine to State Advocate U Kyaw Hla Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Aye of the Parliament of Aus- nationals in Maungtaw District State Chief Judge U Kyauk, Tun, who provided in turn a doc- Tha Aung attended the cere- tralia and Hluttaw officials. who were displaced by the ter- State Judicial Officer U Soe Soe ument of honour for the donors. mony and delivered a speech. —Myanmar News Agency rorist attacks by the Arakan Ro- and officials presented the do- — Tin Tun (IPRD) 20 SEPTEMBER 2017 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi shakes hands with Mr. Patrick President U Htin Kyaw arrives back Nay Pyi Taw after receiving the medical examinations and necessary Murphy, US Deputy Assistant Secretary, in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA surgical operations in Bangkok, Thailand. PHOTO: MNA State Counsellor President arrives back receives US Deputy from Bangkok, Thailand Assistant Secretary PRESIDENT U Htin Kyaw He went to Bangkok, colon and necessary surgical returned Nay Pyi Taw yester- Thailand on 8 September to operations were conducted on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State America, at the Ministry in Nay day after undergoing medical undergo medical examina- 10 September that turns out Counsellor and Union Minister Pyi Taw at 2:00 pm yesterday. examinations and necessary tions. Medical examinations to be successful.—Myanmar for Foreign Affairs of the Re- During the meeting, they surgical operations in Bangkok. found Colonic Polyp in the News Agency public of the Union of Myanmar cordially discussed matters received Mr. Patrick Murphy, pertaining to bilateral relations, Deputy Assistant Secretary for democratic transition, peace and Southeast Asia of the State De- national reconciliation.—Myan- State Counsellor: ‘Myanmar partment, the United States of mar News Agency does not fear world scrutiny’ FROM PAGE-1 ble member of the community armed clashes and there have “The security forces have of nations, Myanmar does not been no clearance operations. been instructed to adhere fear international scrutiny and Nevertheless, we are con- strictly to the code of conduct we are committed to a sus- cerned to hear that numbers of in carrying out security oper- tainable solution that would Muslims are fleeing across the ations, to exercise all due re- lead to peace, stability and border to Bangladesh. We want straint and to take full meas- development for all communi- to find out why this exodus is ures to avoid collateral damage ties. “After several months of happening. We would like to and the harming of innocent seeming peace and quiet, on talk to those who have fled, as civilians.
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