NATIONAL COUNCIL ON TEACHER RETIREMENT 88th ANNUAL CONVENTION PRESERVING RETIREMENT SECURITY Pensions Social Savings Security $ October 9–14, 2010 • The Westin La Cantera • San Antonio, Te x as PROGRAM PROGRAM 88th Annual Convention PRESERVING RETIREMENT SECURITY I I I The Westin La Cantera San Antonio, Texas October 2010 Convention Name Badges NCTR conventions are for registered participants only. Your official convention name badge serves as your ticket to most functions, including sessions, meals, and receptions. Security personnel will check badges. Please cooperate by keeping your name badge visible. Cyber Café Monday through Wednesday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, registered participants are welcome to access the internet at the NCTR Cyber Café. Please wear your name badge. Attire Convention attire is business casual. The last night event is casual. General Courtesy Please silence your cell phone as you enter sessions, and leave the room if you need to partic- ipate in a call. Guest Tours Guests who have reserved “Spotlight on Missions” tour are to meet in the lobby at 9:15 a.m. on Monday. PRESERVING RETIREMENT SECURITY 1 PROGRAM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2010 1:00–5:00 PM Registration SAN JACINTO / SAN LORENZO FOYER 6:00 PM Early Arrivals Reception EMILY’S ROSE COURT REMEMBER: e is KET KET You r name badg your ticket into sessions, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2010 TIC TIC meals and events. 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Registration SAN ANTONIO FOYER 9:00 AM Nominating Committee meeting SAN CRISTOBAL 11:00 AM Resolutions Committee meeting SAN GABRIEL B NOON First-Time Attendee Luncheon (Pension Members Only) SAN MIGUEL 1:00 PM Texas Children’s Choir performance SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM I Thomas Hardaway, Director I Bethany Hill, Associate Director FIRST GENERAL SESSION SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM Presiding: Gary L. Harbin, NCTR President; Executive Secretary, Kentucky TRS 1:30 PM Formal Opening of Convention National Anthem: Texas Children’s Choir Pledge of Allegiance: Nanette Sissney, Trustee, Texas TRS Welcome: Gary L. Harbin, NCTR President 2 NCTR 88TH ANNUAL CONVENTION PROGRAM 1:45 PM OPENING KEYNOTE ADDRESS Our Age of Transformation: What’s Next in Our High-Tech, Global 21st-Century World? I Peter Leyden, Technology and Future Trends Expert, and Author, Journalist, and Commentator 2:30 PM Opening Panel: Where Are We Going? Moderator: Beth Almeida, National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) I Ron Snell, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) I Elizabeth Kellar, Center for State and Local Government Excellence I Bill Raabe, National Education Association (NEA) 4:00 PM End of Session 5:30 PM Reception PLAZA SAN SABA 7:00 PM Evening open; on your own MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2010 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Registration SAN ANTONIO FOYER 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Cyber Café SAN CRISTOBAL ROOM 7:30 AM Breakfast SAN ANTONIO TERRACE SECOND GENERAL SESSION SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM Presiding: Ronnie Jung, NCTR President-Elect; Executive Director, Texas TRS 8:30 AM KEYNOTE ADDRESS 2010 and Beyond I Mark Halperin, Editor-at-Large and Senior Political Analyst, TIME PRESERVING RETIREMENT SECURITY 3 PROGRAM 9:30 AM Prospects for Global Equities Moderator: Peter Q. Thompson, Perkins Investment Management LLC I Shawn Lytle, UBS Global Asset Management I Warren Koontz, Loomis, Sayles & Company 10:15 AM Break SAN ANTONIO FOYER 10:30 AM Economic Forecast Introduction: Tony Gelderman III, Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP I Peter Ricchiuti, Financial Markets Professor, A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University 11:45 AM Group Luncheon BALLROOM ABC The Future of Retirement Security I Roger Ferguson, President and CEO, TIAA-CREF SECOND GENERAL SESSION {resumes} SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM 2:00 PM Actuarial Panel Discussion Moderator: Joe Newton, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company I John Garrett, Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting, LLC I Kim Nicholl, The Segal Company I Cindy Fraterrigo, PricewaterhouseCoopers 3:00 PM Consultants Roundtable Moderator: Jack Ehnes, CalSTRS I Jeff Slocum, Jeffrey Slocum & Associates, Inc. I Allan Emkin, Pension Consulting Alliance, Inc. I Patrick J. (PJ) Kelly, Ennis Knupp & Associates 4:00 PM End of Session 6:00 PM Buses depart for San Antonio River Walk for reception and dinner 6:30 PM Reception and dinner at Rio Rio Cantina 8:30–10:00 PM Buses return to The Westin La Cantera 4 NCTR 88TH ANNUAL CONVENTION PROGRAM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2010 8:00 AM–NOON Registration SAN ANTONIO FOYER 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Cyber Café SAN CRISTOBAL ROOM 7:30 AM Breakfast SAN ANTONIO TERRACE THIRD GENERAL SESSION SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM Presiding: Peggy G. Boykin, NCTR Secretary/Treasurer; Director, South Carolina RS 8:30 AM Real Estate Trends Moderator: Jim Clayton, Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLC I John Virtanen, New York STRS I Janet Becker-Wold, Callan Associates Inc. I Kevin Faxon, J.P. Morgan Asset Management 9:30 AM Global Strategies Moderator: R. David Kelly, Texas TRS I Dennis Sugino, Cliffwater, LLC I Christopher Getter, PIMCO I Joseph Morgart, Pyramis Global Advisors 10:30 AM Break SAN ANTONIO FOYER 10:45 AM Legal Issues Affecting Public Plans Moderator: Dave Stella, Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds I Mary Beth Braitman, Ice Miller LLP I Lisa Mezzetti, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC I Pamela R. Kinard, Internal Revenue Service NOON Afternoon free; optional activities (golf, shopping, biking) NOON Box lunches for Golf Tournament players PALMER COURSE PRESERVING RETIREMENT SECURITY 5 PROGRAM 1:00–5:30 PM Golf Tournament PALMER COURSE Sponsored by Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP 6:00 PM Reception SAN ANTONIO FOYER 7:00 PM 2010 National Teacher of the Year Dinner, followed by Address SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM I Sarah Brown Wessling, English Teacher, Johnston High School, Johnston, Iowa WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2010 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Cyber Café SAN CRISTOBAL ROOM 7:30 AM Continental Breakfast SAN ANTONIO TERRACE FOURTH GENERAL SESSION SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM Presiding: William Finelli, NCTR Executive Committee Member; Trustee, ERS of Rhode Island 8:30 AM Health Care Update Moderator: Tom Lussier, Lussier, Gregor, Vienna & Associates, Inc. I Patrick Pechacek, Deloitte Consulting LLP I Anne Jones, Humana, Inc. I Bryce Williams, Extend Health Inc. 9:30 AM Governing in Challenging Times Moderator: Jim Mosman, NCTR Executive Director I Nancy Williams, Ennis Knupp & Associates I Meredith Williams, Colorado PERA I Marti Zins, Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association 6 NCTR 88TH ANNUAL CONVENTION PROGRAM 10:30 AM Break SAN ANTONIO FOYER 10:45 AM Legislative Report I Leigh Snell, NCTR Federal Relations Director NOON Trustee Luncheon (Plan Sponsors & Spouses only) SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM A/B Education Policy I Diane Ravitch, Research Professor of Education, New York University; Education Historian; and Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution NOON Directors Luncheon (Plan Sponsors & Spouses only) SAN AUGUSTIN 2:00 PM Annual Business Meeting SAN ANTONIO BALLROOM A/B Presiding: Gary L. Harbin, NCTR President; Executive Secretary, Kentucky TRS Committee Reports I Credentials I Trustee Education I Administrator Education I Legislative I Executive I Resolutions I Nominating Election of Officers Drawing for Business Meeting Door Prizes 3:00 PM Meeting ends 5:45 PM Buses depart for Pedrotti’s Ranch for casual, Western-themed dinner Entertainment provided by Pyramis Global Advisors 7:30–9:30 PM Buses return to The Westin La Cantera See you in Baltimore, Maryland, in 2011! PRESERVING RETIREMENT SECURITY 7 Congratulations to the 2010 NATIONAL TEACHER OF THE YEAR Sarah BrownWessling Johnston, Iowa Sarah Brown Wessling, a 10- through 12-grade Wessling is also passionate about learning in the English teacher at Johnston High School in 21st-Century, believing that problem-solving and crit- Johnston, Iowa, begins the school year for her senior ical thinking are useless without the facts; but that English students with a copy of Plato’s Parable of the the reverse is also true. In her classroom, she steps Cave and a candle. She tells them that, by the end outside the five-paragraph essay and into the world of the class period, they need to tell her the course of surveys, songs, film storyboards, public service expectations. And in Wessling’s announcements, Facebook classroom, they can. Wessling lives pages, and a yearly grant project her belief that, as she says, in which the entire town gets “Learning must be learner-centered.” involved. Her students create nonprofit organizations for at-risk Because of her passion for her sub- populations in the community ject, her innovative focus on her and write grant proposals for learners, and the equal passion she which members of the communi- devotes to mentoring others new to ty approve (imaginary) funding. the profession, Wessling was named Wessling observes, “Students 2010 National Teacher of the Year by construct knowledge when it is rele- President Barack Obama at a White vant to them, when they have a real House ceremony in April. As the authentic purpose, when they have 60th National Teacher of the Year, an audience that gives them con- she is devoting herself full time for a text.” year as a national and international spokesperson for education. Wessling has taught at Johnston High School for 10 years. She Wessling works as hard as her students, instilling holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from hope in those who have given up on education by Iowa State University, in English education and being available far outside a fifty-minute lecture and English literature, respectively. In 2005, she earned giving far more than a few notes at the end of a certification in English Language Arts/Adolescence paper; by engaging them with alternative assign- and Young Adulthood from the National Board for ments that can make the words of a philosopher, Professional Teaching Standards. She is married to dead for two millennia, relevant to their lives now; Tim Wessling and they have three children, ages six, and by celebrating any increment of progress.
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