Poetry Series Alexandre Nodopaka - poems - Publication Date: 2016 Publisher: Poemhunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive Alexandre Nodopaka(1940) Biopsy: Conceived in Ukraine, Alex Nodopaka first exhibited in Russia. Finger-painted in Austria. Studied tongue-in-cheek at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Casablanca, Morocco. Doodles & writes with crayons on human hides. Full time artist, art instructor, judge, and self-appointed critic with pretensions to writing. Considers his past irrelevant. He seeks now reincarnations with micro acting parts in IFC movies. The secondary synopsis is that the author has been a mechanical engineer and practiced that profession between 1962 and 1998 in the San Francisco Bay Area a.k.a. Silicon Valley. Alex Nodopaka began his career with IBM in San Jose, California. He subsequently worked at Memorex and many disc drive companies in the disc drive industry. He also worked for Stanford Linear Accelerator and the Stanford Architectural Office before moving on to a variety of other engineering functions as an engineering consultant. In 1985 he had an engineering article that dealt with clean room environment specifications that was published in Machine Design, a monthly technical magazine. alexnodopaka2@ Art Editor (2013 to present) Art Editor (2010 to 2013) PUBLICATIONS dealing with artistic pursuits * Peninsula Magazine * Pacific Guest Magazine * Peninsula Guest Magazine * Livermore Times * Pleasanton Times * Dublin Independent * Menlo Park Recorder * California Today San Jose Mercury * Menlo Park Almanac * Painterskey, USA, France, Russia * Numerous Web E-zines exceeding 70 in hard copy and on-line between 2003 and 2013. OTHER MEDIA: * Featured on PBS Television 1981 * Featured on Palo Alto Community Television Channel 1998, California * Album Cover rock musical band NETHERWORLD * Guest speaker Brooks Camera San Francisco * Juried Art Judge * Self-appointed Art Critic * GROUP AND ONE MAN SHOWS: * Art galleries in the San Francisco Bay Area, California * Art shows and Festivals, USA * Montalvo Center for the Arts, Saratoga, California * Menlo Park Art Commission, California * Menlo Park Library: Leather Book Bindings * Laguna Beach, California 2002 * Aliso Viejo Library, Book Binding 2003 * Saddleback Art College,2003 * www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 1 ~ (.) ! (.) ~ This is poetry in the making, its content is developing forming enchanting words and allegorical silhouettes. Quick with wit, angry as disillusioned slaps, words and symbols copulate. Life is eternal and the hunt is its essence! It is the discovery of telltale traces of never drying blood and anonymity where hunter and hunted simply trade places. They are never left alone seeking each other. We are never a l o n e I am always in you as you are in me imaging illusions. ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 2 1 Minute Silence I thought I'd stop writing my Devil's Advocate rants today. But again, we made the headlines: mass-killing of 10 in Oregon. ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 3 2 Haiku Bicycle Brake Handle & Duckling Haiku 1 Bicycle brake handle enters my thigh just saying Hell Ooh! Haiku 2 ducklings in a row play fowl ballet Swan Lake it's not ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 4 3 Senru/Haiku In upper corner a cobweb with no dead flies Between upper and lower closet corner a live silverfish In lower corner by window no cobweb only dead bees ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 5 A 1949 Summer Hallucination In the center of the Atlas Mountains A boy of 9-and-half years Squirms in an army cot In the middle of a windowless room. No door leads in or out. The lad resembles me. He's frightened Because the walls and ceiling And the floor beneath him heaves. They expand and contract Closing in on him as enormous jaws They compress the hot summer air That becomes sanguine red And when the walls spread out Into indistinct infinity or myopic proximity The air thins into rainbow colors And becomes solid and black. When the youth matures into an old man He always remembers this occurrence Every time the rays of the sun Beat perpendicularly on his balding spot. ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 6 A Banter In My Backyard I spoke to the butterfly telling her I saw a lizard in the middle of April at the edge of my garden and how it was jarred out of its shaded lethargy by the sprinkle issuing from my watering hose and not the traditional mensal showers. The butterfly flitted her wings at me which I interpreted as meaning don't pull my arms, 'They were April showers weren't they? ' but when I looked again at the lizard now basking on the sun-warmed rock the butterfly was gone and I knew what I heard was the air whispering. ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 7 A Bear In Her Tank Butterfly kisses and teddy bear hugs give life to a love deep and strong. Chubby hands and arms to hold on tight set the beauty of the world to song. Sturdy little feet and a smile for me, keep your butterfly kisses and teddy hugs don't grow on me too soon. Speaking of butterflies, Romeo grown up, with laughter engorged, pulses and inflates his blue-blooded stratum. He vainly hums, which vein thou speak of. Taken aback by such impertinent question, Juliette blushes, leaps over the balcony, which act loosens the tiger in her 32-cylinder tank, convincing her she's a jaguar and he her pray. ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 8 A Canto: Rama To Sita If you are to be Sita and I Rama Stop anything related to turking Because continuing on a dark path You expect to meet on a lotus blossom But its leaf will not support us Nor be a flying carpet as I shall appear Only a pale reflection of Lakshi And though I act as does Ravana I yearn for the Divine through you Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 9 A Cee Dee Cee Is this a micro flash story formatted into segmented lines to give the illusion of poetry or is this a poem accidentally written in prose meant to sound like poetry it was not meant to be ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 10 A Chinese Tale By God Lei Kun Once upon a time, the Chinese god of thunder, and mind you a full-god unlike Zeus who was the half of him wore his vulture head mask and with the clap of his fake wings startled the crap out of a Geisha with stars in her eyes. Inadvertently she swallowed one because of her love for an at war in China Shogun beau. Save for glimpsing at the blue skinned god in a chariot drawn by six Adonis boys she stopped trying to cough the star out. She gulped her pride and a few stars to boot then kneeled before the naked the boys and signed them with a dewed mirror prompting each to write a deep throat Ku. ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 11 A Collage For Max Ernst I'm glad you decided to paste art The way you did but do not plan To tell me how to do mine Since I can't live through yours But I'll be doing a few gluings Somewhat like you did yours By chewing flour and Make paste without haste Lick it on scissored papyri cutouts Align my DNA a spit at a time And the only thing I'll worry about Is not to slice my throat On account that paper cuts are More painful than death by sniffing glue Now I sense my lips sufficiently tacky To seal the ending of this stanza By decoupaging a hula dancer Enticing me and a Jesus Sandwiched between lava lamps Into an unholy non-Euclidian trinity And to glue them in a hyperbolic geometry A la Nikolai Lobatchevsky who claimed More than one parallel through a point And a line in space and how Omar Khayam proved that to find A right triangle having the property for The hypotenuse to equal the sum of one Leg plus the altitude of the hypotenuse. ~~~ Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 12 A Contemporary Critique About Art I'm troubled by the suggestive complexity of Distinctive formal juxtapositions in this artwork. Its disjunctive perturbations & eloquence make it Difficult to consciously enter this chef d'oeuvre in A manner in which the sublime beauty of the bio- Morphic forms verge on codifying its agitated con- Tent finding this creation remarkable in how it Handles the figurative-narrative line-space matrix By spatially undermining the visual gesture while Abstractly activating critical thinking. As an ad- Vocate of the issue of content, I feel that here at least The suggestion of spatial relationships endangers the Disjunctive perturbation of how disrupting it seems In light of the eloquence of the substructure that Conceptually activates the spatial relationships of the Auto-erotic signifier and appears disturbing in light of How it imperils the artwork from being understood. Of course, the matter of understanding or not is Self-subjective as it will not let itself be pigeonholed Which is solely a psycho-morphic human characteristic. Alexandre Nodopaka www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 13 A Contemporary Poem About Bright Red A woman in bright red shorts flaunts her giggly luscious cheeky rump. She skips and hops towards me with a funny hippy gait.
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