3< j f v,. J£LJ»%.'fc30S& " The Telegraph Service of The THES WEATHER 813 i i • Daily Gate City and Qonstitu- - '/r? £*• Fait; Warmer Tonight. Local tion-Democrat is received over V i temp. 7 p. m., 34; 7 a. m., 17. ^* f our own leased wire. '< ##»»• tj> V i-y '>m? ''A1" ^ atb Constitutum-S VOL. 128 NO. 9. *' # " i, fj,^ KEOKUK, IOWA, SATURDAY. JAN. 11, 1919 EIGHT PAGES r £?T m HlnES AT HEAD I CLOSE OF RAIL Assistant Director Ge der McAdoo is Ele BLEW I Chief of Dep ment Ebert Government Grows Stronger Every Count Michael Karolyi, Hungarian Premier} Hour, While Riots on Streets t are Rapidly ^ Says This is Necessary to Safeguard World Diminishing. •SfV? WILSON */ . -i > From Future Wars. j. -*ttm Vr " afc ,1 * General Strike in Buenos-Aires Explanation of Tragedy in •> rnfrtij; 1 Rapidly Developing Pos- Appointment Announced Today Ashes of Home of Prank ' sibilities of Revo- *Former Treasurer Who Re- Blizek at Oxford ^ H THAT LIEBKNECHT IS KILLED - , lutioa. 'A cerit'y Resigned -%? . • v > Junction. ."•? Position. - , K / HUNGARY DRAGGED INTO,: THIS-WAR ^1?$$ f \ V ' i:1 •• ' -t MAOHINE , . GUNS USED r • <?*' MURDER AND SUICIDE Serious Rioting in Other Cities Including Dus- [United Press Leased Wire Service.] Present Government Cannot Hold Out Much • t .xVs*'- seldorf, Which is Said to be ynder Spar- *2X4 ^ ' "•KC/ DOS AG®LES, Calif., Jan. 11.—Wil­ Loinger, but Will Sink Into Bolshevism Establishment of Military Dictator- liam G. McAdoo, today announced -isa,« shnt- that President Wilson has cabled the Fiv® He?dleM Corp8M and Two 8hot tacan's Control.. •hip Expected to Bring Mat- appointment of Walker D. Hinea as di- { * guns Gave Coroner a Mystery Unless Assisted. , ^ !£<g ' • rector general of railroads. J it&i ?.'4j tera to a Head In Short c4 Difficult to I Hines' appointment is effective lm- i ;Yi:' r«*Lh HI "Vt ~k*'V ..zjA.'"** mediately, the ^president's cable to Mc- •' 8olve. ^ - . \,H 0rder- ' • [United Press leased Wire Service.} The prison In Muenater (eighty- Adoo said. !• > ."/ . - [By Frank J. Taylor, United Press, their basic justice. Now the Czecho- LONDON, ' Jan. 11.—Karl Lleb- miles northeast of Cologne) was Hines was assistant director general j '' _____ Staft Correspondent.] I Slovaks, Rumanians and Serbs are kneeht was shot in the head and in­ stormed by Spartacans who freed 170 ,{nnder McAdoo. He went to the rail- • l,'.-. [Copyright 1919 by the'United Press.] ! overwhelming us, seizing all parts of 's inmates, according to the Muenster wa stantly killed during Thursday IJBy James I. Miller, United Press I J administration as chief council rUnite<1 p^sg Leased Wire Service.] BUDAPEST, Jan. 8.—(Delayed)—! Hungary, though in the armistice it fifihting in Berlin, according to a Anzelger. , , 4 v i Staff Correspondent.] f°nth? made aS" ! OXTOlS ^^aN\ Iowa Jan. 11. "No peace which is not partially j was clearly stated that the adminis- German government official, a, Ber­ •' • *- - *T* > •s- .. ;X -kjfcR'V:. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 11.—The gen-j^ ^ —Frank Blizek blew the Heads Qtt his socialistic will safeguard" the world I tration of all occupied territory would lin dispatch to the Evening News Coal Supply Threatened. * nnounce le of th eral strike in Buenor Aires— was rap-1 ?;I°_ . •>»~?. ? A ® wife, two daughters, a son and then at* (,from from future wars.' President Wilson , Btay in the handB of the Hungarians. reported today. [By Webb Miller, United Press. Staff idly developing possibilities of an open. ; . ,fs ®f ^'rector gen* fj j big home, turned the weapon ' has this in mind. It constitutes Ms Thus it was demonstrated that BO far The official eaid.,that Llebknecht's Correspondent.] 4 ter r n8 revolution:3VWUUWI today.tuua/. __ /rtllATrin • lssued— onOH ilUQfl^lEhimself uliaend aicu.died. ThisIUID is*D theI-**** opin- 'fifteenth point'—as yet unstated— as the Czecho-Slovaks, Rumanians reported death means the end of the AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS IN Bstaiblishment of a military dio-| i . ion of B. 1+ Magruder, attorney, and which must be developed before a and Serbs were concerned, the armis­ Spartacan movement,. GERMANY, Jan. 10.—(By courier to tatorsbtp last night <by General J5®1"!-* ®- O. Larimer, coroner or Jones county, treaty is signed." tice terms were -military and not Liebknecht waa struck by a ma­ Nancy.)—The disorders in Berlin J lepiane, commander of the first ^ beginning of CODtinuing their investigation into the In these words, Count Michael political and were not meant to be chine gun billiet while directing the with resultant Interruption of railway tary region, embracing Buefflos Aire6;and ^a3,.a thp^* tragedy that wiped out an entire fami- kept. defense of a printing house on Zim- traffic are threatening to cht off the Karolyi, Hungarian premier, de­ was expected to brin| matted to » ^ <1 organization and ] ^ scribed to the United Press today "Potatoes, wheat, other food sup­ meratrane, the dispatch slid. coal supply of the allies 'armies of - - i administration of the ralhoads under ^o shotguns, with" which it la plies and coal are in the hands of the head. , , ... federal control no waII no the fimila I A WO sauiguna, wim " " Wnatwhat nehe believesDeneves should'biiouiu beu« accom- occupation. A commission of Amerl- The present national atoiinistgi- j gjj™ SSis inro vJd In thl^dV t^ght Blizek killed his family and the peace congress. The nations surrounding us. Distribution U3E PCM80N OAS. can, British and French military offi- plished at t necessities is lmpoaaiMe.-~The^'"= eople say that President Wirson can­ by raSiiv >«'im fnr th. ' wa« 8QciaUatlc himself and that he 3 aovernmefft' ^ mSlted^TVeneh€5i~ •y ror house and the second In the basement; tinue hie fight against not prevail at the peace conference. tlferfWln street fightHig, according ] The Amiericans ala«» i«e M,«00 ^^^es between toousanS of strik-!fireat tru8t «nd responsibility with lntends to con JS Zn^P,TC hnn^ Mm near_the charred bony of Blizek. It is ; bojehevism, but he declared that he This_ "agitation is very dangerous. rec47Ved fr8m wu^Sday - Jtons a month. jeraer8 «nd^d strong forces of soldiers last j J"thouihtthought the gun and Blizek's .body.b«>dy feUfell jI lsiV'IbsoluTely abaolutely "convincedconvinced that peace j Budapest^- is on the, verge, . of the^great 1 t ird arl r haa and ^ .. ^ !? , 'l ^nlght. Machine guns were used ;Hrtjt tfr through a hole which had been burned !must be soclal and economic as well j catastrophe o{ bolshevism. No, let matum to the Germans declaring it. ^ casualties were heavy. This P®*": +i rJ^i f u?i. i sympathy „ fio^j. , Dolitical He strongly advocated ius call It by its correct name, anar- tPPfted Press Leased Wire Service.] ' will refuse to/ accept 200 th n h tbe ".ozjsi*" ^^s"ss,sss£7jr^. ZU- *°m """* ~ S •»« ~ " ~ but from the ASent On. the bkuiib nave yet ueeu ivuuu ia ( mo wwiiv* ^ •* . • , - •»,«, n^AniA emment is growing stronger every ^ models "^d others" h^ing parts °MmOUI1.ced.Pea- Ca" railroad question. RSI am :."I.«».sure that ;S?Mr. accounted for through the fact that the fourteen principles, or £therer«™u?i: will toe ineedsBE6IMLI15 of the people. Kines hoar, while the nuLbe^ of insurgent As f resuU Te Gefman | uf Dent" h*ve the hearty support heads of each of tb- — — — ' -uh,n » few vM,,. I haveI ublicthe op.nlpnimpression is herebeginning that the If thee gB0 v the fln by the shotgun | Karolyi, a man of noble birth, ls demonstrators Is rapidly diminishing, commjS8l0n has hurried to Berlin. ,;"Vt. a ^0,"tTon mav be prectoita?iJL*. of^ the fine® army of railroad officers Pletelypletely shuttered entente wants us to become the Vic- e a V nd easily the outstanding figure in Hun- It waawM omciauyofficially announceaannounced toaay.today. belng unable to obtain any action by i ^ if t^ ^vermS opines Del- ? employed and I can ask nothing charges. e ; better toT Um tban coroner's jury yesterday morn- ] garian affairs. Practically alone he tims of bolshevism. There will be Fighting between government and ^ government, , <. l1 ±Ia " ^atte^t to re- they shall The no help for us unless the entente lUe K u ve and th returned an open verdict. ! accomplished Hungarian indepen- Spartacaaartacan forces continued for Pos- ; ' 1 » minis- ^ ® country the same ing re makes haste and concludes peace. Mion of the newspaper trillces, rail- . Serious Retina. at least a portion of theminis-^, •e*8ion Serious Rioting. j loyal and effective services they ren-'ren- OfficialsOffi* today said there wjm» no; dence and is regarded as the one The present government cannot hold way stations and other important COPENHAGEN, Jan. 11.—Serious j dered during my, time as director gen- truth in reports that the jury had re- man who can weld the millions of Buildings. eral." ' V , , versed its finding and given a seoond his people Into a solid nation. out much longer. It was/1 who led i rioting occurred yesterday in Dres- j _ the people to trust President Wilson's Verdict that "fire caused the deaths." I "Hungary was dragged into .this declared Policies until the peace conference Kentucky Railroad Man. j war by Ausrtria-Germany,' t;r and Ourgburg. according to dis- oorreaoondent.1 % 'the premier. "Our policy was never could put them Into effect. WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—Appoint- "We cannot do anything unless wa bay ended l^fevor if the ^ve^. ^om ^German sources j BUBNOS AIRES, Jan. U.-Com-.1 ment of M'FARLANE TO (made in Vienna or Budapest, but in W6 V-anronrf ^ffk. Walker D. Hines to the dl- j are recognized by the entente.
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