I , CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME IX TAMIL NADU PART XI.D TEMPLES OF TAMIL NADU VOLUME VII (ii) TH~t\.NJ~ VUR K.CHOCKALINGAM of the Indian Administrative ~rvice Director of Census Operations Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry. 1973 This is the second part of the seventh volume on Temples of Thanjavur District covering the taluks of Sirkali. Mayur~m. Kumbakonam, Nannilam and Papanasam. In the first Part, a detailed discription of selected and important Temples in each taluk of Thanjavur district is given in a narrative form. In this volume. the relevant particulars of all Temples are given taluk-wise in a tabular statement in the form of a statistical abstract. Revenue officials as well as the officials of the Dharmapuram Adheenam, Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam and the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (Administration) Department. Govern­ ment of Tamil Nadu have been of great help to me in collecting the parti9uJars relating to these temples. Messrs. Shanmugam Press Private Ltd., Madras-l has done good work in printing this volume. K. CHOCKALINGAM iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to place on record my appreciation of the able assistance given by the [oHowing members of my Staff in the preparation and presentation of this Volume. Sri N. RAMA RAO Assistant Director Sri T. S. RAJARAM Tabulation Officer Sri T. BALAKRISHNA KURUP Statistical Assistant Sri A. R. NARAYANAN Statistical Assistant Sri D. CHANDRASEKARAN Computor Sri P. VENUGOPALAN Computor Smt. M. S. KASTHURI Upper Division Clerk Sri A. RAJAMANI Artist K. CHOCKALINGAM, I. A. S. Director of Census Operations Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry CONTENTS Page Nos. SIRKALI TALUK Temples under the Hindu ReI igious and Chari. table Endowments (Administration) Depart­ ment. 1 Temples under the control of the Dharmapuram Adheenam. 49 Temples outside the Hindu Religious and Chari­ table Endowments (Administrat~on) Depart­ ment. 53 MAYURAM TALUK Temples under the Hindu Religious and Chari­ table Endowments (Administration) Depart­ Inent. 59 Temples outside the Hindu Religious and Chari­ table Endowments (Administrat ion) Depart- ment. 191 Temples under the control of the Dharmapuram Adheenam. 203 Temples under tbe control of the Thiruvadu- thurai Adheenam. 215 vi KUMBAKONAM TALUK Temples under the Hindu Religious and Chari­ table Endowments (Administration) Depart­ ment. 221 Temples outside the Hindu Religious and Chari­ table Endowments (Administration) Depart- ment. 401 Temp les under the control of the Thiruvadu- thurai Adbeenam. 409 Temples under the control of the Dharmapuram Adheenam. 417 NANNILAM TALUK Temples under the Hindu Religious and Chari­ table Endowments (Administration) Depart­ ment. 423 Temples outside the Hindu Religious and Cbari­ table Endowments (Administration) Depart- ment. 543 Temples under the control of the Dharmapuram Adheenam. 55 I Temples under the control of the Thiruvadu- thurai Adheenam. 555 PAPANASAM TALUK Temples under the Hindu Rei ig ious and Chari­ table Endowments (Administration) Depart- ment. 561 Temples under the control of the Tbiruvadu- thu ra i Adheenam. 661 Temples outside the Hindu Religious and Chari- table Endowments (Administration) Dep8rt- ment. 665 MAPS Facing Page 1. Map exhibiting the centres where there are temples in Sirkali and Mayuram Taluks 1 2. Map exhibiting the centres where there are temples in Kumbakonam Taluk 219 3. Map exhibiting the centres where there are temples in Nannilam and Nagapattinam Taluks... 421 MAP EXHIBITING THE CENTRES_WHERE THERE ARE TEMPLES IN SIRKALI & MAYURAM· TALUKS SCALE "2 J 0 2 4 6 Miles ; : ; M$!1 ; i Kilometre5 2 J 0 2 'I 6 REFERENCE State Boundary District Boundary Taluk Boundary Categories of Temples and their Symbols. Siva Ii) Vishnu 0 Murugar Ii] Ganapathi 0 SIRKALI Amman t::,. Others • Location Code Number 21 0 65 6J® 0 64 062 o® 68 0 67 PONDICHERRY STATE CENSUS - MAD~' S SIRKALI T ALUK TEMPLES OF THANJAVUR 1. SIRKALI Temples ul1der the Hindu Religious and Location code Unit Serial adopted for 1961 Local name of Name of No. Census hamlet or 'femple ( ----, village No Name (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I. 3 Mahendrapalli Theevukottai Sri Vijayako- (P) thandarama- swamy temple (V) do. 2. " Mahendrapalli Sri Thi rumeni Azhageswara r temple (S) 3. 6 Pulyamthurai Puliyanthurai Sri Vallabha (P) (Pudupattanam Vinayakar P.O.) temple (G) 4. 9 Arapalam (.P) Nallur Sri Kothanda- ramaswamy temple (V) 5. ,. do. Sodhiyakudi Sri Kailasanatha swamy temple (S) 6. II Alalasundaram Yogeeswaram Sri Yogeeswara- ( P) nathaswamy temple (S) DISTitICT TALUK Charitable Endowments (Adnm.) Department. Reported Area Location age (in in Principal.. Su b-dei ties ( Nearest years), acres deity Railway Station) (6) (7) (8) (9 ) (10) 100 1'00 Sri Vijayako- Seetha Devi Coleroon Railway thandaramu- Sri Veera- Station :,wamy Anjaneyar 11 kilom~tr~s 700 0'68 Sri Thirumeni Sri Vadivambigai do. Azhageswurar 60 0'01 Sri Vallabha do. Coleroon Railway Vinayaka, Station 10 ki10.1~et .. es 600 0'29 Sri Kothanda- Seetha Devi Coleroon Railway ramaswamy Sri Lakshmana r Station 3d Anjaneyar 7 kilomettc; 200 0'10 Sri Kailasa- Sri Amirtha- Tirumayiladi nathaswamy valliamman Rail way Station 3 kilometres Not 0.26 Sd Yogeeswara Sri Yogambal, Sirkazhi Railway known nathaswamy Sri Vinayakar, Station Sri Mahalak- 11 Kilometres. ~hll1i, Sri Kah Bairav:1f TEMPLES OF THANIAVUR SIRKALI Temples under the Hindu ReI igious and Annual Movable property income Value of Jewellery assessed for Fasli Extent of immovable property Rs. 1375 by (.in acres) H.R. & C. E.(A) r­ Dept. Appraised Serial Wet by H. R. & Reported No. Rs. Wet. Dry. & Others. C.E.(A) by Dry. Dept. Temple. (11 ) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1,515 3'33 Value not sta ted 2. 1.897 2·82 305 3. 881 0'91 4. 221 0'74 12.89 ... 5. 250 4'09 1.59 15 6. 7,031 39'74 30'16 219 4 DISTRICT-ConI. TALUIt-Cont. Charitable Endowments (Admn.) Department -COIl{. Periodical rites Festivals. Vahanam performed on behalf of Temple (18) (19) (20) Garuda. Horse, Twice a day by Brahmothsavam in Chapparam a Bhattachariar Panguni. Sri Rama Navami. Sri Jayan­ thi R isha bam. Peacock, Four times a day by Thiruvadhirai Horse a Gurukkal Risaabam, Bandicoot Once a day by Brahmothsavam in a Gnrukkal Avani Palanquin, Surya Pra­ Thrice a day by bhai. Swan, Garuda, a Bhattachariar Horse. Elephant, Hanumar Once a day by a Gurukkal Rishabam Four times a day by Adi Pooram, a Gurukkal Vinayaka Chathur­ thi. Navarathri. Ka rthigai Deepam, Arudhra Dharisa­ nam, Sivarathri 5 TEMPLn OF THANJAV1.JR SIRKALI Temples under the Hindu Religious and Location code unit Serial adopted for 1961 Local name of No. Census hamlet or Name of village Temple No Name "' (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) 7. 16 Anaikarancha- Anaikarancha- Sri Pulleeswari- tiram (P) tram amman temple (F) !. do. do. Sri Venugopala- swamy temple (V) 9, do. Thirumayi ladi Sri Sundareilwara swamy temple (S) 10. 20 Madirvelur Madirvelm Sri Achamtbeer- (P) tha perumal temple (V) 11. do. do. Sri Mathalecs- " warar temple (S) 12. 21 VadaranialU Vadarangam Sri Ran8anatba (P) Perumal temple (V) DlSTRICT-Cnnt. T ALUK-Cont. Charitable Endowments (Aamn.) Dcpartment--Conf_ Reported Area Location age (in in Princip.ll Sub-deities (Nearest years). acres deity Railway Station} (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 100 0-03 Sri Pulleeswari Sri Vinayakar, Coleroon Railway Amman Sri Madurai Station Veeran 170 0-06 Sri Venugopala- Sri Sathyabama. do. swamy Sri Rukmani 300 1-00 Sri Sundares- Sri Brahan- Thi rumayiladi warar Nayagi AmbaJ, Railway Sri Balasubra- Station maniar Sri Ayyanar, Dhrowpathi amman Not r-oo S.-i Achamtheer- Sri Mahalakshmi Colc£oon Railway known tha perumal Sri Varadaraja Station Perumal 8 kilometres Not 3-00 Sri Mathalees- Sri Sundara do. known wara swamy Nayagi Ambal Not 2-00 Sri Ranganatha Sirkazhi Railway known Pcrumal Station 13 kilometres 7 TEMPLES OF THANJAVUR SIRKALI Temples under the Hindu Religious and Annual Movable property income Value of jewellery assessed for Fasli Extent of immovable property Rs. 1375 by (in acres) H. R.& ,- C. E. (A) r- -'- -------, Dept. Appraised Serial Wet by H.R. & Reported No. R~. Wet. Dry. & Others. C.E.(A) by Dry. Dept. Temple. (11 ) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 1. 438 0'63 Houses 250 !. 803 6-64 7'40 9. 33,348 160'00 168'00 12,521 10. 5,560 16'02 0'37 500 11. 5.568 21'98 7,370 12. 27,339 297'05 2,811 DISTRICT-Cont .. TALUK-Cont. Charitable Endowments (Admn.) Department-Cont. Periodical rites Vahanam performed on Festivals. behalf of Temple. ( 18) (19) (20) Swan Once a day by Panguni Uthiram a Poosari Twice a day by a Bhattachariar Peacock, Bandicoot, Four ti mes a day by Skandba Sashti Horse, Suran, Swan, a Gurukkal Rishabams-3 Garuda Thrice a day by a Bhattachariar Rishabam, Kamadhenu Four times a day by Skandha Sashti Peacock, Bandicoot, a Ourukkal Horse. Suran Wooden Vabanas-4 Four timell Ii. day'by Brahmothllavam in a Bhattachariar Vaikasi, Masi Magam, Vaikunta Ekadasi TL)'l PI rs OF THANJAVUR SIRKALI Temples under the Hindu Religious and Location code Unit ~eria I adopted for 1961 Local name of .r-<o. Census hamlet or Name of village Temple No Na.me (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 13. 22 Kunnam (P) Kunnum Sri Bhoomces- wa:raswamy temple (S) 14. 26 MQoanam (P) Madanam Sri Hanumar temple (0) 15. .. do. do . Sri Muthumari- amman temple (F) 16. 31 Pachaiperumu- Pachaiperuma- Sri Thirumalu- naBur nallur dayar temple (S) 17. 39 Kondal (P) Kondal Sri Kumares- waraswamy temple(M) 18. 40 Valluvakudi ( P) Valluvakudi Sri Vedapurees- warar etc. temples (S) 10 WSTRlcr--C'ont. TALUX.-Conl. Ch~ritable Endowments (Admn.) Department-Cont. Reported Area Location age (in in Principal Sub-deities lNearest years). acres deity Railway station) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 800 1.00 Sri Bhoomccll- A rasur Rail w~y waraswamy Station S kilometrc~ 217 0'10 Sri Hanumar ThirumayiJ adi Railway Station 7 kilometres 100 0'18 Sri Muthumari- do.
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