TCU Daily Skiff Wednesday, October 27, 1993 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 9lst Year, No. 35 Founding Judge dismisses Brothers come charges against home Sen. Hutchison By SCOTT ROTHSCHILD missed because of the improperly Associated Press seated grand juror. Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle had AUSTIN — Indictments charging agreed. U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison with But on Monday. Hutchison's official misconduct were dismissed defense team surprised State District by a state judge Tuesday, but the sen- Judge Mike Lynch by asking that the ator remained under investigation. charges stand so that Hutchison's The indictments were dropped trial could start as initial K scheduled after Hutchison's lawyers discovered Nov. 29. that the grand jury which handed Instead of the grand jury charges. them up included a juror who was Hutchison's attorney Dick DeGuerin ineligible because of a charge pend- said she could face charges, called an ing against him since 19X8 for a S20 information, issued directly b\ the hot check. district attorney's office. A second grand jury has already But Earle called the move a legal resumed the investigation into trick to make it appear Hutchison Hutchison, prosecutors said. A for- wanted a speedy resolution of the "Brothers," the statue commemorating TCU founders Addison mer aide to Hutchison when she was case, while her attorneys delayed and Randolph Clark, is installed in the mall outside Winton-Scott state treasurer was subpoenaed Tues- proceedings with other motions chal- day. lenging the way the grand jury gath- Hall Tuesday morning. The statue will be dedicated Saturday at 10 Hutchison, a Republican, was ered evidence. a.m. At the center of the pedestal is the cornerstone from the uni- indicted Sept. 27 on charges of using On Tuesday. Lynch rejected versity's first building in Thorp Springs. A small plaque installed her previous office as state treasurer Hutchison's proposal. for personal and political purposes "The court understands and appre- next to the statue details the cornerstone's history. A plaque and then destroying records as part of ciates the defendant's request for a installed across from the statue bears a message from the statue's a coverup. prompt trial, but this court is without donors, who will be announced Saturday. She has denied any wrongdoing power or authority to act." Lynch and calls the charges a Democratic said in a one-page order. "A trial plot to discredit her. court in Texas has no authority to file Photos by Jenny Putchinski Hutchison's attorneys filed motions to have the charges dis- see Charges, page 2 Mammoth discovery brings scientists to stock pond said a dream last summer convinced her to Davidson said. By DAVID MATUSTIK complete, especially around here," Davidson feet underground by a bulldozer operator A flood could have caused it to drown or Austin American-Statesman said. "Thj more we dug, the more we found." who noticed a solid white object, later deter- build a pond. The treasure includes a 14-foot tusk, both mined to be a tusk. As each part was "It was a comforting type of message in it might have broken a leg and couldn't get ROGERS, Texas — It's a discovery of lower jaws, about two-thirds of the back- removed, a plaster cast was formed over the my dream," said Stout, owner of a scientific up. Davidson cited as possible reasons for the mammoth proportions unearthed by a dream. bone, almost all the rib cage and sundry other bone to protect it. consultant business. "The picture I had in my death. Jayne Stout's nighttime vision to build a bones. The search for the skull continues. In upcoming months, UT researchers will dream is of walking up to this pond, sur- "We don't knov\ what killed him. though stock pond on her north Milam County prop- "Mammoths are fairly common animals in break open the casts, clean the bones and rounded by all these animals." saber-toothed tigers, bears or some carnivore erty has revealed a 20,000-year-old watering this area." Davidson said, but "most reports strengthen them with liquid plastics and steel That mental picture focused on part of her made a meal of him alter death of the parts hole for an Ice Age elephant. represent one tooth, one leg bone. We're rods. For every day at the site (in this case pasture. that were exposed." Da\ idson said. Like the ballpark in a corn field in the coming up on two-thirds of this animal." about a week), a corresponding month of lab "There was an area down in that vicinity Davidson said the specimen's ordinary movie "Field of Dreams." Stout believed that Great herds are believed to have roamed time is needed for the tedious cleaning pro- that always holds water," Stout said. "It never qualities make it good for research. if she built her pond in the pasture, the ani- Texas and the United States. cess. dawned on me that 10.000 years ago. that was "If you wanted to see what the average mals would come. The mammoths, about the size of'the mod- "We need to treat them like they were where the river was." mammoth off the street looked like, this is an Little did she know they had been there ern-day African elephant, weighed several made of solid gold," Davidson said. In the middle of what the family will call excellent example," he said. thousands of years ago. tons and stood 12 to 14 feet tall at the shoul- A carbon 14 test will be done on a frag- Mammoth Pond, the bones were found. Stout said the find already has proved The discovery of the.Wammuthus columbi, ders. A single tooth weighed 8-12 pounds. ment to date the specimen within a few hun- Davidson said no artifacts were found at important. or Columbian Mammoth, is significant Though brittle, these Milam County bones dred years. The mammoth could have lived the site, so the reason for the mammoth's Students from Rogers. Holland and \\ e*l because rarely is this type of prehistoric spec- probably survived because they were 11,000 to 40,000 years ago. death probably will remain a mystery. phalia assisted in the dig. imen found so intact, said Billy Davidson, a wrapped in sediment, topped by clay, in the Eventually, the bones will become a "We know he wound up in the creek and "They were so hyped about 'Jurassic University of Texas paleontologist. old stream channel, Davidson said. research tool for scientists worldwide. he was buried fairly quickly because the Park,' " Stout said. "If the) get a feel for this "You just don't find mammoths like this so The remains were found Oct. 15, about 8 Stout, who moved to the property in 1987, bones were not scattered by scavengers," in a purer light that would be great." Colby Hall residents INDEX Injured professor recovering History lesson provide tricks, treats America has been the after his bike collides with car driving force of the 20th century: with a little work, were taken to Harris Methodist Hos- "I sustained se\ era] cuts to my lip. it can regain its edge. By CHRIS NEWTON pital by MedStar Ambulance. The which makes speaking difficult." he for faculty's children Page 3 TCU Daily Skiff driver of the vehicle, who sustained said. "I also have several cuts on im Associate professor of psychology minor injuries, could not be reached hands and amis, all ol which are Bookstore with an atti- David Cross says he's recovering for comment. stitched and need constant re-ban- By DENA RAINS she said. "It's fun to decorate the tude well after being injured in an auto Cross said he is trying to locate daging." TCU Daily Skiff wings, and it kind of brings the wing Border's offers customers together as a group." accident while bicycling on Oct. 20. anyone who might have actually seen Cross said he believes, based mi more than just literature. the evidence and the statement! of They're creepy and they're kooky, About 600 people will go through His injuries include a fractured the accident. Page 4 people who arrived on the scene after mysterious and spooky. They're . the residence hall tonight, said Tas jaw, several gashes and a slight case "Unfortunately, I have a case of of retro-gradient amnesia, a condi- retro-gradient amnesia and cannot the accident, that he ran into the side Colby Hall residents. Shore, Colby Hall director. Q&A tion in which a patient cannot remember the accident," he said. of the ear and shattered the driver'l The 21 st annual Colby Hall Trick "It's turned into such a big thing Coach Pat Sullivan dis- or Treating will take place from 6 we had to turn to outside help," Shore remember a traumatic injury or "The last thing I remember is calling side window. cusses Baylor game and "The bicycle was completely p.m. to 8 p.m. tonight. Children of said. event. my wife to tell her I was leaving, and looks to Homecoming. ruined, but not completely mangled." faculty members were sent invita- The event is now cosponsored by The accident occurred at 10:24 then seeing her standing above me in Page 5 he said. "Needless to sa\. I won't be tions to the annual tradition where Recreational Sports, the Office of p.m. at the intersection of Berry and the hospital." riding it anytime soon, but it didn't they will be given tours through the Residential Living and Marriott Devitt streets.
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