Theoretical Methodological and the Sociolinguistic Migration Approaches to of Integration Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic • Florentino Paredes García and María Sancho Pascual Integration of Migration Edited by Florentino Paredes García and María Sancho Pascual Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Languages www.mdpi.com/journal/languages Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration Special Issue Editors Florentino Paredes Garc´ıa Mar´ıa Sancho Pascual MDPI • Basel • Beijing • Wuhan • Barcelona • Belgrade • Manchester • Tokyo • Cluj • Tianjin Special Issue Editors Florentino Paredes Garc´ıa Mar´ıa Sancho Pascual University of Alcala´ Complutense University of Madrid Spain Spain Editorial Office MDPI St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Languages (ISSN 2226-471X) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/languages/special issues/sociolinguistic migration). For citation purposes, cite each article independently as indicated on the article page online and as indicated below: LastName, A.A.; LastName, B.B.; LastName, C.C. Article Title. Journal Name Year, Article Number, Page Range. ISBN 978-3-03936-192-2 (Hbk) ISBN 978-3-03936-193-9 (PDF) Cover image courtesy of Florentino Paredes Garc´ıa and Mar´ıa Sancho Pascual. c 2020 by the authors. Articles in this book are Open Access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. The book as a whole is distributed by MDPI under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND. Contents About the Special Issue Editors ..................................... vii Preface to ”Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration” .................................................. ix Mar´ıa Sancho Pascual The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study Reprinted from: Languages 2019, 4, 35, doi:10.3390/languages4020035 ................ 1 Yara P´erez Cantador An Approach to Studying the Sociolinguistic Integration of Romanian Immigrants Residing in the Community of Madrid Reprinted from: Languages 2020, 5, 3, doi:10.3390/languages5010003 ................ 13 Mar´ıa Cecilia Ainciburu and Irene Buttazzi “Esa no soy Yo”: Self-Image and Name Change from the Perspective of Female Immigrants Reprinted from: Languages 2019, 4, 83, doi:10.3390/languages4040083 ................ 25 Adil Moustaoui Srhir, Gabriela Prego V´azquez and Luz Zas Varela Translingual Practices and Reconstruction of Identities in Maghrebi Students in Galicia Reprinted from: Languages 2019, 4, 63, doi:10.3390/languages4030063 ................ 47 Giovanna Mapelli The Identity Construction of Migrants on Facebook Reprinted from: Languages 2019, 4, 52, doi:10.3390/languages4030052 ................ 65 Olga Ivanova “My Child Is a Perfect Bilingual”: Cognition, Emotions, and Affectivity in Heritage Language Transmission Reprinted from: Languages 2019, 4, 44, doi:10.3390/languages4020044 ................ 83 Rosana Ariolfo The Use of the Present Perfect (pret´erito perfecto compuesto) with Aoristic Value in the Speech of Latin American Students Reprinted from: Languages 2019, 4, 32, doi:10.3390/languages4020032 ................101 Antonio-Manuel Avila-Mu´ noz ˜ Revisiting the Use of the Proximity Lexicon in the Classroom for Immigrant Populations at Risk of Social Exclusion: Does It Really Help? Reprinted from: Languages 2019, 4, 43, doi:10.3390/languages4020043 ................115 v About the Special Issue Editors Florentino Paredes Garc´ıa Ph. Doctor, is professor at the University of Alcala and develops his research activity in sociolinguistics, dialectology, history of language and Spanish teaching. He currently coordinates the project ”The Migrant Population in the Community of Madrid: Linguistic, Communicative, Cultural and Social Factors in the Integration Process and Linguistic Resources for Intervention (INMIGRA3-CM)”, financed by the Community of Madrid, and co-directs the PRECAVES XXI project for the study of attitudes towards the cultured varieties of Spanish. His recent publications include Patrones sociolingu¨´ısticos de Madrid (Peter Lang 2015) and La lengua hablada en Madrid (Corpus PRESEEA- Distritos de Vallecas) (3 vols. UAH, 2020). Mar´ıa Sancho Pascual holds a PhD in Spanish Studies at the University of Alcala´ (Madrid, Spain). She is an Assistant Professor in the Spanish Linguistics and Literary Theory Department at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Her research and teaching activity focuses on sociolinguistics and the study and teaching of Spanish varieties. She has been a member of the research groups “Applied Linguistics”, “PRESEEA-Madrid” and “INMIGRA” of the University of Alcala.´ She has published several works about the sociolinguistic integration of Spanish-speaking immigrants in Spain. She has been the editorial assistant of the international journal Language and Migration / Language and Migration between 2010 and 2019. vii Preface to ”Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration” The history of humanity involves a long series of migratory movements. From the origin of the human species to the contemporary world, a large proportion of the major events in world history are related to displacements of population from one region to other, for economic reasons, because of war, or merely for reasons of survival. The movement of people from one region to another is a process with a wide variety of economic, social, political, psychological, cultural, and linguistic consequences for individuals and societies alike. Migratory movements have reached unprecedented levels in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, in both quantitative and proportional t erms: according to the World Migration Report 2018, 740 million people had migrated within their own country of birth, while there were 244 million international migrants. However, figures aside, it is essential to study migration insofar as it has been linked to the phenomenon of globalization, and has therefore become a cornerstone of today’s society. This Special Issue, entitled ”Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration”, provides a forum for debate and analysis in the study of the relations between language and society when linguistic contact takes place as a result of migratory movements; it focuses particularly on how migration develops or favours the process of sociolinguistic integration. The volume contains a series of studies that contain theoretical approaches, models, and applications related to linguistic and sociolinguistic processes which place certain situations in contact as a consequence of migration. The chapter that opens the volume, ”The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its S tudy”, by Mar´ıa S ancho P ascual, is a r eflection on th e ro le th at th e linguistic dimension plays in the process of migrants’ sociolinguistic integration, based on the INMIGRA project to study the migrant population in the community of Madrid. Language plays a fundamental role in the process of constructing and redefining personal identity in the new c ontext. The models must also consider the population of the receiving society, which is generally the first determining factor in the process, in order to identify the changes caused by linguistic and cultural contact and to analyze them in depth. The study by Yara Perez´ Cantador, ”An Approach to Studying the Sociolinguistic Integration of Romanian Immigrants Residing in the Community of Madrid”, implements the models used in the INMIGRA project mentioned above. The author describes the methodology she uses to examine the process of sociolinguistic integration among the population of Romanian immigrants living in Madrid. The process is analyzed from a twofold perspective: semi-directed interviews and attitude questionnaires are used with the Romanian immigrant population, while attitude surveys are simultaneously performed on the population of Madrid. These two perspectives show acculturation processes followed by the two social groups in contact, and identify the factors that facilitate the process as well as anticipating those that hinder it. The next three studies specifically e xamine the role of l anguage in the c reation of i dentity in migratory contexts. The study by Mar´ıa Cecilia Ainciburu and Irene Butazzi, ”Esa No Soy Yo (”That’s not me”): Self-Image and Name Change from the Perspective of Female Immigrants”, focuses on a defining a spect of p ersonal i dentity: an i ndividual’s own n ame. In s ituations of migratory ix contact, a migrant’s name is very often modified, which can also lead to changes in the individual’s self-perception. The research examines interviews with Peruvian and Chinese migrants living in Italy. The situations range from changes against the migrant’s will (such as phonetic modifications and names that are not the same as the person’s birth name) or voluntary name changes to adapt them to Western norms (typical among the Chinese population). The results show that
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