VVolumeolume 1010 - NumberNumber 2 FFebruaryebruary – MMarcharch 22014014 ££44 TTHISHIS ISSUEISSUE: PPALESTINEALESTINE ● KKerry’serry’s bbillionsillions ● AAnn iinterviewnterview withwith WalidWalid KhalidiKhalidi ● RRaves,aves, pprisonrison cellscells andand FoucaultFoucault ● PPalestinianalestinian refugeesrefugees andand thethe politicspolitics ofof returnreturn ● RRememberingemembering PalestinePalestine ● PPalestinianalestinian youthyouth challengechallenge thethe PrawerPrawer PlanPlan ● A cculturalultural mmissionission ● FFindinginding a voicevoice ● TTwowo ppoemsoems ● PPhotohoto competitioncompetition resultsresults ● PPLUSLUS RReviewseviews andand eventsevents inin LLondonondon VVolumeolume 1100 - NumberNumber 2 FFebruaryebruary – MMarcharch 22014014 ££44 TTHISHIS IISSUESSUE: PPALESTINEALESTINE ● KKerry’serry’s bbillionsillions ● AAnn iinterviewnterview wwithith WWalidalid KKhalidihalidi ● RRaves,aves, pprisonrison ccellsells aandnd FFoucaultoucault ● PPalestinianalestinian rrefugeesefugees aandnd thethe politicspolitics ooff returnreturn ● RRememberingemembering PPalestinealestine ● PPalestinianalestinian youthyouth cchallengehallenge thethe PPrawerrawer PPlanlan ● A cculturalultural mmissionission ● FFindinginding a vvoiceoice ● TTwowo ppoemsoems ● PPhotohoto ccompetitionompetition rresultsesults ● PPLUSLUS RReviewseviews aandnd eeventsvents iinn LLondonondon Birds of Paradise, 2011, by Palestinian artist Laila Shawa About the London Middle East Institute (LMEI) © Laila Shawa Volume 10 - Number 2 Th e London Middle East Institute (LMEI) draws upon the resources of London and SOAS to provide February – March 2014 teaching, training, research, publication, consultancy, outreach and other services related to the Middle East. It serves as a neutral forum for Middle East studies broadly defi ned and helps to create links between individuals and institutions with academic, commercial, diplomatic, media or other specialisations. Editorial Board With its own professional staff of Middle East experts, the LMEI is further strengthened by its academic Professor Nadje Al-Ali membership – the largest concentration of Middle East expertise in any institution in Europe. Th e LMEI also SOAS has access to the SOAS Library, which houses over 150,000 volumes dealing with all aspects of the Middle Ms Narguess Farzad SOAS East. LMEI’s Advisory Council is the driving force behind the Institute’s fundraising programme, for which Mr Roger Hardy it takes primary responsibility. It seeks support for the LMEI generally and for specifi c components of its King's College, London programme of activities. Mrs Nevsal Hughes Association of European Journalists Dr George Joff é Cambridge University Mission Statement: Ms Sarah Searight British Foundation for the Study Th e aim of the LMEI, through education and research, is to promote knowledge of all aspects of the Middle of Arabia East including its complexities, problems, achievements and assets, both among the general public and with Dr Kathryn Spellman Poots AKU and LMEI those who have a special interest in the region. In this task it builds on two essential assets. First, it is based in Dr Sarah Stewart London, a city which has unrivalled contemporary and historical connections and communications with the SOAS Middle East including political, social, cultural, commercial and educational aspects. Secondly, the LMEI is Mrs Ionis Th ompson at SOAS, the only tertiary educational institution in the world whose explicit purpose is to provide education Saudi-British Society and BFSA and scholarship on the whole Middle East from prehistory until today. Dr Shelagh Weir SOAS Professor Sami Zubaida Birkbeck College LMEI Staff: Co-ordinating Editors Sarah Johnson Director Dr Hassan Hakimian Megan Wang Executive Offi cer Louise Hosking Listings Events and Magazine Coordinator Vincenzo Paci Vincenzo Paci Administrative Assistant Valentina Zanardi Designer Shahla Geramipour Th e Middle East in London is published Disclaimer: Letters to the Editor: fi ve times a year by the London Middle East Institute at SOAS Opinions and views expressed in the Middle East Please send your letters to the editor at Publisher and in London are, unless otherwise stated, personal the LMEI address provided (see left panel) Editorial Offi ce views of authors and do not refl ect the views of their or email [email protected] Th e London Middle East Institute organisations nor those of the LMEI and the MEL's SOAS Editorial Board. Although all advertising in the University of London MBI Al Jaber Building, 21 Russell magazine is carefully vetted prior to publication, the Square, London WC1B 5EA United Kingdom LMEI does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of claims made by advertisers. T: +44 (0)20 7898 4490 F: +44 (0)20 7898 4329 E: [email protected] SSubscriptions:ubscriptions: www.soas.ac.uk/lmei/ ISSN 1743-7598 To subscribe to Th e Middle East in London, please visit: www.soas.ac.uk/lmei/affi liation/ Contents 4 19 EDITORIAL Finding a voice Peter Clark 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 21 LMEI Board of Trustees Professor Paul Webley (Chair) Mosaddeq and the intervention Over Th ere: Two poems Director, SOAS of the International Bank Rafeef Ziadah Professor Richard Black, SOAS Farhad Diba and Dr John Curtis Iran Heritage Foundation Homa Katouzian 22 H E Sir Vincent Fean KCVO Photo competition results Consul General to Jerusalem 6 Professor Ben Fortna, SOAS INSIGHT 25 Mr Alan Jenkins Kerry’s billions REVIEWS Dr Karima Laachir, SOAS Dr Dina Matar, SOAS Alaa Tartir BOOKS Dr Barbara Zollner Meet Me in Gaza: Uncommon Birkbeck College 8 Stories of Life inside the Strip PALESTINE Gerald Butt LMEI Advisory Council Palestine studies: an interview Lady Barbara Judge (Chair) with Walid Khalidi 26 Professor Muhammad A. S. Abdel Haleem Near and Middle East Department, SOAS Dina Matar Lineages of Revolt: Issues of Mr Stephen Ball Contemporary Capitalism KPMG in the Middle East H E Khalid Al-Duwaisan GVCO 10 Ambassador, Embassy of the State of Kuwait Raves, prison cells and Brenna Bhandar Mrs Haifa Al Kaylani Arab International Women’s Forum Foucault: new approaches Dr Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa to Palestine studies 27 President, University College of Bahrain Professor Tony Allan Nora Parr Th e Lady from Tel Aviv King’s College and SOAS Jennifer Langer Dr Alanoud Alsharekh Senior Fellow for Regional Politics, IISS 12 Mr Farad Azima Palestinian refugees and the 28 NetScientifi c Plc politics of return Memoirs of an Early Arab Dr Noel Brehony MENAS Associates Ltd. Ruba Salih Feminist: Th e Life and Activism Ms Zeynep Dereli APCO Worldwide of Anbara Salam Khalidi Professor Magdy Ishak Hanna 13 Sussanah Tarbush British Egyptian Society HE Mr Mazen Kemal Homoud Remembering Palestine Ambassador, Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Roger Hardy 29 BOOKS IN BRIEF 15 Founding Patron and Member of the Palestinian youth challenge 30 Advisory Council the Prawer Plan PROFILE Sheikh Mohamed bin Issa al Jaber Nimer Sultany Reem Kelani MBI Al Jaber Foundation 17 31 A cultural mission EVENTS IN LONDON Roger Hardy February-March 2014 The Middle East in London 3 EEDITORIALDITORIAL © Iselin Shaw of Tordarroch © Iselin Shaw of DDearear RReadereader Palestinians of Jerusalem risking their lives to reach family and friends split up by the wall, Jerusalem (2012) Roger Hardy, MEL Editorial Board Adam Hanieh, SOAS his issue marks the second Elsewhere in the issue, Nimer Sultany and describe what led them to settle in the anniversary of the founding of the looks at the wave of Palestinian protest British capital. One of those interviewed, TCentre for Palestine Studies at SOAS. provoked by an Israeli plan (currently the Gaza-born artist Laila Shawa, has kindly Th e Centre was inaugurated in March 2012 shelved) to resettle the Bedouin of the allowed us to use one of her most striking to bring together scholars from a variety Negev. Th is, he argues, was a moment when works on the cover of the magazine. of academic disciplines and provide an the type of popular protest made familiar In addition to our usual book reviews, we institutional home for the broad range of by the Arab Spring was played out on report on the Palestine Book Awards, which work on Palestine and the Palestinians Palestinian streets. Another SOAS scholar, have become an annual event in London which has long been carried out at SOAS. Ruba Salih, explores the debate on one of highlighting new books by Palestinians and We are using the occasion to highlight the most sensitive and contentious issues on Palestine-related issues ranging from some of the current work at SOAS on that will have to be addressed in any future politics and fi ction to travel and cooking. political, economic, legal and social aspects peace settlement: the fate of the Palestinian Th is issue also refl ects the work of two of Palestine past and present. At the same refugees. artists of the Palestinian diaspora: the singer time, this special issue examines a number Also in this special issue, we honour Reem Kelani and the English-language poet of current (and oft en highly-charged) the work of the father of Palestine studies, Rafeef Ziadah. themes related to the Israel-Palestine Walid Khalidi, who talks to Dina Matar Finally, it is with much pleasure that problem. For months now, the US Secretary about his pioneering work, and refl ects we take this opportunity to announce the of State John Kerry has been travelling on how research on the events of 1948 winner and runners-up in the magazine’s to the Middle East in an eff ort to
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