Friday, May 14, 1943 DHTHOIT EVENING TIME?? (THOSE CHEERY PAGE 25 Ono of 4 5 Aim Normal Edges Out Run Scoring 2 Detroit Pairs Hass A Teams VMfKUAVLKtr.lK Marine's Arrival F • »MTW T HKTFOtT ft i - —— —— .. To :100 At Titans in 10th, 8-7 .'*w York 14 1 .. Get City Meet Prize B sion 4 —¦ Ph ndaiphl* ft 2 2 .• •• Highly After University of Detroit h id Cand 11 * in Stops —•— Rated - National Five Class A teams are in the have scorn! since the tournament Chlratf 4 the in ninth, - - Tab score the Mulli- -- Bob tied ft ily opened. 12 4 p g squad* tonight - In l three at Great - ! n 2 3 .. .. Private gan Normal College won out. in Wssluns 1 11 Worship Lakes with Thomas McKay's. STANDINGS ;»t s \rtov ai. 1.r.A0l r. T 4 IM the tenth inning. 8-7, yesterday * Maple Lanes, from \ National Tourney Metrojsolitan i I.A-»s Northwestern Field. Bob Hagen’s 1 MTW T r S Doubles Roller » - League, , Krakow Fiva. 30*12. II P Knnrsarln* Brr - sl>n 4 Who Sent Colonel Catholic conceded a chance 29ftS P*pnCol »9',1 29ft<J. W olvarint, single seored pitcher Boh Gabriel —•— %« i Nao York A 7 #• I By HAROLD K A 111. By MARGARET RUSSELL to break into the fir>t five and Palmar Park, 294 ft « 1.4-. S h I from third with the winning run. CmeinnaM ft ,\ :• - -- 11 : (irandme>nt *— •. Rusm ~ r R< c- Rail. 302. CUi, j.cr. 2iU. Y.tamlu. 11 ft CHICAGO, May For the first time the Tty. -- Out on -Johnny Ray Titan o .. .. Strikes m six-' ; Both Gabriel and 14 R ations, Qua*n, 2si M< tors «!’¦ nt;a> i, .79 Jawrl-i I i from Traveling, a sectma put * Crimnuns Fred Bujaek, year htstnrv natirmnf . Hauih, 22ft. went the route, ,T„-h t and ( ( choice, Gabriel - Joe of roller choicr I \*s j 1 i. 4 .. .. .. v/J' Norris and Fied Wolf, two of De- skating championships, competi-J At Wy-7. the group includes Neil Ford 19 lot - I'amno Profa.. ’••a!* 'ftk yielding six hits and Pety 11. I'l i Iall • I —* - 3 . By 808 MURPHY Marin, 31.1, Chn -k> r, 329, Ca*;no Ait*-* troit's seven combinations, stack tion was halted right inthemirldlc Suddendnrf and Norman Jlallecn. 312. Pag« au Jim Benton, I I l'« II SPORTS EDITOR up any the Walter anil 1 as well as in field of 36 of thing* for a noncontestant. Dwight Nash and Henry Jankow- Franils 327. Htor. c erk* i r’lo 3t2i 317 Norga Currlan I >*¦ S'O" that will com|jcte in the opening This hapjrened night sky. August (ial- 31st. Warran ()ur man of the hour is Pfc. la*f when Kampc and Otto Tool round of the first annual national Pfe. Roland Martin of the marines,: landt. hi>l Behrendt and August! lull HI.I s iKIi.l J AK> Jack Cramor, a man of iron and son Stanley Kqtiar* Waller Mn it, 1303; T,.'in« bowling of the Arena Gardens man- Jankow sky, Walter 1271; SALE doubles championships Boehm and Roah-Krad flaMella Al Valalia- unshakable will, a man cast in here today. ager, came hack home after a Bamey l>oyle. hlarl (irornel and Kvarott Want. 181 0 ¦ ¦ Ralph year of duty W’#«tphal. 1220, Tftoma* IN all -» Jforut Caa the mold of all Ihc giants of Other standouts at the outset active in the Solo- Gordon Tanner, Reginald Wellctt nail. 1212. Joe and mons area. and James Benton. SIM.I PS history. are Sinke Adolph Carlson. J(>» Roland is home for a month’s ; Murdock no topcoats Pfc. Cramer must he the idol Paul Krumske and Bill Hargadon, 1 did better than 2815 Wtiiiam pijlatt*. Thomas LKifailo.. rest because of five serious bouts / of all his buddies at Fort Sheri- Buddy Bomar and Dick Winsberg, at Great Lakes last night, hut 643, Carl K imm, M. this with malaria. remained ihc money isj IHH III.KS lOUKIUKIi.Ki city: Day and Rudy in as 2751 . They quietly worship all of Ned w - . dan. must Eight-yeai-old p.rrt R.iv Hr. Harr P^rr- Imports Ihjgel, Connie Schwoegler and Billy N'anev Lot- Peter* low. Prnrmn had 599 and 'PrtV'bV ¦¦ r l.»i,h Jr.ni!" 191 T.nran lsr.*-' Smartly Tailored him as tie goes about his daily ,rp is Detroit's only claim to fame Paul Cm* 593. | Krtd BwU<*r, I*6 Martin P‘r a - ;liam routine. For Pfc. Cramer is a Sixty of Wisconsin. Sam Garofalo Orr.sa, 171; Thomas Sautar-Kraok Xhillar. of Fine Fabrics today with a line second in junior Very man who can to an occasion. and Lowell Jackson, Nelson Bur- rUKKYWKA Store Clerks from CIO 312 went 170. rise WALTER girls' figure skating. SIM.I.A s $56,75 plate , ton and Frank Mataya Louis. into second place in ('la** D on 317 Sale Prices Range Prom $lO to lie was selected as um- of St. Overcoming a Frank Collin* 199 Tad T>av6. Iftft Day, had handicap of as J(x> Burlace led on .377. Lowest John Harper, COVERTS, pile for a recent camp game. former national match Walter Pokrywka one of four figures. M'lrawa 149. John 112 IMPORTED TWEEDS, VENETIAN HERRING* game seventh in school Nancy *eore in the pn/e list in this over- Throdor* Di.R.'* lift One team eomposed entirely of king who hails from West men to score a 300 in 31 years BONES—SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREASTED. Allis, Lee, the younge*t competitor in' averages class is 76. officers, went into the ninth Wis.. and Santa Monica, Cal., of the city championship clearly howl- this division, literally .stood the Other mitumums are: Class B-fi trailing by a couple of runs, hut demonstrated he has re- ing tournament, learned Phils Get Babe Phelps gained ihe audience of 7.30 on its car with and ('-46. The squads on' immediately began a rally. form hy winning final are < - fierce his the game at North Fmd Recreation. her hreath-taking skating | PITTSBURGH. May 11 UP) it $4,000 top pri/.e in fiec the slate for May 1!*. For a while looked ns Louis Petersen’s is his season. car- < Pittsburgh an- This third * The Pirates todpy H** program. I i Jn i-gular ingle* Carl Kumm Salic lloticrts though the officers might pull individual classic in Detroit only ries a 175 average for North Kelly, nounced outright sale of veteran game‘out last Ruth 13, of Davton. won stepped into fitHi place at Wy-7 PALMS the ball of the lire, Sunday. PugeJ has been a sen- End in the Tiavelmg League. cairher Rpbe i<> the Phila- 1 FRANCIS BUILDING the crown, coming from third in on 612. Art Kneeht. Jack Crillry Phelfts hut—they icckoned without our sation in Milwaukee all season, Until his big number, his high- figures. delphia Phillies for an undisclosed **nu Moor 2 WOODWARD CL. 23 82 hero, pfc. may surprise. school Pat Carroll of New and Herb Matthews were tjq»d lor m Cramer. and the pair est was a 17H rolled la*t season. York City sum of cash. Two were when Col. J. J. was third. jth«» j*o*ition on 611 until Kumm out IH Pokrywka is a supervisor for a Success came to McCarthy strode to the plate, FACE ELIMINATION another defend- came out with that extra jxant. manufacturing supply house. ing champion, the second of tlv’i S«» lie worker! the count to two and Schwoegler, present match game many gfiod ones have yet to champ, tournament, when Robert Guthev. howl that Joe Paw Ink's 7(H) may two and then he took the next, c\|>ccis to and will have to and Nash, pitch. '1 hat mistake, he- show of 12. Eleanor 11, ol not hold. Louis Sielaff won in V*42 is golden!"-HATT tells HI r| a complete ‘ was a reversal form I "Silence ’ N. 3'.. again won the < to get Elrnont. on 707. Stanley Squers and Walter mse in Pfe. Cramer’s book tire anywhere with Sixty, the junior :: Wayne dance title, after a six-hour Mack apfn ar fairly safe in doubles ~zz~:\ toss was a strike and he had no howling and golf scribe of Milwau- trounces elimination of 21 couples. ion 1303 at th(> other pairs —^MSaO hesitancy saying *n Schwoegler rate in kee. was one of ihc Novice women who have quali- the out on big in the He caller! colonel disappointments Detroit fied to skate free style programs s* i ikes! Pfe. Cramer, we think Petersen with only a 1400 series today, grades eight in order of m school >ourc wonderful! for games. Coast Guard T figures, are: A qualifying round of 12 games I ' • pf f rr Pittuhiirrh: Vnruret across the 12 lanes ot the Audi# WH|;:,rn» TxittU* Mr r» Dflr t*: Platak Had Help Wayne University has its sec- MU-n .S k<i|> w «¦> N*%» Ycrk , Donna Ia-v ALE toiium Men's Center n. FHIAIIS Service is on Dx\t B»*?" Lfr n»ytnp ond baseball coup in three starts J Joe Platak. now a cook in the tap today, six game*, this afternoon • ihd-U* O-ikU’ C-\ ; ['nnrfi today following yes ter day’s 16-1 VUn.int Oakland; ('vr.’l* H'-'rV navy, on his way to and six more tonight. 36 •*|'f r is back The victory over Detroit Base, United cr.eM MSrw active duty with eighth iearns wil draw for jrositions in York P.
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