
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 110, 371{382, 2010 CLASS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC SQ-MEDIA I. V. Lindell Department of Radio Science and Engineering School of Science and Technology, Aalto University P. O. Box 13000, Espoo 00076 AALTO, Finland Abstract|A novel class of electromagnetic media called that of SQ- media is de¯ned in terms of compact four-dimensional di®erential-form formalism. The medium class lies between two known classes, that of Q-media and SD-media (also called self-dual media). Eigen¯elds for the de¯ned medium dyadic are derived and shown to be uncoupled in a homogeneous medium. However, energy transport requires their interaction. The medium shares the nonbirefringence property of the Q-media (not shared by the SD media) and the eigen¯eld decomposition property of the SD media (not shared by the Q-media). Comparison of the three medium classes is made in terms of their three-dimensional medium dyadics. 1. INTRODUCTION The most general linear electromagnetic medium (bi-anisotropic medium) can be expressed in terms of four medium dyadics in the three-dimensional Gibbsian vector representation as [1, 2] µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ D ¹² ¹» E = ¢ ; (1) B ³¹ ¹ H and the maximum number of free parameters is 4 £ 9 = 36. The four- dimensional di®erential-form representation of electromagnetic ¯elds as two-forms [3{5], elements of the space F2 © = B + E ^ d¿; ª = D ¡ H ^ d¿; (2) allows one to write the constitutive Equation (1) in the more compact form [5] ª = M¹ j©; (3) Received 6 October 2010, Accepted 8 November 2010, Scheduled 25 November 2010 Corresponding author: Ismo Veikko Lindell (ismo.lindell@tkk.¯). 372 Lindell or ¹ eN bª = M¹ gj©: (4) Here, eN = e1234 2 E4 denotes the quadrivector in the basis of vectors ei 2 E1 and b denotes the contraction operation. The reciprocal basis one-forms "j 2 F1 satisfy eij"j = ±ij and "N = "1234, where "4 = d¿ corresponds to the temporal one-form. The medium dyadic M¹ 2 F2E2 maps two-forms to two-forms and the modi¯ed medium dyadic ¹ ¹ M¹ g = eN bM¹ 2 E2E2 maps two-forms to bivectors. Basis expansions of both dyadics correspond to the same 6 £ 6 matrix. De¯nitions and operational rules for di®erential forms, multivectors and dyadics applied in this study have been summarized in the Appendices of [6, 7] and, more extensively, in the book [5]. The most general medium dyadic can be uniquely decomposed in three components as introduced by Hehl and Obukhov [4], ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ M¹ = M¹ 1 + M¹ 2 + M¹ 3; (5) called principal (1), skewon (2) and axion (3) parts of M.¹ The axion ¹ ¹(2)T part M¹ 3 is a multiple of the unit dyadic ¹I mapping any two-form to itself and the other parts are trace free. The skewon part is de¯ned so ¹ that the corresponding modi¯ed medium dyadic M¹ g2 is antisymmetric, ¹ ¹ while the principal part M¹ 1 is trace free and M¹ g1 is symmetric. Media with vanishing components can be called accordingly, e.g., a medium ¹ ¹ de¯ned by M¹ = M¹ 1 is called a principal medium and one with ¹ ¹ ¹ M¹ = M¹ 2 + M¹ 3 is called a skewon-axion medium. Four-dimensional formalism allows simple de¯nition of important classes of electromagnetic media. For example, if the modi¯ed medium ¹ dyadic can be expressed in terms of some dyadic Q¹ 2 E1E1 mapping one-forms to vectors as 1 M¹ = Q¹ ^Q¹ = Q¹ (2); (6) g 2 ^ it is called a Q-medium, which has the property of being non- birefringent to propagating waves [5, 8]. Thus, media in this class can be conceived as generalizations of isotropic media. A more general medium class was called that of generalized Q-media and de¯ned by medium dyadics of the form [14] ¹ ¹ (2) M¹ g = Q¹ + AB; (7) where A; B 2 E2 are two bivectors. Such media were shown to coincide with the class of decomposable media, de¯ned in terms of Gibbsian three-dimensional dyadics [2, 9] in a more complicated way [10]. In such a medium any ¯eld can be decomposed in two noncoupling parts, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 110, 2010 373 which is a generalization of the well-known TE/TM decomposition of ¯elds in simpler media. Other important classes of media arise from simple conditions satis¯ed by the medium condition. It is known that any medium dyadic M¹ like any 6 £ 6 matrix satis¯es an algebraic equation of the sixth order. Medium dyadics satisfying equations of lower order de¯ne certain classes of media. First-order equations, M¹ + A¹I(2)T = 0; (8) obviously de¯ne axion media. Axion media were also called by the name perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC), because they unify and generalize the concepts of perfect electric and magnetic conductor (PEC and PMC). Another interesting class of media is de¯ned by medium dyadics satisfying the second-order equation, M¹ 2 + AM¹ + B¹I(2)T = 0; (9) for some parameters A and B. Excluding the axion media, such a class was called that of SD-media, or self-dual media [12, 13], because one can de¯ne a linear (duality) transformation of electromagnetic ¯elds in which the medium appears invariant. It is the purpose of the present paper to introduce a class of media which appears to be in between those of Q-media and SD-media in sharing properties of both of these medium classes. 2. SQ-MEDIA 2.1. Properties of Some Dyadics The contraction dyadic transforming two-forms to bivectors à !(2)T j j X4 j X k ¹(2)T ¹(2) eN ¹I = eN ei"i = eN "ij eij = ¹I eN i i<j = e12e34 + e23e14 + e31e24 + e14e23 + e24e31 + e34e12 (10) is symmetric: ³ j ´T j k ¹(2)T ¹(2)T ¹(2) eN ¹I = eN ¹I = ¹I eN ; (11) and its inverse can be expressed as ³ j ´¡1 k j j X ¹(2)T ¹(2)T ¹(2) eN ¹I = ¹I "N = "N ¹I = "N eij "ij : (12) i<j 374 Lindell ¹ ¡1 ¹ The inverse Q¹ 2 F1F1 of a dyadic Q¹ 2 E1E1 can be expressed as [5] jj ¹ ¡1 1 ¹ (3)T Q¹ = "N "N Q¹ : (13) ¢Q This rule requires that the determinant-like quantity ¹ (4) ¢Q = "N "N jjQ¹ (14) be nonzero. In the following we assume that the Q¹ dyadic is normalized by assuming ¢Q = 1: (15) ¹ (2) The inverse of the double-wedge square dyadic Q¹ 2 E2E2, denoted by ³ ´¡1 ³ ´(2) Q¹ (2) = Q¹ ¡1 = Q¹ (¡2); (16) can then be obtained through the rule [5] jj jj ¹ (¡2) 1 ¹ (2)T ¹ (2)T Q¹ = "N "N Q¹ = "N "N Q¹ : (17) ¢Q The converse rule is jj ¹ (2) ¹ (¡2)T Q¹ = eN eN Q¹ : (18) ¹ Introducing a dyadic K¹ 2 F2E2 mapping two-forms to two-forms by j ³ j ´ ¯ ¹ ¹ (2) ¹(2) ¯ ¹ (2) K¹ = "N Q¹ = "N ¹I ¯Q¹ : (19) we have ¯ ³ j ´¡1 k j ³ jj ´ ¹ ¡1 ¹ (¡2)¯ ¹(2) ¹ (¡2) ¹ (¡2) K¹ = Q¹ ¯ "N ¹I = Q¹ eN = "N eN eN Q¹ j jj ¹ (2)T ¹ T = "N Q¹ = "N eN K¹ ; (20) which gives rise to the rule ¯ ³ j ´ ³ k ´ ¯ ³ j ´ ¯ j ¹ T ¯ ¹ ¹ T ¯ ¹ ¹ ¡1 ¯ ¹ ¹(2)T K¹ ¯ eN K¹ = K¹ eN ¯K¹ = eN K¹ ¯K¹ = eN ¹I : (21) A natural dot product of two-forms ¡1 and ¡2 yielding a scalar, de¯ned as ¯ ¯ ¡ ¥ ¢ ¡1 ¢ ¡2 = eN ¯ (¡1 ^ ¡2) = ¡1¯ eN ¡2 = ¡2 ¢ ¡1; (22) satis¯es ³ ¯ ´ ¯ j ³ ¯ ´ ¯ ¯ ³ j ´ ¯ ¯ ¡ ¥ ¢ ¹ ¯ ¯ ¹ ¯ ¯ ¹ T ¯ ¹ K¹ ¯¡1 ¯eN K¹ ¯¡2 = ¡1¯K¹ ¯ eN K¹ ¯¡2 = ¡1¯ eN ¡2 ; (23) or ³ ¯ ´ ³ ¯ ´ ¹ ¯ ¹ ¯ K¹ ¯¡1 ¢ K¹ ¯¡2 = ¡1 ¢ ¡2: (24) Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 110, 2010 375 Thus, mapping by the dyadic K¹ does not change the dot product of two-forms. In this, it resembles a rotation or reflection operation. In particular, a simple¯ two-form ¡ satisfying ¡ ¢ ¡ = 0, is mapped to a simple two-form K¹ ¯¡. 2.2. De¯nition of SQ-media Let us now assume that Q¹ (2) is a symmetric dyadic. In terms of ¹ ¹ ¹ symmetric and antisymmetric parts, Q = Qs + Qa, this requires that ¹ ^ ¹ ¹ (2) the condition Qs^Qa = 0 be satis¯ed. For symmetric Q we have jj jj j j ¹ T ¹ (2) T ¹ (2) ¹ "N eN K¹ = "N eN ("N Q¹ ) = "N Q¹ = K¹ ; (25) whence (20) becomes K¹ ¡1 = K¹ ; ) K¹ 2 = ¹I(2)T : (26) Thus, the dyadic K¹ acts as a square root of the unit dyadic. Of course, there are other square roots as well, like the unit dyadic itself. Let us consider an extension to Q-media with symmetric Q¹ (2) by adding a multiple of the unit dyadic in the medium dyadic, i.e., de¯ning M¹ = ®¹I(2)T + ¯K¹ : (27) Here, we exclude the axion medium special case by assuming ¯ 6= 0. Any medium de¯ned by a medium dyadic of the form (27), based by symmetric Q¹ (2), will now called an SQ-medium for brevity. The product of two SQ-medium dyadics satis¯es ³ ´ ¯ ³ ´ ¹ ¹ ¹(2)T ¹ ¯ ¹(2)T ¹ M¹ 1jM¹ 2 = ®1¹I + ¯1K¹ ¯ ®2¹I + ¯2K¹ ¹(2)T ¹ ¹ ¹ = (®1®2 + ¯1¯2)¹I + (®1¯2 + ®2¯1) K¹ = M¹ 2jM¹ 1: (28) De¯ning ®i = Mi cosh θi; ¯i = Mi sinh θi; i = 1; 2; (29) the rule can be cast in the more suggestive form ³ ´ ¹ ¹ ¹(2)T ¹ M¹ 1jM¹ 2 = M1M2 cosh(θ1 + θ2)¹I + sinh(θ1 + θ2)K¹ : (30) Thus, the medium dyadic of any SQ-medium acts as a hyperbolic rotation dyadic multiplied by a magnitude coe±cient. Actually, we can write more compactly ¹ M¹ = MeθK; (31) 376 Lindell when the expotential function of a dyadic is understood in terms of its power series.
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