MARCH THE PULSE Edition 1998 OF LYNN UNIVERSITY - -- 3601 North Military Trail• Boca Raton, Florida 33431-5598 -- ·. WELCOME Families visit f0r annual weekend, Honors Convocation ceremony By KATHERINE ACTON WEEKEND HIGHLIGHTS Staff Writer More than 400 friends and families of Lynn Friday, March 2.7 students and faculty are expected for the week­ ·c ~ - P Honors Convocation end of March 27-29 to attend events such as Student Center Auditorium the Honors Convocation, Coffee with the Piesi­ Reception Following dent and Fashion Show and Luncheon. Saturday, March 28 10:00a.m. Coffee wirth the President Events begin at 7 p.m. on Friday with the ' DeHo•rnle International Honors Convocation, a ceremony which rec­ C n1PI ognizes students' academic achievement. "It 1 .00 .m Informal Gatherings is a nice time to really recognize how many stu­ College of Educatidn dents here at Lynn have earned outstanding H k Mul ipu1p grades," sophomore Floriana Acosta said. International Cent r Student are honored with academic awards ~~ in tltree different categones: .. .~dem•c Hon­ ors goes to sttldents who have completed. at School of Busmass. least 15 credits with no incompletes, withdraw­ International Relations als or grades below C and a 3.25 9f higher aver­ Ritter 107 age. More than 125 students will receive this _12 30 p m Student Fashion Show honor. Green Center Sunday, March 29 The second category is the Honor Society. 10.00 a.m: Liturgy Fifty to 75 students will be inducted who have Landgren Chapek achieved Honor status for two consecutive .00 a .m Sunday Brunch semesters and have an AGPA Of 3.5 or better. Student Commons Up and Away! The third degree of honor goes to Honor . Society students who' have maintained an and Carla Conde will be guest speakers. An , FlorianaAcostaandtOOother ·tudenlsJ arn d \hatit sliketoskydhewhenEx­ AGPA of 3.75 or better. This weekend 20-25 award will also be presented to the most out­ treme Ainisited the campus for a Student Government activity. students will be entered as members of the standing professor, chosen by the faculty. P!loto ~ u1 a Ara) President's Honor Society. On Saturday morning at I 0 a.m. the events During the ceremony, senior David Leone See Families Weekend on Page 2 Students learn about wellness, health at fair INS ~ DE Diversity! By MATTHEW BERNSTEIN member. "It certainly helps to call at­ Multicultural Week News Editor tention to what can be achieved by Six dimensions of well ness educates students Recognizing well ness as a neces­ r ~ implementing a well ness program." sity in one's life was the theme of the include: 'ntellectual. spiritual, Personnel from the American In­ about he a1fferent Well ness Fair held Feb. 18. More than social, physical and emotional. stitute of Massage Therapy encour­ cultures on campus. 200 students, staff and visitors aged the visitors to try a massage at Pagel stopped by the Student Center Au­ their booth. A professional gave neck ditorium to visit the exhibits. rubs to demonstrate how a person According to organizer Tina ers, Boca Raton Community Hospi­ blood pressure regularly. According can feel better emotionally, physi­ Tucci, a counselor at Lynn, there are tal, the American Lung Association, to the nurse who monitored the pro­ cally and socially after having a mas­ six dimensions of well ness: occupa­ and the gram high sage. tional, intellectual, spiritual, social, Center for was happy wjth the response blood-pres­ Nytricha Smith, a student who at­ physical and emotional. "It is impor­ Substance and hope fora bigger and sure is tended the Well ness Fair, received a tant that the different areas become Abuse called the massage and said that she was "im­ I better program next year. CALENDAR ••••••• , 3 part of your daily life," Tucci said, Preven ­ silent killer. pressed by the relaxation" she expe­ ENTERTAINMENT., • • • 5 "because each of these affects each tion. Tina Tucci, Coordinator "These rienced in her neck muscles. programs FEATURE ••. , •••• 3 other and determines your over all Staff L-----------~----------------~ "I was happy with the response wellness status." from Boca Raton Community Hospi­ were instrumental in stressing the im­ from the community and hope for a NEWS BRIEFS • • • • • 2 More than 25 organizations par­ tal offered free blood tests and em­ portance of wellness," said Jo Ann bigger and better program next year," OPINION ••..•.••• 4 ticipated including Weight Watch- phasized the importance of taking Aycock, a Lynn University staff Tucci said. SPORTS •••• , • •• 7-8 Page2 THE PuLsE March 1998 NEWS BRIEFS Judiciary Board rules on Lynn loses freshman student in tragic automobile accident violation of student code Shannon Leigh Briggs died in New York and the other at Lynn. Qualified students VIOLATIONS an automobile accident, Feb. 13. "Shannon's death was a very make application She was a 19-year-old freshman tragic accident," said Associate Dean Most frequent from Long Island, New York, who for Student Services Jim Hundrieser. to become members infractions include lived on campus in Freiburger Hall. "We will miss her energetic smile and By MATTHEW BERNSTEIN That night she was driving on warm personality." visitafon News Editor Powerline Road when she lost con­ Ms. Briggs had many friends at Judicial Board members sit as a underag trol of the car, flipping it over. She Lynn. "I will always remember her body to hear cases that involve vio­ consumption of was taken to Delray Medical Cen­ smile," sophomore Jackie Helm said. lations of the Lynn University stu­ ter where she passed away. Two Aline Kokis works on the year­ alcohol Ms.Briggs is survived by her dent code. book. Photo by Monique Chong passengers in the car survived. mother, her father, a brother and a Some of the frequent violations Two-services were held: one in sister. that the five members rule on include to be amemberoftheJudicial Board. Kokis is finalist visitation, underage consumption of Requirements include being at least Lynns receive for Florida College alcohol and sanitary code violations. a second semester freshmen and hav­ The facts leading to a violation are ing an AGPA over 2.5. Any student Rotary award Student of the Year presented to the board to determine wishing to become a member may whether or not a rule has been bro­ obtain an application from Judicial By SHELBIE CASEY Aline Kokis, junior was named ken. If an infraction has occurred; a Coordinator Jason McVay or M~t­ 'Feature Editor one of 13 honorable mention win­ discipline is given out accordingly. thew Bernstein in Residence Life ae Because of their philanthropic ners for the Florida College Stu­ Some past sanctions in~ Jude writ- Hoentle Hall. leadership in the Boca Raton com­ dent of the '&ar Award. Selections uing a paper on what the s~udent did Feedback from the students has munity, Eugene M. and Christine were based on campus activities; wrong such as an apology letter, resi­ been positi~e regarding the Judicial E. Lynn were presented the first academic achievemenents, and qe~ce hall probation, counseling, and Boa1-d. " The board has contributed Opal Award, Jan. 16. The Rotary community service. helping Residence Assistants with to a better overall ..tmosphere at posters and signs. Club honored the Lynn's for their Kokis maintains a 4.0 AGPA Lynn.,'' McVay said. ''We are afwnys The J-Board meets·once a week looking for more board members.'' outstanding leadership, generos­ The actual Opal Award presented to and is a member of Lynn Student on Tuesday night at 8 p.m. in the Current board members include ity, and commitment to servicing ·the Lyons was made by Waterford Admissions Ambassadors; year­ Lynn dorm. Only board members, the Chairperson Matthew Bernstein, Sec­ others. Crystal in IrelaqJI, book staffer, Resident Assistant, adviser and the defendant attend. retary Glenda Pac h~ o, r LUTV taped the event and Because f _ r • • uTI f ~c rc.si the Mulli~;;IIM'I!II'M Usually only one or two cases are bers Andreia Bronste\n, arol, n helped the Rotary Club produce a the university, the college was re­ Club and president the of Hospi­ heard each time, and sometimes none Grant, Tony Hamner, Katric video for the evening's ceremony. named for them. tality Club. are heard. McMillan, Katy Schull. Alternates Any qualified student may apply are Bianca Sarnpaio and Josh Kelman. HELPING HANDS Farhilies Weekend Three collegiates assist in clean up welcomes par~nts From Pagel after Centra{ Florida tornado disaster continue with a coffee where the fami­ lies can meet and talk with Lynn Uni­ By SCOTT ALBANO ties, collected food and clothing, dis­ versity President, Dr. Donald E. Ross. Special to The Pulse tributed fOOd to the victims and work­ Later, at II a.m., the Informal Gath­ Disaster strikes when least ex­ ers, and sorted valuables found at erings begin. At this time the deans ·pected and often causes dr~stic the destruction sites. { and their staffs of the College of chan~es in the lives of many and their Peo_ple from all over \1)orida do­ EducationffAP, School of Hospital­ loved ones. Central Florida exp~ri­ ~ated money to the Red Cross to ll~IP Intitjiational ity, and School of Business and In­ enced devastating tornados OQ Feb. in the disaster relief. The $2 million Communica­ ternational Relations will speak with 22. In a span of a few minutes, 42-~ donated provided 550 families with. tions students the families and studepts. people lost their lives, financial aid or living Thomas Fiore, At 12:30 p.m. the Fashion Show 70 families lost all their MORE HELP quarters. Disney and Scott Albano and Luncheon take place in the Green possessions and 480 lndi Race League andGiovanni Center presented by the fashion ma­ families suffered darn­ Jf you want to both gave over Velez relax jor students "We have worked really ages to their homes.
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