MINING GEOLOGY, 32 (3), 273•`280,1982 講 演 The Metallogeny of France* Mauris BESSON* Sweden but they occur, on the other side 1. Introduction and comparisons of the Atlantic, from the Ungava Bay to Two main geodynamic phenomena account Manitoba. for the present geology of Western Europe: France also does not show any of the huge (a) The NS and SN collision of the Gondwana anorthosite complexes with associated titanium and Laurasia protocontinenets responsible for oxyde mineralizations typical of the Middle the Cadomian orogenesis, and (b) The EW and Upper Proterozoic which occur in the opening of the Atlantic Ocean beginning in Grenville and the southern part of Norway. the Upper Proterozoic with the opening of the However, pre-Caledonian geodynamic recon- lapetus. structions suggest a more spatial proximity of In connection with the above major tectonic the Bou-Azzer (Morocco) arsenic deposit with events, the following orogeneses may be the deposits of the Cobalt (Ontario) district recognized in Europe: showing sililar parageneses. Cadomian 700-550 Ma The NNE-SSW trending Caledonian oro- Caledonian 540-420 Ma genic belt has been cut from Southern Ireland Hercynian 350-300 Ma and Germany by successive tectonic phases. Alpine 100-0 Ma Remnants, although . displaced, of the Caledo- As each of these orogeneses left its marks, nian orogenesis occur in France i.e., the Europe and France in particular is a continent Pyrenees where the Lower Paleozoic terrains of heterogeneous frameworks resulting from are correlated with those of the Hispanic and the mentionned successive tectonic events. Moroccan blocks. Local Caledonian rocks However the above marks appear to be ir- there do not show as important massive sulfide regular: France is characterized by a lack of deposits as those of the Caledonides of Norway. (1) large Proterozoic masses typical of NE Lastly, the Alpine orogenesis, are attributed Europe and bordering the Archean terrains of the emplacements of ultrabasic rocks of the the Kola peninsula, and (2) associated nickel Pyrenees and Alps. But the important chromite sulphide mineralizations occurring in thick deposits typical of the Eastern Mediterranean, sills within ultrabasic rocks. These mineraliza- Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey are tions in Europe are only found in Finland and unknown in the Western Mediterranean area. Received on December 7, 1981. 2. The main structural subdivisions * Presented at the 30th Anniversary of the Society of Four main structural provinces are recog- Mining Geologists of Japan held in Tokyo on January 30, 1981 (This extended abstract is based on the nized in France: (a) a platform wholly built publications of the 26th CGI and mainly based on in the Hercynian (the Gallic rigid block) the work by A. AUTRAN, J. BouLDON, P. LAFFITTE, cropping out over 400,000 km2 out of the A. ZISERMAN in colloque C7, Evolutions Geologiques 550,000 km2 of France. It includes both the de la France: "A-Les Bites Mineraux", memoire de old massives and the epicontinental sedimen- BRGM, n•K 107). ** Ecole Nationale des Mines tary basins, (b) the border land of the above , 60 Boulevard Saint- Michel, 75272 Paris, Cedex 06, France. block deformed by the Alpine orogenesis, (c) 273 274 Mauris BESSON MINING GEOLOGY: the Alpine s.s. structural zone, and (d) the alizations are known within the Upper Alpine structural zone of the Pyrenees. Georgian limestones (La Loubatiere) or the black shales from the uppermost Georgian 3. The Icartian basement (2000 Ma old) (Brusque and St Salvy). At Saint Salvy this This has few outcrops and is devoid of stratabound sphalerite mineralizations is cut known mineralizations. by the Saint Salvy vein of Upper Carboniferous age. Reserves of Zn, Pb and Ag are evaluated 4. The Brioverian (Upper Proterozoic) at 300,000 metric tons of metal. This is mostly present in the Armorican Massif. Lower Brioverian (600 to 700 Ma) 6. Ore deposits of Ordovician, Silurian includes basic volcanics, pillowed spilites and and Lower Devonian age tuffs and keratophyric tuffs with some strata- In the Ordovician and with the important bound sulfide mineralizations (e.g. Tremuson Arenig (Armorican sandstone) transgression, in black cherts and euxinic shales). Upper a new geological cycle starts. Littoral con- Brioverian (640 to 540 Ma) shows some centrations of rutile and zircon occur in the volcanic sequences. The Rouez massive sulfide uppermost Arenig sandstones. These rocks may deposit, recently (1976) discovered by air- contain 8 to 15% of rutile+zircon over 2 to transported geophysics, is evaluated at 100 3m of thickness. Upper Ordovician and million metric tons of pyrite with low Zn , Cu, Lower Devonian are characterized by a Pb, and Ag values. tholeiitic or talc-alkaline volcanism related to Caledonian deformations and locally to massive 5. The Cambrian sulfide mineralizations. In the Armorican This occurs in neritic facies in the Armorican Massif, a more developed Lower Devonian Massif and Montagne Noire. Between these volcanism produced the Porte-aux-Moines mas- areas metamorphism of basic and acidic volcan- sive sulfide (2.5 million metric tons at 10%Pb+ ics gave the "leptyno-amphibolic group" . In Zn+Cu) deposit underlying acidic tuffs fol- the northern neritic area, Sn and W minerali- lowing spilites. The Bodennec deposit in black zations with fluorite gangue (Montbelleux) or shales and tuffites contains 300kt metal and Cu, Mo, Pb and Zn mineralizations (Beauvain) 300t Ag; rick ore shows 20 to 30% of Pb+ are related to Lower Cambrian leucogranites Zn+Cu and 200g Ag/t. In the Pyrenees, and granitic porphyries. In the neritic area of locally strata-bound massive sulfide mineraliza- the Montagne Noire, stratabound Zn miner- tion appear in the Upper Ordovician (Pierrefi- tte, Sentein, Pale de Rose, Arrens) and in the Lower Devonian (Hospice de France, Carboire) the associated lavas are spilites and keratopyres but tuffs are more important and Sentein is in a peri-reefal setting. At Pierrefitte, 200 kt of ore belong to the vein mineralization while the strata-bound shows 2 million metric tons at 10%Zn+Pb. The Carboire deposit has 2 million tons of ore at 6%Zn and 1% Pb . Oolithic iron ore occurs along with the Arenig transgression in Anjou and Normandy . In the Manche the iron formation is Lower Devonian. Oolithic ore from Normandy is of siderite enriched to 45% after roasting. Three mines are presently working and the most Fig.1 Les grandes regions structurales de la France . important, Soumont produces 1 million tons Structuctural divisions in France. per year. 32 (3), 1982 The Metallogeny of France 275 Fig. 2 Devonien et carbonifere. Devonian and caboniferous conformably during Dinantian time, are 7. Ore deposits of Upper Devonian and associated with tholeiitic and calc-alkaline Lower Visean age spilites and keratophyres. In the "arverno- To the west of the Vosges, the orogenic phase vosgienne zone" the Brevenne series contains of Middle Devonian age (360 to 340Ma) con- the massive sulfide Sain Bel (20 million metric stitutes the main early phase of the Hercynian tons of pyrite) and Chessy deposits. The orogenesis. In the Upper Devonian, the Chizeuil deposit occurs within the albite sediments of the zone "arverno-vosgienne" porphyrites of Morvan. In the "arverno- laying unconformably on older rocks but vosgeenne" and the Central Armorican zones 276 Mauris BESSON MINING GEOLOGY: and during Lower. Visean (350Ma) granites granite and granodiorite emplacements, the were emplaced. Local mineralizations (Saint latter locally associated with an important Renan) appear to be related with Upper volcanism. These two granite families clearly Carboniferous leucogranites; the same age are geochemically discriminated. would possibly apply to uraniferous granites Aluminousleucogranites of Bois Noir and Morvan. The most important groups of these leu- cogranites were emplaced in Brittany and in 8. The Variscan metallogeny of granite the northern Massif Cental between 345 and from the Upper Visean to Stephanian 320Ma. In the Armorican Massif, they occur The period from Upper Visean to Step- with a cassiterite-beryl mineralization (Le hanian is characterized by a strong magmatic Villeder, Abbaretz). In the Massif Central activity resulting in leucogranite or monsonitic they are present in the Millevache and Marche Fig.3 Metallogenie associee aux granites Westphaliens. Metallogeny related to Westphalian granitoids. 32 (3), 1982 The Metallogeny of France 277 Fig.4 Gites diuranium francais lies aux granites. Uranium deposits in granites. 278 Mauris BESSON MINING GEOLOGY: area associated with uranium and locally 4 lead and zinc mines are active, each one tungsten and tin mineralizations. The uranium mining a deposit of different genesis. The deposits of Limousin (Margnac, La Crouzille) Saint Salvy veins were emplaced during the and Vendee (L'Escarpiere), in which the last phase of formation of the neighbour- primary disseminated uraninite mineralization ing granitic stock of Sidobre, during the has been concentrated in vein fractures during Stephanian. But, these Carboniferous veins cut the Permian, should also be mentionned. Cambrian stratabound horinzons. The proved A sencond group of leucogranites (approx. reserves of the deposit are 300 Mt of metals 300Ma) sparsely crops out over the whole Zn, Pb and Ag. Hercynian belt and again is associated with The gold field of Salsigne already yielded 70 U, Sn or W mineralizations: Uranium at tons of gold. The reserves are nearly of the same Cellier and Pierres Plantees in
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