PAGE NINE 4' THE LIMA DAILY NEWS. LIMA, OHIO. 1918. MUTT AND JEFF- Oh Sure! The Law Has to be Observed Over Here the Same as Home. By Bud Fisher F»ART- UT-Ti.6 AM/Qlt fr^>«"0-0-e'*<9-9-9^»<W»<J-9-9-^«"9"9-9"0SPORT SNAP I Cincmnatl. Handicap Added ' x* • • •••• I • k GiantI • I s Won't Have Any Big Add $10,000 To Races On July Fourth Walkaway In Pennant Race To BIG Derby :SHOTS: CINCINNATI, Ohio—John Hach- NEW YORK—When the 191S nate with Jim Thorpe and JOP Wil- The Second Race has been added fore the drivers face Starter Fred ' melster, general manager ot the La- Wagner who will send them away in baseball season opened it was fig- hoit in outfield to fill the place left Babe Ruth, the long distance hit- lo the programme of the auto races vacant by Benny Kauff, unless the the biggest and richest automobile' ured by a great many critics and by tonia Jockey club announced today ting star of present day baseball, to be held at the Cincinnati Speed- struggle of the year.- ! unbelievoable happens and Davo that next year's Latonia Derby to ba practically all the National league Robertson takes his place in the has an ambition that is in a fair way way ou the afternoon of Independ- Interest in the Liberty Handicap run In the spring, will have an add- of being realized. Ruth -would like Day. This event will he known increased to such an extent during fans that the Giants would run away lineup again In that event Ross enee Young probably would be shifted to ed vnlue of $20,000 and will be the, last few days, that every indi- with the pennant in the elder major r' to clout out at least one home run as the Cincinnati Handicap and will center field leaving Dave to patrol precede the feature of the occasion cation points to the greatest auto league. barred to geldings. This year's on eiery park in the major leagues the Liberty Handicap, at 100 miles. event ever held here. The sale ot his old position In right field. derby bad $10,000 added, johren, That the McGraw aggregation \vill Of the two others Thorpe undoubt- before the 1918 season is ended. Up The Cincinnati Handicap will be seats has exceeded all expectations winner of Saturday's derby, had date he has done the trick on five en mile heats and and a record-breaking crowd seems not do that and never figured to do edly Is the better man, either declde(1 in two t against right or left hand pitching. such weak opposition the decision fields, with three to go, and the only a final end will be m ^e nature of assured when the drivers start in the it, considering the matter from ev- After experimenting with Wilhoit was made to double the /alue of the one that may give him some real & "WSl7m up- jor the drivers tfho are first heat of the Cincinnati Handi- ery angle, it is quite appaient nr. ,v, dt when right handers are opposing the race so aa to attract the best horses trouble is the White Sox park to compete in the big event which cap at three o'clock on the afternoon with Benny Kauff, Rube Benton and of Thursday, July 4th - Giants McGraw, probably will de- eligible. Chicago. will follow. Practically all of the Jess Barnes in the army. cide to give Thorpe tho thorough Ruth up to a few days ago &•- pilots who will clash in the big Panacea, Mont Clemens, Michigan least, has not made a home run at dassic are entered in the Cincinnati John McGraw wasn't one of those trial he so richly deserves It may SOUTH SIDE BUILDING who believed the Giants would have be, even, that Thorpe will perform Purest medicinal Mineral Water. Fenway Park, but in view of the -which promises to furnsh almost as Delivered in cases. Call C. li. Acker- WILL BE READY FOR a celebration on their road to an- creditably enough to fill the shoes Tact that he will be aiming at the many thrills as the richer race on of Kauff. 1 man. Phone M«in 4200. bleachers there for the greater part the pragramme Ralph De Palma OPENING OF SCHOOL other world's series He fortified of the season there is little doubt as and Dario Resta will 1'kely bo the himself against the possibility of F. E. Wood, general contractor of to his accomplishing the fact Nor scratch drivers for the Cincinnati heavy losses when he declined to he has he made one at Shibe Park in and the handicaps for the others the' South Side High school build- drawn into a plan to help other Anti-Saloon League Running Amuck Philadelphia, but the right field will be allotted later this week ing assnrred the Board of Educa- clubs. He knew that to send a play- fence there is just suited to the Bos- To date there have been a dozen jBy its irritating interference with war prepara- n slugger and he should be able cars entered for the Liberty Handi- tion at its special meeting Monday er on to another club would leave | tions since the United States entered the great ton siugoeru evening, that the new structure would DAN HTCKET, WHO WILL DRIVE him very badly crippled when the o'drBp one behind the barrier where cap and the management Is confident time came for him to part with some conflict, the Anti-Saloon League has drawn upon Frank Baker first became famous as that there will be a nnzcn more be- be in readiness for use at the be- A HUDSON IN THE LIBERTY • HANDICAP OF 100 MILES AT of his eligibles for'the armv. itself the resentment of patriotic and right-think- a circut clouter. ' ginning of the fall term of school'. THE CINCINATI SPEEDWAY ON McGraw v, ill now be forced to alter- ing people. At Comlskey Park in Chicago the HOW THEY STAND In a report filed by McLaughlm JULY 4TH. Among thousands of voters in Ohio there is mut- bleachers are very far away and it and ECulsken, architects for the new tering of discontent. They are becoming dis- takes an unusual drice to settle in w. L. Pct <j building, it was shown that $366,-' gusted with a private propaganda that takes no ttese stands. It can be done, and 25 .590 410 of the authorized $490,000 had heed of the nation's needs; that devotes all its has been done a few times, but Babe 33 24 579 already been spent on the construc- FARMERS MUCH has played four games there this Cleveland 35 27 hours to the heckling and harrasing public officials 21 ts j tion of the building and securing of; fhavororj with fin-oaf onH viial T-ocnnncihilirioo • ^l^sl^• season and has only seven more in " fixtures. j O — O"*" "*-*** •»-•»*» • • vw* ••• •**** fJ"*-~-f-~f- — **.*. — * Vw J w*-^*— ~~ Chicago ....... 2S 491 delays legislation essential to the sustenance of \ n ^Thich to make the long wajlop. St Louis ....... 37 31 Following the recommendation of iPPLAS 21 32 418 PLEASED OVER Detroit .. < • - Superintendent Collins, Miss Ruth /HABERDASHER. our army at home and abroad; that seeks the de- *'We will win the pennant this Philadlphia . .21 36 3bS Monday's Results Grove, a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan struction of millions of dependable federal and season," says Rowland, "and we will Detroit 6, Chicago 2 was engaged to teach mathematics state revenues of which the country never stood in beat the New York Giants in the Washington 2. Philadelphia 1. and latin She will receive $800 for GOOD RAINFALL greater need. world's series easier than we did a Ne-w York 3, Boston 2 this work. year ago For a championship team Cleveland at St Louis, rain. The steady pour of rain -which be- ' The Anti-Saloon League is running amuck. It Games Today Charles H Apple was secured as would make all public officials its vassals. the Giants surprised me because they Chicago at Detroit teacher of mathematics and science gan early this morning came as a displayed so many weaknesses. A Cleveland at gt Louis i at a salary of $1,350 a year. Mr. "make-up" gift to farmers and war OHIO HOME RULE ASSN., I/. H. Gibson, Mgr. pennant winner should be well bal- Poston at New York 108 West Market Tro«t Bldg. Philadelphia at "Washington I Apple is a graduate of Miami univer- garden cultivators after the frost of anced and strong in every depart- HATIOTTAIi IJEAGTJE sity and will move to Lima this sum- ment The Giants were not They Pet /mer with his family. Sunday morning, which was the first could not have won the pennant in Chicago .655 No action was taken by the board discouraging factor m the growing the American league That McGraw New York of bumper war crops this season. Boston 500 as to who will replace former Prin- won so easily m the National, and Pn'ladelplna 463 cipal A S. Moody on the school staff, Even with the frost, which blight- Tires & Tubes THFRFL 1 AjLiJAJLi SL7 .rAe RFASOlviLijrs,O\>IN^ 44S . that the prospects are he will repeat P'ttsburgh . 426 but it is quite probable that this im- ed the corn crops in the lowlands, .„ _„ indication more of the weak- BiooKlyn .. portant matter will be taken up at especially in the black ground sec- Cincinnati .
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