DIRECTORY.] ISLE OF \VIGHT. RYDE. 711 Sharp Alexander & Co. Ltd. timber Wheeler John, builder, St. David's. Luard Lieut.-Col. Frank,East Tnriei m&rchants, St.. John's Hill Somerset road, High Park Luard Mrs. H. A. St. Leonard.s' Sheppard Charle~, shopkeeper, A.rgyle White Charles Ears, bakeT, High et Parkinson William Ernest, Olga~ villa, Somerset road, High Park Whittington George,jobbing gardener, Pazolt Alfred Joseph, Puckpoo1 11«' Sonthcott Newton, ~ycle repairer, Diamond cot. qrcular rd. Elmfield Salter Stephen., Pondwell Marlborough road, High Park Stegen Richard, Le Chalet Watson Corn. Philip Sherard R.N. Sntton Geotge Edward, High Park SPRING V ALE. tavern, Marlborough rd. High Park Uplands Taylor Edward, coal dealer, High st PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Woolrych Major Humphry Stephen. Troughton John, painter, I "Mount Calthorpe Lieut.-Gen. Lord K.C.B., Vallombrosa rottage~, Circular road, Elmfipld JP. Woodlands Vale; & Cavalry i Yeo Mrs. Vernon houss Tully Charles Henry, shopkeeper, club W & United S&rvice club SW, I Lorne house, Marlboro' rd.High Pk London COMMERCIAL. Tutt~ & Sons, bakers, Post office, Black Mi~s, Se!l shell .Buckley John N ott, fa.rm bailiff to St. John's Hill Bocquet Roland Roscoe Chas. O.I.E.. Lt.-Gan Lord Calthorpe K.O.B.,J.P Tutte Alfred A.dams, rt>gistrar or St. Leonards . Cook .A.lice & 'Margaret (Misses), marriages for Isle of Wight, St. Bran~om Miss, Oak Hill cottage apartments, 2 East View cottages John's Hill Carnell Mrs. Sealands house Cook F;edk. apartments, Beauxjour-l Valvona Dominic, marine store dlr. Cook George, Rock cottage Driver Matilda(Mrs.),aparts.Nevis vil High street Farrar Francis, The Red house Jordan John Leonard, Battery hotel Ve~tis Steam Laundry Co. Limited Finch John, Lincoln lodge Royal Garrison Artillery (Master (John Alfred Whiteley, manager) Handley Douglas, Oak Hill Gunn<>r George Coombes R.G.A. in Waite Henry, Falls of ~iagara P.H flandley George, Springfiald charge). Puckpool battery St. John'~ Hill Lawford Jame~, Spring Vale house Salter Stephen, jun. architect, Loo~elv Wheeler George, market ga1 dener • Mrs. Vale house Pondwell PORCHFIELD, see Newton. ROOKLEY, see Arreton & Godshill. RYDE is a large and handsome seaside town, municipal Th£ municipal borough was incorporated in rB68, and borough, and a pa.ri-.h, with a railway station, 7 miles comprises most of the parish of Ryde, ·and a small por­ east-north-east from Newport, 5 south-by-west from Ports­ tion of St. Helen's parish, and is divided into east and mouth, in the rural deanery of East Wight, archdeaconry west wards: the Corporation consists of a mayor, six of the Isle of Wight and diocese of Winchester, and is aldermen and eighteen councillors. The borough has a beautifully situated, rising from the shores of the Solent, commission of the peace. 1 he police are under the np the slope of a hill, from which Spithead, Portsmouth, control of the Corporation. Stokes Bay, and the Mother Bank are readily seen. The town is lighted with gas and paved, under an Act. :Ryde, cowidered as a town, is wholly of modern date; of Parliament obtained in 1829: this Act was amend'ed 1 hundred years ago it was a small village, but the in r847, and the jurisdiction of the roads within th~ beauty of its position has t::aused it to be<JOme a fashion­ town transferred from the Commissioners of Highways sble watering-place: the hilly nature of the site gives to the Ryde Commissioners ; the .A.ct was again amended mmy advantages of appearance and a.spect, and the in 1854, for the purpose ·of conferring BXWnded sanitary . principal streets are open and well paved o.nd regularly powers, including a supply of water, and for making the arranged, most of them crossing each other nearly at Commissioners an elec-tive instead of a non-elective right angles ; several of the best streets run parallel to body: an additional Act was obtained in 1861 for th~ Ba~Ch other in almost a direet line to the beach, and purpose of securing a further supply of water : the town from their elevated position one above the other afford and neighbourhood are now supplied with a constant an admirable sea-view. service of water obtained from Knighton, near Newchuroh There is an extensive esplanade, affording a carriage and Ashey. The two reservoirs have a capacity of drive of nearly a mile in front of the sea and a foot-path soo,ooo and 6oo,ooo gallons respectively. extending w Sea View, 3 miles east, where there is good Ryde was formed into a separate parish in 1866; it b&thing on fine sands. fonnerly was attached to Newchurch, the parish church Along the esplanade are fine gardens, a canoe lake, a of which is about 7 miles from Ryde, but was separated bowling green of 5 rinks and tennis courts, and there by the A.ct 29 and 30 Vict. cap. cxi. are nume-rous seats, many of which are covered. The parish church of All Saints, in the Queen's road, The pier, which forms a pleasant promenade, is a waa eTectM in 1870, at a cost of about £I8,ooo, from. structure ,of timber, extending from the Quay to low­ the designs of the late Sir G. G. Scott R.A. ~ it is a water mark-a distance of nearly half a mile: it was magnificent building of stone in the Geometrical Early 6lJene<i in I814, but has since received repe·ated additions English style, consisting of chancel with south chapel, amounting in all to no less than I ,ooo Ieet : in I 864 a nave of six bays, aisles, north porch and a lofty tower on. tramway with a double line of rails was laid down for the the north .11ide, with arcaded pinnacles, and an octagonal.. whole length; in 1886 horses were dispensed with and 8pire relie>ed by dm·mer lights, and containing 8 bells ~ electricity substituted. The works, carried out by the the fine north porch is flanked by buttresses with joi.m railway companies, the London, Brighton and South canopied niches, containing figures of SS. John and Coast Railway Company, the London and South Western Andrew: in the gable is a cusped recess, inclosing a Railway Company, the Isle of Wight Railway Company sitting figure of Our Lord; arcaded turrets rise above· and the Byde, Newport and Cowes Railway Company, the buttresses, and on either side of the porch are thre6 . enable the traveller to step direct from the trains into the stained window.,s, with the arms, monogram and motto boats at Swkes Bay, Portsmouth and Ryde : at Ryde of H.R.H. the Prince Consort, erected by members of th&­ this involved a pier half a mile long, by the side of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club in 1872: the west front hRi! existing pier, and a tunnel under part of the town: arcaded pinnacles bet'l"l"een the gables; the east and wesi owing to the depth of the silt deposit under the pier and windows and nine others are stained : an open parapet­ the treaoheron.s nature of the soil, through which the ruiL!! round t-he entire structure: the fine reredos, of tunnel had to be driven, this undertaking was attended alabaster and marbles, consists of three divisions, sur, with great. difficulties, which, however, were successfully rounded by a banding relieved with bosses : the church overcome by the engineerl! of the companies and their contains sittinge for about x,3oo person!!. A 1arge vestry representative on the works, Mr. Ernest Benedict was added in x89z, and handsome oak sedili& were given M.I.C.F.. in I9or, as a memorial to the Rev. Canon Alexander Poole Jl'rom the railway stations, at the foot of the pier and M.A.. vicar, I868-g1. The chapel of the Good ShPpherd in St. John'• road, the railway passel! by Brading, San­ was set apart for the convenience of the congregation at down and Shanklin to Ventnor, and a branch was opened daily servicas in 1894· The registeT dates from the year C!ll Febrnary rst, 1875, from Sandown to Newport; there 1719. The living is a. vicarage, net yearly value £180, is alio a. third line from Ryde to Newport direct, and with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Wint::hester, thence tQ Cowes, and a fourth line from Brading to St. and held since 1908 by the Rev. Hugh Le Fleming- M.A.. Uelen'a and Bembridge. of Clare College, Cambridge. Steamboats ply between this place and Portsmouth. The church of St. Thomas, in Thomas !treet, is a. South~ea, Portsea and Stokes Bay every hour in the da.y chapel of ease to the parish church, and waa built by during the ammmer months, and from eight to ten times the Player family, to whom the -building, although con­ ~ day in the }Vinter a ~here are also boah to Cow ell and secrated, belongs, and whose arms appear on t tv~st Southampton, and occasional excursion!! are made front : it is an edifice of stone in a poor Pe ~~!iltular mti'""h •onnd tbe idand. style, consisting of chancel and na-ve under gle roof, .
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