1926 CON GR,ESSION AL RECORD-SE·NATE 1937 Also, a bill (H. R. 7535) granting a pension to l\Iary Fergu­ spection of device for prevention of sinking of ships of any son ; to the Committee on Invalid· Pensions. size or type; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 7536) granting an increase of pension to 353. By l\Ir. THOMPSON: Petition of EYans Post No. 149, Gordon W. Hall; to the Committee on In¥alid Pensions. Department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic, requesting Also, a bill (H. R. 7537) granting an increase of pension to Congressman THOMPSO::'i to support any pension bill which J essie B. Hodge; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. would increase the pensions of Civil VVar veterans to $72 per Al o, a bill (H. R. 7538) granting an increase of pension to month and their widows' pensions to $50 per month ; also ask­ Elizabeth J. Bartlett ; to the Committee on Pensions. ing 1\Ir. THOMPSON to vote and work for the repeal of Joint By Mr. SCOTT: A bill (H. R. ·7539) to provide for the sur­ Resolution No. 74 of the Sixty-eighth Congress for the res­ vey of the harbor at Menominee, Mich., with a view to its toration of Arlington Mansion in Arlington Cemetery; to the imprm·ement for navigation; to the Committee on Rivers and Committee on Invalid Pensions. Harbors. 354. By Mr. WEFALD : Petition of 85 Chippewa Indians, of By Mr. S~"ELL: A bill (H. R. 7540) for the relief of Edward Onigum, Minn., asking Congre s to enact a law providing for F. Weiskopf; to the Committee on Military Affairs. a per capita payment of $100 for the Chippewa Indians of Also, a bill (H. R. 7541) granting an increase of pension to Minnesota, the payment to be made from the tribal funds of Elizabeth Frank ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Chippewas; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. By Mr. SPEARING: A bill (H. R. 7542) for the relief of the 355. Also, petition of 32 Chippewa Indians, of Pine Bend, heirs of Gen. Dick Taylor ; to the Committee on Claims. Lengby Post Office, Minn., asking Congress to enact a law pro­ By l\lr. SUTHERLAND: A bill (H. R. 7543) for the relief viding for a per capita payment of $100 for the Chippewa In­ of Dan Kennedy; to the Committee on Claims. dians of ~Iinnesota, the payment to be made fro~ the tribal By Mr. SWARTZ: A bill (H. R. 7544) granting a pension to funds of the Chippewas ; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Ida L. Williams ; to the Committee on Pensions. 356. Also, ·petition of 48 Chippewa Indian , of Lengby, l\linn., Also, a bill (H. R. 7545) granting an increase of pension to asking Congress to enact a law providing for a per capita pay­ Maggie E. Diven, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ment of $100 for the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, the pay­ By :Mr. TABER: A bill (H. R. 7546) granting an increase of ment to be made from the tribal funds of the Chippewas ; to pension to Mary Rogers; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Committee on Indian Affairs. By l\1r. THOMPSON: A bill (H. R. 7547) granting an increase 357. By l\fr. GRIFFIN: Petition of residents of the citY anti of pPnsion to Mary E. Allen ; to the Committee on Invalid State of New York, urging the adoption of United States Pensions. patent named "Avythistos " by its inventor for preventing By l\le. THURSTON: A bill (H. R. 7548) granting an increa.3e ships from sinking; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. of pension to Caroline D. Owens ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. 'AILE: A bill (H. R. 7549) granting a pension tu SENATE Mary Emily Fallin ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. WEDNESDAY, Also, a bill (H. R. 7550) granting a pension to Rufus l\1. January 13, 19f26 Smith ; to the Committee on Pensions. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following By ~Ir. VINCENT of Michigan: A bill (H. R. 7551) granting prayer: an increase of pension to Hannah E. Ward; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 0 Lord, our God, the author of our being and fTOm whom By Mr. WEAVER: A bill (H. R. 7552) granting a pension to all blessings flow, we turn our thoughts toward Tllee, seeking William E. McElroy ; to the Committee on Pensions. Thy help. We need guidance ; there is such a tendency in our By :\fr. WEFALD: A bill (H. R. 7553) granting a pension to lives to go in paths of our own determination, forgetting Thee. l\Iaud Work ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Help us, we beseech Thee, to look at the larger conceptions of privilege and of duty, and may we so walk, so live, so do, that Thine approval may be had constantly. And thus when PETITIONS, ETC. the day is set we may be able to look back upon the work Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were accomplished with the consciousness of Thy benediction. Hear laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: and help. For Jesus' sake. Amen. 344. By Mr. W. T. FITZGERALD: Petition of Mercer County, Ohio, Rural Letter Carriers' Association, requesting The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the pro­ enactment of House bill 404~, and opposing the proposed con­ ceedings of the legislative day of Thursday, January 7. 192G, tract system for rUl'al free delivery; to the Committee on when, on request of Mr. Cunns and by unanimous con. ent, th the Post Office and Post Roads. further reading was dispensed with and the Journal wa · 34G. By Mr. FULLER: Petition of the Cairo Association of approved. Commerce, of Cairo, Ill., urging the consent of Congress for DESTRUCT!()~ OF u:\"'TED STATES CHECKS the con truction of certain bridges connecting the city of Cairo The VICE PRESIDEL\'"T laid before the Senate a commu­ with the States of Missouri and Kentucky; to the Committee nication from the Secretary of the Treasury requesting legis· on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. latiye authority for the destruction of certain paid United 346. Also, petition of former employees of the subtreasury States checks which, with the accompanying draft of pro­ service, favoring change in the civil service retirement act as posed legi lation, was referred to the Committee on Finance included in House bill 7; to the Committee on the Civil and ordered -to be printed. • SerYice. 347. Also, petition of the Reserve Officers Association of the PETITIO~S A~D MEMORIALS State of Illinois, favoring enactment of House bill 4800, to 1\fr. ROBINSON of Arkansas presented petitions of sundry provide further for the national security. and defense; to the citizens in the State of Arkansas praying for the repeal or Committee on Military Affairs. reduction of the so-called war and nuisances taxes, especially 348. Also, petition of United Spanish War Veterans of the tax on industrial alcohol used in the manufacture of Laramie, Wyo., concerning certain provisions of House bill 98, medicines, home remedies, and fia voring extracts, which were a bill for the relief of Spanish War soldiers; to the Committee referred to the Committee on Finance. on Pensions. He also presented a letter in the nature of a petition from 349. By Mr. KINDRED: Petition of the American Associa­ R. N. Benson, vice president of the Ritchie Grocer Co., of tion for the Recognition of the Irish Republic ·to the United El Dorado, Ark., praying for a reduction in the Federal income States Congress, opposing entry into the United States of the tax on corporations, which was referred to the Committee on '\';. orld Court ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Finance. 350. By Mr. KING: Resolution of Local Union 203, Quincy, Mr. WARREN presented re olutions adopted by the Ameri­ Ill., of the Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International can Indian Association (Inc.) (Daughters of Sacajewa., 1\Ian­ union of America, protesting against the Bread Trust and hat-ta Council), of New York, N. Y., faYoring the erection asking investigation: to the Committee on the Judiciary. of a suitable monument to the memor;y of Sacajawea, or Bird 351. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of Frank Bosch, oppos­ "~oman, which was referred to thEf Committee on Indian ing repeal of act approved January 12, 1919, under which the Affairs. Navy manufachu-es uniforms to be fur-nished officers of Navy, Mr. FRAZIER presented petitions signed by Erick Omar Coast Guard, and Public Health Service at cost; to the Com­ and 38 other citizens antl by Pius Stroh and 24 other citizens, mittee on Naval Affairs. all in the State of North Dakota, praying for the repeal or 352. Also, petition of Frank W. Zerden, 363 Westervelt reduction of the so-called wru.' and nuisance taxes, especially AYenuP-, Staten Island, N. Y., and others, for scientific in- the tax n industrial alcohol u ·ed in the manufacture of medi- ' 1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE J .ANU.ARY 13 cines, home remedies, and flavoring extracts, which were re­ Mr. CAMERON also presented a resolution adopted by the ferred to the Committee on Finance. Chamber of Commerce of the city of Tucson, Ariz., which was Mr. COPELAND presented a resolution adopted by the referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and board of directors of the American Statistical Association, ordered to be pl'inted in the RECORD, as follows : favoring the passage of legislation in the matter of calendar Resolution reform, which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor.
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