~ISSN OIJ7-1659 In chis i.ssue you' ll flnd two w l ums of OOXD, last veek.$ ard lhla weeka . M our vol\all«!n 6dlu.t tholr c.olt.111'1 tchedlles we would •pPC'~hu.e lt if • ll of tou would bear wit.hut for 11 fev llO~ days unti l we get things 11trt11.gJ'\tened out. Thau.,. we ot tlvlt wt l.'Ul'I ln our to be eont.1rued tu~c t ion , s till hnve scme phot. and •tuff• vi l l so that ....a Cllll c.onc:lude ouc Stlltion Profile on WLS. And , whi l e l'm at i t, that. Al.MU Pn.tt Ono nrtlclo we ran lnst wrok, the &tl:ltioci list dld awp nt 1450. We Col'got to wri te ,.end" at tho OOttoa of t he listing on the map page ., •• soi:-ry t1bout that.. lt.lsings Pauls new Mdre.111 tor your lbiing,s is: P.O.Sox 4812 1 Penor«M. Clt.y, CA 91412. \le vil l continue to run Lhl;: littl e blurb until ~ can Ret his hcod.or fi.M!d up r ight . Our Vi z.ard Colum heMlor fixrr-uppcr (Dee) it on a well deset"YOd VM:.ft t. ion i n not '°warm Florid&. St.a.t:ion Acldr eet laat lasue we mentioned that st.at.ion addresses were LO bo 1111Ued here to tQ•••• well, havl... _ had tal\tod vi.th Jerry Starr t. hu volool.ttttd (is he nut.s?!!! ••••yul, .:cording to all t.hree of hi.s to expeind hi.a cohan dlties to shrinks ! ~ inc.lu:ie that the So, you ~ - of •i.tlon i f vould, pleue Nnd thtn to Jeny St.aix, not to am>, hll ~ ..t hla col.um can be fCU'd starllrg on Pft&I; 2. Aprl.l Fool• 1--..e la cp.1ickly ~ up. Fot lhoM thlt vlah to contrlb.ite to the f a:ious once a year l•tue, W ee almost euery·thlng goes, )'Q.r more than w.lc:oae to pa.rt.ic.lpete in itl Start ~re up your t tms, and get thm t-o ua real aoon! TIJ!les-a -wsting! ! ! : Graveyard DX Achl.ewnenta Latt week we told you who was going to uq OYU the col.u!'l'I ( Bill Hale), buL we forgot to tell you his adduss ••• opptl. Well, he.re Lt is: 9823 N. Meadow Conw:rH, TX 78109. ror lhoae that lo'ant to part icipate in thi • Colunn you'll need to drop Bi ll tl'le follovl"« i nform3Lion: ft'«! Cilll lettora Locatloo o r s tn H.1 l es from your locatloo to l lll ( lf you known) RMIEmber: The only (reqa that Bi ll will need are: 12JO, 1240 , 1340, 1400, 1450, 1490. We ' 11 hove mor o LnCol."IM tion ond detoil.5 within the next fcv lasue.s. and ~ 2S S~l e Tndoo< Vlndov b¥ E.M. Noll. This ls the th1 od book offered b¥ E.H. Holl. And a;ain a• with the pcevious two booka , th l• ooa 11 Q&tlin tho pocket alu edition that you c.on toke wi th you lohll e you Wild your antennas. t'Ull o( pictures, charts, and <:Uag,r$11t c.oo. Prico ia 1till US$5.00 ftraL clu1 ppd. For your copy, siend ywr order to: £.H. Noll , Box 751 OWfoat, PA 18914. ac TES'IS: n.. ... r.u·t.em Local n. F<b 2S "1.AL-15'0 ~' CA 0100-0215 vtth a.atic, froquent lD'• slid t.one vtth ~ s.....eeps (na XIC> to lCXXlb: at ,,1lricus tixles. Power: 2.SOOw 0100-01SS, 4v OlSs--ollS ifPOl"u ue deli.red, cspccially on 4v P$A. PoW'tt. Ritp0ru to: J~ V. o.Yan, Pre.ldent & Centta.l Manager, 12 ~ . Cedar St., Suite 311, Hc.Donolgh, Cl. J01SJ Arrqed by: Ke:crdt Geary and Jane• W. Dev.,. LOOC DISIDE: 2 ••••• AM 5111'!01 $ • • ••• OOXJ) 9 ••••• OOXD 15 •••• SUT1Mry Unrcpor lod Stn 16 •....Spor ts Ne t._-orks 1 7 • •• • • BGndBC41n 19 .....ft.lSlnge 22 ..•. Verification Signers 24 ...•.NRC Addresses ! • j jl'?iftl,Jjf !•U•>! 041 , .,;,,, •·•iHiifi 1;144.:151 il l IJJ!i•.:z \'Aft 1).13 j ., : • CD AM SWITCH Jerry Starr. c/o WHOT Radio, 401 N. Blaine Ave., Youngstown. OH 44505 Now that we have the AHS Hotllne working we've been cal l Ing directly to the <D stat,ons to get any l ast-mtnute information or changes for liM Switch, tn the CALL LETTER CHANGES process' we have cone up with a number or addresses that do not oppeor tn the L~. Most of these ere new operations although sane have been orouno for e N•w cal I: Old call: New cal 1 Old-------------------------------- ctl I: --­ number of year s but for S(ll'Tle reason never h~d a oub1 1shed ~ddre~s In the Loq. This i s not a complete ltst of missing addresses but it stwuld f t 11 fn Qui te 680 wt.Fii fl St. Petersburg Wt.ff 1310 wtCl YA ratrrax •OC a few hol es In your Log. 750 ..... La Cresc:ent l\HGF WBBO NC Forest Ct ty 1380 KRKO WA Cverett ~B:.t e- S 780 670 K>ll<t AA Gl 7194) Box "" lC.)O··~ ~··WEE TH Gcr"*'town~~ ····~· •t.V Oii Cort 1end WI.ND '''l 22~ 830 WCll .. 740 WSV Q TN H1rroo1to )7752 8oJC -H 1sr.o WASG GA Sylvester ..·x z( 900 WMYN Oii Canton WTOF WPRX WI Hudson 5'6016 327 South 7t h Street 990 TN KWAM• 1580 KXRK IA Davenport KlS 790 WAJH TN Ashland Cfty 37015 Box 355 1170 WVLC HA Orleans WllPE WVGO "' St. Johns ~ ~L ~ 810 WCTA TH Alemo Box F Parsons, TN )8)63 -Is •KAl41 call never used. remains KWAK 850 wt.RC HS Wolnut 18631 Sox 17 A.PPLJCATIONS·- fOR NEW STATIONS WPFD TN Felrviow J7062 8ox 85 840 WI Seymour: 500 01 890 WTNE TN Trenton ).8362 Town House Office Building 1290 TX Kcrrvfllc: 1000 01 (second application for this frequency) 900 WGSN SC North Myrtl e 8each 29582 u29 Ptne Avenue 1320 FL Colemon: 500 01 920 WG.HQ NY Kl noston 12401 Bo;ic 1880 1400 WA Sflverdole: 1000/1000 U1 • 950 KRRP LA Coush•tta 71019 Drawe r 910 1590 wr Nekoosa: SOD 01 970 WXO.K TH Sprfno Ct ty )7379 Box 601 1000 WXWY AL Robertsd&le l6S67 Box 578 •Si iverdal e , WA app l lcat1on Is second for this facility. KPMA Tacoma, WA has 1070 KHOM MN Hontlcel lo 55362 Box 900 applied for 8 move to Si iverdale on their present frequency of 1400 kHz, not 1090 WAQE WI Rice Lake 5'•868 Sox 703 just o move to tho suburbs but a ~O mile move co a new locatlon. Thfs cou l d 1130 WCTH OH Coton 320 Woodside Or i vc west Alexendrto. OH 45)81 turn tnto an Interesting si tuation. More as 1t happens. WHHQ SC Hii ton Head Island 29918 Sox 5683 1140 WSPC VA St. Peul Route 3 Box 289-C Castl ewood, VA 24Z24 GRANTS FOR N£W STATIONS 11 50 WTWZ HS Clinton 1991 Lloyd Street Pearl , HS None 1180 WJJN IN ffO<Nberg 47630 Sox 704 WXLA Ml Dimonda le 5920 South Logan Lansing, HI Ci.8910 APPLICATIONS FROM EXISTING FACILITIES 1190 WSGJ TH Springfield 5628 South Hil lvic-w Brentwood, TN 37027 WSVC TN CNnl1p 37327 8ox 67 8SO WABA PA Aguadtlla: 5000/1000 U1 KN £K lA WashlngtOft 70589 Box 598 1210 WCCC NC Belmont: 5000 ~atts DA days, nights r~tn unchang~. U4 1220 WAXO TN Lewisburg 37091 217 west COl!W'l'Crce 1280 KFAN ca Long eeach: SOo0/1000 u~ (rt3PQ1tc~tlon) 1230 ~1t.CC TN Horrtrun 37748 8ox 1230 1370 ~SH Y WY Cheyenne: to Fox farm, WY 10000/1000 U4 on 15)0 kH~· 1270 WWES YA Hot Sort ngs 24~45 Box R 15JO WIHU IL Hlghlend P•rk: 5000/250 U2 (reapplication) 1280 WflO B lN Wtn...c 46996 116 West Kain •It's tlMC to olay l'flUslcel frequenci e s. KSHY ca!le into being here after KUUY 1310 K8HV "° Birch free 63935 20~ Washingt on moved from 1)70 kHl to 1530 kHz. Now KUUY has moved to 870 kHz and KSHY i s 1330 WKJJ TH Mount Juliet 201 East Spring Street Lebonon , fN 37807 makfng application to move Into their vacated spot once again. 1370 WSOl SC C11oree Drawer 367 Orangeburg, SC 29116 1500 WD(( HI Aced Ctty c/ o WK.KM Bo;ic 5Q9 Harrfson. Ml ~625 •• GRANTS TO CXISllNC FACILITIES 151 0 WOIX t~C 81owlnq Roel< 28605 Box 3~S 1520 W\.GC KY Gr eenup 41144 Box 685 880 WPRX PR Sabana Grande: changes to non-DA, night power to 500 watt s ••WO££ ts now evidently relayfng WKKM. When you call the nutnber Information asking you to cal I the "Country King" OTHERNESS has for WOEE you got 1 recorded message at a new number whic h ts WKKH ' s number. They safd thnt ~11 woEC m.a ll s hou ld 770 WJMW AL Athens1 night power t s 250, not l lsted SOO per verte be direc ted to WKKM. 790 KXTC CA Clovis: station is now silent 1040 WHOO FL Ptnellas Park: has moved here ''om 1050 kHz but presentl y stil l w• ch1n the next month or so we hope to be able co f tl l In more of the operetlng as a dayt imer unttl night trensml tter ts completed acfcf resslcss entries In the new Log so stay tuned.
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