WEST RIVER INSIDE Act Loving and Holy, page 2 Diaconate Ordination Invitation, page 3 Priest Assignments, page 4 Meet the New Transitional Deacon, page 5 Welcome to the Church, page 19 Informing Catholics in Western South Dakota since May 1973 St. Joseph, Cherry Creek 125th, page 23 Diocese of Rapid City CMayatholic 2018 South Dakota Volume 47 Number 1 www.rapidcitydiocese.org ‘Pope Francis: A Man of His Word,’ documentary young people, relations with the BY JOHN MULDERIG Islamic world, economic inequal- NEW YORK (CNS) — Vet- ity and the clergy sex abuse crisis. eran filmmaker Wim Wenders re- Francis also sets out, in a general spectfully profiles the current way, his vision for the future of the successor of St. Peter in the well- church. crafted, sometimes moving docu- Along with original interviews mentary “Pope Francis: A Man of with the pope conducted at the His Word” (Focus). Though Wen- Vatican, Wenders incorporates ders also provides some narration, footage of his worldwide travels, as his title suggests, he largely lets which have included trips to the pontiff speak for himself. North and South America, Africa That approach pays off by al- and, closer to Rome, Greece and lowing the audience to hear Fran- the southern Italian city of Naples. cis’ views on a wide variety of We also see Francis answering topics of interest to believers and questions from youngsters and, in nonbelievers alike. These include a particularly touching scene, of- the environment, the situation of fering encouragement to the in- mates of a prison. Francis brings warmth to this grim setting and draws an emo- tional response from its presum- ably tough inhabitants by reminding his listeners that Chris- tianity’s very first saint was the Good Thief. Moments like that one give viewers an insight into the personality, thinking and Feast Days global influence of the first pontiff n (Above) A scene from Pentecost is depicted in a stained-glass window in the long history of the church in Queen of Apostles Chapel at the Maryknoll Society Center in Mary- to hail both from the New World knoll, N.Y. The feast of Pentecost, celebrated May 20 this year, com- and from the Society of Jesus. Mailing Label Mailing memorates the Holy Spirit descending upon the apostles 50 days after Wenders also dwells on the Christ’s resurrection. Pentecost also marks the end of the Easter season. significance of another precedent- (CNS photo/Gregory A. Shemitz) breaking choice, that of the papal n The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, headed name Francis. Luminous images by Cardinal Robert Sarah, has announced Pope Francis’ decision to add of Assisi and an outline of the life the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, to the church’s calendar as an of its most famous son provide “obligatory memorial.” The Monday after Pentecost is May 21 this year. It is not a holy day of obligation. (Left) A statue of Mary and the Christ context for what his medieval Child is seen at St. Rafael the Archangel Church in Quebradillas, Film, Continued on page 6 Puerto Rico. (CNS photo/Bob Roller) Seize2 WRC every occasion to actNo inGreater a Loveloving, holy way May 2018 At the State Knights of Columbus Con- son for this is either they are very humble, forget or even dismiss this call as unattain- to the world. “Every vention a couple of weeks ago, I had the or they do not understand what holiness re- able. So often people relate holiness as per- saint (every one of us privilege of preaching at the Mass cele- ally looks like. Isn’t this the call of all Chris- fection, thinking that this is the reality of who seeks to live a life of brated on Friday evening at St. Joseph tians? the saints and not the average Christian. holiness) is a message Church in Spearfish. During the homily I Seeking holiness is first and foremost the How far from the truth! Pope Francis re- which the Holy Spirit asked the congregation the question, “How call of a disciple of Jesus. Chapter Five of lates, “We should not grow discouraged be- takes from the riches of many think you are holy?” I have asked this the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium fore examples of holiness that appear Jesus Christ and gives to Bishop question before in other settings and the re- (the Dogmatic Constitution on the unattainable … We are all called to be wit- his people.” (#21) Since Robert Gruss sponse is always the same — not more than Church) takes up this idea that all who be- nesses, but there are many actual ways of this is the case, what is a very few people raise their hands. The rea- lieve in Jesus Christ regardless of their vo- bearing witness.” (#11) the message of our life cation in life are In this apostolic exhortation, Pope Fran- that is being given to his Diocese of called to holiness. cis relates a story about Cardinal Francois- people? Rapid City The Core Values Xavier Nguyên van Thuân’s witness to Yes, holiness is for outlined in the holiness during his 9 ½ years of imprison- each of us. We must not Diocesan Priority ment in North Vietnam, which began in be afraid of holiness. “It will take away none Plan stem from this 1976. If you are interested in his story, read of your energy, vitality or joy. On the con- very call — the call “The Road of Hope: A Gospel from trary, you will become what the Father had we must accept if Prison.” I would also recommend a short in mind when he created you, and you will we are to be living spiritual memoir entitled “Five Loaves and be faithful to your deepest self.” (#32) witnesses of Jesus Two Fish.” that shares a bit about his life The Holy Father expounds on two ene- Christ in the world. during his time under house arrest. mies which present false paths to holiness I bring this up During his imprisonment, Cardinal that are present in our culture today — as a way to encour- Nguyên van Thuân refused to waste time Gnosticism and Pelagianism. These will be age people of God waiting for the day he would be released. countered by a genuine understanding of across the diocese Instead, he chose “to live the present mo- holiness, which he presents through an in- to read Pope Fran- ment, filling it to the brim with love.” He terpretation of the Beatitudes. These in- cis’ recent Apostolic decided to live his life in prison in this way: struct us in how to be holy and are at the Exhortation “I will seize the occasions that present heart of this exhortation. Gaudete et Exsultate themselves every day; I will accomplish or- Seeking holiness is not easy. Pope Fran- – The Call to Holi- dinary actions in an extraordinary way.” cis describes how holiness comes through ness in Today’s (#17) the daily struggles each disciple of Jesus World. This short If we do this, led by God’s grace, then faces. He notes that this spiritual combat is document was re- the holiness of God becomes the heart of not only with worldly values and our own leased on March our every action. There are a couple of other weaknesses, but is also with a very real 19, the Solemnity points that I would like to highlight from enemy, the devil. To aid in that fight, the of St. Joseph. It was Gaudete et Exsultate in reference to the call Holy Father concludes his exhortation by not meant to be a of every disciple of Jesus. The first regards addressing discernment and “recognizing treatise on holiness, our mission. In my Confirmation homily how we can better accomplish the mission defining it in some this year I share with the students who are entrusted to us at our baptism.” (#174) And way. Instead, the being confirmed that the Spirit defines our this mission, of course, is to be holy. And, Holy Father is re- life and leads us to our own personal mis- yes, this mission is attainable. proposing for all of sion for Christ. This is at the heart of this “In the end, it is Christ who loves in us, us “the call to holi- Sacrament of Confirmation. for holiness is nothing other than charity ness in a practical Pope Francis reiterates this, “A Christian lived to the full. As a result, the measure of Documents Available way for our own cannot think of his or her mission on earth our holiness stems from the stature that time. For the Lord without seeing it as a path of holiness, for Christ achieves in us, to the extent that, by This is the cover of Pope Francis’ new apostolic has chosen each one of ‘this is the will of God, your sanctification’ (1 the power of the Holy Spirit, we model our exhortation, “Gaudete et Exsultate” (Rejoice us ‘to be holy and Thes 4:3). Each saint (each of us) is a mis- whole life on his.” (#21) and Be Glad), on “the call to holiness in today’s blameless before him sion, planned by the Father to reflect and world.” The document was released at the Vati- in love.’ (Eph 1:4).” embody, at a specific moment in history, a (#2) certain aspect of the Gospel.” (#19) I won- To access the document: http://w2.vat can April 9. Copies can be ordered from the It is easy, with der how often we see ourselves as a mission ican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhor U.S.
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