Another Dead Charges Are Filed Park to Ask Gatnst 5 Tn T"G of Streets

Another Dead Charges Are Filed Park to Ask Gatnst 5 Tn T"G of Streets

KEEP HIM HAPPY PEACE HAS BEEN 'TIL HE GETS HOME ACHIEVED V-MAIL WILL REACH HIM! rosse ews LET'S KEEP IT PERMANENT Complete News Coverage Pointes VOLUME 6-NUMBER 40 ktered " Seeoad 0laS8 Matter at tbe POllt Ofrtce at Detroit, MIc.b GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, OCTOBER 4, 1945 Fully Paid Circulation $2.00 Per Year-5c Per Copy ) I I HEADLINES of Ih. Another Dead Charges Are Filed Park to Ask WEEK Election Seen A. · H. h Pay for Use As compiled hy Ih. Gtloss,Pomt, Newl In G.P. City gatnst 5 tn t"g Of Streets Thursday, September 27 Very Little Interest Shown Recent Survey Throws Light DSR starts receIvmg shIpment Thus Far; Voting to Be of 80 newest type street cars School' Street Riot on S p e cia I Privileges FIrst two unloaded Wednesday Held on November 6 expected to be put mto serVIce Enjoyed by Concern on the Woodward lme Monday A Mayor, three CounCil- W,tnesses ShOWing Usual Reticence to Cooperate The recent survey o! Grosse • • • men for four year terms, a Police; Sixth Boy May be Tried Locally Today's papers were full of the Pomte streets and proposed account of the formal caU of Clty Clerk, Treasurer, Asses- bus routes by WIlham L. Emperor Hirohita on General sor and Constable are to be Charges o! dlsturbmg the peace have been filed m pro- Potts, TraHIC Engmeer o! the Douglas MacArthur at the Am- bate court, Juvemle dlvlSlon, agamst five Grosse Pomte High MIchIgan Automobile Club elected at the City of Grosse School boys who parhclpated m the not on FIsher road on eucan Embassy In Tokyo yes has dIrectly drawn the atten- terday The meetmg came about PoInte Mumclpal ElectIOn to Wednesday aHernoon, September 19 A .Ixth bav, who IS tlOn o! munlClpal offiCIals m after the Emperor had expressed be held on Tuesday, Novem- 17, WIll be tned m Farms Jushce court If a complammg WIt- a desIre to meet MacArthur As ness can be found by the Farms pohce the Park to the relatIOnshIps ber 6, 1945, accordmg to Nor- eXlshng between that VIllage he left the embassy grounds b~rt P. Neff, €Ity Clerk, who The faIlure of WItnesses to. Hirohita bowed and tipped hIS and the Lake Shore Coach calls attentIOn to the Legal cooperate WIth the polIce IS hat to AmerIcan news corres- slowmg up the prosecution of Lmes, Inc pondents standmg along the NotICe pubhshed m thiS Issue under Pubhc Nohces the case Sergt Elmer LabadIe War Plants ThIS mterest has been heIght~ entrance driveway ened In Iecent weeks by com" • • • The notice refers to the final of the Farms pohce department date for the fIlIng of candIdates saId that he IS partICularly plaInts that have come mto the Stukes tie up 1 550 000 In na mUnICIpal offIces from reSIdents, ll"ommatmg petrtIOns for these anXIOUS to find an elderly man Ready to Go hon New York s elevator tIe~up chIefly along Maryland, who are n:mmclpal offIces whIch IS on who was dnvmg a small car on called worst, affectmg 1 500,000 complammg that the VIbratIon Spturday, October 13 at 12 00 FIsher road on the day of the wOlkers Fur and garmpnt m Five Concerns Affected By caused by the heavy buses IS dustry at complete standstIll a clock noon EST These nom aCCIdent It IS known that the matmg petItrons are secured from boys molested hIm, as one of Park Ruling Terminating causmg the plaster to crack In wIth spokesmen estImatmg It has the houses cost the mdustry $15 000 000 m the CIty clerk by the candldates them told LabadIe When I Their Permits wmter orders and $3 500,000 m and when filed ale to be ac opened the car door and saw OffICIals of the bus company wages Gasolme strike contmues 'COmpamed by the filmg fee of the look on hIS face I got VIllage Manager Lane of the In prIvate conferences WIth the VIllage offICIals some tIme agp, In DetrOIt and threatens to spread $500 \ " scared Park estImates that probably fIve natIonally The three CouncIlmen whose Some WItnesses are known to war Industry plants operatmg III ex;pressed tt wlllmgness to make the repaIrs of thIS • • • terms expIre thIS electIOn are the polIce and If they do not that Village Will be effected by Deholt s fIrst VICtim of DDT Carpenter, Mack and N ettmg To the deCISIon of the Vdlage Com- particular damage They were appear voluntarIly they WIll be lo~th, however to go mto the mternal pOlsomng IS recovermg In :> date extremely little mterest mISSIOners to arrange for the Recelvmg HospItal F1fteen~ has been mamfested by the pub~ subpoenaed to appear In court termmatIOn of the~r busmess long delayed dISCUSSIon of ap- month old Gerald Alton Woodard lie III the electIOn and It may be as WItnesses agamst the young WIthIn SIX months of V J Day propriate taxes to be paId by th-e Jr swallowed a small amount of that another' low' WIll be reach~ rIOters Two gIrlS m a LaSalle ThIS actIOn IS taken :pursuant to company to the VIllage for the the bug kIller m hIS home on ed In the same marmer that only sedan WhICh was shaken up dur~ the agreement made WIth these use of ItS streets and as a fran ... Termmal avenue A stomach 306 voters turned out two years mg the noting are also asked concerns at the tIme that a tem- chise tax for the prIVIlege of op- er$.tmg wIthm the VIllage Much pump and antIdote were llsed In If you hve m the 600 block <ii FIsher road and haite missed your Grosse Pomte News agb at the CIty ElectIon less than by the pollce to appear as WIt- porary permISSIOn was gIven tIme to prevent senous result-s ten per cent of the quahfied vat nesses them to manufacture for war of the wear and tear to $he vIIH m recent weeks you can probably pomt to NEFFIE, the cocker spamel o! Mr and Mrs. (ContInued on Pag, a) though the baby s lIps and chm F. W. Penrlock at 627 and say, "There IS the culprIt" Neffle has a mama for brmgmg ers regIstered The Farms polIce who are purposes alone, and also to ke~p Were burned fa1th.,. W)th the r:~sId~nts whose home more new~l1el"llc tM1l.11l~ ~tlr$ C"Il,uSl!< ".J:i~hts to see the madman on detel mmed to carry thl ou~h on • • • the prosecutIOn of the case hontes Were nearby to the planta, Lleut Col James P S Dev Ftldl!y because hesenses th€'N~swli' 111'tlvlng Result-~sse Pomte News cover the Many of these latter regIstered Pennock porah by evemng Mrs Pennock wIshes anyone mlssmg theIr paper would pomt out that thlo; lack of co Draft Taking ereaux, hero of Wake Island and Restaurateur operatIon on the part of WIt~ protests agamst permlttmg these call her at TU 2-511ii9, and she Wlll see that the paper's returned plants to operate at the t~me per surVIvor of 45 months as Jap nesses follows a well establIshed mISSIOn wa.s .g~ven, fearmg that prIsoner, has pOlgnant reumon , Picture by Fred Runnells Pomte pattern Everyone gets all wIth hIS 11 year old son m Wash such permiSSIon mIght lead to a 18 on Oct. 16 IToFightPark TIled up when somethmg hke mgton TI agic touch added as permanent VIOlatIOn of the zon thlS OCCllIs but the ones who he VISIb grave of WIfe and mg ordmance WhICh prohIbIted New Group LeavlAg to Take I could help m nghtmg the situa mother m Arlmgton Cemetery Youngster's Behavior Leads Rotary Club Gus Constant Hires Lawyer manufacturmg wlthm thosE' areas tlon get cold feet and fall to co Over Duties of Those Both dIed whIle he was a to Battle Village on Clos- The VIllage attorney wlll In operate WIth the police Coming Home pnsoner Ing Restrictions dlCate at the next meetmg of the • • • To Solution of Robbery in ITo Sponsor WItnesses who could help ale Board of CommISSIoners the legal Eisenhower ha<:.called Patton urged to contact Selgeant Lab proceedmgs that WIll need be WhIle evelyone IS aware of the Gus Constant propnetor of or the carpetl The action fol aIde at t¥ Grosse Pomte Farms taken to carry the Board 3 notIce thousands of men who are re~ lowed what mIght be termed a Farms; Find Loot in Tin Can Blood Bank CupId s re'Staurant at Harvard polIce det)artment mto effect tUlnmg dally from the war •flareup over an mtervlew m and Mack whose establlshm'ent scenes m Europe and the Western has been the object of attack by It IS not expected that any of WhIch the ThIrd Army com I - these concerns WIll attempt to PaCIfIC alea the publIc aware ... mandf'r, mlhtary governor of One Boy Snatches $39 from Pocketbook While Companion Annual Games Party Also neIghbors on the score that he ne"Ss1S nnt so keen of the o;tl"'ady kept hIS place open all hours of Storage of Gas 0\ erstay theIr legal tenuLe The Bavaria, behttled the Importance Acts as Watch and Doorman Seeks to RaIse Funds to Ray Whyte Manufacturmg com stream of youths and young men of oustmg NaZIS from hIgh pOSI the day and mght, and who paId who are bemg mducted mto sel v- Purchase Iron Lung a fme of $45 dollars last week for pany on the south SIde of J ef tIOns m mdustry and commerce Two very young thIeves who stole $39 m a sneak attack Requires Permit ferson one of the most success- Ice for trammg for the long EIsenhower summoned Patton on a pocketbook m a Kercheval avenue busmess estabhsh- three succeSSIve VIOlatIons of pellod ahead of garrIson and con~ the closmg hourI doesn t propose ful o.f these temporary war In- to appear before hIm next week ment m the Farms last Thursday afternoon, are now restmg The commg annual Games Grosse Pomte Park Commls dustry establIshments has al~ trol of the vast areas for WhICh and report on hIS "!tewardship m Party of the Grosse Pomte to take the VIllage s prohlbltJ,on SIOner Elmer F Ulnch, warns thIS country has assumed an In.

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