October 2020 ISSUE 48 The Mission of the IE-Publicationmmaculata of the Militia of the Immaculata, USA The Chambers of the Heart: Heroic Charity - PAGE 3 Live the Gospel of Life - PAGE 5 Witnessing God at Work - PAGE 9 The Great Prayer of Jesus By John W. Galten, MI National President Dear Knights of the Immaculata, Maria! So, we find ourselves in the month of October, still locked in the embrace of the pandemic, yet we raise our eyes to, as Paul says, “heavenly things.” This is the month of the Im- maculata’s gift to the Church, the holy Rosary, the Gospel prayer of pondering in our hearts, with her, all the things that Christ has said and done. It is also the month when we lift up our prayers to pray for an end to the incalculable tragedy of slaughter of the innocents—the scourge of abortion. Pray, pray the “The goal of the MI (the Holy Rosary, that this abomination might end and that we are moved to action abbreviation comes from the to reverse this terrible sign of Satan in our time. Remember also this is a crucial election season. Leave aside personalities and the pumped up rhetoric; read the Latin Militia Immaculatae, issues; and vote for the candidates who will best guarantee the protection of the or Militia of the Immaculata) unborn and vulnerable. Read the party platforms and by all means vote. We will conclude in this column the consideration on the Holy Spirit so is, in fact, to make sure that that we might better understand His role in our lives and how His Spouse, the Immaculata, cooperates with Him even now to bring all men into the Kingdom all become saints. In all this of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. activity, what strikes the eye We now come to St. John’s Chapter 17. Jesus is concluding His earthly mis- sion. The time of teaching and working great signs is done. Now, He prays be- most of all is its Marian thrust. fore the great concluding sign—the Paschal Mystery: His suffering, death and This is a consequence of a Resurrection. In the concluding words of the Last Supper He prays. The Prom- ise of the Holy Spirit is made; now, the prayer is all that is left. It is one of the rare precise understanding of the times in which we overhear His words and intentions. What does He pray for? mission of the Immaculata.” He lifts His eyes to the Father and asks Him first that the Father give all men giv- en to Him eternal life—the path to Trinitarian Communion. He prays that the (KW 1220) (continues on pg. 2) THE MISSION OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 48 © Militia of the Immaculata 1 John and all through the New Testa- See and Share Editorial ment, especially in St. Paul’s writings. But it is in St. John’s Gospel, that mys- the New MI Film! (continued from pg. 1) tical testimony (John 19.26-27), that Father glorify Him so that all men may the Holy Spirit and the Immaculata know that Jesus Himself is the Way to are linked, both promised to us as gift/ the Father. Jesus continues to pray for Gift. Praised be Jesus Christ! us that we know that we are in the Fa- Until next month, “Arise, let us be ther and in Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, on our way.” grafted into the eternal life which is to be “in” Heaven already. What cause for John W. Galten joy! Jesus prays that we have joy: the MI National President joy that comes from knowing the love and mercy of God which no one, not Announcement about This important even Satan, can take away from us as the MI National new short film, released on we remain in Him. the feast of St. Maximilian, Jesus prays that we not succumb Elective Assembly to the persecution that will come to Friday, August 14, us. Why? Because the world that hates At the request of the MI In- beautifully and eloquently God persecuted Him, and will perse- ternational President, the MI captures the essence of the MI: cute us who are His Church, His Mys- National Elective Assembly, total consecration tical Body in the world. He prays that scheduled for 2020, has been to the Immaculata we are sanctified, made holy, in the postponed due to the travel in the evangelical spirit Truth—the Father’s word is Truth. The Spirit of Truth, which Jesus has prom- ban and other restrictions. No of St. Maximilian Kolbe. ised in St. John’s Gospel, will come and date has been set yet. As soon confirm us in the Truth. That is the as plans are made possible, Gospel for which St. Maximilian was the MI National Office will Watch the Film! martyred and to which we give our- promptly announce the date. selves in faith. In imitation of Jesus, St. "Simply excellent!" All contributions and sugges- Maximilian goes to his death—a death "Inspirational!" for the Truth, but he goes as Christ did, tions previously submitted by filled with Divine Charity, witnessing MI members have been re- that the Truth is not ideology but a liv- corded and will be passed on Share the link ing, loving Truth, laying down his life for consideration. http://militiaoftheimmaculata. for love not just duty. This is the eter- com/mi-movie/ nal sign of the Truth—that love con- to the MI Film with as many quers all. people as possible! Jesus concludes His prayer for us by asking the Father that we come to know the Father’s love, as Jesus, the Forward the link to your family only begotten Son, knows His love. Daily Holy Mass and friends or promote the And how shall we know this love? will be offered throughout 2020 for the MI- new film by posting on your That is the gift of the Holy Spirit and USA and all MI Members at the City of the favorite social media platform! the Bride, the Immaculata, Mother and Immaculata established by St. Maximilian Kolbe near Warsaw, in Poland. model of the Church, who will plant Let's reach by word, Sacrament and grace the very Send your prayer intentions to be placed as many people being and presence of the Holy Trinity. in the MI Book of Intentions at the This promise of the Gifts of the Holy feet of Our Lady and St. Maximilian Kolbe’s as possible Spirit and His Spouse, the Immacula- first class relic: to win the world for Christ ta, can be found in the Gospel of St. [email protected] through the Immaculata! THE MISSION OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 48 © Militia of the Immaculata 2 the end of time, she is in our midst, reach- ing out to every one of her children and The Chambers journeying with each of us as we strive to be conformed to her Firstborn Son, to of the Heart build up His Kingdom on earth and fi- On a journey to living our nally to reach our heavenly Home. total consecration to the St. John Paul II spoke of her maternal charity on many occasions. The homily Blessed Virgin Mary he gave on May 13, 1982, at Fatima, is a - Part Four timeless source of inspiration. “From the time when Jesus, dying on the Cross, said Heroic Charity to John: ‘Behold, your mother’; from the time when ‘the disciple took her to his own home,’ the mystery of the spiritual “God is love. In this way the love of God new commandment: love one another. As I motherhood of Mary has been actual- was revealed to us: God sent His only Son have loved you, so you also should love one ized boundlessly in history. Motherhood into the world so that we might have life another” (Jn 13:34). This is the essence of means caring for the life of the child. through Him. In this is love: not that we who we are! The parable of the Good Sa- Since Mary is the mother of us all, her have loved God, but that He loved us and maritan (cf. Lk 10:25-37) and the account care for the life of man is universal. The sent His Son as expiation for our sins. Be- on the last judgment (cf. Mt 25:31-46) care of a mother embraces her child to- loved, if God so loved us, we also must love make it unmistakably clear. In fact, Jesus tally. Mary’s motherhood has its begin- one another” (1 Jn 4:8-11). Now we come went so far as to say that we love Him in ning in her motherly care for Christ. In to the core of our journey of transforma- loving one another: “You did it to me.” Christ, at the foot of the Cross, she ac- tion in Christ through total consecration to Mutual love became the distinctive sign cepted John, and in John she accepted all the Immaculata. by which the first disciples were recognized of us totally. Mary embraces us all with At the Last Supper, before His Passion, as the followers of Jesus (cf. Jn 13:35; Acts special solicitude in the Holy Spirit. For as the Lord Jesus opened His Heart to the 2:42-47; 4:32-35) and by which we are, or we profess in our Creed, He is ‘the Giver Apostles (cf. Jn 13-17). He spoke openly of are not, identified with Him today.
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