E212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 23, 2018 RECOGNIZING THE INTER- cially Samantha Roberts, Elena Marquez, HONORING THE REVEREND BILLY NATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO ABOL- Dahlia Sussman, and Zola Coppa for raising GRAHAM ISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS money to help children in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Their event was a big suc- HON. MARK WALKER HON. JAMIE RASKIN cess, and I applaud them for their creativity OF NORTH CAROLINA OF MARYLAND and dedication. Puerto Rico needs all the help IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES it can get—and these young leaders are to be Friday, February 23, 2018 Friday, February 23, 2018 commended for helping the Island’s residents during these difficult times. Mr. WALKER. Mr. Speaker, Reverend Billy Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to By engaging fellow students to raise money Graham was the premier example of how recognize the International Campaign to Abol- at a bowling event, Troop 2672 was able to faith, hope and love can transcend political ish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which was rally a community around an important cause. parties, backgrounds, cultures and affiliations. awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for its It is inspiring to see young people identifying Rev. Graham preached to tens of millions. powerful and invaluable work to make the a purpose and then taking meaningful steps to He preached Christ. His death and resurrec- world a safer and more peaceful place. The help. tion. organization is a coalition of non-governmental Puerto Rico and New York City have long Despite holding favor and serving as a spir- organizations (NGO) that pursues one of the shared a powerful bond, and it is too often for- itual advisor to presidents, kings and continuing great imperatives of our time: the gotten that the people of Puerto Rico are queens—and having a world renowned impact control and eventual elimination of nuclear American citizens. The efforts of these dedi- and legacy—Graham always remained weapons. cated Girl Scouts are an important reminder grounded in humility. ICAN sought to build on the notable suc- that we cannot turn our backs on the Island. That speaks to his character. But it speaks cess of the Ottawa Treaty, which 163 signato- It is great to see young women taking lead- to Christ’s spirit in Rev. Graham. ries have signed agreeing to ban the use and ership roles and making a difference in both Even as he preached to stadiums filled with possession of landmines. Previous inter- their local communities and for Puerto Rico. tens of thousands, you knew that Rev. Gra- national agreements have banned cluster mu- My best wishes to Troop 2672 as they con- ham cared about you as an individual, your nitions and the use of biological and chemical tinue the school year and Girl Scout activities life and your future. weapons, but no such agreement prohibits the and projects. I am heartened by their resolve Earning the titles ‘‘America’s Pastor’’ and use of nuclear weapons. By combining the ef- and inspired by their desire to lend a helping ‘‘North Carolina’s favorite son,’’ a small-town forts of hundreds of NGOs in 100 countries, hand. These young leaders make all New pastor from North Carolina, who grew up on a ICAN draws international attention to the horri- Yorkers proud. dairy farm, preached the love and name of fying humanitarian consequences of armed Jesus Christ. Never wavering, he changed the conflict and the devastating specific threat f world—bringing thousands of lives to salvation posed by nuclear weapons. and eternal life. After its founding in 2007, ICAN coordinated CONGRATULATING MARILYN For me, Rev. Graham will always be re- efforts around three international con- DANIS FOR RECEIVING THE 2018 membered for his focus on redemption and ferences—in Oslo, Nayarit, and Vienna—that GREATER FAYETTEVILLE CHAM- the idea that there is limitless hope, oppor- considered the effects of nuclear detonation BER ATHENA AWARD tunity and freedom for every human life. and worked toward a binding international Though I am not worthy to carry the old agreement. After the Vienna agreement, ICAN HON. RICHARD HUDSON worn out Bible of Billy Graham, I am honored worked with more than 100 governments on a OF NORTH CAROLINA to be presenting the resolution to authorize nuclear humanitarian pledge to cooperate on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rev. Graham’s body to be the fourth American efforts to ‘‘fill the legal gap’’ in the international Friday, February 23, 2018 to lie in honor at the United States Capitol, the regime governing the use of nuclear weapons. epicenter of our government. For almost a This effort helped the United Nations develop Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to century, Rev. Graham changed lives and influ- the first legal framework for nuclear prohibi- recognize Marilyn Danis as the recipient of the enced our nation for the better. tion. Thus far, 122 governments have signed 2018 Greater Fayetteville Chamber Athena Though Reverend Graham never chased the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weap- Award. the honor of men, next week he will lie in ons, the first binding international agreement The Athena Award is presented to the man honor for two days. We take comfort knowing of its kind. Through ICAN’s efforts, the world or woman who has contributed to the support that Rev. Graham has entered paradise and is moving forward in the campaign to eliminate and success of professional women in the lives forever to honor the name above all some of the most inhumane and destructive greater Fayetteville region. Marilyn has dem- names, the name of Jesus. weapons ever created. onstrated her passion for the advancement of f The existential threat of nuclear conflict professional women throughout her career in looms ever larger in our daily lives. Although the real estate and mortgage industry, along RECOGNIZING ROSALYN FRAZIER anti-proliferation efforts have dramatically re- with her commitment to numerous community duced the number of state-held nuclear arms, service programs. As the former owner and HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ the 15,000 nuclear weapons that remain con- broker of a Century 21 real estate franchise, OF FLORIDA tinue to pose an unparalleled and complete Marilyn mentored her female employees—pri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES threat to the future of humankind. The con- marily military wives—as they honed their sequences of nuclear war are devastating and skills in the industry. Currently, Marilyn is the Friday, February 23, 2018 irreversible. We must do everything in our owner of Residential Mortgage Corp., the Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, power to prevent such a calamity. longest locally-owned mortgage lender in Fay- it is my privilege to recognize the tremendous I commend ICAN for its tireless advocacy etteville. and meaningful work of Rosalyn Crawford for a strong and effective nuclear weapons Over the years, Marilyn has been a tireless Frazier, Chief Executive Officer of Broward ban treaty, and applaud its essential work to advocate for local programs which support fur- Community and Family Health Centers. make the world a safer place for us all human- thering the careers of women. As a sponsor of Ms. Frazier has played a pivotal role in the ity. the InnovateHER Project, she helped put to- lives of South Florida families by providing f gether a competition which gives local women quality, affordable health care to the under- RECOGNIZING GIRL SCOUT TROOP the venue to showcase the services and prod- served, underinsured and uninsured. Her com- 2672 ucts that can empower women and their fami- mitment to the health and wellness of Florida’s lies. families is extensive, impressive and inspiring, HON. NYDIA M. VELA´ ZQUEZ Marilyn is deserving of this award, and I and she works tirelessly to strengthen families wish her success as she continues to advance across Broward County. OF NEW YORK not only her own career, but those of other Community health centers have become an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES women in our community. essential provider for comprehensive, high- Friday, February 23, 2018 Mr. Speaker, please join me today in cele- quality preventive health care for all patients, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to brating Marilyn Danis on winning the 2018 regardless of their ability to pay. They have recognize Girl Scout Troop 2672 and espe- Greater Fayetteville Chamber Athena Award. become the core primary care destination for VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:21 Feb 24, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23FE8.022 E23FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS February 23, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E213 millions in our country—especially for minori- 2018 Greater Fayetteville Chamber Young fornia. During her time there, Ms. Cooper was ties and our most vulnerable populations. Professional of the Year Award. influential for expanding the brand past our Ms. Frazier oversees the successful oper- Born and raised in Fayetteville, Henry has a borders, including conducting business in Latin ations of four clinical practice sites and one passion for government and has remained America and the United Kingdom and she was dental site located in Broward County, Florida. committed to making our community a better also responsible for boosting sales by more Broward Community and Family Health Cen- place. After receiving his degree in Govern- than 15 percent in areas of the company. ters provides comprehensive medical, behav- ment from Campbell University, Henry took When she moved to Tampa in 1998, Ms. Coo- ioral and dental health services across all the opportunity to return home to Fayetteville per served as the President and Chief Oper- lifecycles, helping to increase access to care and join the family business.
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