, , AI the N.ws of AI the Pointes Every ~ws '~t~~.~'I'.~~_f,!",." Thursday Morning rosse Home of the News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes 20e ,.., Copy 32 Pag8s- Two Sections-Section One VOL. 37-NO, 24 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE J 0, 1976 $'.00 ,.., v"' It's 'Yes' or Disaster Voters to HEADLINES Drumming Up Support for Millage "School's Future Cloudy," "Board Announces Vie,v Four Layoffs" and "Board Considers Cutbacks" were three of several banner headlines which appeared Proposals in the NEWS in relation to the schools after the WEEK defeat of the MaJ'ch 29 millage propositions, A. Compiled b1 Use It's Crucial Day for Many Gr .. H , .... Ne•• The NEWS, which hopes no headline similar in theme will result from the Monday, June 14, Financiolly Stricken election, strongly urges a favorable vote on all four Districts; Two Board DUMay. laae 3 millage propositions for the sake of the district's Positions Also Will STATE LABOR DlREC. 11,145 pupils and the community at large. Be Filled TOR KEITH MOLIN said Voters consider the foI}owing propor.itions Wednelday that he will leek will criminal charges against De. on election day: Proposition One renews the ex- By Susan McDonald trolt Edison Co. and a Toledo pi red public school operating millage rates, (24.35 Pointers will join resi- contracting firm in the case mills), for four years; Proposition Two increases the dents of a dozen Wayne CIC four. men who plunged to millage rate by 2.2 mills for one yeari Proposition County school districts their deaths inside an Edi. Three renews the expired public library operating at the polls on Monday, son .mokellack May 5. Molin millage, (1.31 mills), for four yearsi and Proposition June 14, to vote on_addi- charged that Edison ignored Four increases the millage rate by .11 of a mill for tiona I millage proposals adunce warning and safety one year. that could ease the finan- violations that sent the four A "yes" vote on all four propositions is neces- cial pI ig h t of the i r repairmen to their deaths in sary to continue in 1976-77, the current program of schools. the .mokestack at a giant Monroe generating plant. staff and services offered by the schools and libra- It will be a crucial day Charges against Edl.on and ries. The' passage of only Propositions One and {or many or the financially tbe Toiedo firm wowd be in Three would mean a big cut in program renewals .stricken districts, including addition to $10,000 ill civil on blith the school and library front. The Pointe, where school and fine., the maximum permit. Pointers who have read the NEWS' millage- lIbrary doors would remain closed next September if aU ted under MichiRan's Oc- related stories during the past two months are four ,propositions should fail. cupation Safety and Health aware of the planned curtailments in the overall The State-wide financial Ad, which the State iI asses- program if the propositions fail to pass. plight has burdened all sing both companies. • • • Program cuts on the elementary school level schoois. Adding to their prob. Friday, lillie • for 1976-77 will include no specialized art instruc- lems this year were losses FEDERAL AUTHORITIES tion, no skills/talent program, no librarians and a through the new single bus i- hike of more than 10 percent in class size. ness tax law, increased lia- said Thursday that Michigan bility for workmen's and will not be given control or On the middle school level, two elective choices unemployment compensation Photo by Richard Koy veto power over the possible for each student in the seventh and eighth grades and cuts in State school aid. Students leadIng the way for district-wide ending at Saint Paul School. In the north end, location in the Slate of a will be eliminated, along with a reduction in student Turns to CUllens burial site for highly radio- parades on Saturday, June 12, in support of their band members and students from all grades will counseling service and the students' day, e.g., forc- Gov. William Milliken's active wastes from the na. schools are, (from left to right), South High march up Vernier road to Parcells School be- tion's nuclear power plants, ginning at 1 p.m. Both groups will meet at Par- ing them to leave school one hour earlier, at 2:15 faU budget cuts sliced $430,. School junior CHAD MINKWIC and TOM p.m. 000 from Pointe school nv- The Federal policy statement ROUSSEAU, a junior at North. The south-end cells for a 1 :45 p.m. rally which will feature appeared to be a total re. Program curtailments on the h~gh school level enues, Another $250,000 was parade will begin at noon at Maire School and entertainment by school bands and "Detroit jection of Gov. William Mil. include a five-course limitation for students in lost because of a reduction proceed up Kercheval avenue to Lewiston road, News" columnist Charlie Manos and refreshments. th h . h d' in taxable Inventory due to liken's recent demand that grades 10, 11 and 12,ra er t an SIX, t us re ucmg the single business tax. The the State government be giv- the school day by one hour. Reductions also will be Board also is planning to en "v.irtual "eto power" over Reach Goal effected in administration, library service, counsel- budget about $100,000 for un. the placement of a nuclear Pranks at High Sc.hool DSO Slate,d dumping ground in Michigan. ing services and advanced courses. employment compensation in Other areas affected include the elimination of the 1976-77 budget-a IO-foid . satu~a;, ;une 5 In Drive Culminate in Mammotll To Open the four-year testing program, the developmental incre .. e over the current THREE AMERICA,NS WHO. 'F" . pre-school program and. the developmentll,l pre •. ~dget year. .- vl.tte4 'fie Nort~ VJe~n.triHe' or Center Disturhance at Music Fest ~cho.olspeech ari.d languag«;: program; pl~sthe 'eJ1m" 'Emba,ss.Y Friday said. they . South. "n~tdk;'~J~tI~~af. mahan of custodIal and mamtenance posItions which forced to turn to its ,residents . were tiv,en tbe Itron; im. " -' -•.-"-' , .. Small 'Minority EStimated 500 Persons af will result in less cleaning, site mantenance and to~upply increased funding pression that Hanoi' stUI Rose Terrace Ben. fit of Scene Entire Symphony Will holds $Ome U.S. prisoner. of p ts ,.._ ' labeled As Troublemakers; One Police . general custodial help for all facilities. with proposals ot 2.2 school Be Heard June 20 in war. The North Vietnamese U '-'Gmp"gn over Officer Hurt after Getting (Continued on Page 16) and ,11 Ilbrary mUlage tax used the occasion of the vilit Top: $ I 3 O.3 24 First of Four Con. increases. to 'reaffirm that they will Contributed by Splattered with Bleach In case the additional prop- certs Scheduled ositions fail, the sehool ad- IIOt cUsclose detailas about 6 050 By A. Funeral HOlneShrubs Burned Americans missing in nearly , Roger Waha By Wa.r Me":"orial ministration has Wlorned that ..two decades of Indochina The incidznt where an estimated total of 500 A fire in the A. H. Peters fault and said it was an acel. usa ~ta!fers will be dismill- Ot!asse Pointe War young people gathered en masse on South High dent. A spokesman at the ed, school dayll will be ~e' . warfare untU Washington reo The t err ace of the Funeral Home parking lot, Memorial's 1976 Annual School's front lawn, with many entering the street 20705 Mack avenue, destroy. runeral home, which reported duced one hour for secondary : sumes discussions on helping War Memorial on Lake :repair war damages. The Fa mil y Participation early Tuesday afternoon, June 1, has caused obvious eU 14 shrubs on Saturday no monetary damage was school students, (excluding St. Clair will be the site -stillborn Vietnam cease-fire Campaign has reached concern among school administrators, law enforce- evening, June 5, The blaze, available at this time, said ninth graders), and many of a concert to be given he has been in touch with the courses, sports and clubs will : agreement of January 1973 its goal of $135,000 with ment officials, residents and many students them- according to Woods authori- : provided both for tracing by the Detroit Sym- ties, was sta'rted by an 11. boy's parents on this inci. be eliminated. Library ,hours the assistance of the selves. - missing Americans and for phony Orchestra on Sun- year-old boy playing with dent. and stock also will be re. Farewell Supper and scout car and splattered. The : American aid in helping reo During the disturbance, matches. duced as well, 'School admin. liquid hit the left side of his day, June 20, at 7 p,m. build Vietnam. But the cease Tour Benefit at Rose which was basically attrib . A patrolling Lt. Peter istr atOol'Ssay. face. burning his left eye and This is the opening con- :fire collapsed within a few Terrace last week. uted to end of school year Thomas .spotted flames in Named to Post SUPerintendent of Schools eyelid. His eye was immedi. cert of the Grosse Pointe : months Rnd so did the agree. To date, $130,324.11 has pranks, 8nd more specifical. the southwest corner of the Dr, James A. Adams called ately flushed with water at Music Festival.'76. ment. heen received from 6,050 ly, to' "power shows," a mi.
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