Table of Contents Welcome from the General Chair . .v Organizing Committee . vi Program Committee . vii-ix IJCNN 2011 Reviewers . ix-xiii Conference Topics . xiv-xv INNS Officers and Board of Governors . xvi INNS President’s Welcome . xvii IEEE CIS Officers and ADCOM . xviii IEEE CIS President’s Welcome . xix Cooperating Societies and Sponsors . xx Conference Information . xxi Hotel Maps . xxii. Schedule-At-A-Glance . xxiii-xxvii Schedule Grids . xxviii-xxxiii IJCNN 2012 Call for Papers . xxxiv-xxxvi Program . 1-31 Detailed Program . 33-146 Author Index . 147 i ii The 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Final Program July 31 – August 5, 2011 Doubletree Hotel San Jose, California, USA Sponsored by: International Neural Network Society iii The 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2011 Conference Proceedings © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redis- tribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. For obtaining permission, write to IEEE Copyrights Manager, IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA. All rights reserved. Papers are printed as received from authors. All opinions expressed in the Proceedings are those of the authors and are not binding on The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Additional copies may be ordered from: IEEE Order Dept. 445 Hoes Lane / PO Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA Phone: (Toll Free) 1-800-678-4333 Email: [email protected] Web: shop.ieee.org Print Edition: IEEE Catalog Number: CFP11IJS-PRT ISBN: 978-1-4577-1086-5 ISSN: 2161-4393 CD Edition: IEEE Catalog Number: CFP11IJS-CDR ISBN: 978-1-4244-9636-5 iv Welcome from the General Chair On behalf of the Organizing Committee, presentations, 20 tutorial sessions, and 10 post-conference work- I welcome you to the 2011 International shop sessions. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2011) in San Jose, California. Putting together a meeting of the scope and size of IJCNN is a This conference continues the tradition of monumental task – and one to which all members of the Orga- joint sponsorship of IJCNN by the Inter- nizing Committee have contributed both effort and judgment. national Neural Network Society (INNS) Above all, I would like to thank my colleagues on the conference and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Executive Committee – Hava Siegelmann, the Program Chair, Society (IEEE-CIS). This collaboration and the two Technical Co-Chairs, Michael Georgiopoulos and has produced many successful meetings Cesare Alippi – whose willing dedication made the organization in past years, and this year’s meeting is no of the conference a pleasure rather than a duty. A most special exception. I would like to thank the lead- thanks is due to Steve Bressler (Special Sessions Chair) for his ership of both organizations, and particularly the Presidents, Ron heroic work in helping obtain NSF funding and putting together Sun and Gary Yen, for making this possible. the “From Brains to Machines” symposium in addition to fulfill- ing his duties as the Special Sessions Chair. I also thank all other It is fitting that IJCNN is being held in the heart of Silicon Val- members of the Organizing Committee for their great help – in ley just as new technologies are creating a truly fruitful integra- particular Marios Polycarpou (Publications Chair), Georgios tion of neural information processing and neuromorphic hardware Anagnostopoulos (Registration Chair), Robert Kozma (Tutorials along many dimensions ranging from brain-scale computational Chair), Robi Polikar (Workshops Chair), Simona Doboli (Panels systems and memristor technology to neural implants and brain- Chair), Risto Miikkulainen (Plenary Chair), Tom Cholewo (Web machine interfaces. This fusion of biology and engineering is the Reviews Chair), and Kun Tu (Webmaster), all of whom put in a key theme of IJCNN 2011, and is prominent in many aspects of special effort towards the meeting’s success. Thanks are also due the conference. The most notable of these is a special day-long to Sven Crone and Isabelle Guyon for organizing a wonderful set symposium called “From Brains to Machines,” organized with the of competitions whose results we look forward to seeing at the generous sponsorship of the National Science Foundation (NSF). conference. Several members of the Organizing Committee – no- This symposium brings together some of the leading researchers tably Irwin King, Yoonsuck Choe, Haibo He, and Manuel Roveri – working to understand the brain and produce brain-like intel- worked very actively to publicize the conference in various forums, ligence in machines. In addition to this keynote symposium, the for which I am grateful. All members of the Program Committee conference theme is also reinforced by extended tracks of invited and all reviewers also deserve great appreciation for providing dis- and contributed talks and panels on neuromorphic systems – espe- cerning and timely reviews of over 700 submissions. I am also very cially memristor technology – and autonomous intelligent systems. grateful for the support I have received from many members of the The plenary talks by Stefan Schaal, Juergen Schmidhuber, Michael INNS Board of Governors, and especially for sage advice from the Arbib, Dharmendra Modha, Leon Glass, and Andrew Ng also re- Vice-President for Conferences, Danil Prokhorov. Finally, I would flect the broad themes of cognition and intelligence, and go beyond like to thank the organizational team at The Rees Group led by traditional neural networks into areas like embodied robotics, data Jane Shepard, without whose work the meeting would have been mining, nanotechnology, cognition and creativity, culminating in infinitely harder to organize. a featured plenary session entitled “The Emergence of Mind” with talks by Walter Freeman, Stephen Grossberg, and Bernard Baars. As in past years, INNS and IEEE-CIS have provided support for The tutorials and workshops also cover a broad range of themes many students to attend the conference. This year, the support and topics. All in all, this is probably one of the most interdisciplin- has been supplemented by a grant from NSF to encourage more ary IJCNNs in recent years. students – especially women, under-represented minorities, and students from undergraduate institutions. We hope that IJCNN A special – if somber – event at IJCNN 2011 is a special plenary ses- will continue to serve as a place where young researchers can find sion convened to remember one of the pioneers in the field of neu- both knowledge and inspiration. ral networks, David Rumelhart, who passed away in March 2011. The session, will include remembrances by colleagues, friends and Three decades ago, the computer revolution took root and flour- family, and a technical talk by Michael Jordan who worked with ished in the fertile soil of what came to be known as Silicon Val- David Rumelhart in the 1990s. ley. It is appropriate that today, those who are igniting another technological revolution to create truly life-like intelligence have This year’s IJCNN is also trying out a new experiment, allowing assembled in the heart of Silicon Valley once again to exchange authors in the areas of neuroscience and neurocognition (broadly ideas and celebrate the future. interpreted) to submit abstracts rather than full papers. The goal was to elicit submissions from research communities where writ- I wish you a wonderful, productive, and pleasant IJCNN 2011. ing full-length papers for a conference is not standard practice. The experiment has been successful in that 85 abstracts were submitted to the conference, of which 53 (64%) are included in the final pro- Ali A. Minai, General Chair – IJCNN 2011 gram. In addition to these, we also received 620 full paper submis- School of Electronic & Computing Systems sions, of which 468 (75%) are in the program. The final program University of Cincinnati has 521 oral and poster presentations plus 21 invited or plenary v Organizing Committee General Chair Awards Chair Ali Minai (University of Cincinnati) Yoonsuck Choe (Texas A&M University) Program Chair Local Arrangements Chair Hava Siegelmann (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) Masoud Nikravesh (CITRIS) Program Co-Chair Student Travel and Volunteer Chair Michael Georgiopoulos (University of Central Florida) Emilio Del Moral Hernandez (University of Sao Paulo) Program Co-Chair International Chairs Cesare Alippi (Politecnico di Milano) Ke Chen (University of Manchester) – Europe Tutorials Chair Robert Kozma (University of Memphis) Marley Vellasco (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) – Latin America Special Sessions Chair Steven Bressler (Florida Atlantic University) Lokendra Shastri (Infosys Technologies) – India Workshops Chair Irwin King (Chinese University of Hong Kong) – Pacific Robi Polikar (Rowan University) Region Panels Chair Industry Liaisons Simona Doboli (Hofstra University) Haibo He (Stevens Institute of Technology) – U.S. & Canada Plenary Sessions Chair Yaochu Jin (University of Surrey) – International Risto Miikkulainen (University of Texas at Austin) Government Liaison Publications Chair Fahmida Chowdhury (National Science Foundation) Marios Polycarpou (University of Cyprus) Topic Liaisons Registration Chair Georgios Anagnostopoulos
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