Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 8, Number 28, July 21, 1981 Cardinal Casaroli charges a plot Vivian Zoakos examines the circumstances of the Vatican's public and private counteroffensive against the P-2 assassination networks. On June 28, Vatican Secretary of State Agostino Cardi­ Echoing Casaroli, Monsignor Prigrione spoke of the nal Casaroli issued the stunning statement that the May Pope's unique role in "saving the world from self-exter­ assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II may mination," and charged all Christians to take seriously have been .part of a plot rather than the work of a lone Casaroli's warning of a plot against the Church. He said assassin. The Cardinal, who is the highest authority in that "since Cardinal Casaroli has suggested the possibil­ the Catholic Church after the Pope himself, also linked ity of an international plot to assassinate John Paul II, all John Paul's survival to the avoidance of a threatened Christians ought to be conscious of this and assume an glob�1 nuclear war. attitude of solidarity with the Pope." Casaroli's warning was immediately echoed on the What is the plot of which these prelates speak, who is following day in a statement from Monsignor Jeronimo behind it, and what is its purpose? Prigrione, the Vatican's Apostolic Delegate (ambassa­ dor) to Mexico. This indicates that the Secretary of State The Global 2000 apparatus had spoken not in his own behalf but as the result of a As Executive Intelligence Review reported in some decision made at the highest levels of the Vatican Curia, detail in its July 7, 1981 issue, the currently breaking the central ruling body of the Church. Masonic scandal in Italy has brought to the surface, as Using diplomatic but nonetheless dramatic language, a unified entity, the elements of an international con­ Cardinal Casaroli also acknowledged the existence of a spiratorial elite whose policy is the drastic depopulation plot against the Church as a whole. He stated that in the of the world. attempted murder of the Pontiff, old hatreds and "sacri­ The Catholic Church, under the leadership of Pope leges" had been resurrected "within one heart [the assas­ John Paul II, has been identified by this elite as one of sin's] ... or was it many hearts?" Further clarifying this the most powerful.institutional stumbling blocks to the allusion to organized conspiracy, Casaroli remarked successful imposition of this policy. again that while many people hope that the Pope will The Italian Freemasonic scandal involving the secret emerge healthy from his current illness-caused by post­ lodge Propaganda 2 has shown conclusively that there operative complications-"others hope the contrary." exists an international apparatus cutting across party The Cardinal also alluded to the reasons behind the lines and national borders, as well as involving powerful plot against the Pope when he linked the importance of elements within the Catholic Church itself, all working the Pontiffs speedy recovery to his crucial role in stand­ for a common goal. The names involved include those ing against "the forces of evil" which are threatening the of Secretary of State Alexander Haig, the Rockefeller world with nuclear destruction. banking empire, Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei, On the following day, newspapers around the world Kuhn Loeb investment banker George Ball, the Italian carried headlines typified by that of La Stampa: "For the royal House of Savoy together with the entire stratum First Time In Public the Cardinal Speaks of a Plot." of Italian, German and other "black nobility," and The Vatican's Apostolic Delegate to Mexico June 29 many others including all known terrorist and drug­ warned there may exist "a special group of persons" who smuggling networks. are determined to murder Pope John Paul and the lead­ The program of this far-flung and powerful elite is ing "forces for peace" within the Church. In this he also to reverse the process of global industrialization and referred to the attempted assassination of Cardinal Cas­ progress, as Peccei's Club of Rome advocates, and as aroli, which had occurred in St. Peter's Basilica on the the State Department intends to carry out in the name same day that the Cardinal had issued his statement. of the Global 2000 policy adopted under the Carter 40 International EIR July 21, 1981 © 1981 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. administration. It is a policy of a return to the Dark Indeed, the Jesuit father did not exaggerate. Ages, through deindustrialization and depopulation. In his pastoral message issued at the beginning of George Ball, the protege of eugenicist William July, the president of the Brazilian National Bishops Draper Jr., was the individual responsible for the crea­ Conference, Ivo Lorscheiter, quoted at length from a tion of the population control bureaucracy within the book by Aurelio Peccei to motivate his thesis that State Department that created the Global 2000 policy. science and industrialization "dehumanize" populations Speaking of the specific case of Latin America, he said and should be abolished. One week later, speaking at in a recent interview that its population was an "acid the conference of the Frente Agraria Gaucha in Porto pollution" for the United States and added: "There is Alegre, Dom Lorscheiter supported Church involve­ strong pressure from the Vatican not to do anything at ment in armed terrorist "guerrilla" struggles "in ex­ all to encourage population control in Latin America. treme cases where it is the only solution." Such meat This is a real obstacle .... This Pope is too strong; it's grinder "guerrilla" warfare has been named by the too hard to do anything at all with him. He is absolutely authors of Global 2000 as a means of lowering popUla­ dead set against any population policy, and he is very tion growth in the Third World. powerful." Typical of the faction represented by the Brazilian bishop is the situation in the Nicaraguan Church where Church threatened with schism three Jesuit priests holding ministerial posts in that What may be identified as the "Augustinian" tradi­ government have flatly rejected orders from the Vatican tion within the Catholic Church, exemplified by such to resign their government positions. The orders were targeted individuals as the Pope and Cardinal Casaroli, conveyed by the Primate of Nicaragua immediately are currently in the midst of a d�adly battle with the upon his return from an emergency trip to Rome. Global 2000 proponents inside the Church. These latter The open split within the Nicaraguan Church was are openly threatening the Vatican with a schism if the partly responsible for the convening of an extraordinary Pope and Curia refuse to go along with their Dark Ages meeting in Rome on June 8-11 representing a test of program. This schismatic movement, although originat­ strength between the schismatic and Curia-allied forces. ing with certain prelates and Catholic intellectuals in The meeting involved all the bishops of Latin America, Europe, such as the Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, is the heads of the five religious orders operating in the institutionally particularly active within the North and area, three Curial cardinals, and the president of the Latin American Churches. Latin American Conference of Bishops. The result was In the United States, circles within the Interreligious that the Curia was forced, at least temporarily, to back Peace Colloquium of Father Gremillion, S.J., exemplify down or face an open revolt within the Central Ameri­ some of the highest levels of the North American can church. Global 2000 schismatic movement. As Gremillion has The Curia's thesis that priests must not become explained in interviews, and his collaborators have involved in the internal political affairs of any state was published, the centralized Catholic Church must be voted down, although it was a thesis repeatedly en­ destroyed in favor of autonomous regional churches dorsed by Pope John Paul himself. Instead, the conclud­ whose task will be to help popUlations accept economic ing conference document advocated the pluralist for­ backwardness ("appropriate technologies") and hence, mula of "unity in diversity" requiring a "case-by-case accept the violent reduction of their numbers. analysis" of each national situation in Central America. A cofounder of Gremillion's organization was Jim­ Needless to say, this principle effectively destroys the my Carter's former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, centralizing force of the Pope in directing the Church, together with other leading Jesuits such as William creating precisely the type of "regional Church" struc­ Ryan, S.1., member of Peccei's Club of Rome and Jesuit tures advocated by Father Gremillion. Provincial Superior in Toronto, Canada, as well as Furthermore, the concluding document accepted the leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood and B'nai formulation of Jesuit General Arrupe allowing colla­ B'rith. The Interreligious Peace Colloquium was found­ boration between the Church and terrorist "Marxist" ed in Bellagio, Italy, on the Rockefeller estate that groups, precisely as called for by the Brazilian bishop. similarly serves as the meeting place for the Siena Arrupe's formulation, taken trom a letter sent 'Qn Group of international bankers currently involved in Dec. 8 of last year to all the Jesuit Provincials, consists the Italian Propaganda 2 scandal. of two points. First, it is necessary to "recognize and As Gremillion told an interviewer, his organization seek to understand the reasons for which the Mar,xist is not itself a mass movement but the creator of mass analysis is so attractive," and second, to recognize the movements; and he boasted that the building of such a use of anticomm unism "for the sole purpose of covering movement within the North and Latin American up injustices." In other words, a backhanded but unmis­ Churches was doing very well.
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