THE ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH, HERALD + WEEKLY INTERNATIONAL EDITION •=; • EANNE LARSON pttparations, vigorously urges •them to spend the night at his home. But the strangers refuse his hogpitali ty. You don't understand," the older man persists. "Men do not sleep in the street in Sodom. You must come to my house. IT IS SUNSET in Sodom. Dark- He will not be refused, and so ness deepens at the city gates. Light the two strangers finally accept lifting from the hills of Moab will the hospitality. They follow him soon make night complete. Shad to a small house, enter, and the ows reach into the streets to em- door closes securely behind them. brace the two weary travelers. It A good man, Lot. Hospitable. is time for rest, but there is no Nephew. of Abraham. High place to go. The two strangers pre ideals. pare to sleep in the street. Obvi- A Christian. Elder of the local ously they have come a long dis- church. tance. Only total strangers would But the scene has not gone un- assay to sleep in the street—in noticed. The darkening streets Sodom. outside are soon filled 'With darker An older man, observing their minds. "Bring the men out that we Jeanne Larson is on the faculty may know them!" of Atlantic Union College as an Appeals fail. Urging finds no instructor in English. Among her response. many hobbies is free -lance writing. The house is (To page 9) • rIt V ILY.P. HEART TO HEART A Few Words About Christian Schools Minneapolis, Minnesota ment for graduation. This service includes door- Dear Adventist Believers Everywhere: to-door visitation and street-meeting work. The students also teach Sunday school classes, organize "Write a brief account of your conversion, giv- Bible clubs, and assist with rescue-mission work. ing details, and the Scripture basis for assurance Approximately 50 per cent of the graduates of that you are saved. Please include a testimony as this institution have reached the foreign mission to your present relationship with the Lord." fields during its forty-three-year history. Thus, "Write a brief account 1,627 graduates have found their way to all con- of your attempts to wit- tinents of earth and many island fields to preach ness for Christ, and the the gospel. Very few of their missionaries are "one results of such witness." termers," according to school literature. "Please state your rea- This is not a Seventh-day Adventist institution, sons for desiring to enter but it is refreshing to discover in these godless, a Christian school." permissive days that there are other Christian in- These are among the in- stitutions that seek to make God and His Word structions given to young first, and believe that conversion and true people desiring to enter a Christian character are prime requisites for en- certain Christian school trance, attendance, and graduation. It is en- here in North America. couraging to realize that there are still Christian "Students who fail to meet schools that stand for something when so many the following require- church-oriented institutions have long since rejected ments automatically dis- any semblance of Christian orthodoxy. qualify themselves for We do well as Seventh-day Adventists to re- graduation," the school's handbook declares. The fresh our minds frequently with the inspired first requirement is "approved Christian character counsel God has given this church on the op- evidenced by stability, by cooperation, and by zeal eration of Christian schools! in practical Christian work." This is followed by "The great, grand work of bringing out a "satisfactory completion of the courses," and then a people who will have Christlike characters, and list of academic requirements. who will be able to stand in the day of the Lord, Students in this school pray before each work is to be accomplished."—Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 129. shift and each class. They have worship each "We are not to elevate our standard just a little morning and evening. The Bible is honored, "not above the world's standard, but we are to make the only as the infallible Word of God, but also as distinction decidedly apparent. The reason we have the chief textbook at the core of the entire cur- had so little influence upon unbelieving relatives riculum. The Bible is not a mere minor in one and associates is that there has been so little de- little department among many; it is the major cided difference between our practices and those which has pre-eminence in time and place above of the world."—Ibid., pp. 146, 147. every other subject on the schedule." "Errors may be hoary with age; but age does "The church's sole business," the handbook de- not make error truth, nor truth error. The clares, "is shunning worldly alliances and look- Lord would now have every idea that is false ing for her Lord's return—to shed the light of put away from teachers and students. We are not the glorious gospel continuously in all the earth." at liberty to teach that which shall meet the To maintain a warm spiritual atmosphere on world's standard or the standard of the church, campus, standards of admission and attendance simply because it is the custom to do so. The are kept high. "Because the standards of conduct lessons which Christ taught are to be the stand- of students are expected to be the highest, ard."—Ibid., p. 142. students who refuse to separate themselves from May the Lord help us as Seventh-day Adventists questionable amusements, habits, and practices to conduct the finest Christian schools in the world. render themselves liable to expulsion." Boys re- God has given us the blueprint. Let us follow it ceive a free haircut once every two weeks; no prayerfully and perseveringly. long hair is permitted. Girls' skirts cover the knees. Yours for truly Christian education, No exceptions or violations are permitted in either the high school or college. This institution believes in manual labor. Every student is required to work at least ten and a half hours each week. Industries include a farm, a dairy, a bakery, a laundry, electrical engineering, barber- ing, and plumbing. Participation in Christian service is a require- President, General Conference 2 REVIEW AND HERALD, August 5, 1971 I 4, Briefs From the Religious on each pack must read: "Danger to health increases with amount smoked" and "Avoid --Tivti Week-- inhaling." SCAN A discussion of parenthood and early MISSIONS OF "DIVIDED" education begins on the cover this week Ss Briefs From the IPIteeligiaza... WEST IN CONGO —"To Whom Shall We Deliver Our Children?" by Jeanne Larson, a member NEW YORK—Christian missions in their of the English department at Atlantic Western, institutional forms "are finished" JEWISH-CHRISTIAN INTERESTS Union College. She talks about the vari- in the Congo (Kinshasa), according to the ALWAYS IRRECONCILABLE ous options open for parents in caring Reverend Jean Bokeleale, president of the for their children: Babysitters? TV? etc. LONDON—Christian ecumenical trends Church of Christ in Congo (ECC). And the subject of education contin- were welcomed in a sermon here by the The church in his land is following the ues in Heart to Heart on page 2. chief rabbi of the British Commonwealth, "Bantu way," which sees all people as one Readers may correctly come to the Dr. Immanuel Jakobovits, but he warned family, he said, and this leaves no room conclusion that we are pushing Christian that some Jewish-Christian interests will for the religious divisions introduced by education. We agree strongly with the "always remain irreconcilable." He firmly U.S. and European missionaries. ruled out Jewish-Christian dialog. sentence in Heart to Heart that says: The chief rabbi said the new ecumenical "We do well as Seventh-day Adventists trends in Christianity "challenge as well as NORTH ITALY MISSION to refresh our minds frequently with the relieve the Jewish people. A new era is FORMED BY MORMONS inspired counsel God has given this church on the operation of Christian being ushered in, with ecumenism as its SALT LAKE CITY—The Church of Je- schools!" watchword, aiming at some as yet undefined sus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) The article by Hellen Kelly on the interdenominational reconciliation, in which has announced the creation of a new North Family Living pages this week reminded demands will also be made of Judaism." Italy Mission, with headquarters at Milan. us of something we learned recently in But Dr. Jakobovits went on to say that Since 1969, Mormon membership in Italy this office. Often young people will leave the ecumenical movement, aimed at Chris- has tripled, to 2,000. There were 354 bap- the church hoping to go their own way, tian unity, "is of course a purely internal tisms in 1970. and they live outside the realm of the affair within Christendom. The forces gen- The Mormon mission in Italy includes the church's influence. But as soon as they erating this movement are not born, and major cities of Florence, Rome, and Naples have children, they return—often only cannot be expected to be born, solely out in the south. of altruistic motives, any more than the long enough to sit through Sabbath internationalism of the United Nations is school in the cradle roll division. That sustained without a measure of self-interest CATHOLIC PENTECOSTALS is the touch point. by the great powers." GATHER AT NOTRE DAME The General Conference Sabbath School Department has known this fact NOTRE DAME, INn.—Some 4,000 Cath- for some time and stresses this point in olic Pentecostals gathered here recently to TOTAL BAN ON CIGARETTE its workshops for children's leaders.
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