2020 11 Trabajos de Egiptología Papers on Ancient Egypt Trabajos de Egiptología Dos falsificaciones ramésidas y una propuesta de clasificación... Representaciones de deidades ofídicas... Renenutet y Meretseger Miguel JARAMAGO Marta ARRANZ CÁRCAMO Ofrendas en el Inframundo: el Libro de las Doce Cavernas... Las mujeres de la elite en el Reino Antiguo, ¿un grupo social incapaz de actuar? Daniel M. MÉNDEZ-RODRÍGUEZ Romane BETBEZE Cleómenes de Náucratis: realidad, fuentes e historiografía La representación de la danza en las tumbas tebanas privadas... Marc MENDOZA Miriam BUENO GUARDIA Violencia física contra el infante... una realidad o una mala interpretación Choosing the Location of a ‘House for Eternity’... Hatshepsut’s Officials... Ugaitz MUÑOA HOYOS Juan CANDELAS FISAC El acto sexual como agente del (re)nacimiento de Osiris El hrw nfr en la literatura ramésida... Marc ORRIOLS-LLONCH María Belén CASTRO Of Creator and Creation... (BM EA826)... Papyrus Leiden I 350... (BM EA9999, 44) Los himnos Esna II, 17 y 31: interpretación teológica... Guilherme Borges PIRES Abraham I. FERNÁNDEZ PICHEL As serpentes vindas do Médio Oriente nos Textos das Pirâmides... Trabajos de Egiptología Retorno a lo múltiple... la segunda sala hipóstila del templo de Seti I en Abidos Joanna POPIELSKA-GRZYBOWSKA María Cruz FERNANZ YAGÜE Apelaciones, deseos y mensajes para la eternidad... en las estelas abideanas... Más allá de la narrativa... la Segunda Estela de Kamose Pablo M. ROSELL Roxana FLAMMINI A iconografia de Petosíris no túmulo de Tuna el-Guebel El despertar de la “Bella Durmiente”... Museo Provincial Emilio Bacardí Moreau... José das Candeias SALES Mercedes GONZÁLEZ, Anna María BEGEROCK, Yusmary LEONARD, Dina FALTINGS Las estacas de madera de Haraga y la pesca en el-Fayum... Realignments of Memory... the Prophecies of Neferty María Teresa SORIA-TRASTOY Victor Braga GURGEL Parámetros de clasificación... la familia Anatidae en egipcio y sumerio Alfonso VIVES CUESTA, Silvia NICOLÁS ALONSO número 11 2020 TdE112020 Szpakowska, K. Choosing the Location 2003 “Altered states: an inquiry into the possible of a ‘House for Eternity’. use of narcotics or alcohol to induce dreams in Pharaonic Egypt”, en: A.K. Eyma y A Survey on the Relationship C.J. Bennett (eds.): A Delta-man in Yebu, Boca Raton: 225-237. between the Rank of the Hatshepsut’s Teeter, E. Officials and the Location of their Burials 2011 Religion and ritual in ancient Egypt. Cambridge. in the Theban Necropolis University of Chicago. Oriental Institute 1980 The tomb of Kheruef: Theban tomb 192. Chicago. Juan CANDELAS FISAC Valdesogo, M.R. 2005 El cabello en el ritual funerario del Antiguo This survey aims to determine if a link exists between features of the Theban landscape and where the Egyptian elite chose Egipto a partir de los Textos de los Sarcófagos y to build their houses of eternity within the context of the early Eighteenth Dynasty. It is hoped that through GIS-generated de la evidencia iconográfica( Aula Aegyptiaca tomb location maps, the analysis of their owners’ status and reflection on the landscape’s topography, this study will be able Studia 4). Barcelona. to approximate a relationship between the ranking of Hatshepsut’s officials and the location of their tombs in the necropolis of Western Thebes. This is driven by the current limits in our understanding of the inner hierarchy among officials as well as the tomb site selection process and, therefore, the necessity of expanding such limits. Van Dijk, J. 2010 “El periodo amárnico y el final del Reino Eligiendo la ubicación de una “Casa para la Eternidad”. Un análisis sobre la relación entre el rango de los oficiales de Nuevo”, en I. Shaw (ed.): Historia del antiguo Hatshepsut y la ubicación de sus tumbas en la necrópolis Tebana Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar si existe algún nexo entre las características del paisaje Tebano, tanto físicas como Egipto, Madrid: 358-410. simbólicas, y el lugar concreto que la élite de la sociedad egipcia eligió para ubicar y construir su tumba, durante el período de la temprana XVIII dinastía. Este estudio se valdrá del análisis geoespacial SIG a través del cual se van a crear una serie de mapas Vandier, J. con la ubicación de dichos enterramientos, así como del análisis del posible estatus de su propietario plasmado de alguna manera sobre la topografía de este paisaje funerario; intentando establecer así la posible relación entre la posición de un propietario de una 1964 Manuel d’archéologie égyptienne. Tome IV: tumba privada dentro de la Corte Real de Hatshepsut, la administración o el clero y la ubicación de dicha tumba en la necrópolis. Bas-reliefs et peintures. Scènes de la vie quoti- Todo ello condicionado por los límites actuales de nuestro conocimiento sobre las jerarquías internas de los oficiales egipcios, dienne. Paris. junto con el proceso de selección de la ubicación de una tumba y por tanto la necesidad de expandir dichos límites. Vandier d’Abbadie, J. Keywords: Landscape, GIS, location, visibility, accessibility, status. Palabras clave: Paisaje, SIG, tumba, ubicación, visibilidad, accesibilidad, estatus. 1939 “Deux tombes de Deir el-Medineh”, MIFAO 73: 1-18. Virey, P. 1 | Background studies and the state of of them have dedicated themselves to the com- 1891 Sept tombeaux thébains de la XVIIIe dynastie. current research pilation of data related to these private burials Paris. and its cataloguing, the first major compilation Vivas, I. Previous authors have contributed to the of private tombs being the volume of PM Topo- 2014 “Identidad religiosa e identidad social: in- knowledge of the New Kingdom’s private tombs graphical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hiero- . 1 novaciones en el programa decorativo de through differing approaches. Notably, some glyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings in the year 1960. las tumbas tebanas privadas de la XVIII Dinastía”, en: J. Torres y S. Acerbi (eds.): Actas del X Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones, Madrid: 21-34. 1 This paper derives from the unpublished MA Dissertation of Candelas Fisac 2018. Wilkinson, R.H. 2004 Symbol and magic in Egyptian art. London. TdE 11 (2020) - Páginas: 63 - 79 Recepción: 15/8/2019 - Admisión: 27/6/2020 Juan Candelas Fisac — [email protected] C2 Project / Spain http://doi.org/10.25145/j.TdE.2020.11.04 62 63 TdE112020 Choosing the Location of a ‘House for Eternity’... Hatshepsut’s Officials... their Burials Juan Candelas Fisac A later version of this great catalogue is that of 2 | Summary of the geological features of EL QURN MAIN LITHOLOGIES Kampp of 1996, which added yet further data by the survey area m top cliff 5 450 Shale with or without revising the dates of the tombs, and by including limestone stringers Unit 5 archaeological considerations. Finally, there is a This section presents the main geological 400 top cliff 4 Shale bed Location of the Black shale with more recent list, slightly more updated, although characteristics and lithologies that make this tombs cluster phosphatized coprolites less extensive, offered by Wasmuth in 2003. Al- landscape unique and that have governed the 350 of Sheik Abd el-Qurna Bioturbated surface and Unit 4 phosphatized pebbles ternatively, some recent studies can also shed structural and geographical identities of these 300 top cliff 3 Diverse limestone types light on the matter of landscape interpretation in funerary constructions. The Theban necropo- (with shells, flints, etc.) Valley of Colors Formation Valley relation to sacred places by site analysis through lis was constructed by the kings of the Eight- 250 top cliff 2 Unit 3 Nodular limestone GIS2-GPS system, such as the unpublished PhD eenth4–Twentieth Dynasties (c. 1539–1075 BC), 200 top Unit 2 Bedded indurated limestone Thesis of Jiménez-Higueras (2016), which fo- and it contains a large number of tombs laid out cliff 1 cuses mainly on the private tombs located in the in correlation to a hierarchy of kings, high-rank- 150 THEBES LIMESTONE FORMATION necropolis of Dra Abu el-Naga during the New ing officials and other individuals from the royal Unit 1 KV 17 KV 20 Sety 1st Hatshepsut Kingdom. court.5 This article aims to put forth the idea that 100 TT 353 The tomb in ancient Egypt has always been the human influences the landscape through ma- ESNA Senenmut 50 SHALE considered a “sacred place”, since one of the nipulation to adapt it to both their needs and Fm E TT 192 Kheruef . P words for necropolis is Xr.t-nTr “that which is un- beliefs, but also that the landscape exerts an in- 0 der the (charge of) the god”, and we know that escapable and inevitable dominance over the hu- TARAWAN CHALK Fm the New Kingdom private tomb acted as a pri- mans, their behaviour and their constructions. vate temple where the deceased could worship It is important to point out that, despite practi- the gods for eternity.3 Nowadays, there are sev- cal requirements, the idiosyncrasy of the ancient Figure 1. Stratigraphy Theban Landscape table. Aubry et alii 2016: 138. eral issues within the study of private tombs sur- Egyptians also would have played a key role in rounding their chronology, due to either damage the choice of buildings erected in the site. of the archaeological remains, ruined and plun- However Geology, also seems to have been 6 dered contexts or simply scarcity of evidence. in some way a factor in the matter, since, for which may indicate that the specific symbolism Nevertheless, there are other methods that instance, the highest quality limestone, the so and visual features of a site and its impact in the allow us to analyse and interpret all the evidence called “Thebes Limestone Formation”, was se- landscape were certainly more important when found―that which is discovered in situ being the lected for the more hard-wearing constructions; choosing a location for a relevant monument most secure and trustworthy―such as the read- for which conversely shales were avoided due to than Geology itself.
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