Produced by volunteers since 1975 Vol. 44, Issue 5 - December 2019/January 2020 Nutcracker Magic In early September, young dancers from Guelph and surrounding communities auditioned for a variety of roles in this year’s Guelph performances. At those auditions, 23 local dancers were selected, representing 8 different dance schools in Guelph, Fer- gus, Orangeville and Waterloo. The company’s Nutcracker Youth Program provides young dancers with the opportunity to perform with a professional dance company and, for those consider- ing a career in dance, a valuable opportunity to expe- rience the inner life and working of a ballet company. For the River Run performances, all seats are re- served. Adult tickets are $53/$48, senior tickets are $49/$44 and student tickets are $36/$31. Premier seating price is $73. Prices include HST; additional service charges may apply. Tickets are now on sale at River Run Centre Box Of- ¿FH DW RU RU ZZZ riverrun.ca . The Guelph Mercury Tribune generously makes possible these performances and the involve- ment of local dance students. Canada’s Ballet Jörgen is one of this country’s largest In the spirit of seasonal giving, the community is in- dance companies and Canada’s leading touring com- vited to Share The Magic and support the work of pany. Currently celebrating its 32nd season, Canada’s Family and Children’s Services of Guelph and Welling- Ballet Jörgen enriches our lives by bringing profes- ton County. sional ballet to communities - large and small, urban and rural - across Canada. By pledging a ticket at the discounted price of $20, patrons can give a seat to a child or family who might Known for the warmth and beauty of its productions, otherwise not be able to share the Nutcracker magic. CBJ reaches every province, delivering more than 7KHER[RI¿FHLVDEOHWRDVVLVWWKRVHZLVKLQJWRJLYH 4,000 performances, ballet classes and community to Share The Magic. engagement events involving over 60,000 partici- pants annually. Photos from Ballet Jorgen’s website Editorial 7KHUH LV GH¿QLWHO\ D VHDVRQDO ÀDYRXU WR WKH SDSHU WKLV PRQWK 1RW surprising given that Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are just around the corner. As a community we seem to have got into the spirit of the season with the fundraiser for the school’s music program, the lunches at Crieff Hills, the update on Mike Wolf who donated his kidney last month, the new book for Volume 44: Issue 5 December 2019 Published by volunteers for the Opportunity International and the activities at Soup Sisters. And don’t community since 1975 forget the Nutcracker Suite – an all-time family favourite for many. Ten issues are published a year and 7KH )LUH 'HSDUWPHQW KRZHYHUVHUYHV XS VRPH FDXWLRQ DV RIWHQ ¿UHV distributed free of charge throughout start because of the Christmas trees or lit candles. So be safe. Puslinch. www.puslinchpioneer.com All that said, this can be a sad time of the year for many, because of the Chair loss of a loved one, a divorce or loneliness. Let’s remember that and Virginia Hildebrandt 519 821 4736 reach out. [email protected] Editor Perhaps you can make a donation to a charity that is close to your heart, Anne Day 519 767 9383 or deliver toys and gifts to the Salvation Army, or adopt a family through [email protected] the Children’s Foundation. Or you could include someone in your family celebrations so they are not alone. Advertising & Sales Dianne Churcher 519 763 6564 All of us at the Pioneer wish you all the best for the season and next year. [email protected] Church/Community Notices & Circulation Stella O’Krafka 519 658 4767 [email protected] Board members Barbara Bulmer, Barbara Chillingsworth, Karen Harding, Genny Ribalko. The Puslinch Pioneer does not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed in articles or Letters to the Editor, We reserve the right to refuse items submitted and to edit all material. INSIDE THIS ISSUE All advertising is accepted in good faith. SUBMITTING ARTICLES Items of interest to Puslinch residents are welcome. Letters to the Editor must COMMUNITY include a telephone number. • A mainstay in Morriston....................Page 11 We ask that articles be submitted by email and adhere to the Writers • Fundraiser for music program............Page 12 Guidelines which can be downloaded • Local hero update............................Page 13 from www.puslinchpioneer.ca Unless otherwise stated, the deadline for submission is the 2nd Friday of NATURE the month. Next deadline is Friday, January 10th, 2020 • Ask the Expert.................................Page 9 Because of the increased interest we • Honey Bee......................................Page 27 cannot guarantee inclusion, especially those received after deadline. Annual subscription rate $35 Forward FOOD request and payment to 29 Brock Road South, Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 • Cook’s Corner...............................Page 23 Printed by Ampersand Printing © Puslinch Pioneer December 2019/January 2020 2 75 foot throw bags. This will enhance any participating Erin Village Merchant, Council Clips our water and ice rescue capabilities. customers can collect a stamp. FIR-2019-009. &ROOHFW¿YHVWDPSVDQGHQWHUWRZLQJLIW Retirement. Washrooms at Morriston Meadows FHUWL¿FDWHVRIDQG Ken Roth has retired from Council for Park and old Morriston Park. SHUVRQDOUHDVRQV+HZDV¿UVWHOHFWHG An estimate for upgrading the wash- in 2010 and has been a member of a (QMR\ WKH VKRSV DQG ¿QG D XQLTXH rooms has come in at $6,000, which treasure for everyone on your gift list. number of committees over his years LQFOXGHVQHZ¿[WXUHVPHWDOGRRUVZLWK of service. Country living meets boutique shop- new locks, paint, cleaning and well in- ping in this beautiful Village, just out- VSHFWLRQ1HZZDWHU¿OWHUVZLOOQHHGWR side the City. Estimated cost of a by-election would be reinstalled and monitored. be about $50,000. Council decided to You’ll want to stay into the evening, en- proceed with an appointment process Request for Tender for a senior joy a great meal in Erin’s locally-owned WR¿OOWKHYDFDQF\$SXEOLFQRWLFHZDV VRFFHU¿HOG posted on the Township website No- The Township has directed staff to pro- restaurants, and enjoy the magical and vember 6. ceed with the issuance of a new re- inspiring holiday windows – plus, the quest for tender to construct a senior enhanced lighting display in McMillan On November 25, an information ses- VRFFHU¿HOGZLWKRXWOLJKWVLQ0D\ Park at the core of the Village! Make it sion will be held for potential nomi- Rec 2019-003. a full day visit to one of Ontario’s best- nees. Final deadline for applicants will kept historic downtowns. be 2PM December 12. After presenta- Council also directed staff to apply to tions on December 18, an appointment the Investing in Canada Infrastruc- To learn more about your visit to ex- will be made. ture Program for Community, Culture plore natural beauty, heritage build- and Recreation for this project as well ings, and boutique shopping in the Vil- Rentals at the Puslinch Community as the lights and upgrading the wash- lage of Erin, visit villageoferin.ca and Centre. rooms previously mentioned. erin.ca The Township will implement a sur- charge of 25 percent for non resident rentals for a period of twelve months. A subsequent report will be issued as TOWNSHIP OF PUSLINCH to the impacts of the new fees. Cur- New prices at (519) 763-1226 rently, 70 percent of renters have a non-Puslinch mailing address. Res Puslinch Pioneer 2019-355 /LNH PRVW QRQSUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQV ZH Council Meetings (519) 763-1226 7KH 7RZQVKLSKDV LPSOHPHQWHG D ÀDW have to work within our budget. First Wednesday at 1 pm. fee structure for Standard and Minor Third Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Site Plan Application and Agreements. We have not raised our prices for ad- Please check the Council Calendar at YHUWLVLQJLQ¿YH\HDUVDQGZHDUHQRZ www.puslinch.ca as meetings may Replacement of single-axle dump in a position where it is time to charge be subject to change. truck. more. Council has voted to replace the single- axle dump truck with a tandem axle Advertising in the Puslinch Pioneer is Library Hours (519) 763-8026 model. Res 2019-351. The Township still a good deal and our new prices are Tuesday 10 am – 8 pm. was able to locate an appropriate dem- UHÀHFWLYHRIWKHLQFUHDVHGFRVWVLQSUR- Wednesday 10 am - 8 pm. onstration unit for delivery in late 2019 duction and postage. Thursday 10 am – 8 pm. for this year’s season. Friday 10 am – 6 pm. We thank all our advertisers for your Saturday 10 am - 5 pm. New Fire Equipment. support. Without you, there would be no paper. Council has authorized the purchase of Optimist Recreation Centre Hours a Paratech VSK Highway Stabilization To learn more, contact Dianne Church- Monday – Friday 9 am - 10 pm Kit and Water Rescue Equipment from er at [email protected] Saturday 9 am - 10 pm the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foun- Sunday 9 am - 10 pm dation of Canada. Contact: 519-763-1226 or [email protected] A grant of $19,435 was awarded to the Township by the Foundation for the Historical Society Archives purchase of these items. By-law 2019- 60. Christmas in the Saturdays 12 noon - 3 pm country or for appointment email The heavy vehicle stabilization kit will ardyne.farm @sympatico.ca or assist responders by stabilizing the The Village of Erin BIA is hosting its 519-822-8559 scene and vehicles, which allows for popular annual ‘Christmas in the Coun- PRUHHI¿FLHQWDQGVDIHH[WULFDWLRQ try’ promotion from December 1-24. Waste Facility (519) 837-2601 Open Wednesdays, Fridays and The Water Rescue Equipment includes Stroll down Erin’s quaint main street, Saturdays 8 am - 4 pm. Located at DQ 2FHDQLG 5'& 5DSLG 'HSOR\PHQW and enjoy our authentic Country Christ- 6922 Concession #4 between County &UDIW DIRRWWHWKHUURSHDQG[ mas Welcome.
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