Diana Wortham Theatre’s 2009/10 Mainstage Music Series opens with fiddler and singer Justin David on September 11. PAGE 5 The Asheville Ballet’s 47th season will include cool jazz, modern, and classical ballet performances. PAGE 12 The Asheville Lyric Opera will present Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro” as part of it’s 2009/10 season. PAGE 7 Asheville’s Lyric Opera, Choral Society, and Ballet BRAVO • HART BusIness ProFIles Diana Wortham Theatre NC Stage Company presents blue Goldsmiths . PAGE 11 NC Stage Company a season full of comedies, including Scott Treadway East Side Optical . PAGE 32 Terpsicorps Theatre of Dance and Charlie Flynn-McIver in Greg Vineyard . PAGE 38 WCU’s Galaxy of Stars “True West.” PAGE 33 RAPID RIVER ARTS & CULTURE MAGAZINE financial wellness forum Find Financial Solutions for Free Follow Your Financial Wellness Forum provides the public with ideas Money Mission Statement and solutions on how to better manage their personal finances and improve their economic future. – CREATE THE FINANCIAL FUTURE YOU LONG FOR Your Questions Answered Every Thursday eeta Wolfsohn, BY BYRON BELZAK CMSW, of Thursday, August 6 and Thurs., September 3, from 6 to 7 p.m. Asheville, North statement? Example one: “I Thursday, August 20, from 6 to 7 p.m. Carolina, founder will just say, No, to those Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, of the financial R who want me to spend Create a Money and Eldercare Legal Issues social work discipline and money on them that I can’t Mission Statement Part One of the Forum’s ‘Planning the Center for Financial So- afford to spend.” Another Part of the Forum’s ‘Take Charge of Ahead’ Series cial Work, explains, “Until example: “I am responsible behavior changes, nothing Your Money, Life & Future’ Series ASA SPEAKER: Mary Hart, Attorney, for my financial future, changes.” That is why all of and I am ready to make it ASA SPEAKER: Reeta Wolfsohn, The Hart Law Group, (828) 271-4278 her work focuses on creat- CMSW, Center for Financial Social wonderful.” Yet, another ing sustainable, long-term, example: “I choose to Work, (828) 658-1919, www.financial- Thurs., September 10, from 6 to 7 p.m. financial behavioral change. socialwork.com be more money-wise to The Power of Paying DOWN Your National media, major improve my life and my Join Reeta to learn the secret to align- Mortgage (or Is Refinancing companies and organiza- future.” tions, along with state ing your spending with your hopes, Smarter?) “It’s all very personal, dreams and wishes. In the process of governments are embrac- ASA SPEAKER: David Kanis, Mortgage and people know when creating this powerful tool you will dis- ing her concept. Reeta has they are following their cover important self-truths, which will Banker, Ashford Mortgage Advisors, been certifying professionals across the (828) 350-8886 money mission statement and when they’re facilitate taking control of your money United States and internationally to utilize not,” said Wolfsohn. “It’s an effective, easy, and gaining control of your life. At the her effective method that inspires hope and Thurs., September 17, from 6 to 7 p.m. satisfying way to begin to take control. It end of this free seminar Reeta Wolfsohn change at every economic and educational works.” will take your questions. This is such an Savvy Social Security Planning: level. To Learn More important seminar that Reeta Wolfsohn What Baby Boomers Need to Know She recently introduced an exceptional will repeat it on Thursday, August 20. consumer program, called “Taking Charge Reeta Wolfsohn will be conducting to Maximize Retirement Income … of Your Money, Your Life and Your Fu- two FREE seminars in August 2009 to Thursday, August 13, from 6 to 7 p.m. Part Two of the Forum’s ‘Planning ture.” As Wolfsohn puts it succinctly: “This show how to create and follow your Money Ahead’ Series program enables every man and woman Mission Statement. It is part of a public Mortgage Loan Modifications: ASA SPEAKER: Doug English, CFP, to take control of his or her money to gain outreach program, known as the Financial Are They a Scam? Scientific Investors, (828) 398-2802 control of his or her life.” Wellness Forum. She will conduct two Is Foreclosure Inevitable? If ever there was a need for an engag- hour-long seminars open to the public at Baby boomers want to know the fol- ASA SPEAKERS: Mary Hart, Attorney, ing, profound, sincere and professional no charge or obligation on August 6 and 20, lowing: Will Social Security be there for approach – which educates, motivates and 2009, beginning at 6 p.m. They will be held and Stefanie Upham, Attorney, The me? How much can I expect to receive? Hart Law Group, (828) 271-4278; supports financial change – that time is now; at the Asheville Strategic Alliance, “Home When should I apply for Social Security? Reeta Wolfsohn made the commitment to of the Financial Wellness Forum,” at 149 David Kanis, Mortgage Banker, How can I maximize my benefits? Will Ashford Mortgage Advisors, (828) doing just that, over a decade ago. South Lexington Avenue in downtown Social Security be enough to live on in “Money is the number one stressor Asheville. The public is invited to attend. 350-8886; Anthony Mitchell, Agent/ retirement? Free and open to the public. Owner, Anthony Mitchell Insurance/ in people’s lives; the number one cause of Visit the Calendar of Events category at AAA, (828) 210-8787 divorce; the number one reason employees www.financialwellnessforum.com, or the contact their EAP (employee assistance Financial Social Work website at www. Thursday, August 27, from 6 to 7 p.m. program) department,” said Wolfsohn. “It financialsocialwork.com. Financial Well- contributes to most violence, crime, child ness Forum How to Set Up the Right and domestic abuse. Regardless of the Copyright 2009 Asheville Strategic Alliance is the public and Financial Social Work Bookkeeping System: 10 Mistakes outreach program of the Asheville Strategic economy, money problems contribute to all Business Owners Make Alliance, a group of community-minded, types of other problems.” Part Two of the Forum’s ‘Small Busi- independent professionals dedicated to One of Wolfsohn’s first and favorite ness Boot Camp’ Series improving the financial IQ of private citi- steps for inspiring change is helping people Reeta Wolfsohn, Cmsw has been a key- zens and independent business-owners one create a personal Money Mission Statement. note speaker at numerous national and ASA SPEAKER: Mike Sowinski, CPA, seminar, one consultation, one question, “A money mission statement is such a state conferences. CNN Money, Associated CFO Consultants, (828) 712-2913 one answer, at a time. simple and powerful method for aligning Press, and National Public Radio have your spending choices with your hopes, interviewed her because of her unique dreams and wishes,” said Wolfsohn. “It approach to helping people change their These frEE seminars are open to the public. Each is conducted at the makes certain that you ask yourself whether personal financial behavior. She is the Asheville Strategic Alliance, 149 South Lexington Avenue in Downtown or not a particular expenditure supports founder of the Center for Financial Social Work. She can be contacted at reeta@ Asheville. Come and bring a friend or family member. Learn together about your money mission statement.” What are some examples of those who financialsocialwork.com or visit www. these effective personal finance methods that can change your life. have crafted an effective money mission financialsocialwork.com. For details, email: [email protected] For morE frEE SEMINAR LISTINGS AND DETAIls, VISIT: www.FINANCIALWEllNEssForum.com August 2009 — RAPID RIVER ARTS & CULTURE MAGAZINE — Vol. 12, No. 12 RAPID RIVER ARTS poetry corner ARTS & CULTURE MAGAZINE ® Good Friends Rapid River Established in 1997 • Volume Twelve, Number Twelve ARTS & CULTURE MAGAZINE I only want to help you th Let me come and help you I know that I can help you AUGUST 2009 Publisher/Editor: Dennis Ray Annual As good friends should www.rapidrivermagazine.com Managing Editor: Beth Gossett Poetry Walk with me to the water Marketing: Dennis Ray The good and cleansing water On Stage Contest Walk with me to the water Staff Photographer: Dennis Ray 5 13 The water will help you feel good Layout & Design: Simone Bouyer Diana Wortham Theatre . 5 Any unpublished poem Poetry Editor: Ted Olson Asheville Lyric Opera . 7 35 lines or less is wanted! As I bathe your body Asheville Choral Society . 8 Proofreader: Mary Wilson Washing pain from your body Asheville Ballet . 1 As I rinse and dry your body Accounting: Sharon Cole Terpsicorps Theatre of Dance . 13 5 Winners Now you are feeling good Distribution: Dennis Ray Bravo Concerts . 15 Prizes Include: Tickets to Laying upon my blanket Asheville Symphony Orchestra . 15 local concerts (TBA); Tick- With thoughts of you I made this blanket CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: HART . 17 Ribbons-joined-in-circles blanket Danna Anderson, H. Byron Ballard, WCU Galaxy of Stars . 7 ets to the Opera; Mellow Made especially for you Byron Belzak, Sarah Benoit, NC Stage Company . 33 Mushroom Gift Certificates; Tenderly I touch you Sierra Bicking, Linda Campanella, and books from Malaprops. With oil of sage and sweetgrass I touch you James Cassara, Michael Cole, Denise Cook, Lynn Daniel, 11Asheville Shops Caressingly I touch you blue . 11 With hands of sage and fingered braids Amy Downs, Ann Dunn, Deadline December 19th. Peter Eisenbrown, Beth Gossett, East Side Optical . 3 Winning poems will be printed in Chall Gray, Felicity Green, © 2008 Lela Northcross the February 2010 issue. Reading Steven R. Hageman, Columns fee: $5 for three poems. For more Max Hammonds, MD, 14 ThE PoET: James Cassara - Music . 1 info call (828) 258-3752.
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